In the depths of facebook, dwells a pretty kickass little group of like minded fans of many things, one of these includes wrestling. They are known as The Flock. Sunday, after TNA’s surprisingly good PPV, Slammiversary, four members assembled for the very first “Flockcast.” We discussed the show, among other things. Gee of rep’d this site. He was happily joined by Hugo, Nate, and Kris as Hugo directed the technical specs and Nate directed traffic to make this happen. It was fun, and hopefully just one of many involving myself and other BWF members (and fellow Flockers). Have a watch, we’ll get this thing on iTunes eventually. I wouldn’t lie to you.
Greetings, fellow Bored Wrestling Fans! ThinkSoJoE, JT, G, and Jorge bring you another great episode of BWF Radio! This week, we rant about The Rock! All of the wrestling television from the week is discussed, as well as Superstar Billy Graham’s reaction to CM Punk’s RAW promo. Zack Ryder’s YouTube show is history, is his career next? WHERE’S TRENT? Unemployed. We talk about the new TNA PPV structure, and propose six PPVs that WWE should keep on their calendar if they decide to follow in the trend of dropping events. Joe and Jorge vehemently defend ECW’s production values in comparison to ROH’s, and we send our congratulations to Mick Foley for being the first inductee into the 2013 class of the WWE Hall of Fame!
Hello, fellow Bored Wrestling Fans! It is I, the founder of, ThinkSoJoE, here to tell you that we have expanded our online presence. As of this morning, we’ve officially launched! Members of the BWF Staff past and present will be posting on the site, including yours truly, G, and Legend Killer. If you’re a fan of hockey, please check out BHF today!
Holy crap, has it really been four years? Wow, it hasn’t felt like it. I started this site with the intent of something to kill some time with, and it’s become that. I couldn’t have imagined the site would grow to what it’s become.
I couldn’t have done any of this without the great crew we’ve put together over the years. JT, G, Drow, Justin, Pintnoir, RYTMAN, Legend Killer, and everybody else that had worked here have made every second I’ve spent on maintaining this site worth it.
Of course, all of us here at BoredWrestlingFan wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t for you, our fellow bored wrestling fans. We thank all of you for reading our posts, listening to our podcasts, and sharing in our joy and suffering through all things pro wrestling.
Greetings, fellow Bored Wrestling Fans, it is I, ThinkSoJoE here with another edition of the rarely seen “ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts.” The WWE is in my hometown this weekend for it’s annual Night of Champions Pay Per View, and yours truly will be there.
It is because the WWE Superstars and Divas are in Buffalo as I type this, just a few short miles from my home, that I sent out the very first fax on company letterhead. Hell, before today there was no such thing as BWF company letterhead. The fax was to WWE Media Credentials, a request to interview WWE Superstars and Divas for the site. As it’s Friday and the show is Sunday, I highly doubt I’m going to get a positive response to this particular request, but I’m hopeful that we’ll be able to get our staff in good at future events.
There is another event that I have my eye on covering coming up next month. I will report back as soon as I have any confirmation or denial with more details of what that particular event is. Stay tuned.
If you’re not already, please follow us on Twitter, @BrdWrstlngFn, where this Sunday I will be tweeting as I attend Night of Champions live in Buffalo, NY!
Time is in short supply around this time of year, what with keeping the dog out of the egg nog (down, Loki!) and rationing the mistletoe, but in the midst of all the holiday cheer, chaos, and emotional turmoil, your friendly neighborhood Drowgoddess would like to remind you of something completely different. (more…)
Hello, fellow Bored Wrestling Fans! It’s been a couple of months since I’ve done anything here on the site aside from the weekly Power Polls put on by Jason Mann of WrestlePerspective, so I thought with JT away, I’d jump in this week and ramble on with a rare “ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts” column! And what better week to return than the weekend following TNA’s HardCORE Justice PPV and “Whole F’N Show” free-per-view on Spike?
I actually planned on ordering HardCORE Justice last Sunday, but I woke up around 8:07 and figured it was pointless by then to spend the 30 bucks on the show. I promised myself I wouldn’t read any spoilers before I actually got to watch it, and damn, that would’ve been $30 well spent. Nearly every match had a purpose, settling feuds from back in the original ECW, and the last minute Main Event change to RVD/Sabu was a great move IMO. The only other person on the show that could’ve filled the void left by Jerry Lynn’s absence would have been Rhino, in a storyline sense anyway, but there was so much history between RVD and Sabu that it really was the best choice.
The only BWF stuff I did for RAW was a quick tweet asking folks to use our #BWF hashtag to help AlyKat notice them for her review. I watched the show as a fan, but I knew damn well that it was going to suck in comparison to the PPV I watched the night before. I was right. It’s not that RAW sucked in comparison to other recent RAWs, it’s that it happened to be on during a week where it would have had to outshine some of the best RAWs of all time to even compete with what TNA was putting on. Look, I’m not one of those guys that floods the comment boards on other sites with anti-WWE stuff or pro-TNA stuff. Typically, I’m a WWE supporter no matter what, but TNA just had the better wrestling this week.
I haven’t watched any of NXT Season 2 aside from the one where The Nexus were on. I just don’t care. JT can vote for Kaval all he wants, I’m just bored with the whole NXT deal.
And then there was Thursday. TNA promised us a PPV style show on free TV, and that’s what they delivered. Every match was amazing, and Shannon Moore proved that he can hang with a main eventer in his match with Jeff Hardy, but from a wrestling standpoint you have to give it up for Beer Money and The Motor City Machine Guns, and from a hardcore standpoint, RVD and Abyss. Initially I missed the Fortune beatdown on EV2.0, but after being told about it Friday night and reading Drow’s statement that it made the initial Nexus attack look like “a junior high play,” I had to go back and watch it. It was absolutely brutal – James Storm was just maiming people left and right with pieces of broken glass! I can’t wait for the aftermath of this, when the EV2.0 guys try for revenge. Extreme Violence? It’s just beginning!
I still haven’t watched SmackDown. I’m not even interested in watching. Initially I considered ordering SummerSlam tonight, but that’s probably out of the question too. There’s nothing that’s captured my attention booked for tonight. The only thing that would possibly make this worth the money is if The Miz cashes in and wins the WWE Championship tonight, and I highly doubt that’s going to happen.
If any of our readers live in Western New York, come on out Friday, August 20th to Chuggers in West Seneca as DTD Entertainment presents the Honoring The Idol 2010 Pre Party featuring my band thinksobrain, whom G so graciously puts over in his SmackDown review every week. Also, don’t forget that Empire State Wrestling returns to the St. Johnsburg Fire Hall in North Tonawanda on Saturday, September 11th. The main event is set to be ESW Tag Team Champions Famous defending against Kevin Grace and Pepper Parks. Also announced for the show is Jonny Puma vs. Ryot, and Ceasar’s Legion members Tommy Mandrake and Superbeast taking on our friends Barry and Brian Hardy. Hope to see you guys around!