ROH Episode 26
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ARRRGGHHHH! Despite the WWE’s insistence that this is the “25th Anniversary” of WrestleMania, that’s incorrect. It’s the 25th ANNUAL WrestleMania. WrestleMania 1 wasn’t the first ANNIVERSARY of WrestleMania, that would’ve been March 31, 1986. It was the first ANNUAL. Somebody buy the WWE marketing guys a dictionary. Anyways, screw it, let’s roll.
Day 5 of WrestleMania week, and we come to an event that’s near and dear to my heart, WrestleMania XXIV. But first, a little history. Sometime after WrestleMania 23, Vince McMahon’s limousine infamously blew up on an episode of Monday Night RAW, and I was inspired to get on the forums at a wrestling website I’d been following for a while. On this message board was a guy named JT, who it turned out was pretty much me if I were exactly three years older and lived a few hundred miles east of here. This website can be traced back to that single event. Anyways, I decided that I was going to take my girlfriend, who is now my wife, to WrestleMania, and we did. We did the Hall of Fame ceremony too, though we missed out on the opportunity to catch one of the TNA tapings that weekend. So here now is the event I’ve been most looking forward to covering this week, WrestleMania XXIV! Let’s roll!
Contrary to popular belief, I did not skip out on you guys for two weeks in a row. (more…)
Hello and welcome to another edition of Random Randomness, I amyour host JT and tonight I’ll be giving my opinions on this week in wrestling, well sort of. Well let’s get this going: (more…)
Well, since the show doesn’t air for another 11 hours, I guess I have to hide the rest of this review on the other side of the jump…
Oh yeah…Superstars time!
Match 1: Chris Masters vs Santino
Santino got a huge pop when he came out. Masters gets the win with the Masterlock. Santino is pure gold though.
Match 2: Christian vs Paul Burchill
Christian is the man! Respect the champ, Peeps!!!! Zack Ryder is doing guest commentary. Apparently Ryder has tanned everyday this week. He also sent out a shoutout to his girlfriend…xoxo. Captain Charisma gets the win via the Unprettier. I know its called the Killswitch now, but it will always be the Unprettier to me.
Josh Matthews interviews Randy Orton. He says he will make John Cena suffer at HIAC and become WWE Champ yet again.
Main Event: Dolph Ziggler vs Finlay
Mr. Ziggles gets the win after an eye rake and his Zig Zag.
Thats it for this week. Check out next week. PEACE OUT!!
So on RAW earlier tonight we found out that Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, and Mark Henry have all joined RAW as part of a 15 Superstar trade. Here’s the complete list:
Coming to Monday Night RAW:
Jack Swagger (from ECW)
Evan Bourne (from ECW)
Mark Henry (from ECW)
Alicia Fox (from SmackDown)
Gail Kim (from SmackDown)
Coming to Friday Night SmackDown:
Matt Hardy (from RAW)
Finlay (from ECW)
The Hart Dynasty – Tyson Kidd, DH Smith, and Natalya (from ECW)
Coming to ECW:
Shelton Benjamin (from SmackDown)
Goldust (from RAW)
William Regal (from RAW)
Nicki & Brie Bella (from RAW)
Somebody please tell me – what the hell was the point of the draft? The Bellas went to RAW from SmackDown with the Draft, as did Matt Hardy. Alicia Fox just got over to SmackDown from ECW and now she’s on RAW. It’s ridiculous. Ah well, whatever. Be interesting to see if ECW is as good minus Swagger, Bourne, Henry, and the Hart Dynasty. Shelton Benjamin is the only major SmackDown loss – and I say this because they pretty much treat Gail Kim like she’s a jobber anyway. In fact, SmackDown will be even better with David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd, and Natalya (who was drafted to ECW from SmackDown earlier this year in the supplemental draft, incidentally).
I just don’t see the point of this – the draft was just two months ago!
Break out the Harry Slash and the Slashtones, because this ECW on SciFi review… is… EXTREME!
Ok, maybe not, but it is in real-time, so don’t forget to refresh the page every so often if you’re visiting between 10PM and 11PM Eastern on June 23, 2009!
ECW theme plays: Look, new ECW. I just brought up the original ECW, how can I not question your heart?
Five nights away from The Bash, where Mark Henry, Jack Swagger, Christian, Finlay, and ECW Champion Tommy Dreamer will attempt to walk out as champion in a Scramble match!
But tonight, Evan Bourne is here with taped up ribs due to injuries suffered at the hands of The World’s Strongest Man, Mark Henry. Bourne’s opponent is The Hart Dynasty’s Tyson Kidd.
Evan Bourne def. Tyson Kidd
Matt Striker assumes that if he presses Triangle and L1, Kidd or Bourne will do something exciting, since they’re almost like video game characters with their high flying offense. David Hart Smith and Natalya hopped up on the apron at the same time, earning themselves an ejection from the referee. Bourne knocks Kidd out of the ring and hits a high-flying maneuver to the outside, earning himself a classic “ECW” chant! Back in the ring, however, Kidd goes after the injured ribs of Bourne. Kidd stretches Bourne as only a Hart Dungeon graduate can do, but Bourne reverses a back suplex attempt into a pin attempt for one. Kidd doesn’t let this minor setback impede his progress, he goes right back after Bourne’s ribs, driving his knee into them and then draping Bourne across the top rope. Bourne starts to battle back amid “Let’s Go Evan” chants. Bourne uses a unique rollup to score a two count and starts to build momentum. Bourne hits a hurricanrana and a Tito Santana-esque flying forearm before taking Kidd down with a high knee. He climbs the ropes and launches a picture perfect Shooting Star Press for the victory! Excellent match to kick off ECW!
A lot of people are saying Finlay took cheap shots on Tommy Dreamer and Christian last week – but they don’t mention the shot on Jack Swagger. The show a video of the cheap shots in question – including the cheap shot on Swagger that I mentioned.
Speaking of Finlay, he’s on his way to the ring.
For some ungodly reason, Finlay still has Hornswoggle’s music. I know this because he’s on his way to the ring as I type this. And apparently, he’s got something to say. People want to know what his problem is and why he did what he did to Christian and Dreamer. He tried to break up a fight between the two of them a few weeks back, and nobody called him to apologize – they texted him. What he did last week wasn’t a cheap shot, it was an eye for an eye, and this Sunday at The Bash…
Oh radio, tell me everything you know…
Zack Ryder tells Finlay to listen up, because Finlay’s overlooking the fact that he’s got a match with the man of ECW, Zack Ryder. Woo Woo Woo, you know it. Whatever that means.
Finlay def. Zack Ryder
The match is underway when we come back, and Finlay is in control. As Matt Striker says, Finlay is looking to make Ryder’s Woo Woo Woo turn backwards into Ow Ow Ow. Finlay attempts to wear down Ryder with submission holds and fierce strikes. Ryder starts to battle back after he and Finlay inadvertantly cracked heads, which seemed to hurt Finlay’s injured eye. Ryder starts to work over the Irishman with submission holds of his own. Mr. Woo Woo Woo goes after the injured eye, wearing Finlay down. Finlay starts to fight back with a barrage of strikes. He hits the Finlay Roll but only gets a two count. Ryder goes after the eye again, and exposes the steel turnbuckle as the referee checks on Finlay, but Finlay manages to catch Ryder with a surprise roll up for the victory!
RAW REBOUND: Randy Orton and Triple H both failed to answer the referee’s ten count, thus allowing Randy Orton to retain the WWE Championship. Donald Trump sold RAW back to Mr. McMahon for twice what he paid for it. Mr. McMahon then told Randy Orton he’s going to wrestle in Three Stages of Hell at The Bash, defending his title once again against Triple H, who assaulted him in the parking lot after the show.
Josh Matthews and Matt Striker run down the card for The Bash.
Striker gets in the ring and has a blackboard illustrating the ECW Championship Scramble match with him. Your teacher teaches us the rules of the match. He then welcomes Gregory Helms, who is standing by backstage with Mark Henry. Henry starts to talk about tonight’s main event, when a large box falls on a production assistant. When Henry turns back around, Helms is gone, and The Hurricane is saving the production assistant! When Henry turns back around again, Helms is there and asks him again how he feels about his match tonight.
Jack Swagger is the first man out for tonight’s main event, followed by his tag team partner for the evening, Mark Henry. The ECW Champion Tommy Dreamer makes his way out first for his team. Christian makes his way out and we’re set for our main event of the evening.
Tommy Dreamer & Christian vs. Mark Henry & Jack Swagger
Christian and Swagger start off with Christian taking early control. He tags in Dreamer who doesn’t fare as well, until Swagger tags in Mark Henry. Dreamer knocks Henry out of the ring and dumps an incoming Swagger out as well. Dreamer hits the rolling senton from the apron on Henry and Christian hits a cross body from the top onto Swagger, and the “ECW” chants start up again as we head to a…
Swagger is pounding away on Christian as we come back, but Christian starts to battle back. Dreamer gets the tag in, and starts dominating. Christian inadvertently causes distracts the referee, however, allowing Mark Henry to sneak in and attack Dreamer from behind, which gives Swagger the opportunity to take over and tag in the World’s Strongest Man. Swagger and Henry make the ghost of Gorilla Monsoon proud by cutting the ring in half and using frequent tags to keep a fresh man in the ring, but Swagger finds himself caught with a Dreamer spinebuster. Swagger gets to Henry first, but Dreamer gets to Christian soon after. Captain Charisma takes Henry down with a missile dropkick from the top rope and gets a two count. Christian goes for a sunset flip on Henry, but Swagger tags himself in. Henry goes to sit on Christian, who moves, but Swagger, the legal man, goes for a Gutwrench Powerbomb, which Christian escapes before hitting the Killswitch. Swagger was close enough to the ropes for Tony Atlas to pull his foot under the rope. Henry squashes Christian on the outside, allowing Swagger to hit the Gutwrench on a second attempt to pick up the win.
After the match, Henry drops Dreamer with a World’s Strongest Slam, and then gives one to Jack Swagger for good measure.
My Thoughts: THE HURRICANE IS BACK! This show is usually awesome enough, but to actually see The Hurricane on my television made it that much better for me.
ECW is consistently one of the best shows every week. There’s a reason for that – the talent. Twice tonight, ECW chants broke out in the crowd. It may not be the original, as I alluded to earlier in this post, but it’s still an extremely (no pun intended) enjoyable professional wrestling program.
Hey everybody. Welcome to another catch-phrase filled review of WWE Superstars. Ain’t no stoppin’ me now….
Match number 1: the World’s Greatest Tag Team against the team that “spits in the face of people who don’t want to be cool,” Primo and Carlito.
Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo,yo,…..yo,….yo,….yo,….YO! During the match, Cryme Time makes an appearence to distract the WGTT. Carlito hits a springboard flip into a backstabber. The San Juan Southpaw gets the win for the Colons. Now that’s cool. This was a good tag match. It looks like WWE is seemingly rebuilding the tag division. This match gets a 8 out of 10
Match number 2: The two time, two time All-American American Jack Thwagger against Finlay
On his way to the ring, Swagger does his monkey walk. I find it really weird. His name may be Finlay and he may love to fight, but he got dominated in this one. Swagger gets the win with his gutwrench powerbomb. This short match gets a 5 out of 10. It didn’t present enough for anything more.
The main event: The Champ is (not) here for this one. John Cena against The Million Dollar Man……errrrrr…..I mean the Million Dollar Man’s son, Ted DiBiase. Oh well….Everybody’s got a price and everybody’s gonna pay!
Word Life against the Priceless one. This is definitely a future main event fued. John Cena gets the win in this match with the STFU. This match was decent for a Cena match. The guy has gotten better and is no longer torture to watch in the ring. This match gets a 7 out of 10.
The show was ok. The show was definitely not The Miz, so it was not awesome. I am however, because that’s how I roll! Peace out PEEPS!!!