Tag Archive: Frog Splash

  1. Impact Wrestling-The Plot against Roode


    Oh I actually find myself loving Impact Wrestling’s opener with Hogan trying to decide who should take out err on Roode for the title before he amasses the longest reigning champion title which is currently being held by AJ Styles. Outside of that the interaction between Ray, Angle Styles and Hogan with Hardy sitting on his hands (not much on mic skills) debating back and forth about who should get the shot was a breathe of fresh air. But

    Then Gail Kim with the love struck Madison came out to talk about being a dominate champion only to show a shot of Angelina Love count on her hands all the times she won the title. She goes on about her one blimish being the loss to a man/woman? tag team of EY and ODB and wanting to rectify that.

    I won’t go into detail lets just say that Spike must of laxed there no male on female violence stance because EY gets some body slams and headlocks on Gail and Madison before the heels win when Madison holds the legs of ODB so Gail could pin her. But again I’m confused because its Open Fight Night and when you call out someone their title has to be defended but Tenay still calls EY and ODB champions? Whats up with that?

    So after RVD lost in his bid against Roode for the title, he had a smokers moment and said to himself “Hey, how was I not able to compete since Genesis?, Oh yeah some dude named Gunner was responsible.” We have him call out the Gunned one and commence to beat on each other for 5 minutes before RVD gets the win with an insane Five Star Frog Splash.

    Then we step into the nepotism zone as Devon comes out and calls out Garett for a shot at the Television title. We get a mostly Devon controlled match. And in one of the most stupidly comical spot of the night Garett pulls off a swinging neckbreaker pauses and waits for the applause. Rob T and Rob E. come out an beat on them until the faces get the upper hand and embrace at the end.  YEAH! we have the continuing Robbie E saga and nepotism wrapped into the same match someone please shoot those two. (Not really because thats conspiracy to commit murder.)

    Speaking of murder Joseph Parks attempt at getting Bully Ray to admitting to doing….(Abyss is alive and no longer missing..oh) in his brother Chris you know Abyss. After the Abyss reveal no matter how cool, it kind of took the air out of the story so what will be the payoff. Because Abyss is back with a warning to his brother for playing to close to the fire. Which I’m guessing is Bully Ray.  So Park wants a mock trial so the fans can have their say and Ray can be judged by a jury of his peers, the fans. Wouldn’t his peers be the locker room?

    Ray beats on Parks and we solve absolutely nothing.

    Then comes one of the best segments when Joey Ryan who looks like a 70’s porn star takes on his 90’s equilvalent in Aries. Good and short. The best part is when Ryan flicks his mustache sweat in Aries eyes. Aries wins with a brain buster.

    World Heavyweight title time as Roode takes on AJ. After Hogan eliminated the other three throughout the night.

    Roode wins. Beats AJ’s record for being the longest reigning champion in TNA history. He celebrates and Hogan the chief conspirator calls in his friend The Insane Icon Sting shouting “Its Showtime” as Sting beats on Roode and then announces the new time slot but forgets to mention it will be live which thankfully Tenay fixes and we fade out

    Sting vs Roode in a Lumber jack match at the top of the live show should give a fun feel to it.

    PNT NR out.


  2. WWE Superstars

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    Match 1: Chris Masters and MVP w/Percy Watson vs The Dudebusters

    MVP picks up the win for his team after he hit the 305 on Caylen Croft.

    Match 2: Chavo Guerrero vs JTG

    Chavo gets a rare win with the Frog Splash.

    Match 3: Yoshi Tatsu vs Primo Colon

    Primo gets the win after he stole his brother’s finisher. 

    Main Event:  The Hart Dynasty vs The Uso’s

    The Hart Dynasty gets the win with the Hart Attack.  It was kinda cool looking.  The Hart Attack was on Jay, but Tyson Kidd saw Jimmy coming and drop kicked him at the same time.


  3. WWE Superstars Review

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    What the deuce?!  It’s me, tharvey1, again with a review of the latest WWE Superstars.   I think this show belongs in the Random Randomness weekly column, but I guess it might be too random for even that.  Anywho…off we go!

    Match 1:  Its a he…Santino!  He has a message for Chavo.  He says that chavo must be so lonely now that his Aunt Vickie has gone wee wee wee all the way home.  HAHAHAHAHAHA!  Chavo then makes his way to the ring.

    This match is one of the very few matches that makes sense for this show.  Santino is very funny in the ring.  At one point, Chavo attempted to throw Santino into the corner and Santino did a cartwheel to avoid it.  Santino blocks the third of the Three Amigos and turns it into a Jackhammer.  He then gets greedy and goes for a frog splash, but catches a boot to the face.  Chavo pins Santino 1..2..3.

    Match 2:  Woo Woo Woo!  Zack Ryder against a random jobber (Mike Williams).  This must be a nice change of pace for Ryder, as he is usually the random jobber.

    I hate those half pants that Ryder wears.  Woo Woo Woo….you know it!  It’s just a matter of time until he is future endeavored.  Okie dokie.  Ryder wins with his Zack Attack.  His entrance music should be Friends Forever by Zack Attack.

    Match 3:  The lovely, beautiful Maria is the guest referee between Eve and Layla.

    Maria is the most important part of this match.  Eve hits a cartwheel backflip splash onto Layla for the victory.  That looked really nice too.  Other than that, it was your standard diva match.  After the match, Maria convinces Eve and Layla to shake hands.  OK???

    Main Event time:  The All-American American Jack Swagger and the Hart Dynasty against Captain Charisma and the Tag Team Champs, The Colons

    David Hart Smith starts the match with Carlito.  There are alot of quick tags to start the match.  I would not mind seeing the Hart Dynasty and the Colons for the Tag Titles…of course we probably won’t see that, as Legacy will most likely win the titles.  Carlito hits the backstabber on Tyson Kidd for the win. 

    This show was actually pretty good and made sense for the stories that are going on at the moment.  Very different than the random mess that has been thrown out there in past shows.  Remember that RAW is commercial free on Monday.  See ya next week!