Tag Archive: Interwebs

  1. WWE RAW is Christmas Eve 12/24/12

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    I do this for you, dear readers.  All two of you.  I’m here on Christmas eve reviewing WWE RAW.  I don’t have to worry about missing out on Santa Claus, because he’s hosting RAW tonight.  When he should be flying all over the world delivering toys to boys and girls everywhere.  Also, Santa Claus is G from BWF Radio.

    I watch 30 minutes of the show, leave for work, and then watch the entire 3 hour show in it’s entirety at work.  You’re welcome.  That’s how ThinkSoJoE’s RAW reviews work.


  2. Smackdown 12/30/11

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    Let’s just get this out of the way, if you like Randy Orton… pay high attention to his involvement on Smackdown tonight since it’s the last time you are going to see him for possibly half a year.

    Word on the interwebs is that he is suffering a problem with a disc in his spine, and if the six month window is accurate, will also miss WrestleMania.

    I think that this bodes well for Smackdown, however, as it will force the WWE to attempt to elevate guys into and towards a top face role on the program. Both Zack Ryder, and inevitably, Dolph Ziggler can benefit. But enough about speculation, let’s hop to it, shall we?

    Oh yeah, Brock Lesnar just retired from the UFC tonight… hmm…

    Maybe? Perhaps?


  3. Smackdown 11/19/10

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    With Survivor Series on Sunday, this is Smackdown’s last chance to add some fuel to the fire and generate some buys. After the Old School RAW on Monday, most of the card was flushed out. Are there any loose strings? Perhaps. Also, we have some future endeavors to discuss briefly after the jump.

  4. Wrestlemania 26 Roundtable


    Welcome all to the first ever Wrestlemania Roundtable.  I am your host JT thank you for joining us as we talk about the big one, Wrestlemania 26.  Joining me today are fellow BWF writers Drowgoddess, Tharvey1, fellow readers and message board alumnus Rytman and Gee, and last but not least the boss himself ThinkSoJoE.  Thank you all for joining me today, now lets get this show on the road: (more…)