Once again, we chime in post WWE Payback PPV to discuss the fallout of the show. A massive crew of folks from many sites assemble to digest what we saw. Furthermore, we fall into other sports, including that of the NBA Finals, and the legacy of players in the sport of basketball.
It’s that time of the week again, where ThinkSoJoE passes the dutchie on the left hand side. This week, the BWF crew are joined by Rational Wrestling Review’s Alice Arrington, who rubs it in our faces that Chris Jericho did a three hour interview with herself and Konnan this week on MLW. We go over the week in pro wrestling television before diving straight in to the saga of Jack Swagger. We talk about Swagger’s arrest, and how Glenn Beck and Alex Jones have likely saved his title match at WrestleMania. Speaking of Glenn Beck, we called him out on Twitter earlier this week. Did he show up to talk to us? Of course he didn’t! We dive even further into the drama that is Hart Legacy Wrestling, with quotes from Lance Storm on how the original show was booked. We reveal (in case you’ve been living under a rock) details about who will be publishing the next WWE video game, plus a rumor about TNA’s next foray into the world of gaming. All this, and much more, on BWF Radio Episode 63!
Bray’s facial expression seems to say, “I’m related to this fuckwad?”
Jorge takes the week off, and things go so smoothly that the show ends slightly early for once. Joe, JT, and G discuss the week in professional wrestling television, play a song in honor of BoredHockeyFan.com’sThat Damn Double C, and we discuss this week’s wrestling news, including an in-depth investigation of the state of Hart Legacy Wrestling. We talk about the great Hall of Fame class that WWE is presenting at MSG this year. And of course, we pay our respects to the late, great Curt Hennig, who passed away 10 years ago today.
Oh no! G has invaded again!! BOO!!! BOOOOOO-URNS!!!!!
This week I return to give PatMan a break and bring you some Stampede Classics… or something related to the Stampede Wrestling professional wrestling promotion from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. This week brings a famous Hart brother and an innovator of Mixed Martial Arts to a head… and in of all places… (more…)
Alright folks, the former No Way Out is now the Elimination Chamber, and following the opening video and pyro, the WWE is wasting no time getting started (ok, they are, but I want to get started, dammit), and neither are we!
Apparently, e-mails from my phone are very selective as to whom they will go out to. I did try to give Drow some live notes from the show, including Superstars and dark match reviews. I’m going to give you guys a quick rundown tonight, but I will most definitely be posting a hell of a lot more stuff tomorrow.
WWE Superstars tapings: Jack Swagger defeated Primo and Alicia Fox defeated Kelly Kelly.
There is going to be a new theme song for RAW next week. It’s “Burn It To The Ground” by Nickelback. They had us chant “HEY” during the song for the new open.
The dark main pit John Cena, DX, and Kofi Kingston against Legacy and The Big Show. The faces won when everybody bailed on Orton, allowing him to take all four faces’ finishers.
I’m gonna watch the show on my DVR and I’ll give you guys more thoughts on it as I go along, but I wanted to get these out to you tonight.
I’m slacking again, aren’t I? I missed reviewing SmackDown on Friday, but to be fair, I haven’t had a lot of time to do anything all weekend. I missed my usual Saturday timeslot for ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts. I did not, however, miss SummerSlam.
It’s very rare for me to miss any of the big four WWE Pay Per Views. I’ve been watching SummerSlam since 1988, and I wasn’t about to let the fact that I was only on about 3 hours sleep and am going to be trying to get a new job in the morning get in my way of watching the 21st edition of the Biggest Party of the Summer. Besides, CM Punk was winning his title back.
We’ll start at the beginning, I guess. Rey Mysterio beat Dolph Ziggler, which is fine with me. My biggest problem with the match is that Mysterio came out first. I remember watching a WCW show – I want to say it was a Clash of the Champions event on TBS – and whoever the champion was at the time came out first for the main event. The announcers explained that the champion wanted to come out first to avoid being assaulted backstage – or something like that. Anyways, the point is, in championship matches, it’s the challenger that’s supposed to come out first. If you have to have the champion come out first, give us a reason for it. Don’t just wake up one day and decide, “ah, you know what, I’m going to chuck tradition out the window and have the champion come out first for almost every title match.”
Later in the night, The Big Show and Chris Jericho also came to the ring first for their title defense, as did Christian for his.
Speaking of Christian, I actually missed the match. I was in the BWF forums typing a message before the bell rang, and by time I clicked over, Regal was standing tall over Christian, who retained his title in a SummerSlam-record 8 seconds before being beaten down by Regal and his cronies.
Was anybody else really hoping that Legacy would get the win over DX? I was already tired of RAW, now I have DX to deal with every week. Fun.
That Orton/Cena match was bizarre. From the second Lillian screwed up her announcement of the first false finish, to the fan who jumped in and attacked the referee, it was just a strange match. The question remains whether or not that fan was a plant or just some stupid mark. The fact that it looked like Cena had the match all but won and wound up losing due to the involvement of that “fan” leads me to believe that it was definitely a plant.
And the Undertaker returned. While I was expecting the lights to go out and a message to be sent to CM Punk, I was certainly not expecting The Undertaker to magically appear in the place of Jeff Hardy and chokeslam Punk.
Tonight should prove to be Lillian’s last night with the WWE, and Friday’s SmackDown may be Jeff Hardy’s last night, but of course, Matt Hardy has said that Jeff is staying with the company past SummerSlam. Take that for what it’s worth, it was another Matt Hardy attempt to work the internet.
That’s it for me guys, I should be around tonight with the WWE RAW results.
After being involved in the coverage of WWE Extreme Rules this past week. II’m back to bring you my weekly Wednesday column. Now, all links will lead to my favourite racing moments or races or crashes, or just funny moments.
My opinions of Extreme Rules has already been expressed. So I’m going to comment on other things.
Umaga was released. A case of a guy who was pushed, then nothing. Pushed, then nothing. He had just recently come back and into the feud with CM Punk. The release comes as a bit of a shock but it isnt a surprise. He was getting pushed and pushed, and yet he wasnt getting the crowd reaction of a main event guy. Maybe he could do better in TNA. Speaking of which, guess where Mr. Kennedy’s going in September?
Vickie Guerrero quits as General Manager of RAW. Rumour has it, that she is leaving for good, to spend more time with her kids. Good for Vickie for wanting to spend time with your kids. No offence, but it seems, for the most part, you tarnished your late husband somewhat.
Triple H returns. Yes, the Game, the King of Kings returned on RAW to attack Legacy. Now, as we talked about during our Extreme Rules coverage, Hunter wasnt out for that long at all after the Scott Norwood kick. Shawn Michaels was out months, it ended the WWE career of RVD, and yet both Vince McMahon and Triple H were both out for about a month and a half. Those McMahons must have super powers or something.
To be honest, I missed iMPACT this week. due to my cable being down. Let’s see what I missed.
It doesnt look like much at all. The MMG and Lethal Consequences were named as Suicide’s opponents for the first ever X-Division King Of The Mountain. That isnt a shock at all. i’m sure I’ll have more next week.
I’m gonna finish this column with a reminder to Ricardo Rosset and Taki Inoue. Poor Taki needs to watch for cars, as for Ricardo. Well, thanks for making my night a whole lot better.
Peace out, or whatever, tune in next week, and read all the columns. Oh, and avoid the beer bottles, we just turned one, so we’re breaking it in. Well I am anyways, by drinking the place dry.
Finally – ThinkSoJoE… HAS COME BACK! to reviewing shows. I’ve been trying to get motivated to write about the programming lately, but I’ve been sleeping through most of it. RAW’s been boring, ECW’s been entertaining but I haven’t really been paying a lot of attention to it, and SmackDown hasn’t been bad – but I’m usually sleeping when it’s on. That’s the problem with working overnights, I guess. Anyway, Kofi Kingston will be taking on MVP for the United States Championship tonight, so without further adieu, let’s get started…