For nearly four years now, I’ve been blogging about professional wrestling right here on In that time, I’ve seen countless professional wrestlers pass away, but I’ve very rarely ever felt the need to get on the computer and write about it, other than maybe a “RIP So-and-so” status on my personal facebook. Today, however, I felt inspired by the passing of one Chief Jay Strongbow.
When you’re a wrestling fan for a long enough time, there are names that, whether you’d actually seen them compete or not, you know. Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Captain Lou Albano, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Ric Flair, Steve Austin, to name a few. Chief Jay Strongbow is one of those. I can’t honestly say that I’ve seen a Chief Jay Strongbow match in my life, but I know the name. I know the legacy. How big of a name in professional wrestling was Chief Jay Strongbow? Here’s a quote from the 1999 Adam Sandler film, “Big Daddy.”
“He taught me how to do the sleeper hold like Chief Jay Strongbow.”
My only real experience seeing Chief Strongbow with my own eyes was in a ceremony done on WWF Superstars with Tatanka, when Strongbow presented him a feather headdress that was destroyed a few weeks later by Irwin R. Schyster. But I’d known the name for a long, long time. Our condolences to his friends and family.
Ok, I know what you’re thinking. Who is this jerk usurping AlyKat’s spot?
The answer is G, I’ve been doing the iMPACT reviews as of late and she’s unable to make it this week.*
And I know you’re asking yourself, “Well then Mr. G, will there be the twittering like she does?”
No. Maybe some fake ones, but no. I will be doing this in my usual suffer-through-it-as-I-write style.
* Card subject to change.
Well then, let’s get down to business and see what the WWE served up for the last RAW of 2010, shall we? I haven’t done a RAW review in a long, long time.
“Mat Musings” was a column idea I came up with a long, long time ago which basically involved me waxing lyrical about a bunch of subjects/news stories currently ripe within the pro wrestling world. Basically, we take a headline and then yours truly gives his take on that particular topic. It’s simple but really seems to be effective and is a column-type which I’ve always really enjoyed doing. Now I’m not claiming that it’s the most original conception ever conceptualized, but it has proved to be one which sparks debate amongst the wrestling fan base. With that said, on with the topics!
WWE Has WCW-Themed DVD Projects In The Works..
Having been a huge fan of the original “World Championship Wrestling” promotion, this headline really caught my eye. I actually have plans to do an entire article dedicated to the company and maybe even bust out some old ones from my growing library of wrestling article work. Look out for those!
The story basically runs that WWE are planning to release a DVD-set based on the popular “Monday Nitro!” TV show, similar to the 3-disc set they recently brought out for “Monday Night RAW”. It would document the first few years of the shows history (which arguably is the only few years worth watching!). Also hot off the press is that there is a DVD ready to be put together which would be a biography of one Bill Goldberg.
This is exciting news, certainly to a WCW fan such as I. I’m very sure both these DVD’s would sell pretty heavily, although perhaps not among the younger market of fans currently tuning into RAW and Smackdown. It’s long baffled me however, as to why WWE do not capitalise more on all that video footage they have for the Atlanta-based promotion. Sure, I’m not forgetting the “Rise & Fall of WCW” video they put out not so long ago, not the various DVD’s chronicling “The Four Horsemen” and the like.
Where I’m coming from more here is all those Pay-Per-Views they just have laying around. Surely it would be worth Vince McMahon’s time to pair these broadcasts up and release them under the “Tagged Classics” banner, just like WWE have done with events from their own history. I for one have long-awaited such a move and they’d definitely pry some money from my wallet! Many newer wrestling fans might not be so interested but it’d be worth the effort in order to make some dollars off all that old footage, much of which is highly significant to the annals of wrestling time.
There is of course the theory which has been reported as fact; that Vinnie Mac just wants the entire WCW thing to go away, which is exactly why he bought it and effectively buried it during the ill-fated “Invasion” angle. It’s merely my opinion but I’d be willing to say that McMahon is a trifle more intelligent than that. As an obviously shrewd business-man, he couldn’t fail to see the appeal these DVD’s would have to many a wrestling fan across the globe. Even some folks who may not tune into the product anymore could be caught, willing to part with the cash to relive fond memories from yesteryear.
Another idea, as an extension of this, may be to package a classic WCW event with a compilation of newer WWE matches, highlighting the superstars of today and attempting to draw those fans who have “left it all behind” back into being paying customers. Just a thought.
MVP Feels Disgruntled At Current Positioning Within WWE..
Let’s face it, the poor guy SHOULD feel a little aggrieved at how things have panned out for him in the past 2 years or so. Once a sure-fire bet to be one of the next headlining atop WWE cards, Mr. Porter now finds himself filling air-time on “WWE Superstars” and without a meaningful story arc to sink his teeth into.
It’s pretty difficult to make guesses as to where it’s all went wrong for the “Ballin’” grappler without having actually been backstage at a number of WWE events or pulling up a chair at one of the bosses production meetings/creative sessions. None of us really know what might have went on between MVP and WWE management which has left his career going cold. On the flipside, nothing at all could have happened. Management may have simply lost interest in the character or are biding their time with the man until they have something worthwhile for him to be involved in.
For most of us fans, it’s pretty darn clear-cut where it all turned sour in this particular wrestlers career; a frostily received babyface turn.
Sometimes it really does seem as though those and such as those in charge of writing the shows and making creative decisions just…get bored and decide to throw some changes out there without any real rhyme or reason. One example could be the sudden split of the popular brothers Colon, Carlito and Primo. This can be directly linked to their rapid descent down the cards into near-obscurity and also perhaps the parting between Carlito and his WWE contract. The MVP situation seems to be pretty much the same deal. A random change just for the sake of it, one which hasn’t really been planned out all that well with any clear vision as to why in the name of jebus we’re now supposed to be cheering a dude who’s claimed for many a year that he’s better than all of us, in character of course.
It’s as definite as day turns to night that everything I say here is simply speculation. I have no idea whatsoever the reasoning for MVP no longer being a focal point of WWE TV. As I also said before, there may not really be any real reason at all. One thing I do believe however is that his career and gimmick could still be rescued by a return to the heel kingdom. It just makes sense that a character such as his should be on the bad side of the fence.
It’s nothing more than my own idea (although I’m sure more than a few of you have had the same thoughts before) but the guy could be catapulted right back into the upper-card mix if he were to appear before us on RAW and decry the audience, blaming them for distracting him from his true potential and almost ruining his career by having him put more effort into entertaining them than winning matches and titles. Thus, MVP would be disowning the “WWE Universe” and getting an edge back into his disposition. Immediately, I feel WWE would have a hungry performer again. One who would be motivated to bust his ass both on the mic and in the ring, which can only be good for the product. One thing’s for sure, there is a hell of a lot of talent going to waste as we speak if MVP is kept as this ‘opening match relief’ like he is right now. He could be a major player within the company, no doubts.
I hope you enjoyed what’s going on in my head regarding the above subjects and the “Mat Musings” concept in general. Feel free to add your own viewpoints below as all your comments are surely as important as mine, maybe even more so! I’d love to hear some more opinions on these topics as that’s what being a wrestling fan is all about – mixing with other fans and debating till the cows come home! You can also send correspondence to my email at –
I look forward to hearing from you and have a great week! TAKE IT HOME!
Welcome, lads and lasses. it’s Wednesday once again, which means another column from yours truly. Before I get into it, I have to mention something my eleven year old brother told me, after watching the WWE draft. He says that every draft pick made was ‘shocking’. But it’s his descriptions of two trades in particular that got my attention. He describes RAW’s draft pick of Triple H as a ‘rockbreaker’, and SmackDown’s draft pick of Chris Jericho as a ‘Poosmasher’. Now, I dont know what in the hell that means, but that has to be the weirdest description of the draft I have ever heard. Until now.
For those playing at home, the WWE Draft was this past Monday night for all you American viewers, and for those expecting Mel Kiper Jr., i’m sorry to say, you were sadly disappointed. With everyone trying to work out which superstar will end up where, I went to the King of Drafts, Mel Kiper Jr. for his thoughts. Mel Kiper’s Draft picks.
The WWE Supplemental Draft airs today at 12PM, and rather than post the results here (I have connections), Joe will bring you the results LIVE, exclusive to BoredWrestlingFan! (then they will appear on every other wrestling website you can find). Although, I will give you one hint. ECW will draft more people than they did in the LIVE draft Monday night.
What else has happened in the wrestling world. TNA have a PPV coming up.
I wish they would air ROH’s weekly show in Australia. I have been wanting to see some real wrestling for a long, long time, and now they tease me with showing ROH in the US. The hell with watching it online. I want to watch it on my TV screen. Make this right.
Got a girlfriend’s birthday coming up? Maybe an anniversary? You just cant find the perfect gift? Listen to my friends the Lonely Island, and with help from the famous JT, they show you the perfect birthday present.
I still have no entries for the competition I started in last week’s column. I don’t want a hundred entries, I’d be happy with one, so I can declare a winner and move on with life, but you people just want this to hang over my head for a few weeks. I’ll let it slide this time, but next time. Well, I may not be as friendly.
Finally, for this Wednesday, I’m going to talk about the UEFA Champions League. Football you ask? Soccer you ask more? Why are you ending your column about that? Simple. My favourite club side. FC Bayern Munchen of Germany played in the Second Leg of the Quarter Finals against FC Barcelona of Spain. Now, Barcelona had a 4-0 lead from the First Leg in Spain, and with the return leg in Germany, Baywern couldnt get the job done, only being able to provide a 1-1 draw. Meanwhile, in the other game, two English clubs, Chelsea and Liverpool squared off at Stamford Bridge, Chelsea’s home ground. In the first leg, Chelsea managed to beat Liverpool, at Liverpool’s home ground by a score of 3-1. I could tell you what happened in the second leg between these two sides, but instead, the match was so good, I have decided to show you all the highlights. Enjoy.
That’s it for another week. Keep your browser at for the latest and greatest in all things of the world.
It’s been a long, long time since the last time I real-timed anything here on the site, but since I’m awake and finally watching ECW for the first time in a few weeks, I figured, why the hell not? We’ve got some friends in attendance tonight in Knoxville, including WorldWrestlingInsanity’s RDLee, and the man who will be debuting here Thursday night with a WWE Superstars review, tharvey1, so we’re looking for an “AARON WOOD SUCKS” sign.
Show’s starting, so meet me on the other side of the jump! (more…)
Alright, confession time. I completely forgot to set my DVR for ECW tonight. Not that it really matters, I’m not going to be home tonight to review it on DVR anyway. So, I did a little improvising, and have ECW streaming live on my laptop and I’m doing this review on the work computers in real-time – but not posting it in real-time. I tuned in a few minutes late, but I think I saw enough to accurately give you an idea of what’s going on.