Tag Archive: Losers

  1. iMPACT: 12/09/10. Lot’s of Things Come in “Two’s”


    Last Sunday was the Final Resolution PPV. So naturally, with everything resolved, there will be no more conflict. Total Nonstop … umm…. umm… presents: iMPACT!

    I generally take a peek at the non-spoiler card for shows I suffer through and review. And normally I don’t start off these intro segments with any reference… but tonight is different. Daffney is back on my television tonight! Let’s find out if TNA presents her as a threat, or uses her as enhancement…

  2. SmackDown in Sort of Real-Time 11/27/09


    In a bit of a rarity, I’m actually home, awake, and parked in front of the TV on a Friday Night.  That said, this review is in sort of real-time (sort of because it’s 8:16 right now and I’m just getting started.  I figure I’ll catch up after a couple commercials), so make sure you hit refresh every couple of minutes to make sure you’re up to speed!
