Tag Archive: Masterlock

  1. WWE Superstars

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    Hey, everybody.  This week’s episode of Superstars was fairly entertaining.  It at least furthered some storylines.

    Match 1: Carlito vs Primo

    Throughout the match, Carlito looked really apprehensive about apply any offense to his brother.  The end of the match saw Carlito grab a mic and tell Primo to quit wasting his career and rejoin with him.  Now the Colon’s are back together as a tag team contender and this match has no ending.

    Match 2: Chavo Guerrero vs Chris Masters

    This was the typical Superstars match-up that we normally get.  Two guys that have no real direction and are thus thrown into a random match.  Masters gets the win with the Masterlock after countering the Three Amigos.

    Backstage Segment:

    Michelle McCool and Layla walk into Kelly Kelly’s locker room and tell her she stinks, then try to hold her down for Vickie Guerrero to spray her with deodorant.  Beth Phoenix and Tiffany walk in and break it up.

    Main Event:  Shad Gaspard vs JTG

    This match was a good Superstars main event because it was a rematch from the Extreme Rules PPV.  Shad gets the win with the STO after blocking a Shout Out.  This fued is dying out now, especially considering they put it on Superstars.  We shall have to wait and see where these two go after this.

    That’s it for this week.  Check back in again next week for another Superstars.

  2. WWE Superstars

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    Welcome, my friends to the show that never ends.  I’m so glad you could attend.  Come inside, come inside.  The Circus that is WWE Superstars is here.

    Match 1:  Jack Swagger and William Regal vs Santino Marella and Chris Masters w/ Eve

    Santino is absolutely hilarious! He hit a cartwheel and the drop-down splits and then attempted to unleash the cobra.  Swagger and Masters need to compete for the US Title.  The end of the match came when Masters put the Masterlock on Swagger, but Regal interrupted and Swagger hit the gutwrench powerbomb for the win.

    Match 2:  Zack Ryder w/ Rosa Mendez vs Primo Colon

    This was a highly entertaining match.  Primo is quick and exciting and Ryder is definitely a rising star in the WWE.  Woo Woo Woo…You know it!  Primo got in his fast offense, highlighted by his cartwheel.  Ryder hit the Rough Ryder and eventually the Zack Attack for the win.  Ryder is another guy who should be thrown into the US Title mix.  The problem with RAW right now is there are too many guys who should be involved in the US Title hunt. 

    Match 3:  Luke Gallows w/ Serena vs Sylas Young

    Its about time they give Gallows some time on his own without Punk.  He cut a promo saying Serena and him would like to dedicate the match to their Straight Edge savior, CM Punk.  This was a quick squash for Gallows to exhibit his power and dominance since most people don’t recognize him as the former Festus.  He has some unique offense and hit the 12th Step for the win.  Serena then gets in the ring and kicks Young in the ribs and out of the ring.

    Main Event:  Great Khali, Matt Hardy, and Maria vs The Hart Dynasty

    What is the point of Khali and Fatt Lardy being partners?  Surely they could have found a better partner that isn’t doing anything at the time for each of these two.  They both suck, so I don’t understand why people want to see them.  Khali can’t move and Hardy apparently is living off past glory.  It’s good he went back to the pants and got away from the baby pajama bottoms he was wearing.  The Hart Dynasty should be working more meaningful matches than this.  They are probably the best tag team in the WWE and should be shown as such.  Tyson Kidd hit the Hart Attack on Matt Hardy for the win. 

    See ya next week for another arousing episode of WWE Superstars.

  3. WWE Superstars

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    Here we go.

    Match 1:  The Bella Twins vs Jillian Hall and Katie Lea

    Brie Bella has a tattoo and Nikki doesn’t.  That’s all that matters in this match.  The Bellas get the win.

    Match 2: Chavo Guerrero vs Primo vs Chris Masters w/ Eve

    The winner of this triple threat match gets a spot in the Royal Rumble.  I like Chris Masters.  I think the guy can get the job done.  All he needs is a chance.  This is a pretty fast paced match, as it always is with Primo.  Maybe Chavo and Primo should form a tag team.  That would be pretty entertaining.  Masters gets the win with the Masterlock on Chavo to get his spot in the Rumble.  I would love it if Masters would win the Rumble…that would be sPECKtacular!  See what I did there???

    Chris Jericho makes his way to the ring to cut a promo in his dapper suit.  He then proceeds to call every superstar in the WWE a liar for claiming they will win the Royal Rumble because he guaruntees a victory.  R-Truth interupts with a WUSSUP?! in Jericho’s face.  He says he will win the Rumble and beats Jericho down.

    Main Event:  Matt Hardy w/ Great Khali and Ranjin Singh vs David Hart Smith w/ the Hart Dynasty

    This is the perfect place for Fatt Lardy to main event.  He just doesn’t do anything for me.  I apologize to the people who like him, but he sucks now.  David Hart Smith has grown on me, however.  He still needs to tone that belly he has, but he is good.  Smith wins with a Big Boot after the ref is distracted and Tyson Kidd hangs Matt’s arm on the top rope.  Khali then comes in to clean house including Matt Hardy.  I guess he thinks he’s gonna win the Rumble too.

    That’s it for Superstars this week.  Remember Smackdown is tomorrow night and the Royal Rumble is Sunday.

  4. WWE Superstars review…3 days late

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    Alright my peeps.  I’m here.  I’m not dead.  I finally have a chance to watch the show from Thursday night.  Lets go.

    Match 1:  Its-a-he Santino vs the Masterpiece Chris Masters

    Santino’s face when Masters came out was priceless!  Santino tried to go Karate Kid on Masters, then did an acrabatic roll to the other side of the ring.  Once Masters got ahold of Santino, it was downhill from there for him.  For a little bit of humor (what else is Santino good for) he tried to apply the Masterlock on Chris Masters, only to get dominated again.  Masters wins with the Masterlock after Santino attempted to “Hulk-up.”

    Match 2:  William Regal and Paul Burchill vs Tyler Reks and Yoshi Tatsu

    My fiance totally marked out for Yoshi when he came out.  Match started out with Yoshi and Burchill.  Wouldn’t Burchill have fit better in ECW 3 years ago when he was Pirate Paul and when ECW was mainly a gimmick show?  Regal flips over an attempted springboard splash pin for the win over Tyler Reks.  Tyler Reks is awkward.  He looks like he has something stuck in his butt when he walks.

    Video package with John Cena throwing out the first pitch at a Cubs game. 

    Main Event :  Intercontinental Champion Rey Mysterio vs Mike Knox

    Mike Knox is severely under-utilized!  Dude is massive and burly.  Special guest commentator is Dolph Ziggler.  This is the typical Rey Mysterio match. He gets dominated the whole match by the much bigger opponent and then gets the win.  Rey hits the 619 and goes for the splash, only to have Dolph Ziggler pull him off the mat.  Rey gets the win via disqualification.

    Santino was the only reason to watch this show, much like Raw.  There is a reason this show is on WGN…nobody wants to watch it.  Sometimes its good, sometimes its terrible, most of the time its random.  See ya next week.