“Smackdown” 12/11/09
4 CommentsSorry I’m late! (more…)
Sorry I’m late! (more…)
I was sick yesterday and I’m just now sitting down to watch SmackDown. So we’re gonna do things a little differently this week – I’m going to watch the show, and I’ll post my thoughts and the match results afterwards. Ready? Here we go.
WWE SmackDown Episode 533: “I Walk Alone”
I just saw a mouse run by. Seriously. That’s my intro for tonight’s SmackDown review. “I just saw a mouse run by.” Actually, I wanted to try and catch it and put it outside (I’m a humanitarian, I guess. Or I just have a soft spot for rodents, since I used to have pet rats. Hey, just like Bad News Brown when he was feuding with Jake Roberts!), but I couldn’t find him by time I bothered to get up to look. Anyways, if you guys like Michael Jackson, “This Is It” is not only a great movie, but it’s the reason I’m doing this review after SmackDown airs here in the United States instead of before like I usually do.
Ok, enough stalling. SmackDown episode number 232: “I’ll give you something to brag about.”
William Regal demands an ECW title rematch on the basis that his mindset was thrown off at Breaking Point by Tiffany’s decision to ban Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Kozlov from ringside. Tiffany declines, telling him she’s decided he doesn’t get another shot. Instead, we’ll get a battle royal later on tonight to determine the number one contender. Regal is then instructed to stay in the ring, as he’s got a match, right now…
Stand back! There’s a Hurricane Coming Through!
William Regal def. The Hurricane
Apparently, this means that The Hurricane won’t be in the battle royal later tonight – Whasssupwitdat? Regal is forced to compete in his street clothes as this match was a complete surprise to him, and it shows, as The Hurricane controls most of it, and in fact hits the cross body from the top rope for a two. Regal decides to leave, but Hurricane catches him and tosses him back in – and gets kneed in the skull for his troubles – and a three count.
After the match, Paul Burchill attacks The Hurricane from behind and hits him with the Jackhammer.
Backstage, Goldust is apologizing to Yoshi Tatsu, who apparently just wants to continue his English lessons. He even impersonates Goldust’s tourettes. Zack Ryder wants to know if he can say loser. Goldust tells him to say loser – and he says “Zack Ryder.” Ryder says we’ll see who the loser is – Woo Woo Woo.
The new interview girl catches up with Burchill, who asks where Gregory Helms is, and remembers that he supposedly just left him in the ring. He says he wants to expose the Hurricane for who he is. Which makes me wonder why he didn’t unmask him when he knocked him out a few minutes ago.
The Bella Twins are here to be guest ring announcers. They introduce Yoshi Tatsu first, and considering he’s facing Zack Ryder, I hope he’s wearing an extra pair of tights. Matt Striker says that Zack Ryder has the best entrance music in ECW. I think it’s between his and Christian’s, honestly. And I still love Goldust’s theme.
Before getting into the match, however, I just found out that Mick Foley’s father, Jack, has passed away, so I’d like to take the opportunity to send condolences on behalf of the BWF staff to the Foley family.
Yoshi Tatsu def. Zack Ryder
A pretty good match, ending with Tatsu nearly kicking Ryder’s head off.
Battle Royal time. Shelton Benjamin, Vladimir Kozlov, Ezekiel Jackson, Tommy Dreamer, Goldust (who still has a letterbox entrance despite the fact that the show is broadcast in 16:9 widescreen), Tyler Reks, Sheamus…
…Yoshi Tatsu, Paul Burchill, and Zack Ryder (still holding the back of his head).
Zack Ryder wins a 10 Man Battle Royal to become the new Number One Contender for the ECW Championship.
Burchill is tossed by Shelton Benjamin. After about 5 minutes of nothing of any interest happening, Kozlov and Jackson stare each other down.
Reks was eliminated during the break. Jackson eliminates Tatsu. The fans are solidly behind Goldust. Seriously. Sheamus is eliminated by Benjamin, as is Jackson. Sheamus attacks Benjamin, causing him to drop to the floor, eliminating him. Ryder, Goldust, Kozlov, and Dreamer are left. Goldust accidentally eliminates himself while going after Ryder, who pulled the ropes down on him. The same thing happens to Kozlov when he goes after Dreamer, who is dumped over the top rope by the winner, Zack Ryder!
Ryder’s getting a title shot. Woo Woo Woo, you know it!
Break out the Harry Slash and the Slashtones, because this ECW on SciFi review… is… EXTREME!
Ok, maybe not, but it is in real-time, so don’t forget to refresh the page every so often if you’re visiting between 10PM and 11PM Eastern on June 23, 2009!
ECW theme plays: Look, new ECW. I just brought up the original ECW, how can I not question your heart?
Five nights away from The Bash, where Mark Henry, Jack Swagger, Christian, Finlay, and ECW Champion Tommy Dreamer will attempt to walk out as champion in a Scramble match!
But tonight, Evan Bourne is here with taped up ribs due to injuries suffered at the hands of The World’s Strongest Man, Mark Henry. Bourne’s opponent is The Hart Dynasty’s Tyson Kidd.
Evan Bourne def. Tyson Kidd
Matt Striker assumes that if he presses Triangle and L1, Kidd or Bourne will do something exciting, since they’re almost like video game characters with their high flying offense. David Hart Smith and Natalya hopped up on the apron at the same time, earning themselves an ejection from the referee. Bourne knocks Kidd out of the ring and hits a high-flying maneuver to the outside, earning himself a classic “ECW” chant! Back in the ring, however, Kidd goes after the injured ribs of Bourne. Kidd stretches Bourne as only a Hart Dungeon graduate can do, but Bourne reverses a back suplex attempt into a pin attempt for one. Kidd doesn’t let this minor setback impede his progress, he goes right back after Bourne’s ribs, driving his knee into them and then draping Bourne across the top rope. Bourne starts to battle back amid “Let’s Go Evan” chants. Bourne uses a unique rollup to score a two count and starts to build momentum. Bourne hits a hurricanrana and a Tito Santana-esque flying forearm before taking Kidd down with a high knee. He climbs the ropes and launches a picture perfect Shooting Star Press for the victory! Excellent match to kick off ECW!
A lot of people are saying Finlay took cheap shots on Tommy Dreamer and Christian last week – but they don’t mention the shot on Jack Swagger. The show a video of the cheap shots in question – including the cheap shot on Swagger that I mentioned.
Speaking of Finlay, he’s on his way to the ring.
For some ungodly reason, Finlay still has Hornswoggle’s music. I know this because he’s on his way to the ring as I type this. And apparently, he’s got something to say. People want to know what his problem is and why he did what he did to Christian and Dreamer. He tried to break up a fight between the two of them a few weeks back, and nobody called him to apologize – they texted him. What he did last week wasn’t a cheap shot, it was an eye for an eye, and this Sunday at The Bash…
Oh radio, tell me everything you know…
Zack Ryder tells Finlay to listen up, because Finlay’s overlooking the fact that he’s got a match with the man of ECW, Zack Ryder. Woo Woo Woo, you know it. Whatever that means.
Finlay def. Zack Ryder
The match is underway when we come back, and Finlay is in control. As Matt Striker says, Finlay is looking to make Ryder’s Woo Woo Woo turn backwards into Ow Ow Ow. Finlay attempts to wear down Ryder with submission holds and fierce strikes. Ryder starts to battle back after he and Finlay inadvertantly cracked heads, which seemed to hurt Finlay’s injured eye. Ryder starts to work over the Irishman with submission holds of his own. Mr. Woo Woo Woo goes after the injured eye, wearing Finlay down. Finlay starts to fight back with a barrage of strikes. He hits the Finlay Roll but only gets a two count. Ryder goes after the eye again, and exposes the steel turnbuckle as the referee checks on Finlay, but Finlay manages to catch Ryder with a surprise roll up for the victory!
RAW REBOUND: Randy Orton and Triple H both failed to answer the referee’s ten count, thus allowing Randy Orton to retain the WWE Championship. Donald Trump sold RAW back to Mr. McMahon for twice what he paid for it. Mr. McMahon then told Randy Orton he’s going to wrestle in Three Stages of Hell at The Bash, defending his title once again against Triple H, who assaulted him in the parking lot after the show.
Josh Matthews and Matt Striker run down the card for The Bash.
Striker gets in the ring and has a blackboard illustrating the ECW Championship Scramble match with him. Your teacher teaches us the rules of the match. He then welcomes Gregory Helms, who is standing by backstage with Mark Henry. Henry starts to talk about tonight’s main event, when a large box falls on a production assistant. When Henry turns back around, Helms is gone, and The Hurricane is saving the production assistant! When Henry turns back around again, Helms is there and asks him again how he feels about his match tonight.
Jack Swagger is the first man out for tonight’s main event, followed by his tag team partner for the evening, Mark Henry. The ECW Champion Tommy Dreamer makes his way out first for his team. Christian makes his way out and we’re set for our main event of the evening.
Tommy Dreamer & Christian vs. Mark Henry & Jack Swagger
Christian and Swagger start off with Christian taking early control. He tags in Dreamer who doesn’t fare as well, until Swagger tags in Mark Henry. Dreamer knocks Henry out of the ring and dumps an incoming Swagger out as well. Dreamer hits the rolling senton from the apron on Henry and Christian hits a cross body from the top onto Swagger, and the “ECW” chants start up again as we head to a…
Swagger is pounding away on Christian as we come back, but Christian starts to battle back. Dreamer gets the tag in, and starts dominating. Christian inadvertently causes distracts the referee, however, allowing Mark Henry to sneak in and attack Dreamer from behind, which gives Swagger the opportunity to take over and tag in the World’s Strongest Man. Swagger and Henry make the ghost of Gorilla Monsoon proud by cutting the ring in half and using frequent tags to keep a fresh man in the ring, but Swagger finds himself caught with a Dreamer spinebuster. Swagger gets to Henry first, but Dreamer gets to Christian soon after. Captain Charisma takes Henry down with a missile dropkick from the top rope and gets a two count. Christian goes for a sunset flip on Henry, but Swagger tags himself in. Henry goes to sit on Christian, who moves, but Swagger, the legal man, goes for a Gutwrench Powerbomb, which Christian escapes before hitting the Killswitch. Swagger was close enough to the ropes for Tony Atlas to pull his foot under the rope. Henry squashes Christian on the outside, allowing Swagger to hit the Gutwrench on a second attempt to pick up the win.
After the match, Henry drops Dreamer with a World’s Strongest Slam, and then gives one to Jack Swagger for good measure.
My Thoughts: THE HURRICANE IS BACK! This show is usually awesome enough, but to actually see The Hurricane on my television made it that much better for me.
ECW is consistently one of the best shows every week. There’s a reason for that – the talent. Twice tonight, ECW chants broke out in the crowd. It may not be the original, as I alluded to earlier in this post, but it’s still an extremely (no pun intended) enjoyable professional wrestling program.
Raven, Kennedy, and Striker – OH MY! Let’s get started.
Monday night on RAW, Mr. Kennedy returned to the WWE after being out for a very long period of time with an injury. What followed was not nearly as surprising – he injured himself in his first match back. The fans at the Staples Center seemed to enjoy his presense, but that wasn’t enough for the WWE to keep wasting their time with MISTEEERRRRRRR INJURY PRONE!
Kennedy was back for four days before WWE decided to release him from his contract. Do you think that TNA would take him, or is he now resigned to work as MISTEEEERRRRRRR FRY COOK?
5/30/09 UPDATE: Rumor flying around is that Randy Orton had some kind of discussion backstage with Mr. Kennedy following RAW, that Orton has considerable influence in the company, and these factors may have been what led to Mr. Kennedy’s release.
ECW color commentator Matt Striker is the center of controversy this week as alleged nude photos of the school teacher turned professional wrestler began circulating the internet. Internet Wrestling Community pundits are beginning to wonder if this is the sort of thing that could cost Striker his cushy World Wrestling Entertainment job. In my opinion, if Disney kept that High School Musical girl after her nude pics leaked, WWE will certainly keep Striker.
Buff Bagwell did an interview recently where he said he’d work for WWE for free, and if TNA called him, he’d listen. Does this guy seriously think he’s got a shot at WWE again? He was there for all of a week before they fired his ass the first time around.
AOL and Time Warner are set to dissolve their merger after nearly a decade. Could this mean a new wrestling organization under the direction of Ted Turner is now possible?
WWE has now changed the name of the Unforgiven Pay-Per-View event. It’s going to be called “WWE Breaking Point” and is rumored to be a submission themed pay per view. I kind of like the idea, though there aren’t really a whole heck of a lot of submission wrestlers on the roster that I can think of at the moment, so I can’t imagine what the matches would be.
The highlight of my week actually happened on TNA iMPACT! this past Thursday night as my favorite wrestler returned. During a therapy session, Dr. Stevie put Abyss in a straight jacket, prompting Lauren to come to his rescue. Through the crowd emerged a familiar face – RAVEN! The former NWA and ECW Champion took away Dr. Stevie’s kendo stick – and blasted Abyss with it himself! Raven and Dr. Stevie, the former ECW Tag Team Champions reunited with an embrace in the ring. Welcome back, Raven!
What’s up everybody! Without further ado lets get this show on the road: (more…)
Jack Swagger takes on Finlay in non title action, tonight on ECW! What? I’m half asleep and don’t feel like coming up with anything more clever than that, dammit!
ECW review, after the jump! (more…)
Finlay and Hornswoggle team up to take on Mark Henry and Tony Atlas tonight! What else will happen? I don’t know, let’s tune in to the SciFi network via my DVR and find out!
Full results after the jump! (more…)
Report by: Richard Gray of WrestlingNewsWorld.comDark Match:
* WWE Tag Team Champions Carlito & Primo Colon b. The Miz & John Morrison.
WWE No Mercy: (Live On PPV)
Matt Hardy (c) vs. Mark Henry
Todd Grisham announces that Jerry Lawler is filling in for Matt Striker tonight. No word of Striker’s whereabouts. Mark Henry comes to ringside first. Matt Hardy, with the ECW Championship around his waist, comes out next. Tony Chimmel gives the formal in-ring introductions as Tony Atlas hops out of the ring. Lots of heat on Henry, lively crowd tonight in Portland. Loud Hardy chants before the bell rings. The referee calls for the bell and we’re underway. They lockup and try to gain position. Hardy applies a side headlock but Henry powers out, again Hardy applies the hold, but Henry sends him to the mat with a shoulder block off the ropes. Henry is in control off the counter. Henry drives his knee to the midsection of Hardy in the ropes, the referee tries to get Henry to back down. Hardy counters with kicks to the left leg of Henry. Mark Henry counters with a clothesline.
Henry kicks Hardy in the face. He follows with a headbutt. Henry picks Hardy up, tries to slam his head off a turnbuckle but Hardy counters. Hardy uses kicks and right hands but ends up getting hit by by a clothesline and sent back to the mat. Hardy starts another counter, working the left leg of the former ECW Champion. Hardy takes the fight to the outside. Henry ends up throwing him down. Henry rolls back in the ring but Hardy works his leg from the outside. Back in the ring, Henry is in control with a right boot to the face of Matt Hardy. Henry is selling his left leg as he gets a two count on the Champion. Henry goes off the ropes onto Matt Hardy. He drags him to the middle of the ring for another near fall. Henry applies a vice grip submission on Hardy’s head. Matt Hardy finally counters out. Henry throws him off the ropes in a counter and ends up picking him up in a bear hug. Hardy battles out but Henry locks the hold back in. Crowd gets even more behind Hardy. Henry finally drops Hardy as he tries to catch him in a roll-up. Hardy moves as Henry goes down for a squash. Hardy fights back with rights and lefts. Henry slams Hardy into the turnbuckles but Hardy gets his feet up. Hardy delivers elbows off the second rope. Side effect from Hardy onto Henry. Near fall for Matt Hardy. The ECW Champion goes for Twist of Fate but Henry counters out.
Mark Henry delivers a huge splash on Hardy as he gets a two count off a late cover. Out of nowhere Matt Hardy hits the Twist of Fate followed by the three count to retain the ECW Championship.
Winner & still ECW Champion – Matt Hardy
Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Candice Michelle
WWE Women’s Championship Match
The following match is for the WWE Women’s Championship. Beth Phoenix, the champion, is out first with Santino Marella. Candice Michelle comes out in pink and white. The bell rings and we’re underway. No formal in-ring introductions. Candice takes Beth down for a quick one count. Candice sends Beth face-first on the mat. She applies a bridge and a one count followed by a drop kick. Spinning heel kick from Candice to the head of Beth. Candice works The Glamazon over but Beth lifts Candice up and bounces her off the turnbuckles. Candice uses CM Punk style kicks to the legs of Beth. Phoenix sends Candice shoulder-first through the turnbuckles into the steel ring post in the ring. Beth gets a two count then locks a submission hold on the shoulder of Candice. Candice stands up with the hold still applied and tries to counter out. Beth trips her, sending her down to the mat. Candice finally counters and gets another quick cover. Jaw breaker from Candice followed by some clotheslines and a drop kick. Candice stalks Beth, she gets up and lands a spinning heel kick to the champion followed by a two count.
Beth counters a Russian leg sweep and goes to the top rope. Candice is down in the ring but gets up and shakes the top rope, Beth is hung out the dry. Candice lands a drop kick to the back of Beth’s head. She gets a cover but Santino pulls Beth out of the ring. Candice ends up kicks Santino through the ropes. Beth gets Candice to the outside, levels her, and puts her back in the ring. Santino nearly costs Beth the victory by getting his arm caught in the ropes. Beth is able to hold on as she hit her finisher and got the three count on Candice to retain.
Winner & still WWE Women’s Champion – Beth Phoenix
Rey Mysterio vs. Kane
There may have been some blood on the canvas as the ring crew just changed the mat. Mysterio comes out in blue and yellow and gives a little kid in the crowd his top mask. Cue footage from Raw 2 weeks ago leading up to this match. Michael Cole explains the significance of Rey’s mask tonight. The bell rings and Rey goes at Kane. He pushes him back effortlessly. Rey uses kicks and quick rights to try and gain control. Mysterio springboards off the ropes and lands a kick. Rey ends up eating a boot from Kane off the ropes. Mysterio goes to the outside to re-group. Kane chases him around as Rey gets back in. Mysterio goes back on the attack when Kane gets in the ring. Kane tosses Rey over the top, he lands on the apron. Drop kick from Rey into the spine of Kane. Mysterio goes for 619 but runs right into a clothesline. Rey kicks Kane in the head. He goes off the middle rope and goes for a hurricanrana. Mysterio ends up flipping Kane to the outside. Mysterio dives over the top rope, Kane catches him on the outside. Mysterio counters with a sleeper on Kane on the outside. Kane dumps Mysterio over the crowd control barricade. Kane picks Mysterio off the barricade. Kane slams him into the steel ring post on the outside. At 6, Kane rolls Mysterio back in the ring and gets back in as well. Kane picks Mysterio up for a scoop slam followed by boots.
Rey screams in pain as Kane continues his assault. Kane starts ripping at the mask of Mysterio on the mat. Kane breaks and delivers a boot to Mysterio. Rey goes for the cover, he gets a two count. Hard right hands from Kane to the face of Mysterio on his knees. Kane picks Mysterio up for a backbreaker, he connects. Kane leaves Mysterio across his knee as the referee continues to check for submission or knockout. Mysterio battles out with rights to the head of Kane. Kane counters but ends up eating a Mysterio boot off the ropes. Rey pulls off a DDT type counter. Kane goes right back to the offensive with stiff right hands. He sets Mysterio up on the top turnbuckle. Kane starts trying to ripe the mask off of Mysterio. Mysterio backs Kane down and lands a huge moonsault. The referee starts the double count out. Mysterio goes to work on Kane and chops him down with a huge kick to the face. Mysterio off the top into a leg drop. He gets a near fall on the Big Red Machine. Mysterio runs right into a side slam by Kane. Kane gets a two count. Kane awaits the chokeslam on Rey, he counters with a springboard off the ropes into a DDT.
Mysterio goes off the top rope into a splash into a two count on Kane. Mysterio climbs to the top rope but is caught by a right hand to the jaw. Kane gets a 2 1/2 count. Kane whips Mysterio into the ropes, Rey gets out of the way. Mysterio hits 619 to the back of Kane’s leg. Kane, on the outside, is hit by a baseball slide on Mysterio. Mysterio goes off the top rope for a dive onto Kane on the outside into a chair shot.
No contest as Kane is disqualified
Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler tease that the Number One Contender’s match is up next as they are cut off by MVP’s music. MVP comes to ringside. MVP says that he needs everyone’s attention because he has a very important segment to make. He says that if you’re the Cleveland Cavs you don’t sit LeBron James or bench Manny if you’re in Los Angles. He trashes Vickie Guerrero for not having him on the card. He says that this is the last time that this is going to happen as the entire WWE Universe revolves around him. Randy Orton’s music interrupts as he comes out in the new Orton shirt and jeans.
Orton grabs and mic and says that he doesn’t believe that they’ve met. He tells MVP that what he’s claiming to be – he is. Orton asks MVP if he’s ever taken a minute to figure out why this happens to him every month. MVP says that Orton is wrong, he knows who he is, but doesn’t recognize him without his shoulder sling and MRI scan in a folder. MVP says this happens because Vickie Guerrero is incompetent. Orton brings up WrestleMania and says that he won the main event while MVP lost. MVP says he’s not on Raw and he doesn’t work for Mike Adamle so there are no repercussions for knocking him out right now and from what he understands the entire Raw locker room would love him for doing it. Team Priceless and Manu come to ringside.
Cody Rhodes asks MVP if he’s really letting what Randy said offend him. He says after all… that’s what he does. Rhodes tells Orton that they’ve figured him out. Rhodes is drawing a lot of heat. Rhodes says Orton is that guy that graduated high school but never got into college. Rhodes tells MVP to let him coast on his reputation because that’s all he’s got. Orton tells Rhodes to ask CM Punk if he’s coasting on his reputation. Manu says that they did the damage and all he did was pick up his scraps. Orton says that he can tell that they are trying real hard to impress him but if they accomplish just half of what he has accomplished that he’ll begin to take them a little more seriously. Orton leaves the ring as MVP says, there he goes ladies and gentlemen, and says Orton is coming soon sometime in the year 2012. MVP puts Priceless and Manu over.
DiBiase interrupts and says he doesn’t know who MVP’s father was but he wasn’t one of the best wrestlers of all-time. DiBiase tells MVP that he isn’t in their class. MVP says he’s the highest sports entertainer ever. DiBiase says that his father is the Million Dollar Man and he’s never worried about money. DiBiase tells MVP to get out of the ring. CM Punk comes out with Kofi Kingston. CM Punk talks to MVP about attacking Priceless and Manu at the top of the ramp. MVP takes his shirts off, as does Kingston. They lead MVP right into the ring to take a beating from Priceless and Manu as Punk and Kingston look on and laugh. Kofi and Punk finally get in the ring and take out Priceless as MVP fights with Manu on the outside.
Batista vs. JBL
World Heavyweight Championship No. 1 Contender Match
The following match is for the number one contendership for the World Championship. JBL does his usual entrance in the limousine. The crowd erupts when Batista’s music plays. Here comes The Animal to ringside. The pyros explode as he makes his way down to the ring. The bell rings and we’re underway. Batista backs JBL down but JBL battles out. Batista throws rights of his own and follows with a big clothesline. Batista bangs JBL’s head off one of the turnbuckles. Batista goes off the ropes and kicks JBL in the face. Batista gets a two count. Batista whips JBL into the corner. Batista ends up hitting the spear on Bradshaw. JBL goes to the outside to re-group. Batista goes after him. He runs him into the apron of the ring. Batista rolls JBL back in the ring. Batista gets knocked off the ring by JBL. JBL works over Batista on the outside and rolls him back in the ring. Bradshaw gets a two count on Batista. Swinging neckbreaker from JBL on Batista followed by an elbow and a two count. JBL applies a side headlock into a sleeper.
Batista gets back to his feet and back body drops JBL to get out of the hold. The referee starts the double count out in the ring. JBL and Batista exchange right hands on their feet in the middle of the ring. Batista hits a clothesline on JBL. He whips JBL into the corner and splashes him with his body weight. JBL buries his head in the midsection of Batista. He whips him off the ropes and drives him down into the mat with a huge slam. Batista stalks JBL who is down. Batista went for the spear but JBL blocked. Batista hits a spinebuster and calls for the Batista Bomb. He connects! Three count from Batista on JBL.
Winner & the number one contender for the World Title – Batista
The Undertaker vs. Big Show
Big Show’s music hits as he is the first to ring by himself. The Undertaker comes out with his extravagant ring entrance. Big Show looks focused as he squares off with Undertaker. Charles Robinson calls for the bell as Jim Ross and Tazz are on commentary. Big Show sends Undertaker to the outside with a clothesline. Undertaker retaliates on Big Show on the apron. Undertaker counters a Big Show attack but Big Show finally gets control and takes Undertaker off the apron and to the outside. Show throws Undertaker off the security wall. Big Show stands over Undertaker. He picks him up but Taker counters out. Undertaker throws him in the steel ring post. Undertaker clears the count at 6 and goes back to the outside. He works over Big Show who is now laying in the ring under the ropes. Undertaker delivers his leg drop on Big Show on the apron after several lefts and rights. Undertaker gets back in the ring and splashes Big Show in the corner. Show counters, whipping Undertaker hard in the corner. Undertaker counters but he gets knocked down with a clothesline off the ropes.
Big Show lands several hard right hands to the ribs of Undertaker. He picks Undertaker up for a huge scoop slam. Show drops an elbow on Undertaker and gets a two count. Big Show beats Undertaker into the corner. He hits a leg sweep and gets another two count. Undertaker is on his knees but he counters with stiff left hand shots. Big Show continues a physical assault but Taker counters with rights. Undertaker tries to hook a submission hold on the head of Big Show but he gets out. Big headbutt from Big Show sends Undertaker to the mat. Big Show gets on the middle rope but misses a splash on Undertaker as he gets out of the way. Undertaker lands several rights on Big Show. He works his body upstairs and down. Big Show runs right into a boot from Undertaker. Undertaker goes off the ropes for a high flying clothesline. The crowd is heavily behind Undertaker. He drops the leg on Big Show in the middle of the ring.
Undertaker grabs the hand of Big Show and ‘rope walks’ with him but Big Show counters with an enormous chokeslam. Big Show gets a near fall on Undertaker. Big Show awaits Undertaker getting up. He ends up getting grabbed by the throat, Big Show grabs Taker by the throat. Big Show gets Taker up for a second choke slam but Taker counters with a DDT and a near fall. Big Show is dazed in the ring, Undertaker to his feet. Undertaker lands right hands to the face of Big Show in the corner. Charles Robinson tries to back him out of the corner which agitates Undertaker. He ends up getting his head banged off the steel the turnbuckle which is exposed. Big Show gives Undertaker a big right hand and sends him to the mat. Show delivers the knockout on Undertaker to the back of the head. The referee calls for the bell.
Winner by knockout – Big Show
Triple H (c) vs. Jeff Hardy
WWE Championship Match
Big pop for Jeff Hardy who comes out first. The following match is for the WWE Championship. Triple H, the WWE Champion, comes to the ring next. Justin Roberts gives the formal in-ring introductions. The bell rings as Hardy and Hunter shake hands in the ring. Hunter attacks Jeff Hardy from behind. Hardy stands back up as Triple H smirks at him. They exchange positions, each going for the opening control. Hardy tosses Hunter down with a side headlock but Triple H battles back to his feet. They circle one another and lock-up. Hardy whips Triple H off the ropes but Hunter blocks with a shoulder block. Hip-toss from Triple H but Hardy counters with another side headlock takeover. Triple H battles to his feet out of a side headlock which is applied by Jeff Hardy. Triple H bounces Hardy off the ropes, Hardy counters with a shoulder block. Hardy applies a very basic side headlock on the mat. Triple H counters with a reverse elbow, sending Jeff to the mat. Hunter goes to work on the challenger but Hardy counters with some unique offense. Hardy clothesline Hunter to the outside. Hardy dives with a running clothesline off the apron onto Triple H.
Triple H gets back in the ring but Hardy goes over the top rope back into the ring with a big leg drop. Hardy applies another side headlock in the middle of the ring on the mat. Triple H is on his knees, as is Hardy who still has the side headlock applied. Triple H throws Hardy off the ropes, but he eats a boot from Hardy. Hunter throws Hardy over the ropes but Hardy lands on his feet on the mat. Triple H tries a pedigree, pulling Hardy through the ropes but Jeff counters by throwing Hunter to the outside. Hardy flips to the outside but lands on his back with Triple H getting out of the way. Triple H regroups in the ring as Scott Armstrong starts to count out Hardy. Triple H goes to the outside at 5. He picks Hardy up and rolls him in the ring. He covers him and gets a two count. Triple H hits a big back breaker on Jeff Hardy. Hunter drops an elbow on the lower back of Hardy, then another. And another, but this time Triple H uses the bottom rope. Triple H gets another near fall.
Jeff Hardy retaliates with right hands. Triple H goes off the ropes, and drives Hardy’s face off his knee. Two count from Triple H on Hardy. Triple H drops a knee to the face of Jeff Hardy and gets another two count. Triple H hits Hardy with a stiff right hands. He buries his head into the midsection of Hardy with shoulder blocks. Triple H whips Hardy into a corner but takes a boot. Triple H counters by locking in the standing abdominal stretch on Hardy in the middle of the ring. Triple H grabs the rope to gain an advantage with the standing abdominal stretch. The referee finally sees it and breaks it. Hunter sends Hardy off the ropes and applies the sleeper. Hardy fades to his knees. The crowd gets loud as Hardy comes to his feet. He takes Hunter down with a wrap around clothesline which is almost a lariat. The referee starts the double count out but both men get back to their feet. Spinning heel kick from Hardy. He lands another maneuver and gets a two count on The Game. Hardy whips Triple H into the corner, he flips over the top turnbuckle to the outside. Hardy goes high risk out of the ring onto Hunter on the outside. Both men are down on the outside. Jeff rolls Triple H back in the ring. He goes off the middle rope onto Triple H. He gets a near fall. He goes for Twist of Fate but Triple H lands a clothesline and another two count.
Triple H goes off the middle rope, Hardy counters with a facebuster suplex out of nowhere. Near fall for Hardy as he shows his frustration. Hardy goes off the middle rope but lands into a Hunter counter. Triple H gets yet another near fall. Triple H hits his spinebuster on Jeff Hardy. Hunter sizes Hardy up as he stalks him to his feet. Kick and it’s pedigree time, Hardy counters and sends Triple H into the turnbuckles. Whisper in the Wind from Hardy. Long two count on the Champion. Hardy rips off his shirt and goes to the top rope. Swanton attempt, he misses. Hunter with the kick and another pedigree attempt. Hardy lands twist of fate and goes to the top rope. Hardy hits the Swanton and Triple H reverses the pin to steal the three count.
Winner & still WWE Champion – Triple H
Chris Jericho (c) vs. Shawn Michaels
World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match
The following match is a ladder match for the World Heavyweight Championship. The champion, Chris Jericho, comes out to the ring first alone. The title is hanging above the ring, as Jericho walks under a ladder to get to the ring. There are more ladders at ringside. Shawn Michaels is out next with his left triceps taped up. Michaels has his pose down in the ring before ripping his cut off shirt off. Jericho stares at him with his perfect heel smirk. Lilian Garcia does the formal in-ring introductions.
Michaels and Jericho stare at one another as Shawn looks as the World Title hanging above them. The bell rings and we’re underway. They lock-up to start the match. A couple of standing switches as both battle for opening control. Shawn goes off the ropes and sends Jericho to the mat. Jericho, quickly back to his feet, dodges a very early Sweet Chin Music attempt. Michaels chops away at Jericho’s chest. Jericho clotheslines Michaels to the apron. He goes off the middle rope and sends Shawn to the outside. Jericho bounces Michaels’ head off the apron on the outside. Michaels counters off one of the ladders setup on the outside. Jericho counters again, throwing Michaels into the steel ring post. Jericho picks the ladder on the outside up but is caught in a drop toe hold by Michaels. Jericho falls face first into the ladder he’s holding. Michaels comes over with a ladder as Jericho counters and locks in the Walls of Jericho at the bottom of the ramp. Jericho gets in the ring and pulls a ladder with him. Shawn grabs the ladder, sending it right up under the chin of Jericho. Michaels rolls under the ropes and back into the ring. Michaels sets up a ladder in the ring with Jericho down.
Shawn climbs up the ladder, Jericho takes him off. Jericho sends Shawn into the ladder but Shawn lands on his feet. Jericho knocks the ladder over, sending Shawn to the mat. Jericho uses the ladder as a weapon, delivering hard shots on Michaels. Jericho is bleeding badly from his mouth. Jericho puts another ladder in the ring. Michaels counters a running bull dog and sends Jericho into one of the ladders. Shawn works the left knee of Chris Jericho. Michaels sets a ladder up on the bottom rope in one of the corners. He continues to work the knee of Jericho. Michaels locks in the Figure Four leglock. Jericho kicks the ladder, hitting Jericho in the head. Jericho sets the ladder back on the bottom rope. Jericho bounces Michaels’ head off the ladder on the bottom rope. Jericho picks the ladder up and slams it down in the middle of the ring. Jericho sends Michaels face first into the ladder. He pulls out the ladder and puts Michaels in between it. Jericho closes the ladder with Michaels in the middle.
Jericho sets the ladder up and climbs it. He grabs the belt but Michaels is able to knock him off. Jericho lands on his feet which enables him to take another shot on Michaels. Jericho sets the ladder up on the top rope. Shawn is selling distorted vision but connects a maneuver on Jericho, sending him to the outside. The crowd is roaring for Jericho to set a ladder up but he throws it on Jericho on the outside. Michaels goes to the outside. Michaels sets one adder up on the outside while taking another and repeatedly hitting Jericho with it. Michaels rips the top off the SmackDown announce table. He moves the monitors out and clears the table off. JR and Tazz wisely get out of the way. Michaels climbs one of the ladders set up in front of the table. Jericho catches him and climbs up the ladder with him. They spill off at the same time, both crashing through the SmackDown announce table. Both men are down, through the SmackDown announce table after a nasty spill off a ladder on the outside. Michaels is the first to stir. Jericho gets to his feet. Michaels rolls in the ring. Michaels climbs to the top rope with a ladder in front of him. Jericho hits the ladder with a drop kick.
Shawn’s on the top rope, Jericho on the other side, a ladder in between. Michaels ends up pushing the ladder over on Jericho. Michaels is still on the top rope. He goes off with his elbow but it looks like he may have taken just as much impact as he gave Jericho. Michaels is dazed as he tunes up the band for Sweet Chin Music. Jericho hits Michaels with a ladder shot to block HBK’s finisher. Jericho delivers another ladder shot to Michaels. He sits the ladder on top of him, hits his Lion Sault off the ropes. Jericho sets up a ladder in the ring, pinning Michaels under it. Jericho starts to climb but Shawn grabs at him. Jericho gets away and gets to the top. Michaels spills him to the outside but Jericho landed on his feet. Jericho grabs at his knee in a tremendous amount of pain. The referee checks on Jericho who could have been legitimately hurt. Michaels climbs the ladder as Jericho crawls on the outside. Michaels is at the top but Jericho gets in to make the save. Michaels is tied up in the ropes. Jericho tries to climb but he can barely put weight on his knee. He hobbles to the top, Michaels follows up the other side. They battle it out on top of the ladder. Jericho is upside down. Lance Cade comes out, Michaels goes off the ladder on him. Cade eats Sweet Chin Music as Jericho is at the top of the ladder. Jericho has the belt as Michael races up to the top. They are both tugging away at the belt at the top. Finally Jericho knocks Michaels off and grabs the belt, falling down to the mat. Jericho never did put weight on his knee.
Winner & still World Heavyweight Champion – Chris Jericho