Tag Archive: Pay Per View

  1. WWE RAW 7/22/13

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    Hopefully we can finally get RAW to keep the momentum going.  Last week’s show was called by some people I know the best one of the year.  I don’t know necessarily that I agree with that, but the crowd was hot and it definitely helped ease the anger of a lackluster Pay Per View the night before.  Let’s roll!

    I watch 30 minutes of RAW, leave for work, and then watch the rest while writing RAW in whatever style I feel like.  Because this is the “A” show.  SmackDown can have their little make believe stuff, they need it since they’re the “B” show.  It’s all half assed matches and RAW recaps over there anyway.  Screw you, SmackDown review!


  2. WWE RAW May 20, 2013

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    Oh shit.  Am I doing this again?  It’s I, ThinkSoJoE, filling in for RYTMAN while he takes care of some family issues, and on behalf of all of us at BoredWrestlingFan, I wish him and his family well.  But after the last two weeks of RAW, I’m not exactly thrilled with actually having to watch the show.  Especially since I saw the first 30 minutes and it’s already made me decide to not order WWE Payback.  Screw it, let’s go.

    I watch 30 minutes of RAW, leave for work, avoid spoilers like (and from) the plague, and then watch the entire show when I get here.  That’s how ThinkSoJoE’s RAW reviews work.  Also, I play by my own rules.  Screw you, SmackDown review!


  3. A Ruff Look at SHIMMER Vol. 53

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    This is a really big moment for SHIMMER. They have had their model of how they did business for a long time. For a lot of the fans who can’t afford trips to Illinois or New York but can afford the $15 for an Internet Pay Per View, this is a really special thing for us to be able to witness live.

    1. Mia Yim vs. Amazing Kong

    It was great to see both back, as I haven’t seen either recently. This was big girl-little girl match. You had Kong destroy and Mia sell. I had computer issues during this match itself. Something with needing to use a laptop made in this decade. So I didn’t quite get the look at this match I wanted to. I missed the finisher.

    Winner: Kong

    Interview with Serena-There was a run-in by Jessicka freakin’ Havok. My wife walked in and said, “That sounded like an orgasm.” I did NOT see that coming. Do you know what the possibilities are here? Jessicka is probably the best wrestler in the world not in SHIMMER. I tried explaining to my wife that this was the equivalent of AJ Styles showing up on Raw.

    2. Cherry Bomb & Kimber Lee vs. Veda Scott & Shazza McKenzie

    This match surprised me. This was my first time to see Kimber as a heel. Cherry/Kimber did a great job of wrestling a heel style. Veda/Shazza were great as a tag team. They have a natural chemistry you can’t teach. I was kind of disappointed in the length this match was here. I’d love to have seen more development in a story.

    Winner:  Shazza & Veda

    3. Rhia O’Reilly vs. Evie vs. Kalamity vs. Christina Von Eerie vs. Yuu Yamagata

    This match alone is worth the purchase. It was a GREAT debut for Evie. She had some great kicks. Kalamity is great for what she does, just that little spitfire full of fight. And Von Eerie was sporting long, not-mohawked hair. Plus, she is so crisp and refined in the ring. If you’ve never seen any of these 5, this match would be a great sampler for any of their work.

    Winner: Von Eerie

    4. Mercedes Martinez vs. Ayumi Kurihara

    Some good emotion for this match as it was Kurihara’s last match in the US (if I am correct). Mercedes did quite the beatdown on Kurihara. The crowd reaction made this match worth it. The story was that the two were so even. A well-received “That was awesome” chant.

    Winner: Mercedes

    A great show of class by the fans chanting “Arigato” after the match.

    5. Jessicka Havok, Sassy Stephanie & Nevaeh w/ M. Rochelle vs. Regeneration X & Serena Deeb w/ Daffney

    Regeneration dressed as Jay and Silent Bob. Nice. Serena looked great, did a lot of bumping. When the crowd became a little quiet, Alison got them back with one move. They are teasing a Serena-Havok feud. There was a Havok chokeslam that was the best one I’ve seen since WCW’s The Giant.

    Winner: Re-X & Deeb

    Jessicka continued an EPIC beatdown. Now THAT is how you start a feud!

    6. Jessie McKay vs. Madison Eagles

    Forgive me as I swoon over McKay. The beginning was very nice, as it showed how alike these two were. This match was a feat of athleticism. This match was really what SHIMMER does best: two athletic women having a physical contest. This match is a definite recommend.

    Winner: Eagles

    7. Made in Syn vs. Kellie Skater & Tomoko Nakagawa vs. LuFisto & Kana vs. Canadian Ninjas

    Made in Syn is just too much prettiness for one team to contain. Skater & Nakagawa are awesomeness as a tag team. I would like to never step into a ring with LuFisto or Kana. And the Canadian Ninjas are greatness. The Nakagawa-Kana stuff was great. Made in Syn did some Dusty Rhodes clubberin’. Allysin took a lot of lumps and I hope people are noticing she is earning her place. LuFisto took a really bad moonsault. How she is still alive I’m not sure. Made in Syn were first eliminated followed by LuKana. The Canadian Ninjas won by spitting the water in Skater’s face for once.

    Winner: Ninjas

    8. Athena vs. Ayako Hamada

    It is so surreal to see the wrestler at my local indy who got started around where I started watching wrestling to be taking on a Japanese legend. This began with some GREAT mat wrestling. Athena got some insane kicks from Hamada. Holy crap. THIS was a match. I’m pretty sure this is going to be the best match I’m watching this weekend. If you watch no other match this weekend, watch this match.

    Winner: Athena

    With the exception of the 4-way ladder match from AIW, this is my choice for Match of the Year.

    9. Cheerleader Melissa vs. Saraya Knight

    Saraya’s entrance is one of the best in wrestling. There is no more convincing heel. The crowd was madly in love with this match, which the crowd was kind of hit-or-miss. The match was really good, but it had the misfortune of being after Athena-Hamada. The ending was an incredible huracanrana that saw Cheerleader Melissa get the pin.

    Winner (and new champion): Cheerleader Melissa

    All in all… It will be interesting to see how this plays out on DVD. First of all, Athena-Hamada was the match of the afternoon and perhaps the Match of the Year. Melissa-Knight was a great emotional story. If you are wanting to know how to be a heel, study Saraya Knight. The 4-way tag match was really fun and really good story-telling. The Aussie battle was like watching some athletic spectacle. The 6-woman match was great for the history of Havok being in the SHIMMER ring and for Re-X as Jay and Silent Bob. Each match brought something unique and distinctive. If you find a replay, well worth the watch.

  4. BWF Radio Episode 59: Royal Rumble Roundtable

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    Don’t bother me, I’m dancin!

    It’s a BWF Radio of Royal Rumble sized proportions!  Joe, Jorge, JT, G, Hornsby of BotchedSpot, Brian Muller of Buffalo’s Scarlet Embrace, and Brian DeVille and Frankie Feathers of Empire State Wrestling battle to get a word in edgewise as the 8 men give their thoughts and predictions for the WWE’s annual Royal Rumble  Pay Per View event.  Plus, all the wrestling news of the week, including Chris Jericho’s desired new wrestling name, The Rock’s “Teddy Bear,” an update on Superstar Billy Graham’s health, and much, much more.  Tune in for this supersized edition of BWF Radio!

    BWF Radio Episode 59 (MP3, 2:29:56)

  5. BWF Radio Episode 19

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    This week, ThinkSoJoE, G, and JT discuss RAW, SmackDown and Impact.  They discuss the slight rise and sudden downfall of TNA Wrestling, how ridiculous it is that Eric Bischoff isn’t allowed to use his own name, and the lack of a draw for TNA’s latest Pay Per View.  Worked shoots are all the rage this week – Mick Foley and Dean Ambrose’s war of words on twitter, and Steve Austin cooling the talk of possibly stepping back in the ring with CM Punk.  The talk turns to popular Canadian bands, and a slight discussion on whether Tupac Shakur is actually dead or not.  It’s one of the most random wrestling shows on the ‘net, aside from NXT (also a topic of discussion), so click the link below and tune in!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 19

    The Funkasaurus and his little brother… umm… Funkaswoggle?

  6. pintnoir Impact wrestling review 2-16-12 The Aftermath of AAO

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    We start the show with a replay of the pay per view where we watch Bobby Roode retain the World Title after infuriating Sting by spitting on him. This causes a hoopla the results in Sting swinging and missing Roode and yet hitting Jeff Hardy with the title belt.  And being forced to count the three. Welcome to iMPACT wrestling.

    The Leader of the Selfish Generation comes to the ring to brag about still wearing the strap. He even has the lovely Christe Hemme announce him twice and delusionally hears the crowds jeers and boos and thinks their cheering his name. Roode sounds so much like Boo who could blame him. This is of course followed by Steve with mic in hand. He announces that Roode will have a rematch against Hardy tonight! In a No Time Limit, No Disqualification match. And it starts after the break.

    Roode (c) vs Hardy: Hardy comes out strong taking out his frustrations out on the selfish one. Hardy basically owns Roode for the majority of the match. That is until Hardy goes for a whisper in the wind, which Roode counters with a ref bump into the ropes. Before unceremoniously baseball slides Hardy to the outside. After a momentary breather Roode heads outside to piledrive Hardy on the ramp which is reversed into a back toss. Hardy is getting fired up throws Roode into the ring, takes off his shirt…only to be jumped from behind by Angle. He throws Jeff into the steps before throwing him back into the ring where Roode is waiting with a spear for the three. Still your champion Bobby Roode.

    We next have a somber moment about Jesse Sorenson who was injured at AAO when Zema Ion land knee first on the top of his head. Compacted C1 vertabrae which left him numb from the waist down but four days later he seems to be recovering nicely and hopefully he will soon return to wrestling.

    Speaking of Zema Ion he has a X Division tag team match where the hairsprayed one teams with A Double to take on Alex Shelley and Shannon Moore? The question mark is for Moore who just seems randomly thrown in but more than likely it was supposed to be Sorenson who is injured. This as usual is a exciting match with the similar but conflicting personas of Ion and Aries attempting to co-exist with there massive egos in the ring. Spots where Shannon grabs the hairspray and using it causing Ion to baseball slide kick him in the back from inside the ring was a good show of his heel nature. Eventually Aries gets ready to put away Shelley but is unknowingly tagged from behind by Ion who sneaks in and rolls up Shelley for the win.

    Yeah Gail Kim and Madison Rayne are coming to the ring next for what should be entertainment. (sigh) But what we get is them sitting ringside as a Knockouts Over the top Battle Royal takes place. We have TNT, The sitas, Mickie, Winter Love, ODB and Favorite Velvet Sky.  I have to state right now that I stopped reading spoilers on Impact a couple of months ago so here I was hoping for Sarita against all hope. Well after an exhausting nail biter we have Sarita standing against..Velvet?! No words for this. Velvet tricks Sarita like Wyle E. Coyote by allowing her to charge at her before dropping down causing her to fly out of the ring. (huh) Velvet does a quick celebration before Madison charges in and dumps her over. Come to find out that Madison announced before the match while standing in the ring that everyone in this ring is wrestling for the #1 contendership. Even with Vince Russo officially gone from TNA we still get a swerve. Gail who is in shock screams at Madison who points at her signifying her crown. Thank you TNA for giving me hope before dashing it.

    When overated is beaten by

    Magnus and Joe comment on being Champions before the rematch is announced for next week. A Garett adn Gunner segment is played meaning the return  of Eric B. triumphant. I’ll pass. But for some reason we see Chelsea, former vale for Desmond Wolfe accompany them.

    Oh and a promo interview with soem dude sporting his 60 minutes (his words) style MMA show. Which by the way should have us all excited.

    Eric Young is ready to redeem himself for not calling or acknowledging ODB on Valentines Day. Yeah, more filler to pad the show.But don’t worry they eventually make up after he sings her an Ode to ODB, I really wish we could have some purpose other than comedy for ODB and EY.


    Main Event: James Storm vs Bully Ray- #1 contenders match.

    We have two wonderful contenders in a predictable match. We all know the endgame for Roode, which is his partner James Storm. But this is a nice distraction. Ray really goes all old school heel getting the heat he needs to push the crowd in Storm’s favor. Stripping The Cowbow down to his bare leg goes to work on the leg. Storm who is taking a beating is finally allowed some offense when Ray brags to much take a shot in the mouth. Before you know it Storm hits the Last Call for the three and his chance at Roode. At ringside sits Brandon Jacobs of the NY Giants, Storm calls him out to celebrate. before you know it Ray comes in and belts Storm from behind. Bullying Jacobs before spitting beer in his face. This sets off Jacobs who shoves Ray leading the to the always slow D’lo, Simon D, and Al snow who dart to pull Jacobs off Ray.

    Backstage Captain Obvious (Wonder Years) interviews Storm and jacobs basically detailing the entire scenario over again after just seeing the events. Jacobs who’s first lines are incoherent seems to play along. Next Steve comes out to announce when Roode will face Storm.

    Calling out Roode he tells him he has no where to run because Storm will face him in Nashville, TN at Lockdown.  Roode quietly and suddenly kicks STing in the balls. Then knees him in them for good measure before blasting him with the belt

  7. Dear WWE (or, “Why New York City can go fuck itself”)


    Dear WWE,

    Thank you for finally bringing WrestleMania back to the Northeast.  It’s been 9 long years.  I appreciate the fact that I can actually realistically hope to go to WrestleMania next year without spending too much on traveling to the host city.  That said, however, I’m a little bit baffled at your choice of stadium.  We’re all impressed with the new state-of-the-art Met Life Stadium in East Rutherford, NJ, which is of course home to the New York Jets, and Super Bowl Champion New York Giants, but perhaps that level of impressiveness has proven to be deceitful.  You see, for years I had assumed that Buffalo would never get a WrestleMania for the sheer fact that we have an outdoor stadium in a place where, even on April 7th, the weather isn’t all that great.  Apparently, I was mistaken.

    I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that New York State is more than just that little island there right off the coast of New Jersey.  I can see how you would get confused, however, since our own state capital, Albany, apparently doesn’t know that either. My complaint isn’t that you’re bringing WrestleMania back home to the New York City area, it’s that you’re doing it in an outdoor venue in a cold-weather climate, and that I’m sure Buffalo wasn’t even a consideration.  You guys are here twice a year, let’s face it, you know just as well as we do that Buffalo’s economy could certainly use the $62 Million boost more than New York City and East Rutherford.

    We’ve got passionate wrestling fans here.  We sell out every Pay Per View you bring our way.  And we do big events right.  Just ask the Pittsburgh Penguins, who were here as part of the NHL’s first ever Winter Classic.  If you are unfamiliar with the NHL, that’s the National Hockey League.  You know, the sport The Goon played.  I know you just did a huge press conference for WrestleMania XXIX in Jersey, and they can have it, that’s fine, but if it goes off without a hitch, I highly ask that you please consider bringing WrestleMania to Buffalo.  We could use the economic boost much more than the cities you’ve been bringing WrestleMania to lately, and our fans would make sure you didn’t regret the decision for a moment.



  8. BWF Radio Episode 6

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    The BWF Radio crew are back for the new year with episode 6 of the show.  This week we talk Daniel Bryan, Zack Ryder, the return of Chris Jericho, the reasons why there is so much underutilizd talent in WWE, and we predict TNA’s Genesis Pay Per View.  Right click & save the link below to listen!
