Tag Archive: Shuffle

  1. Random Randomness


    What’s up dudes and dudettes! Happy Labor Day to everyone fortunate enough to have a 3 day weekend or just tomorrow off for the holiday, but you know the world still turns and things happen so lets get this show on the road so I can go do things too:


  2. 2010 WWE Supplemental Draft Coverage

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    Due to the length of today’s post, I have edited it to better suit the front page.  The draft picks will be listed here by brand at the top of the post, and the in-depth analysis will be found after the jump.  This is done in Real-Time, so click your browser’s refresh button every 10 minutes or so for the latest picks!


    The Great Khali & Ranjin Singh
    Ezekiel Jackson
    The Hart Dynasty


    Chavo Guerrero
    Cody Rhodes
    Chris Masters
    Rosa Mendes
    Montel Vontavious Porter

    Full analysis of the 2010 supplemental draft picks, after the jump!


  3. WWE Superstars

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    Hey everybody.  I’m back with another invigorating review (and by review I mean my rants about how these guys should be used instead of how they are being used) of WWE Superstars.  Let’s get this thing started shall we? 

    Kofi Kingston def. Chavo Guerrero

    This match is for two guys who can’t get on TV anymore.  Somehow, Kofi got lost in the RAW shuffle and is not even in the Money in the Bank Match at Wrestlemania.  How does this kind of oversight happen?  One minute the guy is on fire in a very hot feud with Randy Orton and then the next he is delegated to random matches against Chavo Guerrero on Superstars without even a hint he will be on the biggest show of the year.  Is it just me or does Kofi seem like another Elijah Burke, destined to be in TNA?  Anyways, Kofi wins with the Trouble in Paradise.

    Evan Bourne def. William Regal

    This is the type of match that should get some time.  It’s really hard to explain a comeback from a beatdown in a short period of time.  William Regal dominates this match and then out of nowhere, Bourne hits a knee and the Shooting Star Press for the win.

    Kane def. Mike Knox

    Ok. Kane is in the MITB match at Wrestlemania.  Mike Knox is on his way to the unemployment line.  Who do you think won this?  Kane wins with the Chokeslam.

    Chris Jericho vs Goldust

    This was a highly entertaining match.  Jericho even praised the Bizzare One on his Twitter account after this match was recorded on Tuesday night.  With Goldust being in good shape and still being able to perform on a high level, maybe he can hang around for a little while and do for Drew McIntyre what he did for Sheamus on ECW.  Jericho wins with the Codebreaker.

    That’s it for this week.  Tune in again next week.