TNA Impact Wrestling 7/11/13
Leave a CommentToday for lunch I’m eating leftover pizza! Let’s see what Impact is offering. (more…)
Today for lunch I’m eating leftover pizza! Let’s see what Impact is offering. (more…)
Same as before; tired, eating lunch, yadda yadda. Reading out the reviews on the air makes me realise how much unnecessary stuff I put in them. Still leranin folks, bear with me.
Today on BWF Radio, Jorge returns! Joe, G, and JT discuss the current state of “The Simpsons: Tapped Out” on their mobile devices, and try to come up with good ideas for the WWE2K14 cover art contest. We mourn the passing of the late, great Matt Borne, a former BWF Radio guest in his own right. We recap RAW, muse over Main Event, invoke Impact, and speak on SmackDown. Speculation starts as to why Matt Striker was unable to do the interview with us this past week. We get the latest on Taz’s contract situation, find out about Jack Swagger’s fines, and learn who has been the mastermind behind signing top indy stars to WWE. We learn that there is a book coming out that will have some interesting stories about John Cena – and no, it’s not written by his ex-wife. Speaking of wives, find out which two WWE Superstars were married this past week. All this, and the NHL Draft, on BoredWrestlingFan Radio!
BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 80 (MP3, 2:06:31)
Our break song this week was “The River Rise” by Mark Lanegan. Buy it here!
And away we go! (more…)
sorry guys i had family issues heres the show sorry its so late….
The show starts out with highlights of last week’s show focusing on the sagas going on with Bischoff and Foley and the Orlando Screwjob last week.
After the Impact intro Taz reveals that there will be an 8-Card Stud Tournament at Against All Odds for someone to earn a shot at the TNA World Title and the qualifying matches stat tonight. Hulk Hogan’s music hits and the Hulkster makes his way out to the ring accompanied by Eric Bischoff. Hogan calls Foley out the ring, I thought he was fired? Foley makes his way out with Bischoff looking none too happy. Hogan says things are going good in TNA right now but he wants to nip a lot of things in the bud. He says they are going to work things out between Foley and Bischoff right here and now, but Bischoff butts in and says that he fired Foley last week after he attacked him. Hogan says that a lot of buttons have been pushed so far while they’ve been in TNA and he’s never had a chance to work with Foley, but he sees a lot of good things for TNA in Foley. He sees that they can turn Foley into asset but Bischoff says he laid his hands on him last week. Foley says that last week he wanted to put his hands on Bischoff and he WISHES that he did, but with that tiny little laceration on his head that it’s obvious to everyone that Foley didn’t touch Bischoff. Bischoff says everyone saw him covered in blood last week and asks Foley if he expects anyone to believe him. Foley says they’ll believe it because if he had attacked Bischoff they would have carried him out. Hogan says he’s not saying he doesn’t believe Bischoff but they need to make sense of this situation. He tells Foley to either work it out or walk out.
In the back Bubba the Love Sponge and Jeff Jarrett arrive backstage and Bubba tells Jarrett not to do him wrong because he “cashed in” his “friendship card” to setup this meeting with Jeff and Hogan tonight.
We cut to Christy Hemme and Mr. Anderson in the back. Before she can really say anything Anderson cuts her off after she introduces him as Ken Anderson. He says she needs to get it right, it’s Mr. Anderson. Anderson takes the microphone from her and says he has to do everything for himself. He says he doesn’t have a match tonight so it looks like he’ll have to book himself. Anderson issues an open challenge to anyone in the back and he doesn’t care if it’s Sting, Beer Money, the Guns, Samoa Joe, the cameraman, or Christy herself. Anderson says he’s praying that it’s Abyss and pleads to Abyss to accept his challenge. He says it doesn’t matter who accepts the challenge because the only name that will matter is….MR. ANDERSON! He started to walk off and when Christy said something he came back and screamed his last name in her face again, priceless.
At ringside Taz and Tenay discuss the 8-Card Stud Tournament. Tonight the qualifying matches begin and the matches are as follows: Wolfe vs. Morley and Daniels vs. Hernandez. They say that the results of this tournament will lead to a ranking (Top 10) system for the Heavyweight Championship going forward.
8-Card Stud Tournament Qualifying Match
Desmond Wolfe w/Chelsea vs. Sean Morley
Taz reveals that Desmond Wolfe told him that his valet’s name is Chelsea. You know I just remembered that Morley promised a few months ago that he would be coming back to CMLL soon (after he canceled his planned tour) and it doesn’t look like that will be happening anytime soon. That can’t do TNA and CMLL’s relationship any favors. Wolfe and Morley lockup and Morley locks in a wristlock right off the bat. Morley wrenches in on the arm with a hammerlock but Wolfe reverses the hold and Morley immediately grabs the ropes. Wolfe releases the hold but then he kicks the top rope (the arm was draped over the rope) and immediately hits a cross chop on Morley in the corner. Wolfe chokes Morley with his boot and then argues with the referee as he tries to get Wolfe to stop choking him. This allows Morley to recover and hit a series of clotheslines. Morley follows up with a chop and then he whips Wolfe into the ropes and nails him with a knee to the gut. Morley attempts to whip Wolfe into the ropes again but Wolfe counters into the Hammerlock DDT. Wolfe locks in a knuckle lock and then he places Morley’s hand inside of Wolfe’s own knee and drops back wrenching down on the hand and arm. Morley’s shoulders are down on the mat and it earns Wolfe a nearfall. Wolfe then grabs the leg of Morley and rolls him forward onto his stomach and puts Morley’s other arm (the first arm is still trapped in Wolfe’s leg) around Wolfe’s body and bridges back. He’s pretty much turning Morley inside out (I’m having trouble describing this obviously). Morley is able to free himself and roll backwards to escape the hold. He then grabs Wolfe by the feet but Wolfe kicks him off. Morley comes back with a body shot and then a big right hand. Morley goes for a DDT but Wolfe counters with an arm wringer! Wolfe charges at Morley in the corner now but Morley gets his foot up and then Wolfe goes for a Lariat. Morley ducks it and then hits a big back elbow followed by a clothesline. Morley hits a Neckbreaker but only gets a one count on that one. Morley throws Wolfe into the corner and shoots in for a clothesline, but Wolfe kicks that already weakened arm. Wolfe goes for the Jawbreaker Lariat but Morley counters it into a Half Nelson Slam! Morley climbs to the top for Money Shot but Wolfe crotches him and then hits the Tower of London! 1…2…3 and Wolfe advances to the tournament.
Winner: Desmond Wolfe via pinfall (Tower of London)
In the back Jeff Jarrett walks into Bischoff & Hogan’s office. Bischoff asks Jarrett where his attorney is and Jarrett apologies about all that. He says that Bubba got him to see things different and that he has done certain things in the past few years to break some people’s trust, but he wants to repair everything. Hogan says if this is the ‘old’ Jeff Jarrett that he knew when he first worked with the Jarrett family then he is all for it. Jarrett says if he has to start at the very bottom of the ladder he’ll work his way up. Hogan says they need help right now and Jarrett says he’s ready. Bischoff says he has an idea and says that Anderson just made an open challenge. He says Jarrett wants to get back in the ring and tonight Jeff Jarrett will make his TNA return against Mr. Anderson in the Main Event! Jarrett complains that h hasn’t wrestled in 7 months but Hogan says this is best for TNA. Jarrett says he’ll go get ready and Bischoff tells him good luck. He starts laughing as Jarrett leaves and Hogan says “damn, you’re stiff” and tells him to take it down a notch.
After the break footage is shown from last week’s Orlando Screwjob. As if I really needed to see that again. Tenay says that Angle has been in TNA offices all week but cameras were denied access.
In AJ Styles lockerroom he and Flair are looking at a bunch of custom suits that Flair has gotten AJ. A beautiful woman is standing there with them as AJ says they’re going to be on a 30 day vacation. Styles is flirting with the girl and she tells she has a friend for Ric. Flair says he’s the ‘oldest ride, longest line’ (oh my god that is hilarious) and AJ says some things never change.
8-Card Stud Tournament Qualifying Match
“Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels vs. “Super Mex” Hernandez
Daniels attacks Hernandez as he gets in the ring and puts the boots to the big man. Daniels lights him up with chops and forearms and then he slams Hernandez’s head into the top turnbuckle. Daniels attempts to whip Hernandez into the ropes but he blocks it and puts that massive knee of his into the gut of Daniels. Hernandez grabs Daniels and hits the Delayed Vertical Suplex. Hernandez goes for a clothesline but Daniels ducks it and then goes for a Sunset Flip, but Hernandez blocks it and then picks Daniels up by his throat and hits the Crackerjack! Daniels comes back by raking the eyes of Hernandez and then nailing an Enziguri. 1…2…NO Hernandez kicks out. Daniels puts the boots to Hernandez and then puts a nerve hold on him. Hernandez fights it off with back elbows but Daniels nails a jawbreaker and then an S.T.O. followed by an Asai Moonsault! 1…2…NO Hernandez kicks out! Daniels grabs Hernandez and goes for the Angels Wings but Hernandez counters it with a backdrop. Daniels comes right back with a Running Knee Strike to the back of Hernandez sending him through the ropes and crashing to the floor. Hernandez starts to get back in the ring and Daniels meets him but Hernandez nails him with a shoulder block through the ropes followed by the Slingshot Shoulder Block! Hernandez follows up with a clothesline and then he whips Daniels into the ropes and hits a big Backdrop. Hernandez hits the Corner Splash and then he takes his shirt off and wraps it around Daniels neck. He uses the shirt to Biel Throw Daniels clear across the ring. Hernandez goes for another Corner Splash but Daniels moves out of the way and hits a big Forearm Smash. Hernandez is down in the corner and Daniels charges but Hernandez gets his foot up and kicks Daniels in the gut. Hernandez then grabs the top rope and pulls himself all the way to the top. Daniels destroys him with a huge Uppercut and then he climbs up with Hernandez but he shoves Daniels off the top! Hernandez goes for a Big Splash but Daniels moves and rolls Hernandez up! 1…2…NO Daniels kicks out! He even used the ropes for leverage on that one. Daniels follows up with a series of Open-hand Palm Thrusts to the chest and ribs of Hernandez. Daniels comes off the ropes but Hernandez kills him with a huge Shoulder Block followed by an Overhead Gutwrench Slam! 1…2…3 and Hernandez advances to the tournament!
Winner: Hernandez via pinfall (Overhead Gutwrench Slam)
In the back we see the Nasty Boys and Team 3D walking towards the entrance ramp.
Back from commercials Mike Tenay is standing in the ring and he announces that at Against All Odds the Nasty Boys will face Team 3D for the very first time. He introduces the Nasty Boys & 3D for an in-ring interview. Brian Knobbs says “we are here to stay in TNA” to the camera and I just died a little inside. Security stops 3D from actually getting in the ring. Ray says the Nasty’s waited until 3D was gone to Japan before they came to TNA and trashed their locker-room and then they attacked 3D from behind the next week. He calls them a couple of punks and the Nasty’s like that. He says last week 3D wrapped steel chairs around their heads and the Nasty’s DON’T like that. Ray says everyone wants to know where the hell they’ve been for the last 10 years and then one of them spits at 3D. 3D try t get to them but security holds them back and Saggs spits at them again. Saggs says they’ve always been nasty and they’ll die nasty. Devon says that’s real cute but while they’ve been sitting on their ‘fat a**es’ for the last 10 years 3D has been winning World Tag Team Championships in every company they’ve been in including ECW, WWE, TNA, All Japan, and New Japan. Devon says no other tag team has ever accomplished what they have in the business. Knobbs calls off the names of teams they have beaten: Road Warriors, Steiner Brothers (speaking of Steiner’s where the hell is Scotty?), Hart Foundation, The Outsiders, Harlem Heat, and the list goes on. He says all those legendary teams have felt their wrath and now 3D is on their chopping block and come Valentine’s Day they’ll be knocking their teeth down their throats. Ray says they can take jabs at each other all day but the bottom line is everybody wants to see them go at it. He says Against All Odds it’s on and the fans start chanting for 3D.
In the back Christy is with the Beautiful People and she asks them how they feel about Angelina being back. Velvet says she’s sick of hearing about Angelina and she’s just wallowing in their shadow right now. Madison says she is ‘so 2009’ and BP have moved onto bigger and better (and dumber) things with Lacey. Madison says tonight they will show the world where the Knockouts gold belongs and they do the motion of it going around their waists which causes Lacey to say, “in our bellies?”
In the back Jarrett is getting prepared for his match tonight and looks nervous.
In the back Lashley is in Bischoff’s office discussing his future with TNA. Bischoff says he talked to Hogan and he agrees with him that it took Lashley a lot of guts for coming in there last week and saying what he said but “you’re fired.” Security rushes in as Lashley looks like he’s about to jump across the desk at Bischoff and they drag him out of the office as Bischoff keeps screaming “you’re fired” at him. That’s the most emotion I’ve seen Lashley put it into anything he’s done in TNA. Bischoff says “taking out the trash” and laughs as they escort Lashley out.
6-Knockouts Tag Team Match
The Beautiful People vs. Awesome Kong, Hamada, & Tara
Taz says that he wishes he died and was reincarnated as the second rope and boy, I’ve never agreed with Taz more. I’d chew off my own arm to…let’s move on. Hamada and Madison will start the match off. Madison and Hamada look like they’re going to lockup but Madison backs off and taunts Hamada and the rest of her team which results in her eating a leg kick from Hamada. Hamada follows up with headbutts and chops and then she locks in an arm wringer and drops her elbow down on that arm. Hamada then puts a knucklelock on and climbs to the top and walks the ropes and springboards off the top with an arm drag! Hamada then locks in a wristlock again but Madison breaks it up with a kick to the gut and then she tags in Velvet. Velvet locks in a wristlock of her own and twists her arm while screaming at her before tagging in the uncoordinated one. Lacey wrenches in on the wristlock and immediately and thankfully tags in Madison. Madison continues to twist on the arm of Hamada with Hamada rolling through to break the hold and finally she hits a drop toe hold and then tags in Tara. Tara hits a series of big right hands on Madison followed by a Scoop Slam and then the Standing Moonsault! 1…2…NO Velvet kicks out! Tara lights Madison up with a chop and then attempts to whip her into the ropes but Madison reverses it and Velvet kicks her in the back as she hits the ropes. Madison hits a big Clothesline and gets a nearfall. Madison throws Tara into the corner and tags in Velvet. Velvet hits a series of shoulder blocks on Tara in the corner and then Velvet chokes Tara as Madison distracts the referee. Velvet whips Tara into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Tara ducks and they grab each other by the hair and slam each other to the mat at the same time. Velvet tags out to Madison and Tara tags in Kong! Lacey comes in with Madison to help out but they both eat clotheslines. Kong tags in Hamada and she delivers a dropkick to Madison. Hamada attempts to whip Madison into the corner but she reverses it and charges at Hamada. Hamada eats Madison up with a Front Kick as she came rushing in and Lacey comes into help but eats a sick roundhouse kick for her troubles! Hamada then hits an Enziguri on Velvet! Tara comes in and hits a Scoop Slam on Lacey and Hamada hits a Moonsault off the top! Tara throws Velvet out of the ring but Lacey hits Hamada in the back with the ugly stick as the referee was dealing with Tara and Velvet. Kong chases Velvet all the way to the back and Madison gets the pin on Hamada!
Winners: Beautiful People via pinfall
After the match BP takes Tara out with the ugly stick and put the beat down on her until Angelina Love runs out to make the save! Angelina takes out both Lacey and Madison and she chunks Lacey out of the ring violently.
In the back Hogan is talking with Hebner. Hogan asks Hebner why he rang the bell last week and Hebner tries to say that Angle hit the mat and he thought he tapped out. Hogan says something is wrong with this and there is a pattern with Hebner. He mentions Montreal and he wants to know the truth. Hebner tells him the truth is Bret didn’t screw Bret, Vince didn’t screw Bret, HBK didn’t screw Bret, he screwed Bret and that’s the same thing he did to Angle! Hogan asks him why and Hebner says it was for the money. He says he got a great big check from Flair and it was well worth it. Hogan says that’s unacceptable and he suspends Hebner indefinitely.
In the back Flair, holding AJ’s belt, and AJ are talking when 4 gorgeous women walk in. Flair looks like he is in a trance at the girls and Flair starts spitting game to one of the girls. AJ says the other 3 are for him!
We cut to Bubba the Love Sponge approaching Foley. Foley says he thinks it’s likely he and Bischoff will come to an understanding and if not he isn’t hurting for money so it is what it is.
Kurt Angle makes his way out to the ring with a serious look on his face. Taz says that Hogan has placed Angle into a Tournament Qualifying Match. Angle says he’ll never forget he and AJ’s match at Genesis and says it was the greatest match of his life and that’s why he’s confused, disappointed, and most of all pissed off. He said they made an agreement that the match would determine to best in the world and it’s a match that would’ve been talked about for decades to come and one that he could’ve told his grandkids about. Angle says AJ disappointed him, the boys in the back, and the fans. He says AJ went from a hero to “punk a** b*tch” in one night (ouch). Angle refers to last week as the “Earl Hebner Screwjob” and he asks AJ if he really thinks Flair cares about him. He says Flair is using AJ and he’s trying to strip him of his innocence. He refers to Flair’s “dirtiest player in the game” moniker and asks if that’s how AJ wants to be seen. Angle says he has a Qualifying Match for the 8-Card Stud Tournament which means when he wins the tournament it will be Kurt Angle-AJ Styles one more time, but this time he won’t get past him. Hogan’s music hits and Hulk walks out to the ring. Hogan says that Angle accused him of being behind something that he wasn’t and he told Angle that he would get to the bottom of it and he did. Hogan says if it would’ve been 20-30 years ago things would’ve been a lot different and as the leader as TNA he functions on a total business level. He says after what happened last week with Angle spitting in his face that’s unacceptable and if it ever happens again he can consider himself unemployed. He asks Angle if they have an understanding and Angle says 1st off he apologizes for spitting on him. He admits he was wrong but he has to understand that he is leading to TNA and everything that happens in the ring Hogan is accountable for. He apologizes again for spitting on him and shakes his hand.
As Angle was watching Hogan walk back up the ramp Syxx-Pac came out of nowhere and attacked him from behind! Pac lays kicks in to Angle and then Hall comes in as well and they trade shots on Angle! Pac hits the Snap Leg Drop on Angle and then Hall continues to put the boots to him!
A replay of what just went down with Hall & Syxx-Pac jumping Angle is shown. In the back Pac and Hall are celebrating beating Angle up as security is escorting them out of the building and Hall says “see ya next week” while Pac says “damn right you’ll see us next week.” Tenay questions if you could take a worse path than what Pac and Hall have taken to try and get TNA contracts.
6-Man X-Division Tag Match
Motor City Machine Guns & Brian Kendrick vs. Generation Me & Amazing Red
This is Kendrick’s Impact debut and the first time we’ve seen him since his debut at Genesis. This is Generation Me’s first match since their upset win over the Guns a few weeks ago. Kendrick violently attacks Red as he gets in the ring throwing forearms and knees at Red. Kendrick charges Red in the corner Red moves out of the way! Kendrick rushes him again but again Red ducks it and Kendrick eats the turnbuckles. Red follows up with the Double-tap Dropkick in the corner and the Guns want a tag but Kendrick refuses and eats another dropkick from Red! Both Guns tag Kendrick’s back and they jump in the ring and whip Red into the corner. Sabin whips Shelley into Red but he gets his boot up and then hits the Rolling Enziguri over the back of Shelley onto Sabin! Red rolls over tags in Generation Me (I could tell which one actually got the tag). GM whip Shelley into the ropes and hit a Double Back Kick and then Jeremy lifts Max up into an Elevated Dropkick on Shelley! Sabin flies in with a Springboard attempt but Max catches him in midair and hits a Gutbuster and holds him over his knee and Jeremy hits the Corkscrew Neckbreaker over the knee of Max! Max covers Sabin and gets a nearfall. Max hits a series of forearms and hits the ropes but Sabin was right behind him with a Knee to the gut as he turned around. Sabin whips Max into the corner and hits a Flying Forearm and then kneels down as Shelley charges in and leaps off the back of Sabin, but Max ducks and then quickly rolls up Sabin with a side roll! 1…2…NO Sabin kicks out and Jeremy tags in now. Jeremy springboards off the top but Shelley catches him in midair with an Atomic Drop! Sabin hits a sliding dropkick to Jeremy’s legs and then Shelley grabs the head of Jeremy and rolls forward holding Jeremy’s head up for Sabin to dropkick the hell out of his face! Sabin covers Jeremy and gets a nearfall! The fans are way into this match. Jeremy connects with a forearm on Sabin as he played to the crowd and then tags in Red. Red ducks a clothesline and then hits a hurricanrana followed by a spinning heel kick. Red hits a back kick and then goes for Code Red but Sabin blocks it and Shelley knocks his head off with a Superkick as Red was still on the back of Sabin! Shelley kneels down and Sabin leaps off his back with a dropkick knocking Max off the apron! Sabin places Red up on the shoulders of Shelley overhead gutwrench style and the Guns hit the Thunder Express on Red but Kendrick blind tagged Sabin as he came off the ropes! Kendrick kicks Red in the head and then rolls him up in a cradle, 1…2…3 and the Guns & Kendrick get the win!
Winners: Machine Guns & Kendrick via pinfall (punt kick)
The British Invasion’s music hits after the match and all 3 of the Brits walk out to the ring Rob Terry case in hand! The Brits put the boots to Red and then Terry Chokeslams him! Terry grabs the briefcase but Magnus stops him and tells him to let Williams cash it in. They scream at him but Terry is resisting.
Back from commercials Williams and Red are wrestling!
TNA X-Division Championship
Amazing Red (c) vs. Doug Williams
Red hits the Red Eye off the top on Williams! 1…2…NO Williams kicks out! They show that Terry finally gave into Magnus in giving Williams the shot. Back to live action Red climbs to the top but Williams grabs him from behind and hits the Chaos Theory! 1…2…3 and Williams wins the belt!
Winner & NEW X-Division Champ: Doug Williams via pinfall (Chaos Theory)
Rob Terry does not look happy as Brutus & Williams celebrate the win.
In the back Jarrett is stretching for his match tonight.
Back from commercials Bischoff is having his man-to-man with Mick Foley. Foley asks who opened him up and if he paid somebody to do it or if he did it himself. Bischoff tells Foley to let it go but then Foley talks about something that happened at one of his kids birthday parties a few years ago. He says his son took a crap in a tunnel and everyone scattered except one guy that had to clean it up. Bischoff asks him what his point is and Foley says that he would rather be that guy cleaning up crap then working in a company for Bischoff. Bischoff says he understands that given their history and he respects it. He says two people close to him do want Foley here and that’s Abyss and JB. He says he has their careers in the palm of his hand and he might want to rethink his actions for their sake.
Bischoff leaves the office and tells the cameraman to follow him and he walks in AJ’s locker room with AJ and Flair partying with the girls. AJ does the Flair strut and asks which one of the girls wants a ‘shot at the title tonight.’ Flair talks about him being off for thirty days and AJ says after the girls he’ll need it. Bischoff congratulates Flair because they are stuck with him because Flair signed his contract before they took over and Flair ‘has some great attorneys.’ Bischoff says they may have thought they had 30 days off but he has news for them and at Against All Odds is coming up and everybody and that means everybody has to be ready to wrestle. AJ doesn’t pay it any mind and starts flirting with the girls again but Flair took it a little more serious.
Main Event
Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Jarrett
Jarrett came out to no music and no pyro, damn. Anderson taunts Jarrett with fake applause and then they play to the crowd with Anderson heeling it up. Anderson and Jarrett lockup and then brawl into the corner before Slick Johnson breaks them up. Anderson goes for a right but Jarrett ducks and connects with one of his own. Jarrett hits another big right and then Slick pulls him off again. They lockup again and this time Anderson locks in a side headlock but Jarrett reverses it until Anderson shoves Jarrett into the ropes. Jarrett answers back with a shoulder block and then another one. Jarrett hits a third shoulder block and then teased a big right hand which causes Anderson to fall backwards and beg off. Jarrett shoots in for another lockup but he eats the knee of Anderson and then Anderson follows up with right hands and clubbing blows to the back. Anderson taunts the “Jarrett” taunts from the fans and then slams Jarrett into the top turnbuckle. Anderson attempts to whip Jarrett into the ropes but Jarrett reverses it and hits a hiptoss followed by another one! Jarrett whips Anderson into the ropes and connects with a dropkick followed by a clothesline that sends Anderson over the top to the floor!
Back from commercials Anderson kicks Jarrett and then throws him off the apron into the ring post! Anderson taunts Jarrett again and then nails him in the head with repeated right hands. Anderson grabs Jarrett by the arm and slams it into the ring steps and then rolls in and out of the ring to break the 10-count. He rolls Jarrett back into the ring and then locks in a hammerlock and follows it up with a Hammerlock Slam for a nearfall. Anderson grabs that arm and locks in an armlock really working that arm over since he slammed it into the ring post. Jarrett is able to fight to his feet with back elbows and then whip Anderson into the corner. He charges at him but Anderson gets his boot up and connects with that same arm and then follows it up by grabbing that arm and slamming it into the mat with all of his body weight. 1…2…NO Jarrett kicks out! Anderson throws a forearm at Jarrett and then whips him into the ropes an goes for a clothesline but Jarrett ducks. Anderson goes for another one and Jarrett ducks again but when he comes back around Anderson locks in a Sleeper on him! Jarrett counts out of the Sleeper with a wristlock but Anderson reverses it back into a Top Wristlock. Jarrett fights it off again and comes off the ropes only to eat a shoulder block for a nearfall from Anderson. Anderson goes to the top rope and goes for the Kenton Bomb but Jarrett moves out of the way! Jarrett blocks a right hand from Anderson and connects with a series of big right hands and then he comes off the ropes for a clothesline, but Anderson counters it into a Mic Check attempt! Jarrett blocks it with back elbows and goes for the Stroke, but Anderson blocks it and hits a low blow as the referee was out of position and couldn’t see it! Anderson grabs Jarrett and rolls him up with a small package! 1…2…3 and Anderson gets the pin!
Winner: Mr. Anderson via pinfall (small package)
In the back we see Bischoff laughing at the monitor and saying “this is great” and then Anderson announces him as the winner. Anderson attacks Jarrett on the outside again and then rolls him back into the ring and hit’s the Mic Check! Another shot of Bischoff in the back is shown and Bischoff says “Jeff, it’s going to be a long, hard climb back to the top.”
The show kicks off with highlights from Genesis including the big heel turn of AJ Styles. For those that didn’t see the PPV we have a new look Impact Zone now. There is only one tunnel and it’s in the middle of the stage now with the big screen behind it and a smaller long screen to the side of it. The ramp now extends straight from the stage to the ring like WCW used back in the early 90’s and late 2000’s as well as what CMLL (in Mexico) uses a lot now. Also, there is no longer a 6-sided ring, TNA has switched back to the traditionally 4-sided ring.
We see the door to a limo open up and a slew of females get out followed by Ric Flair and AJ Styles. Styles is even rocking a Ric Flair-like suit. Following that the Impact intro hits.
Ric Flair’s music hits and the Nature Boy makes his way out to the ring with 2 of the beautiful women accompanying him to the ring. Taz on commentary puts over AJ’s decision to join forces with Flair as good for his career. Flair says that some things in life never change and he’s one of them. He says there are 3 reasons he came to TNA and he’ll explain all of them. He says #1 is that he hates Hulk Hogan! He says their lifelong feud will never be resolved until they settle it in TNA. He says #2 is for the past 20 years, people have asked him who the next Nature Boy. He says the answer was always nobody until 6 months ago when he started watching TNA and he saw the great Kurt Angle (who he puts over as the greatest wrestling technician of all time) and Sting (he says Sting is great but he’s not Ric Flair!) in the ring with a young man named AJ Styles. He says he’ll be working him until he leaves the business and says he’ll be the next AJ Styles. Flair says #3 is the story he’s about to tell. He was at the Hard Rock Café in Orlando when a beautiful ‘southern bell’ walked in and in no time they were up in his hotel room. He says all you could hear at midnight that night was this woman hollering “WHOOO!” all night long! He says Dixie Carter jumped up and said “You’re my man!” and asked him to sign a contract to TNA and he responded with a “Whoooo!” Flair welcomes out the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, AJ Styles, accompanied by another beautiful woman. The rest of the women kiss AJ as he gets in the ring and Flair hands him the microphone. AJ screams that he is the World Champion and the fans boo. AJ asks the fans if they have a problem with what they see in the ring right now and he says that doesn’t matter because what he sees is 3 beautiful women. AJ says he’s been in TNA for 8 long years and no matter the level greatness he’s achieved, TNA has never been known as the house that AJ Styles built. AJ says he has done it all in TNA and he is a TNA original. He talks about being one of the first wrestlers to actually sign with TNA and that he’s the only Grand Slam Champion in TNA’s history, but no one gives him the credit for putting TNA on the map. He says they give the credit to guys like Jarrett, Joe, Sting, Foley, etc. and he isn’t taking that from anyone anymore. He says now he’s a jet flying, limousine riding, kiss stealing, wheeling & dealing, son of a gun! Kurt Angle’s music hits and he walks out to the ramp staring a hole through Flair & AJ. Hogan is right behind Angle as well. Hogan says it looks like one big happy family in the ring right now and he said that Genesis would be Angle’s final shot at the TNA Title in 2010, but because of Flair sticking his nose in World Title business he has decided to change his mind because he can! Flair and AJ go nuts in the ring and Hogan tells Flair that he doesn’t run the show in TNA. Hogan says because of Flair’s interference at Genesis he’s going to give Angle another shot at the title and if Flair sticks his nose in the match he will strip AJ of the title and give it to Angle! Hogan says tonight AJ needs to get his game face on because he’s defending the belt against Angle! Hogan says it’s damn real! Angle never looked away from AJ or Flair the whole time they were out there. Huge Main Event tonight!
Back from commercials Mick Foley arrives in the Impact Zone and promptly starts trashing the place! He starts screaming for Bischoff as he walks off. At ringside Tenay & Taz run down the card for tonight which will feature the Nasty Boys official return facing Kevin Nash & Eric Young (teaming for the first time in over a month), Mr. Anderson’s Impact debut, and of course AJ and Angle in the Main Event!
TNA World Tag Team Championships
“Super Mex” Hernandez & “The Blueprint” Matt Morgan (c) vs. British Invasion
This is a rematch from Genesis which saw Morgan & Hernandez take the Brits titles. Morgan and Williams will start the match off. Morgan attacks Williams and Magnus runs behind him and shoves Hernandez off the apron and then jumps Morgan from behind. That allows Williams to gain the advantage with a series of knees and forearms on Morgan taking him to the ground. Williams hits a European Uppercut and then comes off the ropes but eats a back elbow from Morgan. Morgan tosses Williams into the corner and hits his series of back elbows in the corner followed by a Corner Splash! Morgan then lifts Williams up and drops him to the mat. Morgan drapes Williams over the top rope and hits the Leapfrog Body Guillotine. Brutus tries to kick Morgan from the apron but Morgan catches his foot only to eat both boots of Williams as he hits a Sliding Dropkick through the ropes sending Morgan into the guardrail. Brutus drops down to the floor and stomps away at Morgan and then tosses him back into the ring. Williams hits a series of Knee Drops and then tags in Brutus who hits a Slingshot Elbow Drop from the apron for a one count. Brutus puts Morgan in a Sleeper as the Brits continue to beat on Morgan in their corner. Morgan starts to fight to his feet but Brutus flings him to the mat to stop that comeback. Brutus then comes off the ropes but Morgan catches him by the throat. Brutus rakes his eyes and then comes off the ropes again but Morgan hits a Discuss Clothesline out of nowhere! Both men are down now! Brutus is able to tag in Williams and Morgan tags in Hernandez. Williams tried to run over and stop the tag but he was too late and Hernandez nails him with the Slingshot Flying Shoulder Block! Hernandez hits a clothesline on Brutus and then a Corner Splash on Williams. Hernandez then absolutely kills Brutus with a Shoulder Block followed by Over the Shoulder Powerslam for a nearfall. Hernandez whips Williams into the corner but Williams attempts to float up and over Hernandez as he charged in. Hernandez catches him on his shoulder but Williams fights out of it and hooks Hernandez in a waistlock. Magnus runs in and hits a Running Front Kick to Hernandez and Williams nails him with a German Suplex into a bridge! 1…2…NO Morgan breaks it up! Rob Terry walked down to the ring with his Feast or Fired briefcase as all of this was going on. As the referee tries to make Morgan get out of the ring Terry tosses Magnus the briefcase! Magnus swings at Hernandez but he ducks and Magnus nails Williams! Hernandez covers Williams, 1…2…3 and they retain the belts!
Winners & STIILL Tag Champs: Morgan & Hernandez via pinfall
After the match Brutus and Terry argue at ringside and then Terry gets into the ring and tries to explain to Williams what happened. All of a sudden Mick Foley runs in with a steel chair and takes out the Brits! He Double Underhook DDT’s Williams! Not a good night for Doug Williams. Foley screams into the camera that Bischoff needs to schedule an appointment for him because he’s coming to see him TONIGHT!
Back from commercials footage from Jarrett’s appearance on Bubba the Love Sponge’s radio show this week is shown. When Bubba called him Jeff hung up and then the second time Jarrett told him that TNA was doing fine without Hulk and his crew and then hangs up again.
In Hogan’s office he and Bischoff discuss Foley going crazy and Bischoff says he’ll handle Foley. Hogan says he’ll take care of ‘the other thing’ when Kevin Nash walks in. Hogan says Pac & Hall are out of control and Nash says Pac & Hall are his brothers. He asks for a little slack for them but Hogan says they only have one shot in TNA and Hall & Pac are out there clowning around. He tells Nash to just go out there and win his match with Young as his partner and forget about them.
Before the next match Christy Hemme talks with The Pope. He says he’s studied video after video of “Whoopie” (Jordan) including such hits as “Sister Act” and “Ghost”. He says he’ll expose Jordan tonight and he sees two pimp slaps in the future of Orlando Jordan.
Orlando Jordan vs. “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero
This is Jordan’s debut in TNA and his first time on TV in quite some time since his departure from WWE several years ago. Jordan has competed all over the place since leaving WWE including Japan, Europe, and Puerto Rico. Back on the January 4th show Jordan interrupted The Pope’s interview. Dinero is wearing medical tape around his knee putting over the way Wolfe worked over his knee at their great PPV match this past Sunday. Pope and Jordan lockup but stalemate until Jordan hits an arm drag. They lockup again and this time Pope gets a waistlock on Jordan and then transitions into a Full Nelson. Pop then takes a page out of Desmond Wolfe’s book locking in a Cravate (three-quarter headlock) on Jordan. Jordan grabs Pope’s leg and then hits a Back Heel Trip to take Dinero down. Dinero is able to reverse Jordan’s mount and lock in another waistlock. Jordan gets to the corner and Pope taunts Jordan and then breaks his hold. Jordan slaps the hell out of Pope and then Pope takes Jordan down hard and throws a series of big rights at him! Pope then hits two Pimp Slaps and then hits the running Body Guillotine as Jordan was draped over the middle rope! Pope starts to get back in the ring and Jordan charges at him but Pope gets his knee up and Jordan hits it. Dinero sells the knee like he injured it again as he climbs back into the ring. Jordan immediately grabs the leg and hits a Dragonscrew Legwhip! Jordan then hits the Blackout (Reverse STO) for the pin! Dinero continues to sell the knee after the match.
Winner: Jordan via pinfall (Blackout)
In the back Hemme is with Angle. Angle says we shouldn’t even be seeing AJ-Styles again but this isn’t the same AJ either. He says it makes him sick to see what Flair is doing to AJ but AJ is a big boy and he makes his own choices. Angle says tonight just was served when Hogan made this match and he’ll serve up his own justice when he takes the Title back from AJ.
Back from commercials Part 2 of Bubba calling Jarrett. Jarrett tells Bubba to stay out of it and he says maybe it was actually Hogan and Bischoff put WCW out of business.
In the back Eric Young approaches Kevin Nash and says he needs some answers from Nash. He asks Nash if he’s with them or is he with Hall and Pac. Nash says EY is his friend and he chose to be his partner because he saw something in him but he’s been with Pac & Hall for 15 years. EY says this isn’t about reliving history, it’s about making history. Nash says EY will fit right in with them and tonight they just need to take care of business.
A video package is shown of BP talking about Angelina Love leaving TNA and Lacey joining them and then Angelina’s return last week. Madison will be facing Angelina next!
More stupid footage of Bubba and Jarrett bickering on the radio is shown. Bubba suggests that he and Hogan have a conversation behind closed doors and Jarrett wants Bischoff out of the meeting.
Bobby Lashley is in Bischoff’s office finally getting his meeting. Lashley says he thinks things have gotten way out of hand and he’s had enough of the craziness. He says he just wants to wrestle and he wants to stay in TNA. Bischoff says it takes a hell of a man to admit that he made a mistake. Bischoff says it was smart to not let Kristal run his business anymore and he finds it impressive that Lashley is coming to tell this to his face. Bischoff says he needs to talk to Hogan and they’ll have an answer for Lashley next week.
Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne
Angelina has new entrance music and everything. Angelina eats a forearm from Madison as the match starts and Madison throws several rights at her on the mat. Madison then hits another forearm as Angelina gets to her feet and whips Angelina into the ropes. Madison goes for a backdrop but Angelina stops and slams Madison to the mat by her hair. Angelina then throws rights and lefts at Madison on the mat and continues to stomp on her. Angelina throws Madison headfirst into the top turnbuckle. Angelina attempts to whip Madison into the ropes but she reverses it and goes for a clothesline. Angelina ducks and hits the Botox Injection (Bicycle Kick) for the pin!
Winner: Love via pinfall (Botox Injection)
After the match Angelina strips Madison’s top off of her and then chokes her with it until Lacey and Velvet run down. Angelina kicks Lacey as she gets in the ring and nails Madison with a forearm as she gets back up. Velvet finally gets in the ring and was about to hit Angelina with the ugly stick until Angelina saw her and Velvet stopped before hitting her. Madison then grabbed Angelina by the leg and Lacey took the Ugly Stick and nails Angelina with it! All three then put the beatdown on Angelina and choke her with the Ugly Stick. Velvet slaps Angelina as Madison & Lacey hold her. BP then celebrate over the fallen former leader.
Bubba the Love Sponge is in the back with Syxx-Pac and Scott Hall. Bubba says he googled the term “screw ups” and their pictures were there. He asks them what they were thinking at Genesis. Pac says Bischoff and them know that that kind of stuff happens when they’re around and stuff happens. Hall tells Pac to “take another hit, Cheech” and then says Bischoff & Hogan said they want them to prove themselves and they did that at Genesis. He says at the end of the night he and Pac will be leaving with official contracts.
Hogan and Bischoff are walking towards the entrance.
Hogan’s music hits and he and Bischoff make their way out to the ring. Hogan says there is a lot of business that they have to take care of tonight. Hogan says he’s tired of Hall and Pac and them clowning around. He talks about them doing rock, paper, scissors to see who would team with Nash at the PPV and he wants to seem them wrestle, not the other junk. The Band’s music hits and Hall, Nash, and Pac walk out. Hogan says he just said he’s tired of their crap and the party is over. He tells Hall and Nash to hit the road. Hall and Pac are pissed and they try to get to the ring but security cuts them off and Nash tries to calm them down. Hogan tells them to get out of the building as the fans chant the “good bye” song at them. Now Mick Foley is walking out! Foley tries to get in the ring but security holds him back too and Bischoff screams to them that they’ll talk to in his office.
Back from commercials security is still trying to drag them out. Finally Nash screams at them to stop and he tells them that he’ll fix it. Hall says Nash never let him down before so they leave peacefully.
The Nasty Boys vs. “Big Sexy” Kevin Nash & “Showtime” Eric Young
I wonder how many fans even remember the Nasty Boys, let alone give a crap about them? Why do I get the feeling that Young is the one that’s about to get buried here? Saggs and Young will start the match off. They lockup and brawl into the corner where Young gets the advantage with some clubbing forearms. Young attempts to whip Saggs into the opposite corner but he reverses it and the momentum flips Young up and over the top rope. Young lands on the apron and hits a shoulder block through the ropes on Saggs and then slides underneath his legs. He goes for a German Suplex but Saggs nails him with a back elbow. Saggs hits a series of nasty rights and lefts on Young in the corner and then whips him into the opposite corner and follows up with a running Clothesline. Saggs is being pretty stiff with Young. I don’t know if it’s him just being himself or what. Knobbs tags in and the Nasty Boys whip Young into the ropes and hit a Double Shoulder Block. Knobbs goes for an Elbow Drop but Young moves and tags in Nash. Nash slings Knobbs into the corner and throws forearms and knees at Knobbs. Nash then throws a series of back elbows and whips him into the opposite corner and connects with a Running Clohtesline. Nash goes for another one but this time Knobbs hits a back elbow and tags in Saggs who hits a clothesline on Nash for a nearfall. Saggs attempts to whip Nash into the ropes but he reverses it and hits a Big Boot followed by a tag to Young. Young hits a Diving Elbow Drop off the top, 1…2…NO Saggs kicks out! Knobbs pulls Nash off the apron on the outside and they start brawling around ringside. In the ring Young continues to throw right hands at Saggs as Knobbs throws Nash into the ring post. Knobbs gets back in the ring and attacks Young from behind. The Nasty Boys jump on Young in the corner and Knobbs rubs his arm pit in the face of Young. Saggs then whips Young into the corner and then whips Knobbs into a Splash on Young. Saggs grabs Young and hits the Pump Handle Slam for the pin!
Winners: The Nasty Boys via pinfall (Pump Handle Slam)
During the break 3D attacked the Nasty Boys with chair shots in the back! Bubba says “welcome back to Pro Wrestling!”
Footage of Mr. Anderson (formerly Mr. Kennedy in the WWE) making his debut at Genesis is shown. Mr. Anderson’s music hits and the Behind Enemy Lines: Columbia star makes his way to the ring. Anderson mocks the fans begging him to come to TNA and he says he is NOT in TNA because of the fans wanting him, he’s in TNA because Hulk Hogan called him and said he would get opportunity that he wasn’t given elsewhere (yeah, don’t mention that you were injured every 3 months). Anderson says he could come out and run his mouth about how great he is like everyone who debuts in TNA does but his father told him something when he was a young boy and that is that actions speak louder than words. Anderson talks about hitting Abyss with the brass knucks and how loud his actions were there. Abyss climbs in the ring behind Anderson as he’s talking about how he beat Abyss! Abyss stands behind Anderson laughing and telling the fans to be quiet as Anderson continues to run his mouth about Abyss. Anderson says he didn’t realize how big Abyss was but he also didn’t realize how stupid and clumsy he was too so he took advantage of it. He claims he beat Abyss clean. Anderson starts to do his little intro but Abyss taps him on the shoulder and then blasts him with a right hand! Abyss is on fire and he hits a Corner Splash on Anderson followed by an attempt at the Black Hole Slam but Anderson grabs the ropes and bails out of the ring. Anderson decides to fight another day .
In the back Abyss is appologzing to an irate Eric Bischoff. Bischoff says Hogan likes Abyss which is the only reason he still has a job. Bischoff says this is the 2nd time in a week he’s screwed up his show. Abyss asks Bischoff if he thinks he’ll be okay in TNA and Bischoff says that depends on Foley. He walks into his office where security is standing with Foley. Bischoff asks Foley if he’s alright and Foley says he has a few things to say to Bischoff. Foley says he has things to say for his ears only and Bischoff tells the security guys to leave and Foley can’t believe he’s willing to be there alone with him in this state of mind. Foley says Bischoff is a slick little hustler but he sees through him and he won’t let him destroy what he loves. He says he’ll stop Bischoff by any means and Bischoff asks if that’s a threat. Bischoff tells the cameraman to leave so they can talk alone and he closes the door.
Main Event
TNA World Heavyweight Championship
“The Phenomenal” AJ Styles (c) vs. “Olympic Hero” Kurt Angle
AJ’s new entrance has the lights go out and him appear on the ramp with the pyro going off. Taz says he likes the new AJ Styles and I have to agree. AJ jumps Angle at the bell and throws right after right at Angle but when he turns around to taunt the crowd Angle levels him with a clothesline! Angle follows up with a European Uppercut and then a series of right hands. Angle with another European Uppercut but AJ comes back with a knee and then a chop. AJ attempts to whip Angle into the ropes but Angle reverses it and hits a BIG Backbody drop! AJ decides to bail out to the floor and Angle follows him. AJ then slides back in the ring and when Angle rolls back in AJ puts the boots to him. AJ hits a forearm and then comes off the ropes but Angle hits a Titl-a-Whirl Backbreaker out of nowhere for a nearfall! Angle follows up with a Snap Suplex for another series of nearfalls. Angle throws AJ into the top turnbuckle and then puts the boots to him Stone Cold-style in the corner (that means he stomped a mud hole in him and then walked it dry). Angle attempts to whip AJ into the opposite corner but AJ reverses it only to eat a Diving Clothesline from Angle out of the corner! 1…2…NO AJ kicks out! Angle goes for the German Suplex but AJ holds onto the ropes and hits a low blow as the referee tries to get Angle off of AJ.
During the break AJ hit the Phenomenal Dropkick (shown during the cut-in during commercials) on Angle. Back from commercials AJ and Angle are trading rights in the center of the ring until AJ pokes him in the eyes and then hits a Chop Block on Angle’s knee! AJ must’ve went and learned a few things from Auburn. AJ actually locks Angle in the Figure Four! Angle’s shoulders are down on the mat and AJ gets a nearfall out of it but eventually Angle is able to drag himself to the ropes to break it. Angle is able to comeback on AJ blocking his punches and connecting with ones of his own and then a clothesline! Angle whips AJ into the corner and charges but AJ gets a foot up. AJ charges at Angle but Angle connects with an Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex! Angle then goes for the Angle Slam but AJ counters with an armdrag and then goes for a clothesline, but Angle ducks and hits the Rolling German Suplexes! Angle hit 3 of them on that one and went with a Release German on the last one! 1…2…NO AJ kicks out! Angle goes for the Angle Slam again but AJ blocks it and then ducks a clothesline and hits the Pele out of nowhere! AJ picks Angle up and goes for the Styles Clash but Angle counters with a backdrop. AJ hangs onto Angle for a rollup, but Angle rolls through and locks in the Ankle Lock! AJ fights t get to the ropes but Angle drags him back and then drags him back to the ropes again as AJ almost got to them again. Finally AJ rolls though and locks in an Ankle Lock of his own! The bell rings immediately, what the hell?! AJ is announced as the winner via submission!
Winner & STILL TNA World Champ: Styles via submission (Ankle Lock)
Flair comes out and he along with AJ and Hebner leave. Hogan walks out and is saying something to Angle and Angle screams that it’s “bullshit” and he doesn’t need this. He says he can go back to the WWE! He says “I QUIT!” and then spits in Hogan’s face! Angle continues to scream things at Hogan and Hogan look on pissed at Angle.
During the break Angle continued to scream obscenities at Hogan and then came to the announce table and grabbed a chair from Tenay and started beating it against the set and then threw it across the stage. Eric Bischoff walks out to the ring with blood coming down is face. Bischoff grabs a microphone and screams, “Mick Foley, you are fired!” to a chorus of boos as Impact goes off the air.
Sorry its late guys and gals i had some family issues…so here we go…
The show kicks off with highlights from last week’s huge 3-hour live Monday Impact. Inside the arena we get the debut of the Young Bucks!
Generation Me (Max & Jeremy) vs. Motor City Machine Guns
For those that don’t know Generation Me is the team of Nick & Matt Jackson also known as the Young Bucks. A VERY popular tag team on the INDY scene here in American competing for such promotions as Ring of Honor, CHIKARA, PWG, and Dragon Gate USA. This is their first official match in TNA (they already had a tryout match). Matt is the dark haired one and Nick the blonde. Matt and Saban start the match off. They trade counters and reversals of wristlocks until Sabin connects with an arm drag and then a drop toe hold. Sabin tags in Shelley and puts a wristlock on Matt as he gets in the ring, but Matt breaks the hold and then attempts to whip Shelley into the ropes as Taz finally says that his name is Max and Nick is known as Jeremy. Okay that would’ve been nice to know before the match TNA. Shelley reverses the Irish Whip and Sabin comes in as well. They hit a Double Slam and then sandwich Max with double roundhouses to the head. Jeremy springboards into the ring with a dive attempt but they kick Jeremy in the gut in midair. The Guns then light Jeremy up with round kicks to and throw him to the floor. Sabin hits a Snapmare on Max and then throws him into Shelley’s boot and tags Shelley in. Shelley hits a Snapmare of his own and then locks in a Sleeper as the fans chant “Young Bucks” now. Max fights to his feet but gets lit up with a Knife Edge Chop as we see The Outsiders & Sean Waltman arriving to the arena. Max reverses a whip in the ring and kicks Shelley but then catches a boot from behind by Sabin. Sabin tags in and then The Guns whip Max into the corner and then Sabin whips Shelley at Max. Max backdrops Shelley over the top to the floor and then Sabin eats a boot as he charges at Max. Max follows up with an insane Springboard into a Twisting Diamond Cutter off the top on Sabin! Jeremy tags in and he hits a clothesline followed by a Springboard Dropkick to Shelley as he tried to get back into the ring! Jeremy hits a back elbow on Shelley and then a sliding dropkick to Shelley on the outside. He turns his attention back to Sabin and connects with an Atomic Drop and then quickly goes to the apron and hits a Standing Moonsault off the apron onto Shelley! Holy crap this guy isn’t fast, he’s damn sudden! Jeremy with a shoulder block to a charging Sabin and then a Slingshot X-Factor! 1…2…NO Sabin kicks out! Max tags back in now and they whip Sabin into the corner. Jeremy whips Max into Sabin but eats his boot and then Jeremy charges. Sabin gets his boot up but Jeremy catches it only to eat the other boot from Sabin with an Enziguri. Sabin grabs Jeremy and goes for a Running Bulldog but Max sends his teeth into about the 10th row with a nasty Superkick! Generation Me then hit a Double Backbreaker followed by an insane double team move! Jeremy held Sabin face down over his knee as Max ran the ropes and did a Twisting Neckbreaker on Sabin onto Jeremy’s damn knee! 1…2…NO Sabin still kicks out! Max holds Sabin as Jeremy comes off the ropes but Sabin gets a boot up on Jeremy and then hits an Armdrag on Max. Shelley tags back in and hits a Flying Back Kick off the top on Max! Shelley goes for a German Suplex but Max hits a back elbow and then comes off the ropes but Shelley is right behind him. Shelley goes for a clothesline but Max ducks and hits a Spear! Jeremy dives off the top with a Springboard Frog Splash as Max hits a Standing Moonsault at the same damn time! It’s like one fluid motion; these guys are so in sync! 1…2…NO Sabin breaks it up! Jeremy shoves Sabin out to the floor as Shelley drags himself up in the corner. Jeremy charges at him but Shelley gets his boot up and then catches Max as he charges in and hits a Reverse STO sending Max headfirst into the middle turnbuckle! Sabin then springboards off the top with the Springboard Flying Clothesline sending Jeremy out to the floor! Sabin with a Spinning Back Kick on Max and then Sabin lifts Max up and onto Shelley’s shoulders. Sabin comes off the ropes and hits the Thunder Express (Powerslam/Diamond Cutter combo)! 1…2…NO Jeremy breaks up it! Sabin grabs Jeremy and throws him back out to the floor! Sabin then goes for a Slingshot Cross Body over the top but Jeremy moves out of the way! In the ring Shelley goes for the Sliced Bread but Max blocks it. Shelley then grabs a waistlock on Max but Max turns around backs into the corner. Jeremy comes flying in and delivers a Superkick as Max ducks and Jeremy nails Shelley! Max lifts Shelley up and hits the Rolling Firemans Carry Slam and then Jeremy flies off the top with a 450 Splash and then Matt hit’s a Flying Moonsault! It’s the More Bang for Your Buck! 1…2…3 and Generation Me get the upset!
Winners: Generation Me via pinfall (More Bang for Your Buck)
In the back the Nasty Boys are still in 3D’s lockerroom and are still trashing it. Someone knocks on the door and it’s 3D trying to get in. Nasty Boys taunt them from inside and Devon says the joke is over and let them in. They refuse to let 3D in as they continue to beat on it.
Back from commercials Hogan is talking about the insane match that Angle and AJ had last week and he says they need to know if AJ can do it again and follows up by saying Genesis will be Angle’s last shot at the TNA Title in 2010 if he doesn’t beat AJ. Hogan hypes up TNA further and talks about Genesis and he says they have attracted one of the ‘biggest names in wrestling’ and he will make a huge impact at Genesis. Wow, more?
Kurt Angle’s music hits inside the arena and Angle makes his way out to the ring fresh off by far the best match in Impact’s history (in my opinion) last week. Angle says he wants to give AJ his credit and he says that AJ proved he wasn’t a fluke. He says that he proved that Sting handed him nothing and that he has earned everything on his own. Angle says he gave everything he had last week and AJ was the better man but says that only for that one night. He says that when 2 great athletes get in the ring, ‘one win some, you lose some’ and the true champion is the man that can get that last big win. He says at Genesis it will be him. He says “It’s real, it’s damn real” and then AJ’s music and then World Champion makes his way out to the ring to a huge reaction from the crowd. AJ says he can appreciate Kurt taking his loss last week like a man and not making excuses. He says he does agree with Angle and says if they had a series of matches he would win some, and Kurt would win some, but after the war was over AJ would still be holding the belt. AJ says Hogan and everyone watching wants to see them do it one more time, but he reminds that Angle it will be Kurt’s last shot in 2010 if he loses. Angle says he’ll only need one more shot to win it and then they shake hands in the center of the ring and do a mini-hug. Angle leaves the ring leaving AJ holding the TNA Title up in the ring.
At ringside Taz and Tenay hype up Genesis further but then we see that masked man attacking AJ on the ramp! He throws AJ into the guardrail and then tosses AJ back into the ring. The masked man levels AJ with a Lariat and then he finally unmasks! It’s AJ’s former tag team partner, TOMKO! The fans boo Tomko as he taunts the crowd and then leaves the ring smiling at AJ.
Back from commercials they show a replay of what just went down with Tomko and AJ. In the back Christy Hemme is with the Outsiders and Waltman and she actually refers to Waltman as Syxx-Pac. I think that’s the first time I’ve heard him refereed by that name in 6 years. Bubba the Love Sponge interrupts Christy and tells her to go freshen up so he can ask the tough questions. Bubba says no one has seen or heard from Mick Foley since the attack last week and he asks if they know where he is. Nash says ‘The Band’ is back together and Bubba interrupts him and says he’s not giving him anything. Hall says “what happens in the band, happens in the band” and Bubba gets frustrating and sends it back to ringside. I do not like that guy.
The Beautiful People w/Lacey Von Erich vs. Awesome Kong & Hamada
Velvet & Madison see Angelina Love in the front row! Angelina is back! Velvet & Madison run over and hug her and then Lacey comes over and sarcastically shakes her hand. They wave at Angelina and then get back in the ring. This is a non-title match. Velvet and Hamada start the match off and Velvet mocks Hamada before the lockup. Hamada forces Velvet into the ropes and we get a clean break but when Hamada turns around to walk off Velvet grabs her by the hair and slams her to the mat and then reigns down rights on her. Velvet whips Hamada into the corner and then hits a Corner Splash followed by a Running Bulldog for a nearfall. Velvet slams Hamada into the corner and then tags in Madison. Madison hits a series of shoulder blocks in the corner and then tags Velvet back in. Velvet chokes Hamada and then BP together grab Hamada and taunt Kong by holding Hamada in the center of the ring. Hamada slips underneath them and then leg sweeps both and tags in Kong! Kong comes in and slams both BP by their hair to the mat. Kong whips Velvet into the corner and then whips Madison into her and follows up with the Corner Splash! Kong hits the Awesome Bomb on Madison! You could count to 100 on that one, Kong & Hamada get the win.
Winners: Hamada & Kong via pinfall (Awesome Bomb)
Velvet and Lacey check on Madison in the ring after the match and then Angelina jumps the guardrail and gets into the ring as well! Angelina checks on Madison but then turns around and slams Lacey to the mat hard! God, I have been waiting for someone to do that for a long time. Angelina then Spears Velvet and starts nailing her with rights and lefts and puts the boots her kicking her out of the ring! Angelina tosses Velvet into the guardrail! Angelina screams ‘you didn’t think I’d be back did you’ at Velvet.
In the back AJ bursts into Bischoff’s office and wants to know where Hogan is. Bischoff tells AJ to settle down and then says Hogan is taking care of some other business. AJ says he wants to take care of Tomko and Bischoff says he understands that. He says he doesn’t blame AJ but he asks what he proposes he do about it. AJ says he wants Tomko tonight and Bischoff can’t believe that AJ would do that with his match with Angle only 3 days away. Bischoff says he needs a Main Event tonight and if he really wants this match then he’ll put his title on the line tonight in the Main Event against Tomko and AJ tells him to ‘book it!’ They shake hands and it’s on!
During the commercials Beer Money were looking for Bischoff. Back from commercials JB walks into Bischoff’s office and he’s on the phone with someone who he says has a ‘bright future in TNA.’ JB wants to know where Mick is and Bischoff says it was JB who let Mick in last week. He says what happened to Mick is on JB. Bischoff tells JB to take responsibility for his actions and if he wants to know where Mick is then he should find him because he doesn’t know and doesn’t care. He tells JB if he ever disobeys him again it’ll be the last breath he takes in the Impact Zone. Beer Money finally find Bischoff and Roode says they don’t have a problem with he or Hogan, but they do have a problem with his boy (Outsiders & Waltman). Bischoff asks what makes them think their his boys. Storm says they are the best tag team in TNA and they don’t appreciate being jumped behind in a company they helped build. Storm demands a match with the Outsiders at Genesis! Bischoff asks Storm what he’s drinking and Storm hands him the bottle. Bischoff takes a swig of Storm’s beer and Storm and Roode can’t believe he just did that (you can’t touch Storm’s beer!). Bischoff says he’ll get back to them on the match for Genesis and then says thanks for the beer.
Lethal Consequences vs. Team 3D
Lethal Consequences are making their way out to the ring for a tag match when Bobby Lashley runs out and jumps them from behind! He tosses Lethal into the ring steps and then hits a Spinebuster on Creed in the ring as Kristal looks on from the outside. Bobby hits the Dominator on Creed as Tenay & Taz talk about Lashley wanting out of his TNA contract. Kristal gets into the ring with a microphone and asks if they have Bischoff’s attention yet. She says they still haven’t had their meeting with Hogan and until they do every member of TNA’s roster will be destroyed one by one. She says this is just the beginning.
Team 3D’s music hits (they were supposed to face Lethal Consequences) and they make their way out to the ring with an axe in hand. Bubba lays Lethal out at ringside and then they hit the 3D on Creed in the ring for the pin. Jay Lethal and Consequences Creed burial complete.
Winners: 3D via pinfall (3D)
Bubba grabs the microphone and says last week they were in Japan wrestling and says that reporters in Japan asked them about the Nasty Boys showing up in TNA and calling 3D out. Bubba asks where the hell the Nasty Boys have been for the last 10 years (hilarious) and he says so Hogan comes to TNA so the Nasty Boys ride his coattails right through the front door. Bubba questions how Hogan could walk with Knobbs and Saggs ‘fat a**es sitting on his coattails’ (potting calling the kettle black there). He says they had to dress in the hallway like a couple of ‘young boys’ tonight but now they are going to go back and take their lockerroom back while holding up the axe. They leave and walk to the back! Bubba and Devon walk to the door and Bubba destroys the door with the axe. When they get in Devon asks what the smell is. The Nasty Boys then jump them from behind! The Nasty’s put the beatdown on 3D beating them with everything just about that was in the room. They then slam Devon into the lockers and Knobbs welcomes them to ‘Nastyville.’ Saggs pours a drink on Devon and then throws it at Bubba.
Back from commercials Tomko talks about them tagging together a few years ago and claims that he led the team and taught Styles everything he knows. He says AJ forgot about him.
Sean Morley (formerly Val Venis) makes his way out to the ring. Tenay says Abyss vs. Lashley at Genesis has just been added to Genesis. Morley tells the ladies he’s arrived and he says he and TNA were made for each other (get it?). He says he used to make a living with a different type of T&A but he says he’s a brand new man. He says he’s now a director, producer, and online distributor of some of the most creative and dramatic films ever made. Sean says that last week when he walked into TNA that’s when everything fell into place for him and he says he knew TNA was poised to explode, but they were missing one crucial element and that element is a film division. He says that’s where he comes in. He says his films will be works of art but Christopher Daniels music hits and he makes his way out to the ring. Daniels shakes Sean’s hand and then says he didn’t want to interrupt him but he wanted to be the first to welcome him in TNA. Daniels says he loves his idea and he wants to pitch a screenplay to Morley. Daniels pitches an idea about a hero doing business with a slick talking sleazebag and it has a bunch of twist and turns but he says the best part is the end when the sleazebag ends up in the gutter where he belongs. Daniels then hits an STO on Morley out of nowhere! Daniels puts the boots to Morley and then hits a Rock Bottom on him followed by the BME! Daniels tells the fans to shutup and then he says Morley will bring his ‘art’ to TNA over his dead body. Daniels says he doesn’t know how Morley got there but he can take his ‘brand of crap’ and get out of TNA. He says everything out of Morley’s mouth makes him sick and then says he didn’t fight his way back into this company to bring his filth to TNA. He is beating on Morley the whole time he’s talking trash but Morley is able to get in a right hand on Daniels and then a clothesline sending Daniels out to the floor! Morley tells Daniels to get back in the ring but he decides against it.
They show a vignette of Tara and ODB talking about their match just signed for Genesis with Tara saying that ODB cheated to win last week. It’s going to be a 2/3 Falls Match! Jeff Jarrett arrives to Impact with somebody in a suit.
“Super Mex” Hernandez & “The Blueprint” Matt Morgan vs. Beer Money Inc.
Tenay says this Sunday Hernandez & Morgan get a shot at the Brits for the Tag Titles! Okay can someone explain to me why L.A.X. was broken up if they were just going to have Hernandez be put right back into a tag team? They keep referring to Outsiders & Syxx as “The Band”, is that what they are actually calling themselves? Storm and Hernandez will start this match off and they lockup in the ring but Hernandez quickly slams Storm into the mat. Hernandez then charges at Storm but he ducks and nails him with a big Uppercut! Storm then charges at Hernandez but he backdrops Storm over the top only to eat a Leaping Enziguri from the apron followed by a Neckbreark from Storm! 1…2…NO Hernandez kicks out! Roode tags back in and Beer Money hits the Beer Money Double Suplex! As they did their taunt Hernandez tagged in Morgan and he hit a Double Clothesline on them! Morgan hits a series of knees and back elbows on Roode in the corner and then hits a Corner Splash followed by a Sidewalk Slam. Roode comes back with a knee to the gut on Morgan and he tags in Storm. They whip Morgan into the ropes and go for a double clothesline but Morgan runs through it and then grabs Beer Money by their throats! They block the Double Chokeslam only to eat a Slingshot Double Clothesline from the apron by Hernandez! Morgan tosses Storm out to the floor and Roode is coming back on Hernandez with chops but he eats a nasty Shoulder Block that sends Roode out to the floor too! Hernandez takes to the air with the Super Mex Dive over the top onto Beer Money! Rob Terry jumps Hernandez on the outside causing the DQ!
Winners: Morgan & Hernandez via DQ
Morgan and Hernandez beat on Terry up the ramp and through the tunnel as Beer Money is pissed in the ring at what just went down. Now The Band is walking down to the ring! Pac is the first in the ring and he jumps Storm but they take him out and Nash comes in now to even up the odds! Hall is and he gives The Band the advantage. The Band starts beating on Beer Money! Roode makes a mini comeback but they take him out again. Security finally comes out to break everything up and then Bischoff’s music hits and he makes his way out to the ramp!
Back from commercials they show replays of the beating The Band just put on Beer Money and then we see footage of Bischoff talking to Beer Money. He tells them to be careful for what you wish for. Back ‘live’ Bischoff is in the ring now with The Band. Bischoff says he doesn’t know what to do with them, last week it was Foley and this wee it’s Beer Money. Pac says he thought that’s what Bischoff wanted but he says no that’s not true. Bischoff says the only thing that makes sense to him is to make a match, and Hall interrupts him and says “where I drink all that guys beer”. Wow, Scott really? Bischoff says the match he’s making is Hall & Nash vs. Beer Money for Genesis! We get a shot of Sting looking down on The Band again.
Backstage Tomko talks about when he suffered a shoulder injury while he sat home with AJ’s star starting to rise. He says he called AJ and he never called him back when AJ won the belt. Tomko says he feels that AJ was saying that he didn’t need him so that’s when he decided to make AJ remember what his role in TNA really is.
Back from commercials they show more shots of Sting in the rafters again.
Desmond Wolfe vs. “Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe
D’Angelo Dinero is at ringside on commentary and Tenay says they will have a rematch at Genesis. I guarantee certain people on the internet will talk about TNA is already forgetting about Joe’s title shot because he doesn’t bring the briefcase to the ring with him (despite Tenay and Taz talking about it everything he’s on TV). Joe and Wolfe lockup and Joe throws Wolfe into the corner and starts throwing a series of nasty jabs, body shots, and kicks! Joe whips Wolfe into the corner and hits a Running Back Elbow followed by a Leaping Enziguri! Joe then stomps on Wolfe in the corner but Wolfe comes back with an elbow to the gut and then a European Uppercut and a forearm smash. Wolfe comes off the ropes but eats a Snap Powerslam from Joe! Joe slams Wolfe into the top turnbuckle and then lights him up with a chop and then locks in the Coquina Clutch but Wolfe quickly backs Joe into the corner and hits a back elbow. Wolfe then goes for a Running Clothesline but Joe hits a Standing Rock Bottom in midair! Joe picks Wolfe up and hits a headbutt and then a jab and follows up with an Irish Whip into the corner, but Wolfe boots his boot up in the corner stopping his momentum. Joe goes for a clothesline but Wolfe rolls underneath it and charges at Joe again. Joe again counters with the Rock Bottom in mid air but this time Wolfe counters it into a Side Headlock Takeover! Wolfe then hits a Superkick followed by the Hammerlock DDT! Wolfe hits the Running European Uppercut on Joe in the corner and then charges again but Joe hits a back elbow and then front kick. Joe climbs to the top but Wolfe quickly runs over and punches him in the gut. Wolfe goes for the Tower of London but Joe blocks it and locks in the Coquina Clutch on the top rope! Wolfe fights the hold and is able to reverse into the Tower of London! 1…2…3 and Wolfe gets the clean pin!
Winner: Wolfe via pinfall (Tower of London)
After the match Wolfe screams at Pope and says if he can beat Joe think about what he can do to him. He says he will destroy Pope but this Sunday he’ll get ‘funky like a donkey’ and drops a coupled of expletives on Wolfe.
Outside the arena we see Ric Flair arrive in a limo!
Back from commercials Tomko talks about the attacks on AJ and says he even teamed with AJ a few weeks ago in a 10-Man Tag to fool everybody. He says now there’s no more masks its just him and AJ and he finally gets a title shot.
Jarrett and the guy he brought with him bursts into Hogan & Bischoff’s office where we see Hogan for the first time tonight. Jarrett says they need to talk but Hogan tries to tell him he’s busy and Jarrett responds by shoving everything off Hogan’s desk and saying that he’s doing the talking! Jarrett says he wants to talk about HIS company, the one he founded and put on his back. Jarrett then tells Bischoff to go take a seat because it doesn’t have anything to do with him. Jarrett says that last week Hogan said Dixie Carter gave the young guys in TNA a chance but none of them are worth a damn, never have been and never will be! Jarrett says there isn’t enough talent in TNA to fill a coffee cup. He says it’s him and it’s always been him. Jarrett says that’s why he has his attorney and he wants every word that’s said tonight and what was said last week. He says that Hogan is close to defamation of character but Hogan asks what character Jarrett has. Jarrett says he has a ton of character and Hogan knows it. He says he founded TNA and Bischoff cuts him off and says he is so sick of him saying how he founded TNA and put his blood and sweat into it. Bischoff says if he wants to hear facts and he says that the facts are that TNA would’ve been out of business in 3 weeks if it wasn’t for Dixie Carter. He says Jarrett conned Dixie and every wrestler that’s been in TNA into believing that he had some magic potion to turn everything around. Bischoff says TNA will turn around but it’ll turn around because of he and Hogan, not because of Jarrett. He tells Jarrett to take his con up the street or he can lace up his boots and compete like everybody else. Jarrett tells Bischoff to sit down and shutup again. Jarrett asks Hogan if he’s going to sit behind that desk and let Bischoff run this company and he gets up and says that he signed a contract to run TNA but nothing in it says he can’t kick Jarrett’s “hillbilly a**.” Hogan suggests that Jarrett gets to stepping and he and his lawyer back out of Hogan’s office, but Jarrett says they haven’t heard the last of him. Bischoff says Jarrett needs an attitude adjustment and Hogan says they’ll help that out.
At ringside Tenay and Taz hype up Genesis. The card will be Amazing Red defending his X-Division Title against a mystery opponent, Wolfe vs. Pope, Lashley vs. Abyss, The Outsiders vs. Beer Money, ODb vs. Tara in a 2/3 Falls Match, Morgan & Hernandez against the Brits, and finally AJ-Angle the rematch if AJ retains the title tonight! Also a major talent acquisition will be revealed.
Ric Flair’s music hits and he comes out to a huge ovation!
Main Event
TNA World Heavyweight Championship
“The Phenomenal” AJ Styles (c) vs. Tomko
Flair is at ringside on commentary for this match. Flair says he had never met AJ before so he just wanted to meet him last week and that’s all it was: the greatest World Champion ever meeting the World Champion now. AJ was pacing back and forth as JB starting the usual boxing-style intros and he just couldn’t wait anymore and jumps Tomko before the first introduction can be made! AJ throws several rights at Tomko followed by knees as well until Tomko shoves him off. Tomko goes for a clothesline but AJ ducks and throws more rights and kicks forcing Tomko to bail out to the floor. AJ follows him out and slams Tomko’s hand down on the ringsteps and then slams it into the post. Back in the ring AJ throws more rights at Tomko in the corner and then a series of knees as we see Kurt Angle walking out towards the ring as AJ chokes Tomko in the corner. AJ then hits a Running Dropkick and then notices Angle walking toward the ring. This allows Tomko to come back and throw AJ out to the ring. Angle walks up to the announce table and gives a handshake and a hug to Flair. Tomko drags AJ back into the ring and hits a Running Powerslam for a nearfall. Tomko with rights and chops on AJ in the corner and then AJ comes back with a body shot followed by more rights to the head. AJ comes off the ropes and ducks a clothesline but then eats a Big Boot from Tomko for another nearfall.
Back from commercials Tomko hits a Snap Powerslam, 1…2…NO AJ kicks out! Tomko chokes AJ in the ring repeatedly as the referee tries to pull him off. AJ comes back with rights and lefts but Tomko cuts him off with a knee and then goes for a Powerslam but AJ blocks it and hits an Enziguri followed by the Pele out of nowhere! 1…2…3 and AJ retains!
Winner & STILL World Champ: Styles via pinfall (Pele)
After the match AJ continues to beat on Tomko but when he turned to grab his belt Tomko jumps him! Angle runs in the ring and chases Tomko off! Angle picks up AJ’s belt and hands it back to him. Flair takes off his headset and looks at AJ. AJ looks back at Flair as Angle offers a handshake and AJ walks away from Angle. Flair smiles at that and nods his head as AJ walks up the ramp. Angle looks on at what just went down as Flair looks back.
A hype video for AJ-Angle is shown to end Impact and it was pretty good with both AJ and Angle talking about the match. A lot like the Beyond the Glory stuff they did for Bound for Glory. Just a note that from here forth TNA Epics will be following Impact every week. It’s a best of kind of show that shows some of the best matches in TNA’s history. Tonight’s is based around Kurt Angle (featuring his bout with Jeff Jarrett, his Last Man Standing against AJ in 2008, and his first PPV match against Joe). All the matches are introduced with both competitors in the match talking about it.
Tonight’s show opens with Taz hitting the ring, and the Human Suplex Machine has a microphone! Taz talks aboutwrestling for a little company called ECW, and sustaining injuries that ended his career. ECW gets cheered. Hetalks about announcing in WWE. WWE gets booed. While flipping channels, Taz came across TNA and Samoa Joe. Joe isthe second coming of himself, with one exception. Taz never felt remorse for his brutal actions, and Joe did. Tazfelt that he could change that, and get Joe to the next level. Taz said that he and Joe would always be indebted toKurt Angle and the Main Event Mafia for accepting Joe’s services. Joe is the only MEMber with no gold, but thatwill change momentarily. Joe is going to defeat Homicide for the X-Division title. Beat Joe if you can, Homicide,and survive if he lets you!
Drowgoddess Thoughts (DGT): Good, solid promo from Taz. Everything was wildly cheered until he got to the partabout thanking Angle and the MEM, but even that was still cheered too much for a heel faction. How many mentors /teachers does Samoa Joe need? Until the middle of 2006, Joe was The Man in TNA, and had everything going for him.He was already at “the next level,” and then TNA became Total Nonstop Angle, and everything went downhill. I’dpersonally rather see Taz and Joe not part of the MEM, but that’s as may be.
Match #1: Homicide defeats Samoa Joe: This match was for the X-Division title, but Homicide only won by DQ. Joe hastaken on as many of Taz’s moves and mannerisms as possible, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The majority of the offense was Joe’s, but it was hardly a squash. Joe got Homicide in the corner for a facewash, and the new referee tried to pull Joe away. Joe punched him. Homicide takes advantage and attempts the Gringo Cutter (Is it still the Gringo Cutter when done on a Samoan?), but Joe reverses it into the Kokina Clutch. Joe’s victory seems assured, but the referee disqualifies Joe for hitting him. Joe responds by stomping Homicide even more. Strange music plays, and Hernandez rushes the ring! Hernandez makes the save and stares down Joe, but Taz pulls Joe out of the ring in a “not now” gesture.
DGT: These two can really go. Please let them. The X-Division title shouldn’t be a limitation, as both of these guys were ROH World Champion, and could certainly handle the top spot in TNA. Hernandez looked really good, and has lost some weight. Why on earth would you change the music of someone who is making his return? Bring him back to the music the fans know, and change it later. Samoa Joe and Hernandez could have an awesome World title program. Could. Please??? Don West repeatedly made the point that the X-Division title and the Knockouts title did actually matter to the MEM, but that they were looking at getting all the gold one step at a time. That TNA acknowledged this is surprising, but hey, maybe they read some of the complaints. One can only hope.
To the back! Mick Foley is down over Kurt Angle being the new “golden boy” of TNA management, and getting his way in all things.
To the ring! The entirety of the Main Event Mafia enters. Angle says that while everyone in TNA SHOULD be afraid for their jobs, he isn’t going to fire anyone because he’s a generous man. TNA management has agreed to all of the Main Event Mafia’s demands because if they hadn’t, the MEM would have walked out of TNA, and the company would have nothing left but a bunch of losers. TNA needs the Main Event Mafia in order to survive. Angle trashes Foley, and asks just what is it that Foley does in TNA? He just takes up space, and he isn’t the wrestler that he used to be. Foley’s music kicks in and he comes to the ring. For the ten minutes or so that he was kicking Angle’s ass all over the ring, he was the wrestler that he used to be. Angle goes on at great length about Foley working TNA management and making them believe that Foley was necessary to TNA, while the MEM was not. If Angle and Joe hadn’t outsmarted Foley and taken his title belt, Foley would still be working the office. Angle pulls out some keys on a huge “TNA” lanyard, and says that with Jarrett gone and Sting a thousand miles away licking his wounds, the only thing left to take care of is Foley. These are the keys to Foley’s office, and tonight, Angle and Foley will have a “Keys on a Pole” match to see who gets them.
DGT: No good can ever come from any match situation involving the words “on a pole.” Ever. EVER! Because the MEM won three major titles at the ppv, TNA management has given them carte blanche to take over the show and run everything? That seems to be what they’re telling us. Kurt Angle said “work” a record number of times. Actually, if the entirety of the MEM left TNA, what would be left is a damn fine wrestling company. Angle buries the entire non-MEM roster and he gets cheered for it? That alone should indicate a problem in how the MEM is portrayed. As a gift to the fans, the MEM will defend their titles tonight, but they apparently get to choose their own opponents. One ticket to Squash City, please.
To the back! The British Invasion informs us that they have a rematch against Team 3D next week for the IWGP Tag Team titles. They are aligning themselves with the MEM in their pursuit of power, money, and glory. Tonight, however, they will take out the TNA Originals.
Match #2: Kevin Nash (w/ Jenna Morasca) defeats Amazing Red: This “match” was for the Legends title. It ended in about two minutes. Red’s offense had no effect, and Nash hit the jacknife powerbomb for the quick win.
DGT: Don West’s completely over-the-top commentary about how much of a challenge Red would be would have been funnier of a bigger deal had been made of the MEM choosing their own opponents. Red got brought in as the next Rey Mysterio, and now he’s being jobbed out in two minutes? Jeebus.
To the back! Hernandez cuts a solid promo about having Jarrett and Sting’s backs. Jarrett gave him a chance when no one else would, and he’s standing up for TNA. Homicide comes in and argues with Hernandez over “saving” him earlier.
DGT: Aww, come on! Don’t break up LAX! A tag team doesn’t have to break up in order to move on to singles accomplishments.
To Mick Foley’s office! JB asks Foley about his fear of losing everything tonight. Foley mocks the very concept of “on a pole” matches, saying that the Burr-Hamilton duel could have been settled that way and no one had to die. The Obama-McCain presidency could have been settled that way. Foley makes a big deal about keeping the caricature drawing of himself and JB, no matter what. Rocco and Sally Boy come in and tell Mick that they’ve got his back. They’ll do anything that he needs. Foley asks them to get rid of the “MEM” logos on their shirts, like he asked them to six weeks ago.
Booker T and Scott Steiner watch this exchange on the monitor in the MEM dressing room. They laugh and announce that they’ve found their tag team opponents for the evening.
Match #3: Booker T (w/ Sharmell) and Scott Steiner defeat Rocco and Sally Boy: This match was for the Tag Team titles. Another total squash that the MEMbers treated as beneath them and an absolute joke. Rocco hits Steiner with a big splash, but the referee was pulled out of the ring by Sharmell. One extremely poorly done Book End later, Steiner follows up with a downward spiral and gets the win.
DGT: I just threw up in my mouth a little.
To Mick Foley’s office! Eric Young apologizes for his recent behavior, and says that his problem is with Jarrett personally, not with TNA. He’ll do whatever Foley needs him to do. Foley makes him the last man on the TNA Originals side for the massive tag match later.
DGT: You know what’s coming. Don’t pretend you don’t.
Match #4: Traci Brooks wins the Knockouts battle royale: Eleven Knockouts competed for $50,000 and the position of “Chosen One” for the MEM. “Knockout Law” Traci Brooks was the referee. Awesome Kong and The Beautiful People got televised entrances. Sarita, ODB (w/ Cody Deaner), Daffney, Alissa Flash, Sojourner Bolt, Taylor Wilde, and Tara were the others. Elimination order was Daffney, Madison Rayne, Sojourner Bolt, Velvet Sky, Taylor Wilde, Alissa Flash, Angelina Love, ODB, and Sarita. The final two were Awesome Kong and Tara, but as they went at it in the ropes, Traci pushed them over the top rope and claimed victory for herself. Nash entered the ring and Traci hugged him. Post-match, Tara low-blowed referee Slick Johnson, who was the outside referee.
DGT: I hate huge clustermess battle royales. Kevin Nash came down during the match for commentary and made a lot of breast jokes. Hooray. If Traci is back to wrestle, good for her. Apparently Sharmell and Jenna Morasca are not in contention for the Knockouts title, so there is, in fact, a wrestling god.
To the back! The Beautiful People rant over not being the ones “servicing” the MEM. They talk trash about the other Knockouts, ODB in particular. This brings in Cody Deaner to stand up for his woman. TBP pretend to come on to him, and he says that he knows that they all want a piece of the Deaner. He invites them to smell him, bragging about his “mi la toilette” that his Mother Deaner got him at a flea market. Velvet Sky low blows Deaner, and ODB runs in as TBP scatter.
DGT: Fun. The Beautiful People are always great to watch, and this segment was no exception. Cody Deaner was actually funny with his “The Deaner diamonds are shattered!” line.
To the locker room! The TNA Originals of AJ Styles, Beer Money, Daniels, and Eric Young prepare for their match. AJ says that the Originals dropped the ball at the ppv, allowing the MEM to take over. Tonight, though, they’re all on the same page.
DGT: Ever since the MEM formed, this has been the response of the Originals/Frontline/Whatever. We’re sorry, we dropped the ball. We let everybody down. Could we possibly be a little less emo and a little more pissed off about it?
Match #5: The British Invasion, Kiyoshi, and Shiek Abdul Bashir defeated AJ Styles, Daniels, Beer Money, and Eric Young: Sort of. Good action for what there was, but far too short. The whole point of the match was that Eric Young turned on the Originals, gave AJ Styles a piledriver, and helped the international faction win. He then left with them.
DGT: Placing Eric Young as the leader of the World Elite faction is good. He’s not American. He’s been in TNA from the beginning. He has legitimate grievances concerning his career in TNA. He’s done the best work of his career since his heel turn. He needed a new storyline immediately, as the Young/Jarrett bit had to be scrapped. The problem here is that any surprise factor was totally killed by having Young go to Foley and apologize prior to the match. Why not just announce, “We’re going to swerve you now?” Most fans do not need to be led around by the nose to follow the program. I would rather have not seen Young’s actions coming from a mile away. Nice work from the announce team on the “unwritten rule” of not using the piledriver because it was so dangerous, and Young’s use of it.
To the back! The World Elite celebrates, and Eric Young explains that he was invited to join the group some time ago. Mick Foley rushes in and attacks Young.
Match #6: Kurt Angle vs. Mick Foley ends in “no contest”: Yes, an “on a pole” match went to a no-contest. Foley and Angle were both rather beaten up from their ppv match, and showed it. Foley put Angle down with a near-minute-long Mandible Claw, but as he tried to climb the pole, the MEM ran down and attacked him. Foley was beaten down and held in place while Angle screamed at him in barely comprehensible English. Music plays, and Bobby Lashley comes down. He’s all smiles and hugs Angle. Lashley sets up to hit Foley, but turns around and hits Angle instead. He clotheslines all the other MEMbers, gets a big pop, and looks threatening.
DGT: So a guy who has never been in TNA before, a guy who publicly says that his main focus is fighting Brock Lesnar in UFC and that TNA is basically a side job to earn extra money, is suddenly the one and only guy who can save TNA? The MEM had complete dominance until Lashley punched Angle? Even if you’re a Lashley fan, this is insulting beyond belief. Once again, we’re back to the “Only an ex-WWE guy can save us!” mentality. Daniels, AJ, Joe, Sabin, Shelley, Hernandez, Homicide, Jay Lethal, and even Consequences Creed might not agree with the idea. I know, who cares what they think? I never cared about Lashley in WWE, and I don’t now. I stand by my previous comments that he wasn’t a big deal in WWE. He was just another painfully green musclehead who was pushed to the moon and made champion much too quickly because Vince drooled over his look. Any credit that he gets for bringing the experience of a babyface WWE champion is too much credit.
FINAL THOUGHTS: Given that the MEM was hand-picking their own opponents for tonight’s title defenses, I’m pretty sure that I was supposed to hate them. Good. I’m all in favor of a do-over of the MEM/Originals idea, but given how terribly that was messed up, even my hope is limited. Right now, the MEM come off as cool heels, or flat out faces, and are cheered as such. No one challenges the MEM over comments like “If we left, all that would be here are a bunch of losers and the company would die,” and “Everyone not in the MEM is in the same place he was seven years ago, and not in our league.” There’s a definite line between stacking the odds against the faces and making them look like idiots. We’ve already seen Bachelor #2. Try something different this time.
The Lord and Master of Randomness, JT, will be enjoying a well-deserved vacation for the next ten days or so, but check back with us for the usual BWF goodness!
Peace out,
First of all, I have to welcome myself back, after being unable to provide the three of you who read my column each week. The reason why, is because someone in the household changed ISPs without meaning to, thus I lost my internet access. Also, as I write this, I have fallen ill. I get the best of luck don’t I? Anyways, let’s continue …
ZZ Top guest hosts RAW. I thought ZZ Top had three members?
The usage of Chavo Guerrero at the moment is nothing short of a complete joke. When he was in WCW, he was Cruiserweight Champion twice, and his talents were shows off each week. Recently, he’s been up against someone who strangely enough fits into THE Brian Kendrick’s jacket with ease from what I hear, Hornswoggle. Nobody should be “wrestling” Hornswoggle. Period.
Chris Jericho’s mystery partner is either Ted DiBiase, Mark Henry or Kane.
My future column for VinceRussoWatchesHisBeardGrow will elaborate on this further, but what happened to the good ‘ol days of watching wrestling? These days, the WWE is aimed at the kids, TNA is aimed at Kurt Angle and ROH has only just begun, and thus targeting anyone who’ll watch. What are the fans that have watched this product for years meant to enjoy? The fans who lived through the Attitude era flicking between RAW and Nitro? Why doesn’t pro wrestling care for these companies anymore?
UFC 100 was nothing short of awesome. Georges St. Pierre schooled Thiago Alves. Michael Bisping got dropped. Hard. Frank Mir got owned, and Brock Lesnar doesn’t like sponsors.
The Main Event Mafia hold 3/5 of the titles in TNA. Is the X-Divison and KnockOuts Championships not worthy of being owned by the MEM? Samoa Joe’s advisor, and one of the worst kept secrets in wrestling, Taz, was introduced at Victory Road. Notice how Joe, is the only member of MEM without a title belt? Is that because he didnt compete in another of the big two before arriving in TNA?
That’s all I can comment on for this week, sorry for the short column. As I said earlier, I’m unwell, and my head is spinning more and more as I type. Stay tuned for future columns by several BWF staff in the coming days. Who knows, you could see me again before the week is done.