Tag Archive: TNA

  1. BWF Radio Episode 63

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    We want Punk to have that one. Get ’em, Punk!

    It’s that time of the week again, where ThinkSoJoE passes the dutchie on the left hand side.  This week, the BWF crew are joined by Rational Wrestling Review’s Alice Arrington, who rubs it in our faces that Chris Jericho did a three hour interview with herself and Konnan this week on MLW.  We go over the week in pro wrestling television before diving straight in to the saga of Jack Swagger.  We talk about Swagger’s arrest, and how Glenn Beck and Alex Jones have likely saved his title match at WrestleMania.  Speaking of Glenn Beck, we called him out on Twitter earlier this week.  Did he show up to talk to us?  Of course he didn’t!  We dive even further into the drama that is Hart Legacy Wrestling, with quotes from Lance Storm on how the original show was booked.  We reveal (in case you’ve been living under a rock) details about who will be publishing the next WWE video game, plus a rumor about TNA’s next foray into the world of gaming.  All this, and much more, on BWF Radio Episode 63!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 63 (MP3, 2:31:10)

  2. BWF Radio Episode 62 (with Gary Barnidge of the Carolina Panthers)

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    Joe, Jorge, G, JT, and Brian are joined by Carolina Panthers TE Gary Barnidge for the first part of the show.  We ask the hard hitting questions, like “Vince McMahon or Vince Lombardi.”  We talk about the American Football Without Borders charity, and Gary joins us for Elimination Chamber picks.  We get into the news, including Miz accidentally dropping Punk on his head, TNA Lockdown not consisting entirely of cage matches, and Rey Mysterio’s surgeon potentially losing his license.  We chime in on the IOC dropping wrestling from the 2020 Olympic games.  We update the whereabouts of Steve Blackman.  We talk about Scott Hall.  We find out who is making the WWE ’14 video game.  Is John Cena sleeping with a porn star?  All this and more on BWF Radio!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 62 (MP3, 2:07:02)

  3. BWF Radio Episode 56

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    And then Khali died.

    Oh man, wrestling fans… this week was one hell of a ride. We were joined by @AliceRadley of Rational Wrestling Review and rather quickly Jorge and Alice embark us onto a pretty entertaining diatribe about… things. We roll through the week of WWE, TNA, and ROH as usual and return to the madness that is the world of The Iron Sheik. The upcoming Wrestlers vs Zombies is discussed. J.T. reveals his disdain of the product that prompts a discussion of why we watch wrestling today, with some reference to the abuse of the fans by McMahon being akin to today’s announcement of the end of the NHL lockout. Velvet Sky crashes her car because of a little snow (we call that July in Canada), Daniel Bryan wants to become the most useless superhero in the Marvel universe, Fred Flinstone gets jobbed out, and much more!

    Ensure you like Jorge’s facebook page here. He need’s 503 votes, and we will be able to coerce him into joining social media! Do it now! Make fake facebook accounts and make democracy legitimate!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 56 (MP3, 2:07:18)

    Also… here are the videos discussed on today’s episode:

    [youtube q9eAPgqc2AQ]

    [youtube -3_cUxzLBSQ]

  4. BWF Radio 54

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    AJ Loves All The Boys

    Even within the madness of the holidays, the BWF Radio crew returned on Sunday to discuss the week that was in professional wrestling. The WWE offered up a sleigh-full of content including the stellar TLC PPV and a Tribute to the Troops within their regularly scheduled programming. We saw the returns of people like Ric Flair, Tommy Dreamer, and The Boogeyman to name a few. We also tackle the news including what is happening with THQ and how that affects the future of the WWE video game franchise, how filthy the character of AJ has become, The Iron Sheik on Twitter, Tommy Dreamer’s head injury, and much much more. So kick up your feet, toss your chestnuts on an open fire, and begin thinking how you are going to explain that injury to the…. ahh, just listen to the show and have a great holiday!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 54 (MP3, 2:01:20)

  5. BWF Radio Episode 51

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    These guys are worse than Mahal!

    These guys are worse than Mahal!

    This week on BWF Radio, we drop a huge bombshell by announcing that later this week, the BWF Radio crew will be interviewing 11 time World Champion Chris Jericho!  And of course, we talk about professional wrestling television and news for the week.  The crew discusses the possibilities for the WrestleMania 29 main event, ponder the polls as Daniel Bryan questions whether or not he actually lost to Kane in the WWE RAWactive this week on RAW, CM Punk on Talking Dead, a possible angle for Sakamoto’s eventual return from development hell, and reveal that WWE is no longer obligated to stay away from TNA’s former talent, which leads Joe on a rant about the “WWE style” of wrestling.  All this, and much, much more!  Tune in!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 51 (MP3, 2:12:54)


    Our break song this week was “Intermission/All I Want” by The Offspring.  Buy it here!

  6. BWF/Cheap-Heat Interview: Zema Ion

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    Zema Ion

    Zema Ion as the X-Division Champion

    Impact Wrestling star and former X-Division Champion Zema Ion recently took time out of his busy schedule to do an interview with BoredWrestlingFan’s ThinkSoJoE – on Joe’s birthday, no less!  We learn the incredible story of how Zema’s mother met his father, escaping a Singapore sweat shop in the process.  Zema tells us about his early days, training with the International Wrestling Cartel in Pennsylvania, changing the direction of that promotion in the process.  We’re told the story of how he missed his chance to train in Japan, and the discipline it took to train in Mexico.  Zema asks a fan question about the whereabouts of his afro, and talks about the bizarre comparisons to Carlito.  We learn where the original name of Shiima Xion came from, and who can take responsibility for changing it to Zema Ion upon his arrival in TNA.  We get Zema’s thoughts on the injury caused to Jesse Sorrenson, and an update on Sorrenson’s condition.  Finally, Zema tells us what band he’d love to play for if he had decided to be a rock star instead of a professional wrestler.

    Big thanks to Impact Wrestling and Zema Ion himself for their time!

    BWF/Cheap-Heat Interview: Zema Ion (MP3, 31:58)

  7. BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 48

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    McMahon Campaign

    $97 million well spent?

    Joe, G, JT, and Jorge are joined by Alice Radley of Radley Wrestling Talk on this week’s episode of BWF Radio.  The discussion covers the three main shows of WWE and TNA for the week.  That goes off on a slight tangent as the crew discuss possible ways to put the Attitude back in to WWE, and the ways TNA could possibly compete with the kingpin.  WrestleMania sales are discussed, as over 50,000 tickets have sold thusfar, two of which are in the hands of our fearless leader.  All the great wrestling news is here too, including the whereabouts of Kenny King, the failure of Linda McMahon’s Senate campaign, who exactly told Vince McMahon he’s out of touch with the audience, and much, much more!  Tune in to this super-sized edition of BWF Radio!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 48 (MP3, 2:22:24)

    This week’s break song, as selected by our guest Alice Radley, was Te Amo by Atlas Sound.  Buy it here!

  8. BWF Interview: Jerry Lynn

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    It’s an interview everybody on the BoredWrestlingFan staff wanted to participate in, but one man actually got to do it.  This past Thursday, the great Jerry Lynn took time out of his day to speak with our own Justin Ruff about a number of topics.  He talks about getting his start in the business, working the indies with a young Sean Waltman, and reveals who came up with his WCW name, Mr. JL.  He mentions that the late Brad Armstrong was one of his favorite opponents.  He talks about ECW memories, including the fans giving him the nickname, “The New F’N Show.”  Jerry discusses his disappointing time in WWE and his knee injury, comparing it to being a human toy.  The early days of TNA are discussed, including Jerry winning the X-Division Championship early on.  Justin and Jerry get into Jerry’s recent indie career, and Jerry puts over wrestling in the state of Texas.  Plus, Jerry announces the date of his final career match!  All this, and much, much more.  Click the link below to listen!

    BoredWrestlingFan Interview: Jerry Lynn

  9. iMPACT REVIEW 08-23-12 pintnoir

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    This week TNA goes SOA on us and for those not in the patch club should know that i talk of Sons of Anarchy:

    Aces and 8’s ride up on thier hogs and infiltrate the arena. And on Open Fight Night to take on Sting. And his friends. All this and James Storm after last week has been cleared of all the suspicision after taking a beating from the group last week.

    After renaming the show Ass-whooping Show, the show began. Oh and they mention that Hogan is pissed and in the building.

    Two members of the group show up and are let into the ring only to walk into a gang style initiation by the TNA roster. After taking a beating one member smiling through his blood pack tells them “:Thank You” and he was just patched in due to this. Sting hits him again.

    So Ms Tessmacher calls out Tara so she can beat her teacher and prove herself. I should of been impressed but it was short and sloppy and I smell a tessmacher heel turn in the works, after Tara beats her with a superplex from the top. Oh and Tif–Taryn Terrell was there to officate.

    The Camera Crew reshow The Pope getting beat down and show his twitter shoulder injury. Which sets up a triple threat match between AJ, Robbie and RVD since these are the men Pope was supposed to face. But first we have to get that pesky paternity situation out  the way with AJ and Claire.

    Why is it out of order? Because I’m just happy that the story is finally over and we can move on. Claire is not present according to Daniels because she ruptured a placenta and AJ should be ashamed of himself for being a “Bastard” All this before a female attorney comes out and reveals this whole sorted affair of Daniels and Kazarian approached Lynch back in January and hatched the whole plan of getting AJ Drunk and spiking his drink and taking pics. But she isn’t even pregnant and wants the local authorities contacted and apologizes for the whole scheme. AJ goes off and kicks Daniels in the head and misses Kaz to proudly announce he is not the father.

    Moving on….

    RVD vs AJ Styles vs Robbie E

    He we have the perpetual Jobber taking on two formidable opponent and Robbie E manages to pin RVD for the seven points. Maybe Hardy wasn’t a fluke.

    Kris Lewie vs Gunner

    Short, bad and he better not get a yes. I swear to God that he had a good story. But once in the ring he sucked worse than a jamacian bobsled team. Lets just hope that even though Gut check winners only go to developmental he should be passed on.

    Oh Gunner won by the way. I guess this beats wrestling Garett Bischoff.

    Not by much though.

    Jeff Hardy gets revenge on Rob Terry in short fashion and we move on to..

    Mr Anderson vs Bully Ray.

    Good Match between two charismatic guys that end when Anderson hits the mic check for the win. While this is going on Aces and 8’s are being fought backstage and when we think its done they call out in 3:30 they will unleash the Deadman’s hand. Sting and the TNA locker room come out in full force to face them. Aces and 8’s come through the crowd in vast numbers attacking the wrestlers. Aries gets his hand smashed between two chairs and when the original six stand tall in the ring Bully Ray of all people come out and clean house as Aces head back on thier bikes and high tail out of the arena.

    Good show that kept the pace quick and thankfully ended the Lynch saga. Here’s to the next month before Bound For Glory.

    -PNTnoir_ out

  10. Claire Lynch (Julia Reilly) Has An Interesting Day Job


    As news broke last week about the identity of the actress behind Claire Lynch (i.e. Julia Reilly), much of her demo reel, social media, and youtube videos have been taken down. While she’s been the focal point on TNA’s AJ Styles/Christopher Daniels feud, she’s a little more involved in the local area than previously known.

    It turns out there is much more to TNA and Julia Reilly in relation to Universal Studios. Or so it would seem. We can only speculate, as this is the internet after all. But I think you’re going to dig this suckah!