Tag Archive: Tweets

  1. Survivor Series 2009 results


    Twitter’s @DCsPeoplesChamp is in the Verizon Center as I type this, and tweeting from the show.  I’m not watching, actually, but that’s because The Simpsons are on.  Why can’t these companies have their PPVs on a night when nothing else is on, like a Saturday?  Anyways, I digress…


  2. The return of ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts

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    Well folks, it’s been a few months since this column has popped up here at BoredWrestlingFan.  I figured that this week would be the perfect time to resurrect it, with the return of “The War on Everything” this past Wednesday and the lack of “Random Randomness” as JT takes today off as part of his extended birthday celebration.
