Tag Archive: Zombies

  1. BWF Radio Episode 56

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    And then Khali died.

    Oh man, wrestling fans… this week was one hell of a ride. We were joined by @AliceRadley of Rational Wrestling Review and rather quickly Jorge and Alice embark us onto a pretty entertaining diatribe about… things. We roll through the week of WWE, TNA, and ROH as usual and return to the madness that is the world of The Iron Sheik. The upcoming Wrestlers vs Zombies is discussed. J.T. reveals his disdain of the product that prompts a discussion of why we watch wrestling today, with some reference to the abuse of the fans by McMahon being akin to today’s announcement of the end of the NHL lockout. Velvet Sky crashes her car because of a little snow (we call that July in Canada), Daniel Bryan wants to become the most useless superhero in the Marvel universe, Fred Flinstone gets jobbed out, and much more!

    Ensure you like Jorge’s facebook page here. He need’s 503 votes, and we will be able to coerce him into joining social media! Do it now! Make fake facebook accounts and make democracy legitimate!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 56 (MP3, 2:07:18)

    Also… here are the videos discussed on today’s episode:

    [youtube q9eAPgqc2AQ]

    [youtube -3_cUxzLBSQ]

  2. BWF Radio Episode 29

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    Blame Canada, Blame Canada!  ThinkSoJoE, the returning JT, and our resident Canadian, G Hall, celebrate Canada Day with another new episode of BWF Radio!  The trio discuss RAW, NXT, ROH, IMPACT, and SmackDown, mark out for Bray Wyatt, start winning with Charlie Sheen, and much more!  Who the hell is Maxine?  Who’s got Chyna’s poodle?  How will Sylvester Terkay defeat a horde of zombies in a wrestling match?  Who has John Cena been sleeping with this week?  Did Ric Flair get his usual spots in as his wife assaulted him?  Find out the answers to all these questions by downloading BWF Radio Episode 29!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 29 (MP3, 1:52:30)

  3. The War On.. Video Game o-Mania Part Deux, And Did I See A RAW Review On This Website?

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    Hello Bored Wrestling Fans! It is I, the one columnist on this site, who doesn’t actually write about wrestling, and had instead to talk about video games. Why? Well, chances are, if you are in fact a Bored Wrestling Fan, you play video games to occupy your time until all your favourite wrestling programmes come on TV. Programmmes like Sunday Night Heat, or that one-time show that USA put on at the end of 1999 called Eve Of Destruction. Anyways, before the video games talk commences, I’d better cue the opening of the show, but before I do that, I need to state the following: The following game reviews contain spoilers. If you don not wish to know what happens in the games reviewed, then don’t read the review. Although, you probably won’t read it anyway, but I’m just saying for the two of you still reading this right now.

    Cue The Opening


  4. iMPACT Wrestling: 05/19/11


    Last Sunday’s PPV, Sacrifice, merited little results of significance… except that Chyna might be back for more and Brayden Walker stole Matt Hardy’s fat gimmick. You can read more about the PPV at Pintnoir’s recap here. Pretty good review!

    However, this week on the newly branded “iMPACT Wrestling,” where apparently wrestling matters, we will be treated to a new look iMPACT zone. As a result, the former TNA has made an effort to make the place look snazzy and showcase the change. Sure, this should have been done for the PPV, but realistically their buyrates have been so poor as of late, I’d imagine they didn’t bat an eyelash at the concept of rebranding the building in time.