Category Archive: Drowgoddess

  1. Apologies

    There will be no “Impact” Impressions this week due to author meltdown. Check the following links for show reviews.    Hopefully, next week will be better and I’ll give you my own article. Sorry. Peace out, Drowgoddess

  2. “Impact” Impressions 2/19/09

    —————————-X————————–   Welcome to “Main Event Mess!” That’s our anime-ish title for this week. We open in Jeff Jarrett’s office. He’s the founder of TNA. Jim Cornette pleads with Jarrett not to allow the Angle/Sting empty arena match to take place because of the insurance issues and legal ramifications that could result from a lack […]

  3. Keep or Cut? Vol. 1

    TNA’s decision not to renew the contracts of Petey Williams, Jimmy Rave, and Lance Hoyt is just the beginning. More talent cuts are said to be forthcoming, and the supposed logic behind TNA’s non-renewals really brings to mind the saying, “There are none so blind as those who cannot see.” It isn’t releasing talent, we’re […]

  4. “Impact” Impressions 2/12/09

    —————————-X——————————-   We open with highlights from Sunday’s “Against All Odds” pay-per-view. As Mike Tenay and Don West run down the evening’s card, they inform us that the first match of the night will be – pretty much the main event from the previous Sunday’s pay-per-view? Now that everyone who paid money to see “Against […]

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