Category Archive: Impact

  1. TNA Impact 17/10/2013

    I’m extremely tired and cranky as hell. Dixie comes out to start the show. She has security with her and one of them has a briefcase. Dixie says that Bound For Glory will be her masterpiece and runs down AJ, referencing his beating by Bully Ray. A “We want Hogan” chant breaks out and I […]

  2. Impact Wrestling 19/09/2013

    Same deal as last week folks. Thanks to a busy day I’m watching Impact while extremely tired and eating my lunch. The show starts with a small segment with Magnus. He said he left it all in the ring and goes to talk about EGO interfering. Roode comes in and EGO beat Magnus down, telling […]

  3. Impact Wrestling 05/09/13

    The show starts with the usual “previously on Impact” segment. I’d tell you what happened last week but I already told you last week. The show starts properly with guys from the BFG series cutting promos about the gauntlet match. Even the guys who have no chance of getting in the top four with the […]

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