So we finally know the final four going into Destination X, Austin Aries vs Zima Ion vs Lowki vs Jack Evans. Liking the pedigree of this match and what could be had. Also we have the following matches to look forward to.. Douglas Williams open challenge Ultimate X number one contenders match Shelley vs Moore […]
Destination X, is about two weeks away. Two more three way tournaments to go through, leading to the four man Ultimate X match for a contract with the company. So far, I beg for Austin Aries to win because I like his personality. Which means he has one akin to Kendrick,Kaz,Gen-Max and I think Robbie […]
In my first post I commented on how the current TNA regime containing Hogan & company could be put to pasture during Bound for Glory. This would be an excellent time to “reboot” the knockouts. Think of how with the big money succubi gone, the true workers could be brought back in. The most important […]
I’ve always said that is a site created by wrestling fans for wrestling fans. That’s absolutely true. We’re not “insiders.” We don’t work for any wrestling organization. We are normal people with jobs just like all of you, and sometimes real life gets in the way of our ability to meet deadlines here on […]
Earlier when the prospect of TNA revamping its product and becoming iMPACT Wrestling arose I had an epiphany. What could be more awesome than what was going through my mind in terms of the available talent. I’ve touched on Orlando Jordan, Eric Young and the X division. I admit I only glazed over the division […]
TMZ reports: Florida Highway Patrol tells TMZ … Savage was driving his 2009 Jeep Wrangler when he veered across a concrete median … through oncoming traffic … and “collided head-on with a tree.” Savage was transported to Largo Medical center, where he died from his injuries. Savage’s wife was a passenger in the vehicle during […]
No disrespect to the fans with the title. I’m a fan myself but this show with all this innuendo of changes lacked any. The ring and outside arena still had TNA posted everywhere with a hue of blue and added rows of seats which another reviewer on TNAsylum pointed out. Was that the change? I […]
The news has been hitting the fan for weeks and now it was finally confirmed on May 12th. TNA is now Impact Wrestling. Watching the event unfold before my eyes as The Network, Mick Foley proclaimed “Impact is wrestling” telling Hogan and his cohorts that the politics have ended. I smiled as I thought of […]
I am not, nor have I ever been, a Hulkamaniac. This is the single greatest thing in the history of things. [youtube][/youtube]