Tag Archive: Attendance

  1. Discount Bin Reviews: Wrestlemania 18 (Live Show/DVD)


    Our Celebration of Professional Wrestling continues!

    In the annals of Wrestlemania history, Wrestlemania 18 in particular holds a very dear place in my heart. The reason is simple: I WAS THERE. Among the 68,237 people that packed the Skydome I experienced Rock vs Hogan first hand, helpless against a wave of mass nostalgia. But I’ll get to that match later. We had floor seats, just left of the main hard camera view toward the back. Good seats but maybe not great seats. But that didn’t matter; I was in attendance at the Showcase of the Immortals, the Granddaddy of them all, Wrestlemania!

    The following comes to the BWF courtesy of Jonkind over at Wonderpod-Online

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  2. WWE RAW results 11/22/10


    Hey folks, the man the BWF staff call “Boss” is here to fill in for AlyKat tonight as she is in attendance at the Amway Arena in Orlando, FL for tonight’s edition of RAW.  I’ve actually been to a WWE event in that very venue – the 2008 WWE Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony.  Tonight, however, I’m on my couch in Niagara Falls, NY watching USA HD and bringing you my thoughts on this post-Survivor Series edition of RAW.  Will we see John Cena tonight?  What kind of mood will Wade Barrett be in?  Will Aly have a heart attack in the Amway Arena as The Miz cashes in Money In The Bank?  Who knows!  It’s uncooked, uncut, uncensored, it’s RAW!


  3. “Smackdown” Review 5/14/10

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    Greetings, all!

    Your friendly neighborhood Drowgoddess is covering this week’s “Smackdown,” as our fearless leader, ThinkSoJoE, was actually in attendance. This review should have gone up yesterday, but due to completely unexpected personal matters of the happy persuasion, you’re getting it now. With a smile. 🙂


  4. Look for Me!


    Your Tsarina of “Smackdown” will be in attendance at the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas tomorrow night for tapings of ECW and “Smackdown.” My Friday night real-time will contain references thereunto. If you watch ECW or “Smackdown,” look for me! I have four signs. “BWF.” “Drew McIntyre.” “Save Me, CM Punk.” “Goat Rabbit Alliance.” Don’t ask about that last one, it’s a long story.

  5. ECW in REAL TIME! 4/14/09

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    It’s been a long, long time since the last time I real-timed anything here on the site, but since I’m awake and finally watching ECW for the first time in a few weeks, I figured, why the hell not?  We’ve got some friends in attendance tonight in Knoxville, including WorldWrestlingInsanity’s RDLee, and the man who will be debuting here Thursday night with a WWE Superstars review, tharvey1, so we’re looking for an “AARON WOOD SUCKS” sign.

    Show’s starting, so meet me on the other side of the jump! (more…)