Tag Archive: Christian Cage

  1. Thoughts on “Impact” 11/20/08

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    Your Empress of “Impact” is back for another week’s thoughts on TNA. And there was much rejoicing!

    We open with the Main Event Mafia and the casket representing Christian Cage and his career. Kurt HHHAngle spews on about how Christian wouldn’t commit to the TNA family, and had been in negotiations with WWE, so he had to be taken out. And Kurt Angle, as well as the rest of the Main Event Mafia, cares so much about TNA as a company since when, precisely? The MEM could actually get over as heels if the faces would seriously call them out on their bovine fertilizer promos, and do so in a way that made sense. Aside from losing matches and constantly being beaten down, the TNA Originals are almost completely muzzled on the mic. At the very least, the one battle the young guys should always win is the battle of words.


  2. TNA Bound For Glory predictions

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    Well, after successfully predicting No Mercy earlier this month, I thought I’d give TNA predictions a shot.  I don’t expect them to be super accurate, because you never can tell what these TNA bookers are going to do…

    TNA Championship:  Samoa Joe (C) vs. Sting

    Joe is gonna kill you…  With the “no rematch” stipulation added this past Thursday on iMPACT, I don’t really expect to see Sting winning this – Joe’s just not ready to be pushed out of the main event.

    Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett (Special Enforcer Mick Foley)

    I don’t think we’ll see Angle win unless Foley turns on Jarrett.  Since he’s new on the scene, I don’t know if I see that happening – but at the same time, I can’t see why Foley would be on the side of the young guys in this whole “respect” thing.  Unless something drastic happens though, I’m taking Jarrett in this one.

    Monster’s Ball Match for the World Tag Team Titles:  Beer Money Inc. (C) vs. LAX vs. Team 3D vs. Matt Morgan & Abyss

    Quite frankly, I can see any of the four winning.  I expect to see Beer Money get their asses handed to them, but somehow manage to retain their titles.

    The Steel Asylum Match

    Not sure who’s going to be in this match, but if they found somebody to replace Kaz in the role, I wouldn’t be surprised if Suicide debuts tonight and wins the match.  If not, I’m not sure who would be in this match, let alone who might win.

    TNA Knockouts Championship:  Taylor Wilde (C) vs. Roxxi vs. Awesome Kong

    Given recent events, where Taylor Wilde’s been feuding with The Beautiful People, and Roxxi’s been getting over on Kong, I’m going to give the nod, and JohnnyCraze if you’re reading this, remember that this is only a prediction, to Roxxi.

    Christian Cage vs. AJ Styles vs. Booker T

    I have no idea where they’re headed with this one.  Let’s say Cage.

    X-Division Championship:  Shiek Abdul Bashir vs. Consequences Creed

    I can’t stand the Bashir character.  That said, he’ll probably retain.

    I won’t be around for the PPV tonight, but if you’re watching it, enjoy!

  3. TNA No Surrender 2008 Results (9/14/08)

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    I didn’t quite make it online to make predictions last night, but here are your quick results for TNA No Surrender 2008.

    Sting announces that he has renewed his contract, and that at Bound For Glory next month, he’ll be facing the winner of tonight’s Four Ways To Glory match for the TNA Championship.  He then talks about the talent in TNA and the lack of respect shown to the veterans.

    Booker T could not make it to the show due to Hurricane Ike.  We here at BWF wish Booker and his family the best and hope they make it through the storm safely.

    The Prince Justice Brotherhood defeated The Rock and Rave Infection.  Christy Hemme was hit with the Chummer by Shark Boy during the match, and was attended to by Curry Man afterward.

    Awesome Kong def. ODB in a Falls Count Anywhere match

    Abyss & Matt Morgan def. Team 3D.  After the match, Team 3D take out Morgan with a chair.  When he comes to, he thinks it was Abyss who hit him.  The two argue before an upset Morgan leaves the ring.

    Sheik Abdul Bashir def. Consequences Creed & Petey Williams in a three way match to become the new TNA X Division Champion.

    Taylor Wilde def. Angelina Love to retain the TNA Knockouts Championship.

    Sonjay Dutt def. Jay Lethal in a “Ladder Of Love” match when So Cal Val turned on Lethal.

    Beer Money, Inc. def. LAX to retain the TNA Tag Team Championship.

    AJ Styles vs. Frank Trigg in a Mixed Martial Arts Match went to a no contest when Styles hit Trigg with a Kendo Stick.

    Samoa Joe def. Kurt Angle & Christian Cage in a Four Three Ways to Glory match to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

  4. iMPACT Spoilers for 8/21/08

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    I know it’s against the usual site policy to post spoilers, but since I know I’m not going to be around for iMPACT tonight (or next week, for that matter), I’ve decided to go that route.  Since the policy is normally to not post spoilers, I don’t have a spoiler tag to hide them in, so instead, you can get iMPACT spoilers after the jump.  I may post a review in the morning, but for now, this is your iMPACT coverage here on BoredWrestlingFan.com

    Spoilers from WrestlingInc.com; after the jump! (more…)

  5. TNA Hard Justice 2008 Quick Results

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    I haven’t yet obtained a copy of last night’s PPV.  I’ll attempt to do so later on, but for now, here are your TNA Hard Justice 2008 Quick Results!

    1.) Petey Williams def. Consequences Creed to retain the X Division Championship
    Creed was attacked by Shiek Abdul Bashir, costing him the match.

    2.) Taylor Wilde, Gail Kim, & ODB def. The Beautiful People & Awesome Kong

    3.) Beer Money def. LAX to win the TNA Tag Team Championship

    4.)  Jay Lethal def. Sonjay Dutt in a Black Tie Brawl and Chain match

    5.)  Christian Cage & Rhino def. Team 3D in a New Jersey Street Fight

    6.)  AJ Styles def. Kurt Angle in a Last Man Standing match

    7.)  Samoa Joe def. Booker T in a Weapons Cage match to retain the TNA Championship
    – Joe used a guitar that wasn’t originally in the cage to win the match