Tag Archive: CM Punk

  1. WWE RAW 7/22/13

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    Hopefully we can finally get RAW to keep the momentum going.  Last week’s show was called by some people I know the best one of the year.  I don’t know necessarily that I agree with that, but the crowd was hot and it definitely helped ease the anger of a lackluster Pay Per View the night before.  Let’s roll!

    I watch 30 minutes of RAW, leave for work, and then watch the rest while writing RAW in whatever style I feel like.  Because this is the “A” show.  SmackDown can have their little make believe stuff, they need it since they’re the “B” show.  It’s all half assed matches and RAW recaps over there anyway.  Screw you, SmackDown review!


  2. BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 81 – Matt Borne Tribute

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    Texas Wrestling Hall of Fame founder David Fuller and inductees James Beard and Black Bart join us via the phone lines to pay tribute to their fallen friend, “Maniac” Matt Borne.  Doc Knight of Original Stampede Wrestling drops in to say a few words as well.  The BWF Radio crew sit quietly at the learning tree as these legends of professional wrestling talk about the business and share Matt Borne stories.  Joe gives a recap of Traditional Championship Wrestling’s television show, Jorge gushes over the imminent arrival of the Wyatt Family, and the crew give a rare rave review to this week’s episode of IMPACT Wrestling.  In the news, find out who no longer is employed by TNA, hear why Daniel Bryan didn’t get in any trouble over yelling at Triple H, and why the Blackhawks may have gotten CM Punk in a bit of trouble with WWE management.  Plus, an update on the ROH World Title situation.  All this and much more on this week’s episode of BoredWrestlingFan Radio!  Tune in!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio episode 81 (MP3, 2:07:39)

    This week’s break song was Naïveté in Black by Black Sabbath.  Apparently, you can only buy this track at Best Buy.

  3. Smackdown 07/05/13

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    Well, after two odd weeks of Smackdown reviews due to watching my city flood and then attempting a mad scramble to secure a place to live amidst a throng of displaced Calgarians attempting to do the same, I guess I’m back. Am I better than ever? Not if my name is Eric and I help run Impact. But this is not Impact. This is fucking Smackdown.

    That’s right…

    Hopping time!


  4. RAW 7/1/13: RAW is Half-Ass reviewed.

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    This is my most hated week of the year.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my country, and I love my neighbors to the north in Canada, but in the business I work in outside of BoredWrestlingFan, and in the city in which I work in said business, this is one of the most stressful weeks of the year.  We’re busy early in the week for Canada Day, and then we’re busy later in the week for Independence Day.  On top of that, this week marks 11 years I’ve been in said business, so I face the fact that for over a decade, I haven’t been able to find anything better than what I do.  Oh well.  Let’s go!

    I watch 30 minutes of RAW, leave for work, give you the gist of the first 30, then review the rest of the show with semi-factual information.  Except this week, because I don’t feel like it.  What are you gonna do about it?  Complain?  To who?  This is my site, I do what I want with my reviews.  Plus, I play by my own rules.  Screw you, G’s SmackDown Reviews!


  5. WWE RAW 6/24/13: RAW is RERUN

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    Last week ended on a positive note.  I had hope that things were looking up for WWE.  Then I watched the first 30 minutes of this show.  Now I’m dreading watching the rest of it.  My night has been pretty good so far though, what with the Chicago Blackhawks winning the Stanley Cup over my most hated NHL team, the Boston Bruins and all.  Oh well, fuck it.  Let’s go.

    I watch 30 minutes of RAW, leave for work, then instead of tormenting myself by watching the first 30 over again, I write down the gist of it and then watch the rest of the show.  Also, I play by my own rules.  Screw you, SmackDown review!


  6. WWE RAW 6/17/13: Payback for Payback.

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    I have hope.  I have hope that after last night, the WWE is ready to turn the corner and start producing compelling television.  CM Punk is back.  Rob Van Dam is coming back.  They pulled off the elusive double turn with Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler, which I fully expect them to solidify on tonight’s show.  Plus another surprise pops up in the first 30 minutes of this episode, which I’m sure will be exciting for some people.  Let’s roll!

    I watch 30 minutes of RAW, leave for work, avoid spoilers like (and from) the plague, and then watch the entire show when I get here.  That’s how ThinkSoJoE’s RAW reviews work.  Also, I play by my own rules.  Screw you, SmackDown review!


  7. BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 78: David Fuller interview

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    Om Nom Nom.

    This week, technical difficulties plague BWF Radio as G and guest David Fuller are disconnected from Joe and Jorge in BWF Headquarters.  David joins us to discuss inclusion in the esteemed Cauliflower Alley Club and running the Texas Wrestling Hall of Fame.  David sticks around to join in on our WWE Payback pay-per-view predictions.  In the news, we find out the whereabouts of Fandango’s former dancer, hear what Kevin Nash and CM Punk have been up to, and discuss whether or not WWE should pay for the surgeries in cases like Scott Hall and Jake Roberts.  AJ Styles scares an obnoxious fan out of the building.  Where is The Big Show?  All this, and much, much more on BoredWrestlingFan Radio.  Tune in!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 78 (MP3, 2:15:31)

    This week’s break song is “I’m A Real Sexy American Boy” by Armcannon.  Buy it here!

  8. Smackdown 05/17/13: Extreme Rules Go Away Show

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    Normally I end my intro blah’s with “hopping time” or some variation of such. Nope. Not so much this week.

    See, See? You killed him.

    Gravity wins again. It’s falling down time smarks, hit the link below. I get progressively angrier and jaded during this review. Maybe it’s just this week, maybe it’s not. The ball is in the WWE’s court on this one…


  9. Smackdown 05/10/13

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    Well, here we are again. Friday. Smackdown. Ratings are slumping for all things wrestling, as they tend to do in the summer time (Except TNA, of course, their ratings never change). Things like NHL and NBA playoffs don’t help either. But since it’s too late to watch any games, I certainly have the time to watch Smackdown. Boy, do I sound enthusiastic.

    Hopping Time!
