Tag Archive: Promos

  1. Pre 2-21-11 thoughts.


    I love my new Android phone.  It plays songs for me that I may have otherwise forgotten about via Pandora.  I can listen to my beloved Buffalo Sabres play via the WGR radio app.  I can waste the day away launching birds at pigs.  But today is the day I truly fell in love with this phone, for you see, I’m able to post to Bored Wrestling Fan any time, any place via the WordPress app.

    Shilling for Google aside, today’s the day we’ve been waiting for with baited breath – 2-21-11.

    While it’s pretty much a given at this point that it’s The Undertaker, I’m hoping the WWE will somehow still surprise us.  As much as I love Undertaker, let’s face it. The guy has been in WWE for 23 years now and it feels like he’s had 46 returns.  You want to bring the phenom back, just have him show up.  It works for him.

    WWE had great buzz going with these promos.  Too bad they’re not for somebody just coming into the WWE.

    Surprise me.  That’s all I ask.

  2. John Cena reportedly injured


    One night removed from co-starring in one of the best opening promos in recent RAW memory, John Cena has apparently been injured during a cage match against former Nexus leader Wade Barrett at a house show in Wilkes-Barre, PA.  We don’t have all the details at this time, but hopefully Cena won’t have to miss an extended amount of time away from the ring.

  3. Ten Things I Hate About You, Professional Wrestling


    As much as we all love the art form that is professional wrestling (And you know that you do, else why are you here, reading this article?), certain aspects of it drive us to near-psychosis, complete with the tearing out of hair, gnashing of teeth, and shouting “Turnip!” in very loud voices. Or maybe that’s just me. In any case, in no particular order and in no way federation-specific, here are “Ten Things I Hate About You, Professional Wrestling.”


  4. Thoughts on “Impact” 11/20/08

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    Your Empress of “Impact” is back for another week’s thoughts on TNA. And there was much rejoicing!

    We open with the Main Event Mafia and the casket representing Christian Cage and his career. Kurt HHHAngle spews on about how Christian wouldn’t commit to the TNA family, and had been in negotiations with WWE, so he had to be taken out. And Kurt Angle, as well as the rest of the Main Event Mafia, cares so much about TNA as a company since when, precisely? The MEM could actually get over as heels if the faces would seriously call them out on their bovine fertilizer promos, and do so in a way that made sense. Aside from losing matches and constantly being beaten down, the TNA Originals are almost completely muzzled on the mic. At the very least, the one battle the young guys should always win is the battle of words.


  5. SmackDown in Real-Time, 8/29/08

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    You know how we do Friday Nights around here – quick results, followed by detailed results, so keep your refresh button handy, because it’s time for SmackDown in real-time on BoredWrestlingFan.com!

    Undertaker tells Vickie Guerrero she’ll burn in hell.

    K-Kwik R-Truth def. Kenny Dykstra via pinfall.

    Maryse & Natalya def. Maria & Michelle via pinfall.

    Jeff Hardy def. MVP via pinfall.  After the match, both men were hit with Pay Dirt by Shelton Benjamin.

    Hawkins & Ryder vs. Jesse & Festus went to a no contest when The Big Show beat up both teams.

    Brie Bella def. Victoria via pinfall.

    Triple H def. Shelton Benjamin via pinfall.
