Tag Archive: Ricky Steamboat

  1. What I want from WWE



    Monday night after RAW, the WWE Network aired a special “Stone Cold Podcast,” where Steve Austin’s guest was WWE Chairman Vince McMahon.  At the end of the show, Austin asked Mr. McMahon where people could go to offer suggestions for WWE.  Vince claims he listens to his audience, referring to the live audience, but Austin insisted that they could send their thoughts to the WWE and Vince McMahon’s Twitter accounts.  I saw a great post from @KellettFilm on Twitter with a list of things he would like to see, and I agreed with a lot of his list, and some of his things, in my own words, may show up here.  That said, here is my idea of what I’d personally like to see from World Wrestling Entertainment.


  2. WWE 2K14 “30 Years of WrestleMania” mode matches revealed

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    Ricky Steamboat enters to face “Macho Man” Randy Savage at WrestleMania III in “30 Years of WrestleMania” mode

    2K Games has posted the entire list of 45 matches in the new “30 Years of WrestleMania” mode for WWE 2K14 on their website.  The full list is below, but be sure to check out the listing on 2K’s site for screenshots of each match!


  3. Do do, do-do do do do…

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    June 24, 1991.  The World Wrestling Federation had a house show in Niagara Falls, NY.  The card was nothing really to write home about.  Bret Hart beat IRS, Ricky Steamboat defeated Haku, Mr. Perfect retained his Intercontinental Championship over The British Bulldog, The Bushwhackers beat the Orient Express, Greg Valentine beat The Barbarian, Big Boss Man and The Rockers defeated The Mountie and The Nasty Boys, and in the main event, Jim Duggan (replacing Hulk Hogan during the steroid scandal) defeated Sgt. Slaughter in a boot camp match.  The only thing extraordinary about the show was that in the front row, a nine year old kid was attending his first live professional wrestling card.  That kid was me.

    Over the course of the next 22 years, I’ve been to countless wrestling shows, mostly WWE.  Countless RAWs and SmackDowns, a few house shows, a Night of Champions PPV, four WrestleManias and more, the training is also important and the use of supplements as sr9009 also help boost the performance on these wrestlers.  But nothing in the entirety of my wrestling attendance history can compare with this past Monday night at the IZOD Center in East Rutherford, NJ.

    Coming off of WrestleMania, and finding out that the advertised Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson was not appearing, the crowd was rowdy to start, booing new WWE Champion John Cena and cheering the appearance of Mark Henry.  The “Sexual Chocolate” chants directed at Henry did not go unnoticed.  A rematch for the Intercontinental Championship between The Miz and Wade Barrett had the crowd equally amped up, as chants of “Let’s Go Barrett” filled the arena.  As then-World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio took on Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter, a very audible “we want Ziggler” chant erupted, and when Dolph Ziggler cashed in his Money In The Bank contract to defeat Del Rio and become the new World Heavyweight Champion, the place came unglued.

    A match between Sheamus and Randy Orton was virtually ignored by the IZOD Center contingent of the WWE Universe, as they were too busy chanting for the Ice Cream Man, Cotton Candy, Randy Savage, X-Pac (who was in a luxury box behind the section next to mine), Steve Austin, JBL, Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, referee Mike Chioda, ring announcer Justin Roberts, as well as others.  When Big Show came out to interrupt the match, a “Thank You Big Show” chant erupted.  We then chanted for ourselves, saying “we are awesome.”

    The real tipping point for the audience was the introduction of Fandango.  The IZOD Center crowd embraced the ballroom dancing Superstar by humming his theme music throughout the rest of the night, including during the main event between John Cena and Mark Henry.

    As the show ended, Cena acknowledged our chants, saying that his favorite one of the night was when we told ourselves we are awesome, because it’s true.  The show ended with Fandango’s theme being played through the speakers and the raucous crowd still humming it deep into the night.

    To all 16,000 of the rest of you in the IZOD Center last night, thank you for helping me have the most fun I’ve had in 22 years attending wrestling events.

  4. Wednesday Night Is The Loneliest Night Of The Week

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    Wednesday. The only day in the week where there is wrestling on your TV. Monday Nights are RAW, Tuesdays have ECW. Thursdays make an iMPACT. Friday nights have SmackDown! Saturday Nights are ROH and Sundays are for Pay-Per-View. Where does that leave Wednesday? Luckily, at BoredWrestlingFan, yours truly has completed your weekly wrestling fix.

    WWE Backlash

    Backlash has been and gone. Matches were won and lost, and i didnt do any predictions. So, let’s just examine the happenings.

    Christian def. Jack Swagger to become new ECW Champion.

    Well, well. He finally wins the title.  I knew that sooner or later he was gonna win. But the big question remains. Does this count as a major title win? I know that the ECW Championship counts as a major championship, but I, along with several other people, doesnt see the ECW Championship as nothing more than a re badged European Championship. Is this the stepping stone to Main Event level for Christian? My guess is no, as he needs to step up an extra couple of rungs up the ladder before he makes true Main Event status.

    Chris Jericho def. Ricky Steamboat

    Nice to see Jericho got the win. A loss here would have destroyed the small amount of credibility he has left. Also, I hope this is the end for Steamboat. He may still be able to go a little, but that doesnt mean that he should go a little. The novelty has worn off for Steamboat. As for Jericho, hopefull SmackDown! pushes him back up to Championship status, although seeing him stare down the Intercontinental Champion during the Draft coverage a few weeks back, spells his future.

    Kane def. CM Punk

    The relevance of this match? Filler. Thats all it was. they made up some thing about Kane being upset about not winning Money in the Bank at WrestleMania, but that did a rather lame job of hiding the fact that this match was only put there to fill up the card. Sadly, this match got in and yet the US Title, the Tag Titles, the IC Title and both Womens Titles didnt get defended. Just goes to show you how much the WWE think people want to see CM Punk. Even if the matches don’t mean anything.

    Jeff Hardy def. Matt Hardy

    This match was an I Quit match. If I am forced to sit down, and watch this Vampiro ripoff anymore, then I will quit. I do not understand how this guy is popular. Do they feel sorry for him because his house burned down? Do they feel sorry for him because he thought the name of this PPV was ‘Cracklash’? But seriously, I have no idea how Jeff Hardy got pushed, whereas Matt, the better of the two Hardys, didnt. Jeff became WWE Champion. He beat Edge for the belt, and was challenging former champion Triple H all the way. Yes, thats right, Triple H. The same Triple H whom Jeff Hardy beat for the Intercontinental Title back in 2001. Whereas Matt Hardy, well he beat Chavo Guerrero for the ECW Championship. The same ECW Championship that I referred to as a re badged European Championship earlier. I wonder what will happen now that they are on different shows? My guess is, Matt Hardy will do nothing, whilst Jeff challenges for the World Title.

    Khali Kiss Cam

    Joke. Santina loves JR and Khali beats up Beth Phoenix. What has Beth Phoenix done to piss someone off? She must’ve done something real bad to be invovled in this Santina/Santino, To-may-to/To-ma-to let’s call the whole thing off nonsense. Thats what they should do with Santina Marella. Call the whole thing off. it’s becoming more ridiculous by the second. Nice way to destroy Beth’s career.

    Legacy def. Trips, Shane O and PenisHead, meaning Randy Orton is new WWE Champion

    Oh my god, the all mighty Triple H got beaten. What ever will we do? I know, send Penishead after him. He’ll save the day! Newsflash. Deacon Dave is inept. The only thing he’s good for is holding collection boxes. On the other hand, having Randy as champ is a big PLUS. Now, why couldnt they have Orton win at ‘Mania? Surely that would’ve been the best time to have him win the belt.

    Edge def. John Cena to become World Heavyweight Champion

    Edge win the belt, with a very big assist from the Big Show. Let me make this loud and clear. John Cena is NOT Hulk Hogan. John Cena is NOT some sort of being with superhuman powers. John Cena is NOT a member of the X-Men. Is Edge not good enough to beat John Cena on his own? Does the major title on SmackDown!, have to change more than Vickie Guerrero does love interests? However Ladies and Gentlemen and this is where they really grind my gears. John Cena, appeared on RAW. Thats right, just one day after being thrown into a spotlight, John Cena appears the next night. Hulk Hogan sold more in his career, than John Cena ever will. I hope Edge holds the belt for awhile, unless he loses it to Jericho. Anyone else, and it will be a travesty.


    Have I missed anything? Oh yeah, they have a PPV coming up. It’s like they have one every month or something. Anyways, the up-coming PPV is Sacrifice and Mick Foley will defend his belt against … well it could be a list of people. From Bug-Eyed Lashley, to BrokeNeck Angle, to Stung, to Mike Tyson’s lookalike. The list goes on and on. Also, theres a Tag Team Tournament to determine the #1 contender for the gold. The winner also receives a trophy and $100,000. If Beer Money doesnt win the tournament, then their belts back, then once again, it’s a travesty.

    The Rest

    Just some short little tidbits here. Whomever entered the competition won. You all win jack, and shit. Thank you for entering.

    Finally, don’t forget my review of the WWE Vintage Collection will be up at WorldWrestlingInsanity.com inside the next 24 hours, so go check that out. Also, check out the various videos and toilet breaks throughout the review.

    I am the REAL Legend Killer, reminding you to stay away from fat chicks, as you might end up with swine flu.

  5. RAW Bullet-points 4/20/09


    Rather than do a full blown RAW review tonight or skip the thing entirely, I’m here to do a “bullet-points” edition of the RAW review!  Basically, it’s a condensed version of what you usually get from me on Monday nights Tuesday Mornings, and I hope you all enjoy it!

    • RAW still wants to be loved, even after Papa Roach has released another album.  From what JT tells me, it’s pretty good.
    • Triple H takes on Orton later tonight as RAW emanates from the UK
    • SmackDown’s Chris Jericho kicks things off tonight.
      • He says he’s done with RAW.
      • Ricky Steamboat interrupts.
      • Steamboat thanks Jericho for bringing back his passion to perform.
      • Jericho challenges Steamboat to a match at Backlash.
      • John Cena interrupts.
      • Jericho tells Cena that his last act on RAW is to walk out on him.
      • Steamboat accepts Jericho’s challenge for Backlash
      • Cena tells Jericho that Vickie Guerrero is not here tonight, but she said Edge isn’t competing tonight, but Cena has to. Jericho’s last act on RAW is a match with Cena tonight.
    • Rey Mysterio takes on The Big Show later tonight.
    • Chavo Guerrero is officially a member of the RAW roster.
      • He can push around anybody on the RAW roster
      • Batista’s music hits, and the Animal hits the ring
      • Batista beats Chavo in mere seconds
      • Chavo apologizes to Vickie, saying he wasn’t ready
      • Batista returns and drops Chavo with a second Batista Bomb
    • Shane McMahon meets up with Batista backstage
      • They agree to be on the same page at Backlash and apologize for attacking each other last week.
    • Kane vs. CM Punk
      • Both of these guys are on SmackDown now.
      • Apparently the draft “takes full effect” next week after Backlash
      • Punk picks up the win with a rollup
      • Last week, he lost his match to The Great Khali, so now his poor sister has to kiss Khali
      • Some people think that he and his sister are the same person, he’s going to prove them wrong.
      • Santina’s music is a remix of Billy and Chuck’s old theme
      • She can’t kiss Khali because of a blister on her lip. She’s in Italy and joining us by satellite
      • She starts to explain that she won’t be able to make SmackDown this Friday, then mysteriously speeds up her speech, which Santino explains as her drinking too much Red Bull
      • Santino wrote a poem about the family
      • Beth Phoenix and Rosa Mendez inturrupt
      • She’s sorry to hear about Santina’s sister
      • Santina will be able to kiss Khali at Backlash
      • Santina starts to sing on the titan tron, but Santino cuts her off
      • Santino tells Beth she’d better pray she wins back the Women’s Championship tonight, because she’ll never be Miss WrestleMania
    • SmackDown’s WWE Women’s Champion, Melina is here to defend against Beth Phoenix
    • Melina vs. Beth Phoenix (WWE Women’s Championship)
      • If Beth wins this match, RAW will have both World Championships and both Women’s Championships
      • Beth utilizes some Awesome Kong like moves in this match
      • Melina hits a Sunset Flip Powerbomb combo for the victory
    • Shane McMahon wishes Triple H good luck tonight
      • Shane reminds Triple H that if their team gets disqualified at Backlash, Orton wins the title
    • John Cena vs. Chris Jericho
      • “Y2J” chants fill the arena
      • The crowd seems to be behind Jericho, but all yelled “You can’t see me” for the Five Knuckle Shuffle
      • Jerry Lawler trash talks Fozzy, saying that the crowds booed so loud that Jericho couldn’t hear himself suck. Apparently he confused Jericho with Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger
      • Jericho escapes the Attitude Adjuster and drops Cena with the Codebreaker, but Cena kicks out at two
      • Cena catches Jericho out of a second Codebreaker attempt with the Attitude Adjuster, but Jericho kicks out at two.
      • Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho, but Cena counters into the STF. Jericho counters into an eziguri
      • Cena and Jericho battle on the top rope until Edge comes out and shoves them both down
      • Edge spears Cena
      • Edge hits the Con-chair-to on Cena
      • Edge reminds us of the rules to a last man standing match, then counts Cena out, announcing himself as the winner
    • Rey Mysterio vs. The Big Show
      • Big Show catches Mysterio out of a 619, holds him in a sidewalk slam position, and punches him in the head, knocking him out for the victory
    • Ted DiBiase tells Cody Rhodes that it’s not the same being in a group when your leader isn’t a champion
      • Orton says Triple H knows he’s done and that this Sunday Legacy will win
    • Triple H vs. Randy Orton (no disqualification)
      • Lots of weapons used here
      • Triple H focused on Orton’s leg
      • Legacy comes out to save Orton.
      • Shane comes out to help HHH, but Legacy takes control
      • Batista comes out and dominates
      • Batista accidently hits Shane.
      • HHH and Batista clear out the ring.
      • Orton hits the RKO from out of nowhere. 1,2,3, ORTON WINS!!!!!!!!
      • We fade to black as both teams stand face to face. Orton & Legacy on the ramp, HHH, Shane & Batista in the ring.

    Thanks to JT for getting me the highlights of the last match after I left for work!

  6. SmackDown – 2/27/09

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    Alright, I watched SmackDown last night, and don’t feel like watching it over again to review it, so we’re gonna wing it – like this week’s ECW review, but better.  I know, I know, you’re all wondering, “Why didn’t you just review the show while you were watching it?”  Well, I’ll tell you why.  Because I’m f#$%ing lazy, that’s why!

    So, put the blue ropes on the ring, paint your face up all wacky, steal a Heavyweight Championship, and job to Kung Fu Naki, it’s time for SmackDown!

    After the jump, of course! (more…)