Tag Archive: Saxton

  1. WWE Superstars

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    Hey, my Peeps!  I’m back from a 2 week hiatus.  I have been out of town skiing.  Let’s get this thing started.

    Match 1:  Jillian Hall vs Kelly Kelly

    Jillian comes out first and sings a Miley Cyrus song.  Kelly Kelly interupts with her entrance.  I don’t like diva wrestling, but Kelly Kelly has gotten better.  She is still nowhere near good enough to be an in-ring performer.  Why can’t WWE get women who can actually wrestle?  How does TNA get women who look good, but can also wrestle?  Anyways…Kelly Kelly wins with a Leg Drop to the back of Jillian’s head.  Michael Cole called it the Kelly Kick.  I guess we can go with that name for now.  Too much time was devouted to this craptacular match.

    Match 2:  Shelton Benjamin vs Vance Archer

    This match should not be on ECW as a top level fued for the show, so  Superstars is the right venue for this one.  I hate Archer’s tramp stamp too!  This match is really clumsy tonight.  Vance Archer is normally pretty aggressive and physical, but going into the commercial break, he really hasn’t displayed it in this match.  We come back from commercial, with Archer in control.  He is starting to be more dominant, but still seems slow and unsure of what to do.  I’m not sure what to think of his character.  The fans are really dead on the guy, but Shelton isn’t getting much pop in this match either.  Josh Matthews and Byron Saxton even commented on how boring this match is by saying not to fall asleep.  The clumsiness of this match is mind-boggling.  It’s no wonder that Shelton Benjamin has never been pushed to the main event level.  The guy can’t carry a match with a guy who is clearly low-level at this point.  It wouldn’t surprise me if Archer was released during the next batch of firings.  Shelton gets the win over the undefeated Vance Archer with a very anti-climactic role up pin.  This match was awful.

    Ask the Divas….yawn

    Main Event:  Chris Jericho vs Kane

    Random main event match for Superstars…what else is new???  WWE has missed so many opportunities with Kane.  He can be pushed to be so dominant if creative will just book him correctly.  I also feel as if they have sort of ruined Chris Jericho’s persona.  They have him cowarding out to everybody right now.  They need to freshen him up a little bit.  However, this might be the best main event we have ever had on Superstars.  These two guys are Hall of Famers in my opinion.  The match goes to commercial with Kane flipping over the top ropes and to the floor below.  When was the last time a match didn’t go to commercial after someone went to the outside?  Back from commercial and this match really picks up.  It ends when Jericho cowards out of the ring and walks away for the countout.

    Alrighty then…see you guys next week for another Superstars.

  2. ECW 12/15

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    ECW’s already had a busy week. On Sunday Christian defeated Shelton Benjamin to retain the ECW title.

    On Raw he was challenged to a six man tag team match by William Regal. He chose Kane and Khali as his partners to limit the amount of work he had to do and got his second win.

    And Yoshi Tatsu scored a quick win in a six man tag pinning Zack Ryder.

    And now Tiffany has invited Kane to be on the show. To quote Kane “I’m back.”

  3. ECW 11/3/09


    Still feeling out the whole reviewer thing here, My last review didn’t get as many comments as my first. I’m not sure if that’s because I focused to heavily on calling the show, or the first week out was just people welcoming me to the site.

    I’m a little more familiar with the way things work this week though.

    Anyway on this week’s ECW out main event is Christian teaming with Yoshi Tatsu against Ezekial and Vladimir Kozlov. We also should have an in ring confrontation between The Hurricane and Paul Burchill.


  4. ECW 10/27


    Well, my first ECW review seems to have gone over well.  So here’s the second.  Tonight’s main event is Christian vs Yoshi Tatsu for the ECW title.  William Regal and his crew and Zach Ryder probably won’t like that.  Shelton Benjamin should be looking for something to do with Sheamus running to Raw.  And there’s a new announcer.

    We open with a video for Yoshi Tatsu, promoting the title match.

    And the show proper starts with Abraham Washington.  The one part of the show I can’t stand.  His guest tonight is Tiffany.

    They’ve got a big show tonight so he’s going to do something he never does.  Stop running his mouth.  Tony starts laughing so much Washington threatens him with the unemployment line.  Tiffany’s theme is “Insatiable?”  Did someone forget to mention the PG thing.

    When asked about ECW not having an impact at Bragging Rights she points out the number of stars on the show who had their first break on ECW.  She promises that next year it will have an even bigger impact.  The reason Sheamus left is because she doesn’t want people who don’t want to be here.  So he got to leave.  Provided he wrestles one last match, tonight against Shelton.  And her arm is healing well. 

    Regal comes out and demands a title shot.  She refuses and says he may never get one.  After she leaves Regal has a tantrum tossing around the furniture.

    We’re then introduced to Josh Matthews new partner, Byron Saxton.  They then show another video about Yoshi. 

    Time for Sheamus’ last match on ECW.  There’s a replay of Benjamin pounding Sheamus last week.  And interview with Shelton talks about Sheamus saying he was mediocre.  He says Sheamus is a coward and he’s running to Raw without doing anything to impress anyone.  He’ll leave with a new respect for the Gold Standard.  One of Shelton’s best promos.

    Sheamus with several shots to the head and slams Benjamin’s head into the corner.  Shelton fights out of the corner and then clotheslines the Celt out of the ring.  He steps to the apron and then delivers a springboard split leg moonsault to the floor.

    When we get back Sheamus’ arm is wrapped around the ringpost and Shelton is working it.  Hammerlock and he rams him into the turnbuckle.  He wants to snap it on the top rope but Sheamus slams him to the ringpost.  Then on the floor he picks Shelton up and rams him backfirst into it.  Kneedrop tot he back by the Celtic Warrior.  Chinlock.   Shelton elbows out, but ends up in a tilt-a-whirl slam.  Hard whip to the corner and then he steps on Benjamin’s head.  Another knee to the back and another variation on a chinlock.  She stops an attempt to fight out short. 

    Overhead belly to belly by the Gold Standard.  And they’re trading punches.    Shelton takes the advantage.  He’s whipped to the corner, leaps to the top and comes off with a clothesline.  A couple of clotheslines then he hits Stinger Splash.  Sheamus ducks a Dragonwhip but Shelton ducks a clothesline and hits a German Suplex. 

    Sheamus hotshots him into the ropes the hits the pump kick for the win.

    Rosa is babbling about clothes to Gregory Helms.  She then wonders what he wanted to ask her.  “I just said hello”  Paul Burchill and Katie Lea show up.  She tells Rosa to leave.  Birchall wants Helms to pass a message onto Hurricane to meet him in the ring next week.

    A video of the Bragging Rights tag match

    Savannah interviews Christian.  He says Yoshi is the most deserving guy on ECW cause he went out and got some wins unlike some people, cough, William Regal.  Yoshi makes him excited for the future.  He will be a champ in the future.  Just not tonight.  Christian has been mentoring him and tonight he’ll learn the most important lesson any young talent can learn.  How to cope with defeat.

    Christian comes out wearing a T-shirt rather than his ring jacket.  I really prefer the jacket.  Yoshi Tatsu has yet another new set of tights.  Gold would be appropriate on any other show but ECW with their supposedly platinum belt.  He’s carrying something, I thought it was a microphone at first.

    Sexton even points out the tights on commentary.  

    Tatsu with a waistlock.  Christian backs him into the corner.  Tatsu gets one kick.  He tries a second but Christian dodges and gets a waistlock.  Tatsu take him down.  Christian works a headlock against several attempts to escape.  Tatsu slips out and slaps on a headlock of his own. 

    Flapjack by Christian after some rope running.  Springboard sunset flip.   Tatsu with backbody drop and a flipping senton.  Backslide.  Back to a headlock.  Tatsu sent outside but pulls himself in and rolls into a schoolboy for two.

    Christian’s working a  headlock on  the mat.  Yoshi shoves him into the corner,  but runs into an elbow.  Christian goes up top but is thrown off.  Yoshi leaps over the top, but misses the champ and lands very awkwardly.  Christian hits his own move over the ropes.

    Crossbody by Tatsu.  His leg looks fine.  Christian with a neckvice.  Tatsu elbows out.  Christian hits a backbreaker out of a reverse DDT.  Chinlock with a knee to the back.  Christian rams his head into the turnbuckle

    Yoshi blocks a tornado DDT  then goes up top and hits a spinkick off the top rope.  Rapid fire kicks by Tatsu.  Christian sends him into the corner but misses a charge then Tatsu hits a roaring elbow. 

    Kilswitch blocked by a kick to the back.  Tatsu sent into the ropes and Christian stands on his back, heads to the outside and decks him. 

    Second rope dropkick by the champ, but a top rope misses and Tatsu jackknife covers him.  Double knees in the corner by Tatsu.  Reverse DDT by Christian.  Killswitch blocked by a kick to the back

    Tatsu rolls through a springboard sunset flip and hits a kick.  Another Killswitch blocked after Christian ducks the finishing kick.  Pendulum kick after dodging a corner charge, followed by a diving Euro uppercut by the champ. 

    He finally hits the Killswitch for the win, then checks on Yoshi.  Ezekial and Kozlov come down and flatten both men, hitting a double Uranage on the champ.  Regal hold the belt and stand over him.

    Despite only two matches in an hour ECW felt jam packed tonight.  Both matches were excellent. 

    I do feel sorry for Shelton.  It seems like he’s going to be in line for a push but with his and Sheamus’ feud cut short he didn’t get much chance to look good against the Celtic Warrior.  And at one point during the match, when they were getting ready to transition the advantage back over to Sheamus he was pretty much wrestling like a heel.  That’s something he’ll have to work on.

    Meanwhile Christian did several nasty spots, such as choking a friend on the ropes without seeming like he was going to cross the line.  I’m almost surprised that Regal’s crew didn’t attack before the end of the match, sparing Yoshi the pinfall loss. 

    I still feel they’re going to far with the pushing Regal to the head.  His best role outside of authority figure as a heel is coldly calculating.  Making him crazy doesn’t really work for me.  I do hope Tiffany decides to make him earn his title shot.