Tag Archive: Speedy Recovery

  1. Jerry Lawler update

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    On behalf of the crew here at BoredWrestlingFan, I’m pleased to share with you this good news that came out this morning.

    This is the latest from Brian Christopher Lawler:  “The CT scan of my dad’s brain came back good!  With his brain not receiving oxygen for as long as it did there was a chance he could have had brain damage.  I truly believe everyone’s prayers are working and the Lord is holding him in the palm of his hand.  Today is another day, so how about another prayer for “the King”.

    I’d also like to share with you Michael Cole on Fox & Friends this morning discussing the situation from Monday Night.


    Once again, our thoughts go out to Jerry Lawler and his family in this trying time.  We wish Jerry a safe and speedy recovery.

  2. Jerry “The King” Lawler suffers heart attack

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    Earlier tonight, Jerry “The King” Lawler collapsed at the commentary booth during a match on WWE Monday Night RAW.   Medical personal were able to get to him immediately, and throughout the night we were updated on The King’s condition.  The last on-air report from Michael Cole was that Jerry Lawler was breathing on his own, and that his heart was beating on it’s own, and that Jerry was being prepped for a CAT scan.

    The latest word we’ve had from our sources indicate that the collapse was the result of a heart attack.  On behalf of the entire BoredWrestlingFan staff, I’d like to wish Jerry Lawler a speedy recovery.  Get well soon, Jerry.  Our thoughts are with you.

  3. Random Randomness

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    Happy 4th of July to all of my brothers and sisters in the States, hope you all celebrate it safely and responsibly.  Canada Day was also this week too, so Happy Canada Day to all of my Canada Brothers and Sisters too, hope you all enjoyed your day. Since it’s a holiday today and I have many Hot Dogs and Hamburgers to consume as well as fireworks to blow up, lets get this show on the road:


  4. iMPACT results 2/11/10

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    Greetings from ThinkSoJoE-ville! Yeah, yeah, I know. I stole JT’s Random Randomness intro and just changed JT-Land to ThinkSoJoE-ville. Anyhow, I’ll be filling in for chjpacheco tonight, as his grandmother is in the hospital. We here at BWF wish her a speedy recovery. Tonight, the 8 Card Stud Tournament continues, and um… Uh… well, that’s all that’s been announced so far.  Ready?  Let’s cross the line, brother!



  5. Random Randomness


    What’s kiddies and non kiddies and welcome to another edition ot the criticially acclaimed and contraversial Abraham Washington Show Random Randomness hosted be none other than well me.  Well then without further holdup, lets get this show on the road will ya: (more…)

  6. SmackDown review 9/25/09


    Before I get started with the SmackDown review, I want to give an update on the condition of “Mastiff” Will Calrissian, who slipped off of the ropes and landed on his head during the Empire State Wrestling “Overdrive” event last weekend.  He’s out of the hospital, and recovering from a fractured skull.  We here at BoredWrestlingFan wish Mastiff a speedy recovery!

    Anyways, I have no idea what’s on tap for tonight, so let’s just roll with it!
