Tag Archive: Tribute To The Troops

  1. BWF Radio 54

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    AJ Loves All The Boys

    Even within the madness of the holidays, the BWF Radio crew returned on Sunday to discuss the week that was in professional wrestling. The WWE offered up a sleigh-full of content including the stellar TLC PPV and a Tribute to the Troops within their regularly scheduled programming. We saw the returns of people like Ric Flair, Tommy Dreamer, and The Boogeyman to name a few. We also tackle the news including what is happening with THQ and how that affects the future of the WWE video game franchise, how filthy the character of AJ has become, The Iron Sheik on Twitter, Tommy Dreamer’s head injury, and much much more. So kick up your feet, toss your chestnuts on an open fire, and begin thinking how you are going to explain that injury to the…. ahh, just listen to the show and have a great holiday!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 54 (MP3, 2:01:20)

  2. WWE Tribute To The Troops 2009 Results

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    Here’s something interesting I just noticed – in the opening bumper, it no longer has “Hulkamania is runnin’ wild” as one of the featured audio clips – instead, it’s “Everybody’s got a price!”

    Let’s roll!  Tonight we’ve got John Cena “defending his title” against Chris Jericho, but first…

    BOOYAKAH, BOOYAKAH!  Whatever that means.

    Rey Mysterio makes his way out to the ring as that terrible announcer who got canned from ECW, Lauren Mayhew, does the ring introductions.  Mysterio is in tag team action, and his partner tonight is The World’s Strongest Man, Mark Henry.  They’re opponents tonight are Carlito and CM Punk.

    Rey Mysterio & Mark Henry def. Carlito & CM Punk

    I love the matches on these Tribute to the Troops shows.  It’s really awesome what the WWE does for the troops, and the guys on the card always give their best.  Mysterio nails a double 619 on Carlito and Punk, followed by a West Coast Pop on Punk and a World’s Strongest Slam on Carlito, as the faces pick up the win in the opening contest.

    Photo Slideshow: Images from the WWE’s latest trip to Iraq set to a Bob Dylan song.


    Eve introduces Santa Claus.  Santa is played this year by R-Truth, who doesn’t even bother to change the lyrics to “What’s Up” to anything Christmas or Troops related.  He complains that he’s gaining weight because everybody leaves him goodies when he comes to deliver the presents.  He’s got a sweet tooth, and he’s going to bring out honey right now – in the form of his helpers, the WWE Divas.  The Divas come down to the ring and pass out swag from WWEShop.com.

    Video Message: President Obama wishes the troops well.


    Still to come, John Cena defends a belt that isn’t even his anymore against Chris Jericho

    Video Package: The interaction between the Superstars and Troops.  In a touching moment, Rey Mysterio gives one of the troops the mask he wore the first time he came over to Iraq with Eddie Guerrero as his partner.


    Video: The Commander of the US Central Command thanks the WWE for supporting the troops.

    The WWE United States Champion, The Miz, makes his way to the ring.  We’ve got a rematch from Bragging Rights, as his opponent is the (former) Intercontinental Champion, John Morrison, who even gets a slow-mo entrance in Iraq.

    The Miz def. John Morrison

    Michael Cole takes a moment that despite John Morrison having the championship at the time of this match, he’d lost it this past Sunday to Drew McIntyre.  The Miz picks up the victory with his feet up on the ropes.

    Video Package: John Cena’s Tribute To The Troops history.

    Up next, Cena defends the WWE Championship against Chris Jericho!


    Chris Jericho is out first for his match.  At least they’re going the traditional route and letting the Champion come out last for the Troops show.  His opponent was the WWE Champion at the time of the taping, and say what you will about John Cena, you have to respect him for his dedication to performing for the Troops.

    John Cena def. Chris Jericho

    In another great match, Cena picks up the victory with the Attitude Adjustment.

    Video Package: The Superstars in Iraq

    My Thoughts: This is the best WWE show of the year.  It’s bigger than WrestleMania, and the WWE considers these trips to be more important than WrestleMania.  Another great show, but I know I’m not the only one who feels like an hour isn’t long enough.  I’d gladly give up RAW or SmackDown for a week to see a two hour Tribute to the Troops broadcast.  Thank you, WWE, for what you do for the Troops, and thanks to the Troops for what they do for us.

    I’ll be back tomorrow with the Final Resolution Roundtable.  JT should be here tomorrow with a new Random Randomness, and making his BWF debut, chjpacheco will be covering tomorrow night’s Final Resolution PPV!

  3. Why I hate: WWE Armageddon

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    This article is the 10th and final part of a series on WWE Pay Per View events.  See also:  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, and Part 9.

    Wow.  This is it, the end of this long series on WWE Pay Per View.  How fitting is it that it ends with Armageddon.  The last WWE Pay Per View of the year and the only one between Survivor Series and Royal Rumble.

    I present my arguments against WWE Armageddon, after the jump! (more…)

  4. WWE Tribute To The Troops results 12/20/08

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    Although I did see this show (and it was an excellent show, BTW.), I didn’t manage to get a chance to write about it.  I will say this though, it was definitely all about the Troops, which was nice.  Usually when WWE is on NBC (see “Saturday Night’s Main Event”), they take the opportunity to try and sell their brand to casual viewers.  Not this time though.  The wrestling was secondary to honoring our fighting men and women in the Armed Forces.

    Full results from Rajah.com after the jump! (more…)

  5. Quick update


    Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates from me over the last few days. I’ve been swamped with holiday stuff and work stuff. Honestly, I haven’t even watched SmackDown yet, and the only reason I managed to watch Tribute to the Troops is that I walked a mile and a half in 3 feet of snow. I don’t have time to review the shows right now, but I’ll try to get to them later. I’ll also try to get a RAW review in, but I won’t be around much tomorrow either. Thanks for your patience, guys.

    While I’ve got your attention, I’d like to thank JT and Drowgoddess, as well as everybody who came and checked out BoredWrestlingFan.com this month – we hit our highest monthly number of viewers sometime last week, and we’re still going! Our previous record was 361 views in the month of July, we’re currently at 488 this month! Thank you guys and keep spreading the word about BoredWrestlingFan!