Tag Archive: Tweet

  1. In defense of the WWE


    It wasn’t that long ago.  Just a few weeks, actually.  I jumped right on this very website right after WWE RAW SuperShow to rant about how they ruined a perfectly entertaining show with the introduction of John Laurinaitis as the interim RAW General Manager.  Now, I’m right back here after what many are saying was a terrible episode of RAW, and finding myself in a less than familiar situation – one where I’m not a cynical asshole.

    Personally, I went on Twitter immediately after I watched last night’s show and mentioned that I felt like last night’s show was solid from top to bottom, and after re-watching it today with my wife I’m standing by that tweet.  The fact is, the internet wrestling community (IWC) doesn’t know what they want.  The same people who tune in to TNA and time the matches so they can jump on the internet and point out that there was only 10 minutes of wrestling in a two hour program are the same ones that I see right now saying that this episode of RAW, where the talking was kept to a minimum, was terrible.

    Every performer on last night’s show put on a solid performance.  The IWC doesn’t seem to think so, and I’d like to think that it’s because they’re so jaded about everything that the WWE does nowadays.  John Cena has proven time and time again – despite the fact that I boo the hell out of his character – that he’s a solid performer and can have a good match with most of the guys on the roster, yet no matter how good of a match he has, you’ll still hear about the “five moves of doom.”  The Divas have all been working very hard on their in-ring work, but as soon as they’re on television, the IWC collectively says “piss break!”

    The biggest criticism I’ve seen of last night’s show was the ending.  Oh no, “Super Cena” just beat Awesome Truth all by himself, why does he even need to bother with The Rock at Survivor Series?  What show are you watching?  Cena beat The Miz, then while Miz was incapacitated, R-Truth tried to attack him, but got caught and ate an AA for his trouble.  That’s not Cena beating up two guys at once, that’s Cena beating two guys back to back.  If it were Awesome Truth against Cena by himself, Cena gets beat down.  See last week’s RAW for proof.

    What bugs me is that if ROH did the exact same finish – let’s say with Davey Richards in the John Cena role, and members of The House of Truth in Awesome Truth’s place – these same people who are criticizing Cena would be praising Richards for outsmarting the opposition.  You know I’m right.

    This is what I want.  I want all of my fellow members of the IWC to get off of their little cloud, and watch RAW back as a FAN and not as a cynical asshole desensitized to the business by the internet, and tell me what the hell was so wrong with last night’s show.

  2. The War On.. Video Game o-Mania, and Pimping Out Stuff You Should Be Following

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    Hello lads, lasses and cross-genders. It is I! The one person on this website who doesn’t write about wrestling, even though it’s a wrestling website, but we’ve been through that already. Anyways.. the opening must be cued.. but before that.. follow @ThatDamnDoubleC on Twitter. He’s awesome (He’s also me, and I would appreciate it if you followed me).

    Cue the opening..


  3. WWE RAW 6/13: WWE All-Star Night


    What’s up folks?  It’s the man whose got tickets to an empty arena match a TNA Live Event this coming Saturday, ThinkSoJoE, here to bring you the action as WWE presents WWE All-Star Night!  It’s been a while since I’ve reviewed a show, and I’m not as hip as G or Pintnoir, and don’t have any animated GIFs to share with you.  Plus, I avoid Twitter like the plague on Mondays since I’ve been taking the bus to work and don’t want spoilers, so it’s unlikely I’ll have any tweets to share with you.  And before I get started, a very special thank you to the man who helped make me a fan of professional wrestling, my late Grandfather, who would have turned 82 on Monday.  I miss you Grandpa!

    Let’s roll!


  4. iMPACT: 01/27/11. Murphy is “his pal”


    Another Thursday, and a whole lot more suffering for the G. See last week Kurt Angle trespassed a whole bunch, which was a wee bit of an overkill… expect more Karen Angle-Jarrett tonight! Also, Abyss was MURDERED literally by Crimson (the Amazing Red’s little brother) via “Janice” (Abyss’ nail-laced two by four). Crimson promised “They” are coming, even though “They” already came in the form of Immortal. Oww… my brain already hurts, and the show hasn’t even started yet…

  5. ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts

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    Hello, fellow Bored Wrestling Fans!  It’s been a couple of months since I’ve done anything here on the site aside from the weekly Power Polls put on by Jason Mann of WrestlePerspective, so I thought with JT away, I’d jump in this week and ramble on with a rare “ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts” column!  And what better week to return than the weekend following TNA’s HardCORE Justice PPV and “Whole F’N Show” free-per-view on Spike?

    I actually planned on ordering HardCORE Justice last Sunday, but I woke up around 8:07 and figured it was pointless by then to spend the 30 bucks on the show.  I promised myself I wouldn’t read any spoilers before I actually got to watch it, and damn, that would’ve been $30 well spent.  Nearly every match had a purpose, settling feuds from back in the original ECW, and the last minute Main Event change to RVD/Sabu was a great move IMO.  The only other person on the show that could’ve filled the void left by Jerry Lynn’s absence would have been Rhino, in a storyline sense anyway, but there was so much history between RVD and Sabu that it really was the best choice.

    The only BWF stuff I did for RAW was a quick tweet asking folks to use our #BWF hashtag to help AlyKat notice them for her review.  I watched the show as a fan, but I knew damn well that it was going to suck in comparison to the PPV I watched the night before.  I was right.  It’s not that RAW sucked in comparison to other recent RAWs, it’s that it happened to be on during a week where it would have had to outshine some of the best RAWs of all time to even compete with what TNA was putting on.  Look, I’m not one of those guys that floods the comment boards on other sites with anti-WWE stuff or pro-TNA stuff.  Typically, I’m a WWE supporter no matter what, but TNA just had the better wrestling this week.

    I haven’t watched any of NXT Season 2 aside from the one where The Nexus were on.  I just don’t care.  JT can vote for Kaval all he wants, I’m just bored with the whole NXT deal.

    And then there was Thursday.  TNA promised us a PPV style show on free TV, and that’s what they delivered.  Every match was amazing, and Shannon Moore proved that he can hang with a main eventer in his match with Jeff Hardy, but from a wrestling standpoint you have to give it up for Beer Money and The Motor City Machine Guns, and from a hardcore standpoint, RVD and Abyss.  Initially I missed the Fortune beatdown on EV2.0, but after being told about it Friday night and reading Drow’s statement that it made the initial Nexus attack look like “a junior high play,” I had to go back and watch it.  It was absolutely brutal – James Storm was just maiming people left and right with pieces of broken glass!  I can’t wait for the aftermath of this, when the EV2.0 guys try for revenge.  Extreme Violence?  It’s just beginning!

    I still haven’t watched SmackDown.  I’m not even interested in watching.  Initially I considered ordering SummerSlam tonight, but that’s probably out of the question too.  There’s nothing that’s captured my attention booked for tonight.  The only thing that would possibly make this worth the money is if The Miz cashes in and wins the WWE Championship tonight, and I highly doubt that’s going to happen.

    If any of our readers live in Western New York, come on out Friday, August 20th to Chuggers in West Seneca as DTD Entertainment presents the Honoring The Idol 2010 Pre Party featuring my band thinksobrain, whom G so graciously puts over in his SmackDown review every week.  Also, don’t forget that Empire State Wrestling returns to the St. Johnsburg Fire Hall in North Tonawanda on Saturday, September 11th.  The main event is set to be ESW Tag Team Champions Famous defending against Kevin Grace and Pepper Parks.  Also announced for the show is Jonny Puma vs. Ryot, and Ceasar’s Legion members Tommy Mandrake and Superbeast taking on our friends Barry and Brian Hardy.  Hope to see you guys around!

  6. The return of ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts

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    Well folks, it’s been a few months since this column has popped up here at BoredWrestlingFan.  I figured that this week would be the perfect time to resurrect it, with the return of “The War on Everything” this past Wednesday and the lack of “Random Randomness” as JT takes today off as part of his extended birthday celebration.


  7. WWE RAW results 11/9/09

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    @robbyfischer @BrdWrstlngFn I got a beer ready. 🙂 Oh how I miss Austin.

    While I may not be able to drink tonight, the beer will likely be flowing tomorrow night when yours truly and BWF’s Random Redhead JT get an early start on our birthday celebrations tomorrow night.  For tonight though, it’s time for RAW in Sheffield, England!

    @BigBBrown Adolf Hitler will be guest hosting Monday Night Nitro tonight live from Hell.

    @RDLee This tweet better make it in the review!!!!!! #BWF – just because we like you.

    Last week: Chris Jericho and The Big Show destroyed John Cena and DX.

    RAW still wants to be loved – at least, until next week.  We’re live from Sheffield, England, and @ClubWWI’s @aaron24wood is in the house!

    Ricky Hatton kicks things off as tonight’s guest host.  He brags about winning a world title in the same building a few years ago, and then he’s interrupted by the WWE Unified Tag Team Champions, JeriShow, both of whom tower over him.

    @IVHORSEMEN Damn Ricky been eating good #wwe #bwf

    @_MFS_ good thing I’ve got an energy drink, it’ll keep me awake through the obligatory ‘interrupt the guest host to demand stuff’ start 2 #RAW #BWF

    @cmpg Is Jericho and Big Show the unofficial welcoming committee for each new guest host? #WWE #RAW #BWF

    Show makes fun of Hatton for being short, and Hatton says he loved it when Show got beaten by a boxer.  Show offers Hatton a free shot.  Hatton says he needs to get a ladder first.  Show kneels down and is still almost as tall as Hatton.  Hatton goes for the free shot, but Jericho stops him.  Jericho says that Show has enough to worry about with Undertaker and Jericho as his opponents at Survivor Series.  Show questions him and Jericho brags about the roll he’s been on.  Show says he’s the only one walking out as World Heavyweight Champion at Survivor Series.  Hatton makes a match for tonight – JeriShow vs. DX.  Jericho says he’s just as bad as all the fans, as only Jericho can.  Hatton tells him to speak English.  Jericho says he is speaking perfect English.  Hatton says he’s just a guy with a bad haircut.


    DX arrive on the scene.  They tell JeriShow that they’re lucky DX came to save them from getting knocked out by Hatton.  Triple H tells Hatton that they’ll take care of the Honey Monster and Mr. Bean tonight.  HBK says to forget about tonight, how about right now?  He knocks Jericho out of the ring, and Show rolls up his sleeves as though he were going to take on all three of them, but he bails.  DX and Hatton do the “two words” shtick and set off the pyro.


    @spicypeanut HHH is speaking about humiliation while wearing spandex underwear while speaking to two men in nice suits. Hey Trips? Are you ok?

    Last week: Alicia Fox won a Diva’s Boring Royal.

    Kelly Kelly heads to the ring, and she’s got Gail Kim with her for some reason.  Alicia Fox is her opponent, and has Jillian with her for some reason.  Fox will be getting her Diva’s Championship match next week from Madison Square Garden, which will be attended by @steverechtman.

    Alicia Fox def. Kelly Kelly

    If you want a review of this match, I’ve got two words for ya.  “Who Cares?”  Fox wins with the scissor kick.

    @fozzyfan RT @WellYoureWrong: I’m convinced Kelly Kelly has no soul. #wwe <– Or brain, or talent, or…

    Ricky Hatton introduces his kid to John Cena, who says Hatton is doing an awesome job, but complains that he’s not booked.  Hatton says somethingorother that I couldn’t be arsed to pay attention to.


    @AndrewJanus god in heaven…he let his son out of the house dressed like that? #WWE #RAW (Hatton’s kid was wearing a bunch of John Cena and DX merch)

    @x_tialicia yuck, Cena is on my tv screen. back to reading Cosmo. #WWE

    Last Monday: Sheamus damn near killed Jamie Noble.

    Speaking of Sheamus, he’s here!  He’s also a part of Team Miz at Survivor Series.  It’s Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, Sheamus, and Drew McIntyre vs. John Morrison, Shelton Benjamin, Finlay, Evan Bourne, and Matt Hardy.  Sheamus says that last week he said he’d end Jamie Noble’s career, and he did.  Right now, he’ll do what the Irish have always done – walk through this Englishman and make him look like a fool

    Sheamus vs. some English dude

    Poor English dude, he doesn’t even get a name.  Sheamus destroys him with ease.

    Still to come, Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton, and DX vs. Jeri-Show.


    @NiKiharu How to beat Sheamus: Wrestle during the day. He won’t show up.

    The Bella Twins are sucking up to Ricky Hatton backstage.  I still can’t understand a word this guy is saying.  They challenge him to a game of darts, when Santino shos up dressed like a fat boxer.  Santino says his name today is Ricky Fatton.  Chavo Guerrero shows up and accuses Santino of sucking up.  Chavo says he can beat Hatton at anything.  He throws a dart and nearly misses the board, while Hatton gets a bullseye.  Chavo says he’s not here to play darts, he’s here to challenge Santino.  Hatton says we’ll do boxer vs. wrestler, Chavo vs. Ricky.  Not Ricky Fatton, Ricky Hatton.

    Look at this tool.

    Look at this tool.

    The tool, Josh Matthews, is standing by with The Miz, and wondering how he thinks he’ll be successful at Survivor Series?  Miz reminds us that he’s the only person from RAW to win his Bragging Rights match last month, beating captain John Morrison.  Jack Swagger interrupts.  He says Miz is in awe of Jack Swagger, and brags about being undefeated.  Miz should watch what he does to Evan Bourne.  They do a babbling argument promo and I lose track of it.  Really.


    @DCsPeoplesChamp I wonder how many takes it took for Hatton to get a bullseye…Santino still owns! #bwf

    @xsmoothx #RAW You’re watching Monday Night REALLLLLLLY!!!!

    @legendkiller515 raw is getting real stale real fast

    I agree with @legendkiller515 (no, that’s not BWF’s Legend Killer, if you’re wondering), this show is getting real stale real fast.  Maybe this guy can make it better – Evan Bourne hits the ring, and he’s set to job to The All American American, Jack Swagger.

    Evan Bourne def. Jack Swagger

    As Swagger is dominating this match, The Miz makes his way to the ring.  Swagger tries to show off, but he gets kneed in the skull by Bourne, who hits the Shooting Star Press for the win!?!

    After the match, Miz says he’s the team captain at Survivor Series, because he’s The Miz, and he’s AWESOME!

    Mark Henry is up next!


    @jswrestling It’s still hard for me to believe that Mike from The Real World Season 10 is our US Champion. He’s come a long way.

    @_MFS_ So Mark Henry was either doing push ups while standing up or trying to push over a brick way, either way… FAIL #WWE #RAW #BWF

    Two weeks ago: Yours truly was subjected to the terrible guest hosting of Kyle Busch and Joey Lagano.  Busch, in the RAW car, won at Texas.  Whatever that means.

    I thought we were going to have a match.  but apparently it’s the VIP Lounge with MVP and Mark Henry.  They’re in yet another traditional Survivor Series match – Kofi Kingston captains Christian, MVP, Mark Henry, and R-Truth against Randy Orton’s team featuring Legacy, William Regal, and CM Punk.  MVP does the usual VIP Lounge spiel.  Mark Henry introduces their guest, Kofi Kingston.  JAMAFRICAN ME CRAZY, KOFI!  They take turns putting each other over.  Randy Orton and Legacy crash the VIP Lounge after intimidating the bouncer.  Orton calls them a bunch of low class street thugs.  Mark Henry stole a victory, MVP is the definition of the common criminal, and Kofi Kingston should be in jail for what he did to Orton’s car.  The only reason Orton hasn’t done anything is because he wants to embarrass Kofi and his team at Survivor Series.  Legacy mock the VIP Lounge, and Orton says that they were born into this business and belong here.  The only place Henry, MVP, and Kingston belong is the hood where they came from.


    @MissieBird Oh no he didn’t! (at least he didn’t say the only place you belong is in the back of the bus… )

    Randy Orton def. Mark Henry

    This match is already going on when we come back, and the two combatants’ respective allies are ringside.  In the end, Orton drops an RKO out of nowhere for the victory.

    After the match, Kofi comes in to check on Henry.  Orton slaps him, but Kingston slaps him right back.

    Up next, Ricky Hatton faces Chavo Guerrero.  Joy.


    @_MFS_ I honestly fell asleep during that last match, woke up when my upstairs neighbor dropped something #WWE #RAW #BWF

    @AlyKat_730 … *sighs* I don’t want to watch the main event… and I don’t really wanna watch the boxer v wrestler match.

    @chjpacheco #BWF raw has lost it’s step its always boring

    The new RAW theme that we told you about two weeks ago is debuting next week.  When did Nickelback become the number one band in America?  First of all, they suck.  Second of all, they’re Canadian.


    Chavo’s here, and at least he’s not singing.  Ricky Hatton is here dressed like a Mexican.  Seriously.  Cole even calls him “The Manchester Mexican.”  I don’t know if that’s a real thing or not, but it’s ridiculous.  Hatton can only win by knockout, Guerrero only by pinfall or submission.

    Ricky Hatton def. Chavo Guerrero

    Guess what happened?  Hatton punched Guerrero and won the match by knockout.  Cole says it’s 33 knockouts now for Hatton, as if it actually counts.


    @swimbabe5409 Wtf? Wwe really needs to give @mexwarrior the push he deserves!

    @TheGiorgis I’m watching Ricky Hatton vs Chavo Guerrero on RAW. WHY???????

    John Cena tries to convince Hornswoggle to stop wearing DX gear.  DX shows up, and give Cena the third degree.  Cena tells them they should focus on their tag match tonight.  They turn “Tweeting” into some kind of gay joke.  Thanks Trips.  I’m sure all of these folks that were mentioned in this post so far appreciate that.  Anyways, DX ask where Hornswoggle is, and Cena calls for him.  Hornswoggle comes out from hiding dressed like Cena and does the “Can’t see me” thing.  DX leaves and Hornswoggle takes the cena gear off and has his DX gear still on under it.

    The Big Show and Chris Jericho take on DX, NEXT!


    Well folks, each and every week, I have to work Monday Nights and it makes me miss the end of the show, and we, like the WWE, have a guest host for Monday Night RAW.  Well, tonight is a historic night for BoredWrestlingFan – it’s the first time since we started doing the guest host thing that we’ve got somebody who isn’t a writer for the site taking over.  Volunteering for the guest hosting spot this week is one of our Twitter followers, @aemckay!

    Cena is with Cole and The King and they discuss Hornswoggle as DX enter the ring.

    Michaels and Jericho start the match with some back and forth running strikes. HBK tags in Hunter, who Whips Jericho into the corner. Jericho fights back and backs HHH into the opposite turnbuckle. Jericho hits an Irish Whip and on his way back HHH strikes him with a high knee. Jericho tries again and gets thrown out of the ring as we go to a break.

    We come back to find Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels in the ring. Jericho slaps Michaels, then tags in Big Show. Show chokes him and then launches him into the ropes. Michaels counters, goes to pin, and gets thrown off. Big Show gets up, headbutts HBK, walks over him and then tags Jericho back in. Jericho grinds HBK down with some grapples and then tags Show back in. Show brings HBK into the middle of the ring and he jumps in to take HHH.

    Show throws HHH to the ropes, goes to anticipate a clothesline and gets a jumping knee for his troubles. HHH then attempts a Pedigree and is thrown over Shows back. Show then takes him to the corner and tags Jericho back in. Jericho kicks HHH, showboats, and then locks in a sleeper hold.

    HHH slowly gets up and breaks it, but Jericho knocks him back down. He mocks Micheals then pins Hunter for a 2 count. Jericho tags Show back in and they use HHH’s legs like he was a wishbone. While he’s still on the ground Show walks over then stands on HHH.

    Show takes HHH into a turnbuckle, then another, before Hunter tries to fight back. Show knocks him down again and then splashes him, getting a 2 count. Show then grips HHH’s mid section as Jericho talks smack, and Cena quotes him as calling Show “a giant destroyer”.

    Show brings HHH up, chops him then tags Jericho in. HHH and Jericho have some back and forth punching until Jericho backs him into the corner and beats on him. Jericho takes HHH to the other corner, goes to Irish Whip him, but HHH gets in a spinebuster. HHH crawls to HBK for a tag, who gets in some vintage running stikes and a kip up, before knocking Show off the apron. Michaels then goes to the top rope for a flying elbow drop, tries to hit a Sweet Chin Music, Jericho counters into a Walls Of Jericho attempt, but HBK fights it off.

    Show then comes in as they go into a corner, squashing them both. HBK turns round as Show tries to KO punch him, but HBK ducks and hits Jericho. HHH then takes Show out of the ring and Michaels gets the win.

    Justin Roberts then cuts the DX music off to announce that hes just been informed that next week’s main event on RAW will be a triple threat tag team match. It will be D-Generation X vs Chris Jericho & Big Show vs John Cena and his partner…

    Cena is standing on top of the announcers table with a smile on his face as we hear a gong sound and the lights go out. We then see flames and smoke at the top of the ramp and The Undertaker appears. DX and Jeri-Show look puzzled as Cena looks confident and ‘Taker stares them all down.

    Michael Cole then hypes up the fact it will be at Madison Square Garden next week. He fails to mention the good news of Roddy Piper being the guest host and the bad news of Nickleback’s song being the new RAW theme. That’s Monday Night Raw for another week. It was a decent back and forth tag match but it seemed a little short. I’m sure next week will make up for that though.

    Thanks to @aemckay and all the rest of the twitterverse who made it into this week’s RAW review!

  8. UPDATE: Roddy Piper DOES NOT have terminal cancer

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    I’m shocked. I just signed into twitter and saw a tweet from @wrestlingradio that said “WWE Hall of Famer “Rowdy” Roddy Piper has Terminal Cancer.” According to their article, Piper’s lymphoma has come back and it’s looking as if the WWE Hall of Famer hasn’t got much time left.

    I’m at a loss for words. I’m speechless. I can’t put what I’m feeling right now into words…

    Earlier today, I posted an article sourcing a wrestling-radio.com article stating that “Rowdy” Roddy Piper’s cancer had returned and that the legend hadn’t had much time left.  Pro Wrestling Insider has posted a story (here) stating that rumors of Piper’s impending demise have been greatly exaggerated. He is in need of assistance at home though, he needs assistance for caregivers for Parkinson’s disease.   It seems as though the wrestling-radio story had it’s origins on the same site – and likely from the very same person – that started the false rumor that Chris Benoit was dating Victoria weeks before his death.  PWI’s article does state that Piper is taking time off to deal with health issues, he is not dying.  We here at BoredWrestlingFan are breathing a huge sigh of relief, and I would like to personally apologize for adding to the number of sites reporting this awful rumor.