Tag Archive: United States

  1. WWE RAW 5/13/14 – Just a Car Crash Away

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    So.  You guys know how I usually do these – I watch two hours, drive to work, and watch the whole show just to remember what I watched to write it down here.  Well, I no longer drive to work – I dosed off behind the wheel and wrapped my car around a light post – and did just as much damage to the post as my totalled car.  I, however, am fine.  A few bruises and abrasions, but nothing a little OTC pain reliever won’t fix, should I feel bad enough to actually take that shit.  Oh well.  In the immortal words of Pink Floyd, the show must go on!

    Ouch.  Ow.  Aaaaahhhh.  Oh man my ribs and knees hurt – yet nothing is actually damaged.  Oh well, screw it, let’s go.  Click the button.


  2. BoredWrestlingFan WrestleMania week – WrestleMania VII review!

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    Last year, I did reviews of the first six WrestleMania events as part of WrestleMania week.  I complained a lot after that week about how bad WrestleMania V was.  This year, I’m picking up where I left off, with WrestleMania VII – and the best part about it is, I don’t have to buy the individual events, I can just pull them up on the WWE Network!  So, without further adieu, I review WrestleMania VII – Superstars and Stripes Forever!


  3. RAW Review – 6/1/09


    Finally – ThinkSoJoE…  HAS COME BACK! to reviewing shows.  I’ve been trying to get motivated to write about the programming lately, but I’ve been sleeping through most of it.  RAW’s been boring, ECW’s been entertaining but I haven’t really been paying a lot of attention to it, and SmackDown hasn’t been bad – but I’m usually sleeping when it’s on.  That’s the problem with working overnights, I guess.  Anyway, Kofi Kingston will be taking on MVP for the United States Championship tonight, so without further adieu, let’s get started…


  4. ECW thoughts for 11/4/08

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    I payed pretty much zero attention to ECW on SciFi this week as I was paying more attention to the election coverage here in the United States.  The only thing really important to come out of this week was that Finlay beat Mark Henry for the number one contendership for Matt Hardy’s ECW Championship.  That’s all you really need to know.  The end.  Drowgoddess will be along sometime in the next 24 hours with your TNA iMPACT review, so stay tuned!

  5. SmackDown in Real-Time, 8/15/08

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    Well, I wasn’t planning on doing a real-time tonight, just a review later, but since I decided not to go to the concert I was going to go to (Puddle of Mudd, if you’re wondering), I’m home and ready to go for the BoredWrestlingFan Friday Night Tradition!  You know the drill, so here we go!

    Jeff Hardy def. Shelton Benjamin via disqualification when MVP interfered

    Natalya & Maryse def. Michelle McCool & Maria via pinfall

    The Brian Kendrick def. Scotty Goldman via pinfall

    Triple H def. Kenny Dykstra via pinfall

    The Big Show def. Ryan Braddick via pinfall

    Vladimir Kozlov def. Festus

    Edge torments Vickie and calls out The Undertaker

    Detailed results after the jump! (more…)