Posts written by Drowgoddess

  1. An Article to Share

    I came upon this article, and thought that it was worth sharing. I personally have no way of knowing what is and isn’t true, but if there is any veracity to this at all, this company truly needs to go. Thoughts?

  2. Monday, Monday, Monday!

    Have you ever had a plethora of unrelated thoughts bouncing around inside your brain-meat, refusing to go away until they are shared with others? I knew that you did. In the spirit of our very own legendary JT’s “Random Randomness” column, here are nine of mine. It almost rhymes, so it’s true. Yes, they’re much […]

  3. Really? REALLY???

    This article, posted on, seemed worth sharing here, if for no other reason than I wanted to slap somebody. Three guesses which somebody that might be.

  4. Wrestlemania Bingo, 2011 edition

    As has previously been posted, my brother invented this last year, and after careful tweaking (thanks, Mick!), it is ready to share with all of you. I know, some of you have already seen it. Some changes have been made. “Wrestlemania Bingo, 2011 edition” is all you need to kick up your Sunday, April 3 […]

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