Posts written by Drowgoddess

  1. She Started it!!!

    Much has been written about the misogyny inherent in professional wrestling, the violence against women, and the general exploitation of females in the wrestling business. Almost all of these writings, however, have been penned by men. As a female wrestling fan, this subject has taken up quite a bit of brain space recently, and the […]

  2. Say What??? vol. 1

    Author’s Note: This article was written and comments received before Awesome Kong signed with WWE, Taylor Wilde officially quit TNA of her own accord, and Hamada parted ways with TNA. Those facts will change some aspects of the two remaining articles in the series, “It’s a Girl Thing,” on women’s wrestling in North America.

  3. Kaval Released by WWE

    As of yesterday. No reason has been given that I’ve found, aside from one report that “creative had no plans for him.” Not knowing why, or whether he wanted this, or anything else leaves the matter open to speculation. He has already returned to the Low-Ki name, and has an indy match booked against Amazing […]

  4. Live “Smackdown” Report 12/21/10

    Hey, BoredWrestlingFans! Last week I said I’d next see you all on Christmas (or thereabouts), but that was before ‘WWE Week on USA’ was announced, including a live SmackDown! being broadcast on Tuesday night. The greatest thing about this live SmackDown! will be the lack of that canned cheering sound which the guys in the […]

  5. Wrestling Fan Holiday Wish List

    This should have been posted earlier, but there’s still time to be relevant. Every year at around this time, wrestling websites ask readers to post lists of what they, as wrestling fans, would ask Wrestling Santa Claus for as gifts. Bored Wrestling Fan is no different, and I now ask you to post away! Any […]

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