Category Archive: Drowgoddess

  1. Apologies

    Hey, all. My internet connection has been sporadic at best, and non-existent the rest of the time. This has caused much trouble for my reviews of TNA’s “Victory Road” ppv on Sunday, and tonight’s “Impact.” AT&T has been called (again), and hopefully everything will be worked out. Apologies for depriving you of the TN-Awesomeness, or […]

  2. 2010 “Victory Road” Round Table

    TNA’s “Victory Road” pay-per-view of 2008 took place in my city, Houston, Texas, and was a rather awesome show. “Victory Road” of 2009 was quite possibly the worst wrestling ppv in the history of wrestling ppvs, with the possible exception of “Halloween Havoc.” At which end of the ppv quality spectrum will the 2010 version […]

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