1. It took me longer than I wanted to, and I’m not 100% sure that I’ve worked all the kinks out, but I’ve launched a new theme, “Grungy.”  It’s a complete departure from the usual layout and look of the site, and is likely more suited for widescreen monitors, but it should still look great on any size screen.  If you guys are poking around in that theme and find anything wrong, let me know!  Also, I may not be 100% finished with this, I’m looking into adding a bit more functionality to it, so stay tuned!

  2. I know, I know, the show was two days ago, but I’ve been caught up in working on a new skin for BoredWrestlingFan.  It’s not quite ready yet but I expect it to be up and running around Monday morning.  I’ve put a lot of work into it, and it’s going to be the first theme to really break away from the original “BWF Classic” theme.  It probably also doesn’t help that I started to watch SmackDown while it was on the other night, and didn’t really feel like watching it again to review it.  Not to say that it was a bad show, at least what I’ve seen so far.  Now that I’ve gone off on a rant about my reasons for not doing the review yet, I’ll get to work on this week’s WWE SmackDown on DVR review!

    SmackDown review and thoughts (finally), after the jump! (more…)

  3. Find a line, peoples, cuz it’s time to cross it!

    We open with bizarre audio technical difficulties that make it sound as if, in addition to heavy static, everyone in the Front Line locker room has the voice of Invader Zim. The problem is corrected before Brother Ray gets too far into his troop-rallying promo, however. He tells the assemblage of Front Liners that they need to now stand up for themselves, and that the Main Event Mafia represents everything that they don’t want to become. The new revolution is starting tonight, and they need to do it for themselves, for the business, and for the people (the fans, one presumes) who pay their checks. Everyone is pumped and leaves the locker room with victory on the brain!


  4. Well, we know that MVP is in action against Matt Hardy tonight.  Saves me watching a match, because we all know that MVP is not going to come to ECW and beat the champion on his current streak.  Hopefully I’ll get to see that DX ShopZone ad that I missed last night.  I’m sure it was hilarious.  Other than that, I’m not sure what to expect (ok, I’m lying, I read the spoilers last night after RAW), so let’s get started with ECW on SciFi on DVR!

    DVR review after the jump! (more…)

  5. Ugh.  Another Monday, another RAW.  These have been the bane of my existence since Drowgoddess started doing the iMPACT reviews here on BoredWrestlingFan.com.  The show has just been extremely stale lately.  They need a debut, a huge return, or something.  I know what you’re thinking; “But JoE, John Cena just returned 8 days ago!”  That doesn’t count.  Cena was only gone three months and had a month worth of promos shoved down our gullets three times a week.  He comes back, and he’s the World Heavyweight Champion.  That’s another story, however, and we’ll talk about that later.  We’ve got a show to watch on DVR and review!

    Full review (and in depth analysis of the Superstar of the Year nominees) after the jump! (more…)

  6. I like doing these “On DVR” reviews.  I get to watch a WWE show, give you my thoughts on it as I watch, and be done in like an hour and a half.  It’s much easier to enjoy the shows this way than trying to write them in real time as the show is actually on.  Anyways, SmackDown’s been my favorite show of the week on a consistent basis, and I get to do a review of SmackDown, which features the new WWE Champion, Edge!  It’s been a while since Edge has been seen on SmackDown, and since he’s one of my personal favorites, I’m glad to have him back, as I feel as though it can only make the show better.

    Enough of my ranting and raving about the Rated R Superstar, my thoughts on this week’s WWE SmackDown are after the jump! (more…)

  7. Umm….


    Oh, forget it. This week is less of a review and more of a rant. I’m quite well aware that no one in a position of power in TNA reads this column on this site. I’m quite well aware that if they did, the things written here would mean absolutely nothing to any of them. I’m also quite well aware that business as usual will continue until the company dies and all in it are forced to seek other employment, mostly to no avail. All the same, on this Thanksgiving holiday, the so-called creative team and the powers-that-be of TNA should be giving most profuse thanks that my access to multiple large-caliber weapons and 55-gallon drums of chloroform are limited by a low-paying career in public education. (If anyone considers that statement to be a legitimate threat of violence, calm down. It’s a literary device, nothing more. That I must point that out is beyond sad.) (more…)

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