1. I’m out of it tonight, so here are the results of ECW on SciFi, courtesy of Rajah.com

    * Jack Swagger b. Tommy Dreamer
    – The match starts out in the ring but Jack brings in kendo sticks, chairs, and other weapons. He attempts a submission move on Dreamer with a chair. The match goes back and forth until Dreamer brings in a table. Jack uses it against him slamming him through it. He gets the win via pinfall.

    * The Miz & John Morrison are shown on the screen talking about Survivor Series. The Boogeyman appears and scares them away.

    * DJ Gabriel b. A Local Jobber
    – Gabriel got the win via a second-rope shoulder block.

    * Finlay vs. Mark Henry
    – The match ends in disqualification after a brawl takes place on the outside.

  2. I should’ve done this when I re-watched the show, but since I didn’t, here’s the quick results of WWE Survivor Series 2008.

    Team HBK defeated Team JBL.  Your sole survivors:  HBK, Rey Mysterio, & The Great Khali.  I’ve always hated when there’s more than one person left on the winning team, and they call them “Sole Suvivors.”  That’s like naming a band “The Lone Rangers.”  Isn’t that right, cast of Airheads?

    Team RAW Divas defeated Team SmackDown Divas.  Your sole survivor:  Beth Phoenix.  Maryse put on a pretty strong showing in this one.

    The Undertaker defeated The Big Show in a casket match.  In a unique finish, Show destroyed the first casket, but when a second casket was brought out, he stood it up on it’s side.  The Undertaker whipped Show into it, sending it crashing to the ground with Show inside, the lid closing behind him.

    Team Orton defeated Team Batista.  Your sole survivors: Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes.  Orton blind tagged Rhodes when Batista had him up for a Batista Bomb.  The Legend Killer dropped the unsuspecting Batista with an RKO for the victory.

    Edge defeated Triple H and Vladimir Kozlov in a triple threat match to win the WWE Championship.  Yes, you read that right, Edge won the WWE Championship.  Storyline wise, Jeff Hardy was assaulted in his hotel and rendered unable to compete in the match.  The match started off as a singles match between Triple H and Vladimir Kozlov.  After a hard fought fight, Triple H dropped Kozlov with a Pedigree, though he was too out of it to make the cover.  Vickie Guerrero game out on the stage and announced that it’s going to be a triple threat after all, because “he’s here!”  “He” turned out to be Edge, who came out and speared Triple H.  Before he could make the cover though, Jeff Hardy came out and attacked him.  Hardy swung with a chair, missing Edge and connecting with The Game, followed by a shot for the Moscow Mauler.  When he went to swing for Edge, he ate a spear instead.  Edge covered Triple H for the three and won the WWE Championship!

    John Cena def. Chris Jericho to win the World Heavyweight Championship.  After the match, Cena celebrated with his family in the crowd before walking up the ramp triumphant as the new World Heavyweight Championship.

    Looks like we’ve got a good week of WWE programming in store for us this week!

  3. Before I start, some quick site news – I’ll be doing quick reviews of all the shows (save for TNA’s program, as our Empress of iMPACT, Drowgoddess will continue providing excellent coverage) in the DVR style, and they should be posted just a couple hours after the show – so no more waiting until the next day for a review!  The change comes about due to a change in shifts at my job (where yes, there is still no power).

    Anyways, Survivor Series picks after the jump! (more…)

  4. Your Empress of “Impact” is back for another week’s thoughts on TNA. And there was much rejoicing!

    We open with the Main Event Mafia and the casket representing Christian Cage and his career. Kurt HHHAngle spews on about how Christian wouldn’t commit to the TNA family, and had been in negotiations with WWE, so he had to be taken out. And Kurt Angle, as well as the rest of the Main Event Mafia, cares so much about TNA as a company since when, precisely? The MEM could actually get over as heels if the faces would seriously call them out on their bovine fertilizer promos, and do so in a way that made sense. Aside from losing matches and constantly being beaten down, the TNA Originals are almost completely muzzled on the mic. At the very least, the one battle the young guys should always win is the battle of words.


  5. Yawn.  This show sucked.  MC somethingorother came out with Alicia Fox and beat some jobber.  This new guy is an Alex Wright knockoff.

    Jack Swagger beat Tommy Dreamer in an amateur challenge via DQ.  Tommy said “oops, you win,” and on next week’s show it’s going to be Dreamer and Swagger again, this time in an Extreme Rules match.

    And the trio of Mark Henry, William Regal, and Cody Rhodes defeated Kofi Kingston, Matt Hardy, and Finlay.  Exciting television there, folks.

  6. Well, I waited as long as I could, but alas, this crap does not, in fact, write itself.  The WWE writers probably did the same thing this week, because this show absolutely sucked.  I’m not even going to bother reviewing it, instead opting to give you the match results instead.

    First, there was Stephanie McMahon’s RAW Superstar forum.  The only highlight was Santino rapping in honor of “the rapping singer Akorn (Akon)” being there.

    Kelly Kelly def. Victoria for some ungodly reason.  Victoria attacked K-squared after the match, but she was rescued by the rest of Beth Phoenix’s RAW Diva Survivor Series team, with Beth herself hitting her version of the Implant Buster on Victoria

    Batista def. Manu, as if we didn’t see that coming.  Afterwards, Batista told Orton that he’s hated him for three years, and he’s going to kick his ass on Sunday.

    Stephanie McMahon introduced Hall of Famer Chief Jay Strongbow, who came out and waved.  That’s it.  Nothing else to see here.

    Then there was more Orton/Rhodes talky crap.

    Todd Grisham introduces us to Evan Bourne.  Before Bourne can update us on his ankle injury, Mike Knox gets in his face – then walks away.

    Shawn Michaels has had millions of tag team partners, but he’s teaming with Rey Mysterio for the first time tonight.  Not only that, he recognizes Dolph Ziggler!

    Miz and Morrison def. Shawn Michaels & Rey Mysterio in the only entertaining match of the night.  Rey hit Miz with a 619, followed by HBK hitting Sweet Chin Music on him – but Morrison caught HBK with Sweet Chin Music of his own, allowing Miz to roll on top of HBK for the victory.

    We get a John Cena video package.  Want to see it?  Tune in to ECW tonight and SmackDown on Friday, I’m sure you’ll catch it.

    Jericho wants equal time, and Stephanie McMahon says it’s ok.

    Kane tells JBL that he doesn’t take orders well.

    JBL and Kane def. Cryme Tyme when JBL tagged himself in and hit the Clothesline from Hell on JTG.

    Mike Knox attacked Evan Bourne backstage.

    William Regal and Matt Hardy went to a double count out.

    Jericho babbled on about beating Steve Austin and The Rock in one night and having beaten everybody else, and how he’s going to beat Cena this Sunday.

    Randy Orton def. CM Punk in a Lumberjack Match.  Orton hit the RKO after Regal distracted Punk.  Afterwards, a 32 man brawl broke out to end the show.

  7. Well, I’m sure that JT was a more than a little drunk last night, I know I’ll likely be tonight, as the two of us celebrate our shared birthday, which was this past Thursday.  November 13th, of course, is also a day of mourning for us wrestling fans, as it was three years ago on that date that Eddie Guerrero passed away.  You can imagine, that was a very unwelcome birthday present for us as wrestling fans.  Eddie was the hottest thing going in WWE at the time, and we still miss his in ring antics to this day.

    In any event, my thoughts on this week’s SmackDown as I watch it on DVR are after the jump! (more…)

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