1. Although I did see this show (and it was an excellent show, BTW.), I didn’t manage to get a chance to write about it.  I will say this though, it was definitely all about the Troops, which was nice.  Usually when WWE is on NBC (see “Saturday Night’s Main Event”), they take the opportunity to try and sell their brand to casual viewers.  Not this time though.  The wrestling was secondary to honoring our fighting men and women in the Armed Forces.

    Full results from Rajah.com after the jump! (more…)

  2. Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates from me over the last few days. I’ve been swamped with holiday stuff and work stuff. Honestly, I haven’t even watched SmackDown yet, and the only reason I managed to watch Tribute to the Troops is that I walked a mile and a half in 3 feet of snow. I don’t have time to review the shows right now, but I’ll try to get to them later. I’ll also try to get a RAW review in, but I won’t be around much tomorrow either. Thanks for your patience, guys.

    While I’ve got your attention, I’d like to thank JT and Drowgoddess, as well as everybody who came and checked out BoredWrestlingFan.com this month – we hit our highest monthly number of viewers sometime last week, and we’re still going! Our previous record was 361 views in the month of July, we’re currently at 488 this month! Thank you guys and keep spreading the word about BoredWrestlingFan!

  3. Alright, confession time.  I completely forgot to set my DVR for ECW tonight.  Not that it really matters, I’m not going to be home tonight to review it on DVR anyway.  So, I did a little improvising, and have ECW streaming live on my laptop and I’m doing this review on the work computers in real-time – but not posting it in real-time.  I tuned in a few minutes late, but I think I saw enough to accurately give you an idea of what’s going on.

    ECW Review after the jump! (more…)

  4. Sorry for the lack of updates on my part, folks, I’ve just been super burnt out the last few days for some reason.  It’s probably got to do with my current employment situation (which is that my work may potentially be closing – don’t worry about me though, I have a plan), or maybe it’s got to do with the impending launch of a new site through my company, Fropac Entertainment – but more onthat when I get to it.  All of that is irrelevant, though, as we’ve got a NEW WWE CHAMPION in Jeff Hardy!

    Armageddon (from WrestlingNewsWorld.com)  and RAW results (from wrestling-radio.com) after the jump! (more…)

  5. I’ve been sitting on my ass the last four hours and haven’t even thought about Armageddon until just now. There’s less than 8 minutes until the show, so I’m going to run through the card real quick and give you my predictions!

    Jericho vs. Cena – World Title – Cena

    Edge vs. Jeff Hardy vs. HHH – Edge.

    CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio – Punk. I was going to say Mysterio, but after Punk dropped the tag titles last night, it seems more logical that he’d be in line for the Intercontinental Championship.

    Matt Hardy vs. Vladimir Kozlov – Kozlov

    Batista vs. Randy Orton – Orton

    Michelle McCool, Maria, Mickie James & Kelly Kelly vs. Victoria, Natalya, Jillian & Maryse – I didn’t even know about this one, but I’m going to say Victoria’s team.

    Finlay vs. Mark Henry – Whoever wins, hopefully this will be the end of it. Which would indicate that Finlay will probably win.

    Enjoy Armageddon, I’ll be around tomorrow with a review!

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