Tag Archive: British Invasion

  1. iMPACT Wrestling 06/09/2011-review


    Welcome again to another wonderful Pintnoir Impact review. No declaration of struggling to watch the show, just plain old ‘noir coming to terms with this new direction good and bad.

    Bad- Bischoff and Hogan come to the ring, cocky as always as they proclaim that iMPACT Wrestling is now back in better hands minus a “Network Stooge” calling the shots. Bischoff promises to better represent the X Division (sarcasm seeps from his every pore) They then proceed to call out the number one contender, Mr Anderson proceeded by the TNA champion Sting.

    Hogan reminds the fans that “Wrestling Matters”. He also promises no run ins or interference on the part of anyone. Do I smell a swerve?

    Anderson digs into Sting, that everything he stands for is a joke.

    Sting rebuttals that the only thing standing between the complete corruption of TNA is him as champion. Borden (Sting) pleads with Hogan to change his evil ways and cut away the cancer that is Eric Bischoff.

    Sting walks away.

    Coming up next is the announcement for the Knockout Tag. Tara/Mickie vs Winter/Love

    Let this match begin- Tara controls the early minutes of the match with Winter. Then tags in James who still keeps the good T.T Lesbian under wraps. Winter finally tags in Xxxombie Love, who puts the hurt on Mickie.  Funny side note* Taz mentions that the reason Angelina doesn’t have a lot more in her moveset is because she is a Zombie.

    Eventually Madison comes down to the ring and pulls down Tara. This distraction leads to Angelina getting the DDT/Lung-blower finisher on Mickie for the 3 count. Afterwards Love punishes Mickie with a Sleeper while Winter looks on.

    Mexican America Promo: Hernandez mumbles, Anarquia talks like a helium Chavo. Nothing is accomplished. Other than getting on my nerves.

    Card for the main event tonight: EY/Sting vs Gunner/Anderson

    -British Invasion on commentary?!

    Mexican America vs Gun Money/Beer Guns.

    Taz during commentary points out the poor record of British Invasion, Magnus is not amused.

    Shelley and Anarquia start out the match. After a series of moves Storm is tagged in setting up what looks like the Guns kick in the face double team with instead is turned into a finger poke. Hernandez charges Shelley with a shoulder tackle, which in Hernandez’s hands could cause injury. Shelley dives on Hernandez on the outside. The Sitas jump up on the apron getting the ref’s attention as Storm has Anarquia pinned. Storm spits beer in there face. Turns around just in time for Anarquia to duck a super kick by Shelley into Storm’s face. Shelley out of the ring. MA gets the victory, to the displeasure of Roode.

    Promo: Gunner and Anderson talk about taking out Sting.

    Followed by a wrestling matters promo. I really convinced that management enjoys shoving this down our throats.

    Mexican America confronts Hogan in his office, asking for a title shot since they beat Gun Mone/Beer Guns. Things get ugly when Lil Chavo accuses Hogan of being a racist. HH takes offense to being called a racist so he instead provokes sexual harassment against Sarita/Rosita. ( I don’t blame him, I’d do it too) Which causes Helium and Blackhole of Charisma to tell Hogan to watch his back.

    Promo for Jarrett vs Angle finally match. Thank God.

    Quickly followed by a Jarrett promo were he calls out Angle and lays out there history. How he brought in Angle, wasn’t given respect and he believes Angle is trying to erase his memory from TNA. He brags about taking away everything Angle holds dear, from his wife and kids to finally on Sunday his gold medal.

    Angle retorts that he wants to thank Jeff for getting Karen out of his life. He promises to destroy Jarrett in the ring.

    ODB promo talking trash about velvet sky and her nasty ways. Right before slapping her own breast.

    Velvet Sky vs ODB later tonight

    Ad for Bully Ray’s Open Challenge

    Promo: Kendrick/Kazarian w/Janice are looking for Abyss.

    Bully Ray comes to the ring, he starts to bully Hemme out of the ring while also insulting her Playboy cover. He challenges any single competitor to come out and face him. Except Devon.

    What do we get? Rob Van Dam!@

    To start Bully Ray sneaks up on RVD to do a modified powerbomb from the corner. Ray pretty much controls the match throughout with the occasional comeback from RVD. Out comes AJ. When Ray notices Styles while in the mist of a piledriver is countered. Van Dam is able to pull off a five star frog splash for the win.

    Velvet Sky does her own shoot on ODB. Is really disgusted by her implants and patting of her “area” as she puts it “there’s a cream for it” Not to lose topic but didn’t Sky also have a boob job?

    Anywho, Angle was in England talking about his 2012 Olympic qualification. Even at 43 he plans on entering. I wish him luck.

    Kendrick/Kaz run into Abyss in the back who spouts philosophy about Sun Tzu. And proclaims the X division dead (again) and he’s renamed the belt the Xtreme title? (whatever, TNA with your multiple named belts) He challenges them to a 3way at Slammiversary. *yeah so saw that coming last week.* Kazarian calls the Sun Tzu babbling Abyss an idiot while Kendrick tries to convince Frankie (Kaz’s first name) about the dangers of not winning the belt on Sunday.

    ODB vs Velvet Sky-  ODB comes out to no theme music since she is not signed to a contract. *Which by the way is funny considering she is having a match with you know a ref and all* Velvet gets the upper hand with a sneak attack (because obviously she knows she can’t win) And has control until the dirty one throws her into some steel stairs. After that it turns into a brawl with ODB dominating. Until while choking Sky and taunting her Velvet pulls out an impact ddt for the win. (against a competitor who is not on contract?) Lawsuit?

    Pointless promo for Pope vs Devon, showing footage from Xplosion where D is being ambushed by Mexican America and Pope makes the save.

    Main Event Time

    Sting/Eric Young vs Anderson/Gunner- The match starts off with Anderson vs Sting before Anderson tags in Gunner, after some back and forth and two stinger splashes to the back of Gunner, Ken clotheslines Sting from behind. Anderson is tagged in. He stomps a mud hole into Sting. An Irish into the corner from Anderson which counters into an explosive clothesline later, EY is tagged where he proceeds to clean house. Fakes out Anderson with a Great Muta Mist spit but then while distracted is knock into Sting (which some how counts as a tag) Which allows Gunner to put away Sting with an F5. After the match Sting is angry and shoves down EY.

    Reaction Bonus: Young chasing down Sting who tells him to stop being a comedy act.

    AJ shoots a promo on Ray about getting in his head. Which causes the Bully to confront him to only be separated by security or as I call him Simon Diamond.

    Sting grabs some war paint to chase down Anderson. Beating him up in a trailer and smears red paint all over his face before choking him out for all to see. Sting is vicious.

    Fade out.

    Sorry no gifs tonight.



  2. Impact Wrestling or how I see TNA in theory Pt. 2


    Earlier when the prospect of TNA revamping its product and becoming iMPACT Wrestling arose I had an epiphany. What could be more awesome than what was going through my mind in terms of the available talent. I’ve touched on Orlando Jordan, Eric Young and the X division. I admit I only glazed over the division  but a more in depth plan will be done later along with the world X cup.

  3. The Night TNA Changed Wrestling….

    1 Comment

    Tonight was I think the BIGGEST night in wrestling history in over ten years. Im proud to be apart of the BWF Family and im proud to be brining you iMPACT results so here we go…

    The show kicks off with a hype video covering the history of TNA all the way up until the Hogan signing. Really great way to start the show especially for fans that haven’t seen Impact yet. We then cut to the Impact opening and it’s a new opening for this week.

    The pyro goes off inside the Impact Zone and we are live! Over at the announce table Mike Tenay & Taz hype up the show for tonight and they talk about how electric it feels in the Impact Zone, and it is VERY loud. They run down the card which will feature the Steel Asylum for the very first time ever on Spike TV! Also, ODB gets a shot at the Knockouts Title and Tara. Rhino will face Abyss in Barbed Wire Massacre III! Beer Money faces the British Invasion in Full Metal Mayhem as well! Tenay and Taz say that Bubba the Love Sponge is now part of the TNA broadcast team and we cut earlier today with Bubba talking to fans outside the Impact Zone. The fans talk about what they expect from the Hulk Hogan signing. One guy actually has TNA tattooed on his arm, wow. And now we’re going to get right into the Steel Asylum!

    Steel Asylum Match

    Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley vs. “Notorious 1-8-7” Homicide vs. Kiyoshi vs. “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal vs. Consequences Creed vs. Suicide vs. Amazing Red
    Mike Tenay points out how there are 3 teams in this match and only Suicide & Amazing Red aren’t members of a tag team. Red’s X-Division Title is NOT on the line in this match. Those that don’t know the way to win this match is to escape the whole at the top of the cage! Suicide quickly tries to climb the cage as everybody starts going at it but Red joins him on the top rope and stops him. Lethal Consequences with a backbreaker and then a Russian Legsweep and Lethal holds Homicide in a Camel Clutch and then Creed hits a Sliding Dropkick. Lethal and Sabin are both climbing the cage but Kiyoshi climbs up and starts trading kicks with Lethal. Red with a spinning Enziguri on Suicide! Shelley is at the top of the cage as Sabin hits a Tornado DDT on Homicide. Lethal climbs up and tries to Powerbomb Shelley off the top but Shelley blocks it. Action is everywhere! Suicide with a spinning front slam on Red but then he eats the Lethal Combination from Lethal! Shelley then kicks Lethal in the face only to eat a running STO from Kiyoshi! Creed Press Slams Kiyoshi into a Gutbuster! Red with the Red Eye on Homicide! Suicide climbs up on the cage and starts climbing near the hole but Red quickly gets to the top as well and cuts him off! Red and Suicide brawl at the top rope and Suicide hip tosses Red off the top but he lands onto Sabin and hits a hurricanrana! Homicide has a baton and hits Red with it as Kiyoshi holds him but then he blats Kiyoshi with it out of nowhere! The bell rings as Homicide nails everyone with the baton and the fans boo. The match is a NO CONTEST due to the weapon, that is a lame finish.
    Winner: NO CONTEST

    Homicide climbs through the hole at the top of the cage as the fans “THIS IS BULLS*T” at what just went down. Homicide is having trouble climbing through the cage which causes the rest of the X-Division guys to climb up to come and get him but he falls down and tries to escape through the door but the rest of the guys drop back down and start beating on him. Jeff Hardy’s music hits! JEFF FUCKING  HARDY IS IN THE CROWD! HOLY SHIT  He climbs over the barricade and Homicide attacks him! Homicide is laying into Hardy but Hardy throws him into the cage wall! Hardy blasts Homicide with a sickening chair shot and then hits the Twist of Fate! HOLY COW! The fans are going nuts for Hardy as the rest of the X-Division wrestlers look on in shock! Hardy climbs to the top of the Steel Asylum and sits down and stares at the crowd!

    ——————-COMMERCIAL ————————

    Footage of what just went down with Hardy is shown after the break. We then cut to the back where Shannon Moore meets Jeff Hardy coming back. They talk and walk off as we are back at ringside with Tenay & Taz. We then see footage of Hulk Hogan’s limousine getting a police escort to the show.

    In the back Christy Hemme is with Kevin Nash. Nash seems to be excited as he says tonight is epic for TNA. He says he has many times called himself the smartest man in wrestling and that’s because it’s true, but his first mentor was Hulk Hogan. He says whatever company Hogan has worked with in the past has been #1 and that makes TNA on their way to TNA. He says with those numbers comes more money. He says there is a lot of reasons for him to be excited and then he starts to walk off, but he stops and says he just talked to Hulk a few minutes ago. He says a, he’s on his way and b, he’s not alone!

    TNA Knockouts Championship
    Tara (c) vs. ODB

    ODB attacks Tara as she started to take her t-shirt off. ODB chokes Tara with the t-shirt behind the referees back and then she chops away at the chest of Tara. ODB goes for a Corner Splash but Tara hits a back elbow and then a dropkick. Tara then follows up with a clothesline. ODB and Tara trade big right hands but Tara gets the advantage with some nice leg kicks and then an Enziguri! Tara hits a Scoop Slam and then the Standing Moonsault! 1…2…NO ODB kicks out! Tara attempts to whip Tara into the corner but ODB counters and then charges at her, but Tara counters into the Tarantula! Tara follows up with a Slingshot Somersault Leg Drop from the apron onto ODB in the ring for another nearfall. Tara sets up for a Powebomb but ODB forces Tara into the corner and then goes for the TKO, but Tar blocks it and goes for another Powerbomb. ODB counters it into a rollup and holds the tights, 1…2….3 and ODB wins back her title!
    Winner & NEW Knockouts Champ: ODB via pinfall (rollup)

    After the match Tara hits the Widow’s Peak on ODB and then puts her tarantula on her. Tara then raises up the Knockouts Title as we cut to the back.

    A limousine is shown arriving and in the words of Joey Styles OH MY GOD!!! IT’S RIC FLAIR! Beer Money and other staff members welcome Flair as he walks in!

    ——————COMMERCIAL BREAK——————–

    Back from commercials and Taz says that it was AJ Styles lockerroom that Flair walked into. we cut to more footage of fans earlier today, this time with Christy Hemme. She then sees Mick Foley arriving and she asks him what he’s doing. Foley says that he was barred from coming into the Impact Zone because he may be a problem. Foley says he doesn’t want to disrupt anything and he says he’ll be on his best behavior. He tries to get into the Impact Zone but security stops him and they say they have to escort him off the property.

    Bobby Lashley’s music hits and he makes his way out to the ring accompanied by his wife. Kristal says tonight is the biggest night in TNA history as a big “Bobby” chant erupts. She says that Bobby wants to send a special message to Hulk Hogan. She says Bobby isn’t just a star in a pro wrestling, but also in MMA. He says no one can match his strength and potential. She says that pro wrestling is filled with a bunch of ‘inbred’ degenerates unlike MMA. The fans are getting all over her. She says Bobby is asking for his immediate release from TNA because they have better things to do! She says tonight is the last night we’ll ever see him and then she drops the mic and they leave!

    In the back Velvet Sky tells the cameraman to follow her and she walks into a room where a poker table is set up with Madison & Lacey. She says tonight BP wanted to make the biggest impression tonight and she says since poker shows are so popular today that they’ll do one without a net. Lacey doesn’t know how to play Poker and says she wants 5 cards and Velvet calls her out on it. Lacey has a great hand but she’s dumb so she wins. Lacey strips off her jacket and Velvet says they’ll be there all night playing Strip Poker. Madison says when they lose, everyone wins.

    ————————COMMERCIAL BREAK————————-

    In the back Scott Hall and Sean Waltman are talking! They try to get in the Impact Zone but security won’t let them. Hall grabs one of the security guards by the throat and then Waltman grabs the other one as the rest of security tries to pull them off! Tenay says that TNA is the #1 trending topic on Twitter right now and then we see Hogan’s limo getting close to the Impact Zone.

    ————————COMMERCIAL BREAK————————-

    The limousine stops in the road and then someone pulled up in another limousine beside it and gets in Hogan’s limo!

    Waltman and Hall walk in through the crowd now! The fans are going nuts for them as Hall flicks his toothpick at the camera.

    ————————COMMERCIAL BREAK————————-

    During the break they cut in to see Waltman & Hall taking pictures of each other in the front row and cheesing for the camera.

    Hulk Hogan’s new music hits (very nWo sounding) and he makes his way out to a HUGE ovation! The fans are absolutely going nuts! Just a note here, Hogan is wearing all black. I don’t know if that means anything or not. Hogan sees Waltman and Hall at ringside and he smiles and nods his head towards them as they point at Hogan. Brooke Hogan (looking VERY bouncy) is shown in the audience. Hogan grabs a microphone as a ‘Hogan’ chant starts up and he soaks it all in. Hogan says TNA is making history tonight. He says there is so much talent in TNA and he says TNA will become the #1 company in the world. Hogan says he spent all day long talking to the talent and listening to their ides and now he feels the energy from the fans that he was dreaming for. He says there are a lot of old faces and new faces in TNA. Waltman and Hall are trying to get into the ring but security is holding them back. Hogan tells security to back off and tells them to get in the ring and for TNA to give them a mic! The fans are chanting “1-2-3” at Waltman. Waltman gives Hogan the nWo sign and he does it with both Hall and Waltman. Hall does his ‘Hey, Yo!’ thing to a huge reaction. Hogan says they know he’s all about the party but if they have something to say then say it right now. Hall says “say hello to the Bad Guy” and then he says that when he and Pac heard that Bischoff and Hogan were coming to TNA it meant one thing to them and that’s big paychecks, big arenas, and big parties. Hogan says this is a different time and a different place and it doesn’t work like that anymore. Waltman says that’s where Hogan is wrong and he says it is the same place with the same people and they’re there to party. Hogan says not this time and it’s going to be totally different this time. Hall says Hogan is the highest paid guy ever in wrestling and now he wants to change the business. Hogan cuts Hall off and says it’s time to grow up and do the right thing for the business. Hall says Hogan deserves everyone of the fans chants and he says things have changed. He says and they will with him or without him. Kevin Nash’s music hits now and Nash makes his way out to the ring! Nash grabs the microphone from Hall and hugs Waltman. He says Hogan has a role to play tonight so Hall and Pac need to let him play it. Hogan says it’s not a role and he says when he became a partner with Dixie he gave her his word to make a change in this business for the better. Big “TNA” chant starts up and Nash says that he’s been talking with Hogan for the past 5-6 weeks and that’s not the conversation they’ve been having. Nash asks Hogan when he turned so corporate. Hogan says it’s not about turning corporate and he says they are his brothers ‘4-life’ but it’s a different time now and they need to be forreal. Hall and Waltman look like they want to fight with Hogan but more music plays and it’s Eric Bischoff! Bischoff power walks down to the ring and we have a full blown nWo reunion in this ring now! Bischoff says it’s been awhile for all these guys and says it brings back memories. He says in the ring are the guys that changed the business. Bischoff says hopefully now they’re all a little smarter. He says he’s the one that putted that ‘band’ together in the first place. He says there has been a big breakdown in communication here and Waltman tells him to explain it to him now. Bischoff says that what Hogan is trying to say is that everybody has to earn their position in the company. Nash says he hears him loud and clear and they’ll talk to him later. Hall, Nash, and Waltman leave the ring as Bischoff and Nash look a little surprised. Hogan says in TNA everyone will have to earn the spot and he doesn’t care about past relationship or who thinks they’re on a role. Bischoff says he and Hogan have done it before and he’s sure they can do it in TNA because there is awhole lot of talent and heart in TNA. He says things will definitely change. He says he doesn’t care if you’re the World Champion or the cameraman, everyone is under a microscope. Hogan says the change starts tonight. Bischoff asks for the producer because he wants a format. Someone brings Bischoff the format and he rips it up. He says they’re starting over. He then pulls out somemore papers and gives it to So Cal Val and says that’s what’s going to happen tonight. Hogan says if you can’t talk and you can’t wrestle then you need to pack your bags and ‘head up north.’ We see Sting looking down on Bischoff and Hogan from the rafters!

    ————————–COMMERCIAL BREAK—————————

    We get a shot of Sting up in the rafters from moments ago as we come back from break.

    TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championships
    Taylor Wilde & Sarita (c) vs. Awesome Kong & Hamada

    Sarita and Hamada will start the match off. They lockup in the center of the ring and they stalemate. They lockup again and Hamda hits an arm drag but Sarita comes right back with one of her own. Hamada with a leg sweep but Sarita comes right back with another armdrag. Hamada goes for a clothesline but Sarita counters into a DDT. Taylor tags in and hits a Flying Armdrag off the top and then she follows up with a series of forearms. Taylor attempts to whip Hamada into the ropes but she counters it and lights up Taylor with chops. We get a split screen now showing JB finding the Machine Guns laid out in the back. Sarita tags back in and Hamada hits a double arm drag on them and then she tags in Kong. Sarita attempts a Crucifix type move on Kong but she blocks it and then Big Boots Taylor and drops down into a sort of Samoan Drop on Sarita! Kong gets a nearfall and Hamada charges at Taylor. Taylor backdrops Hamada over the top rope onto the apron and then hits an Enziguri! Taylor with a dropkick on Kong and then another dropkick. Taylor & Sarita then hit double dropkicks on Kong sending her out to the floor with Kong. Taylor climbs to the top and she hits a Flying Plancha off the top on Kong as Sarita hits a Suicide Dive through the ropes on Hamada the same time!

    ————————-COMMERCIAL BREAK——————————–

    Back from commercials Kong holds Taylor as Hamada hits a sliding dropkick. During the break Taylor hit a Moonsault on Kong for a nearfall and then Kong destroyed Taylor with a shoulder block. Hamada gets another nearfall back live on Taylor. Taylor comes back with forearms on Hamada but Hamada kicks her in the gut and then headbutts her. Hamada taunts Sarita by acting like she’s going to let Sarita get a tag and then she tags in Kong. Kong continues the beatdown on Taylor. Kong goes for the Awesome Bomb but Taylor blocks it and then comes back with a Codebreaker and then she tags in Sarita! Sarita hits a Springboard Missile Dropkick on Kong and then she ducks a clothesline from Kong only to eat a nasty Superkick from Hamada out of nowhere! Hamada is limping a bit in the ring. Kong and Hamada whip Sarita into the corner but she quickly springs to the top rope and attempts a Flying Cross Body but they catch her in midair! Kong and Hamada slam Sarita to the mat but then Taylor hits a gorgeous Hurricanrana on Hamada out of nowhere! Sarita then goes for a Rolling Hurricanrana on Kong but she blocks it and goes for the Awesome Bomb! Sarita counters into a Sunset Flip attempt but Kong destroys her by sitting down on her! 1…2…NO Taylor breaks it up with a dropkick! Sarita covers Kong, 1…2…NO Kong kicks out! Kong hits a Spinning Backfist on Sarita out of nowhere and then sets up for the Awesome Bomb again as Hamada throws Taylor into the ring post on the floor. Kong lifts Sarita up and then Kong hits a Missile Dropkick on Sarita sending her down into the Awesome Bomb! 1…2…3!
    Winners & NEW Knockouts Tag Champs: Kong & Hamada via pinfall (Missile Dropkick/Awesome Bomb)

    In the back BP are down to their bras now as Val Venis comes in! He asks if they need a fourth for their threesome. Velvet asks him what makes him think he can bust in on their game. He says they need something to take their little game to a whole new level. He says he just got out of the shower and if he loses a hand it’s all over for him. I don’t want to see that. Madison tells him to shutup and deal and he says this is going to be a very interesting night.

    —————————COMMERCIAL BREAK————————

    Foley is still trying to get in the arena but security still won’t let him in. Foley says he has another plan and walks away as we see the Nasty Boys walk up. They try to get in but security stops them as well. They tell the Nasty Boys to go the gate and if they get clearance they can come in.

    Raven & Stevie Richards w/Daffney vs. “Super Mex” Hernandez & “The Blueprint” Matt Morgan
    Raven and Hernandez kick the match off. Hernandez hits a huge shoulder block and Raven quickly tags in Stevie. Hernandez tags in Morgan as well. Stevie ducks a clothesline from Morgan and kicks him in the gut. Stevie then kicks him in the head and then hits a Running Forearm Smash. Stevie comes off the ropes again only to eat a Carbon Footprint! 1…2…3! Raven attempted to stop the count but Hernandez cut him off.
    Winners: Hernandez & Morgan via pinfall (Carbon Footprint)

    In the back D’Angelo Dinero is with Christy Hemme. She says Hogan must think highly of Pope because he is one of the people Hogan wants to see tonight. Dinero says that doesn’t surprise him but what does surprise him is the fact that Christy is standing next to him and hasn’t ‘dipped her hand in the Pope’s cup’ yet. He says Desmond Wolfe stands in his way to the mountain top and then says he wants Wolfe to bring his very best tonight. Orlando Jordan walks up out of nowhere! Jordan tells Christy he’s a big fan of her and then says he’s a big fan of Pope too. He asks if he has seen Hogan and that Hogan invited him. Pope can’t believe it and tells Orlando to get to stepping because he’s interrupting his TV time. Jordan says Pope reminds him of himself and then offers a handshake but Pope doesn’t accept it. Pope calls Orlando a Whoopi Goldberg lookalike.

    “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero vs. Desmond Wolfe
    Wolfe and Dinero lockup in the ring and Wolfe immediately gets Dinero in a Full Nelson and then transitions into a Hammerlock and then a wristlock. Wolfe slams Dinero to the mat and then stomps the arm of Dinero. Wolfe then tries to slam Dinero into turnbuckles but he blocks it and then kicks Wolfe in the gut. Dinero then hits a backick followed by a front kick and then a running shoulder block! Dinero then goes for a Scoop Slam but Wolfe counters into the Hammerlock DDT! Wolfe then slams that shoulder into the top turnbuckle and follows up with a leg sweep. Wolfe whips Dinero into the ropes and Dinero goes for a Sunset Flip but Wolfe blocks it and grabs that arm again and slams it to the mat again. Wolfe with a crazy rolling armtrap (with the knee) and armbar on the other arm. That really looks painfull but Pope is able to counter it with a rollthrough but Wolfe kicks him in the head again. Wolfe follows up with a European Uppercut and then charges at Dinero in the corner, but Dinero sidesteps him and then hits a legsweep. Dinero then hits the Outer Limits Hanging Elbow Drop! Dinero comes right back with another slam and then he puts Dinero up on the top rope for the Tower of London! Pope blocks it and goes for that nasty Upperuct, but Wolfe avoids it and counters into a backslide attempt! Dinero lands on his feet and then rolls Wolfe up with a small package! 1…2…3!
    Winner: Dinero via pinfall (small package)

    In the back we see Jeff Jarrett arriving!

    ————————COMMERCIAL BREAK—————————–

    In the back Rhino is laid out and JB is on scene but Bubba the Love Sponge walks up and takes the microphone from him and says he’s got it.

    Clips from earlier with Hogan’s promo are shown.

    ————————COMMERCIAL BREAK—————————–

    In the back AJ is with JB and he talks about being in TNA for all 7 years and he says he’s never felt something this electric. JB mentions that at Genesis AJ will defend his belt against Kurt finally. AJ says he can’t hold his belt with pride until he beats Kurt and he says at Genesis the world will find out who the best is. Eric Bischoff walks in clapping and says he has heard so much about AJ and it’s an honor to meet him. He says he has some good news and some bad news for AJ. He says the AJ-Angle match is off and that’s the bad news. He says the good news is the world does need to know who the best is and they will find out tonight because AJ will face Angle tonight for the belt instead! AJ says he’s ready and he hopes Kurt is! Now that is a huge match!

    Jeff Jarrett’s music hits and the TNA founder makes his way out to the ring. Jarrett says it feels great to be back home in the Impact Zone. He says 7 years ago he founded TNA after about 15 years of hard work in the business. A “thank you Jeff” chant erupts. Jeff says every critic in the world said TNA wouldn’t last 6 weeks let alone 6 months, yet he’s standing in the middle of the 6-sided ring on a Monday night in the companies greatest night. He says he’s damn proud to be there too. He says he tried to convince Hogan for years to be apart of TNA but the time wasn’t right but tonight the timing is very right. Jeff says throughout his career his done some good things and some not so good things, but by far the most rewarding thing he ever did was giving guys like AJ Styles, Beer Money, Motor City Machine Guns, Daniels, and Samoa Joe a chance. He says ‘you ain’t seen nothing yet!’ and with Hogan partnering with Dixie and Jeff anything can and will happen in TNA. Hogan shows up on the video screen and says “so what, nobody cares” about anything he just said. He says if he heard ‘I’ one more time he was going to bring security out there after him. Hogan says that Jeff founded TNA but in a short amount of time he ran the company into the ground too. Hogan says now that the truth be told, if it wasn’t for Dixie Carter resurrecting TNA and giving the young guys a chance he wouldn’t be there. He says Jeff needs to straighten his act up and as far as he’s concerned and he’s now Dixie’s partner, not Jeff’s. He says the young guys will finally get a shot now with him. He says nobody cares about Jeff’s past accolades and one thing he does have right is that he and Dixie are going to take TNA to the top. He says Jeff has no voting power or power at all in TNA. He says Jeff needs to go get his boots and lace them up because he has to prove himself just like everybody else! Jeff looks shocked in the ring and not happy at all.

    In the back Hemme is with Christopher Daniels. Daniels says he’s not worried about anything but JB walks up and interrupts the interview. He says he has Mick on the phone and he wants him to help him in. JB opens the door but JB says he can’t let him in and Mick says he’ll go through him to get to Hogan.

    ————————–COMMERCIAL BREAK—————————-

    In the back Jeff Hardy is painting something while Shannon Moore looks on. Shannon tells Jeff he has to start selling his paintings and then tells Jeff it’s time for their meeting with Hogan.

    “The Monster” Abyss vs. “Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe
    No Barbed Wire Massacre tonight due to Bischoff & Hogan scrapping everything previously planned. This is, believe it or not, a first time matchup between these two one-on-one. Joe charges Abyss at the bell with a forearm and follows up with a series of jabs in the corner, some nasty jabs! Joe then attempts to whip Abyss into the corner but he counters it and goes for a Corner Splash. Joe moves out of the way and hits the Leaping Enziguri! Joe then follows up with the Facewash, that move is just so nasty. As Joe was going for the running kick to cap it off Abyss got to his feet and lays Joe out with a Big Boot! Joe rolls out to the floor and Abyss follows him but Joe kicks him in the gut and grabs a chair. Joe swings but Abyss ducks and Joe hits the ring post. Abyss throws Joe into the ringsteps and then rolls Joe back into the ring. Abyss with a series of right hands and then he whips Joe into the ropes and goes for a backdrop, but Joe stops and hits a kick to the head. Joe with chops followed by an Atomic Drop and then a Running Mafia Kick! Joe follows up with the Backsplash Senton! 1…2…NO Abyss kicks out. We see a shot of Sting watching this match in the back now. Joe comes off the ropes but Abyss grabs him by the throat for the Chokeslam, but Joe counters with a back elbow only to eat a clothesline from Abyss. Abyss with a Corner Splash and then the Sidewalk Slam. 1…2…NO Joe kicks out. Abyss goes for the Corner Splash again but Joe counters with a back elbow and then a big boot. Joe climbs to the top and hits a Flying Thrust Kick for another near fall. Joe with more jabs and then he hits a Running Forearm but it just fires Abyss up! Joe then levels Abyss with the Leaping Enziguri! Joe climbs to the top and dives but Abyss catches him with the Chokeslam! 1…2…NO Joe kicks out again! Joe rolls out to the floor again and Joe reaches out to pull Joe in but the referee pulls him away. Abyss shoves the referee out of the way and then starts to climb out of the ring and eats the chair shot from Joe! Joe climbs back in and locks Abyss in the Coquina Clutch! Abyss tries to get to the ropes but taps out!
    Winner: Joe via submission (Coquina Clutch)

    In the back Bischoff is talking to a staff member when Kristal walks up and she asks him if he’s going to say anything. Kristal says she wants to hear what Hogan says about Lashley wanting to leave. Bischoff says if she wants to meet with Hulk then she needs to go stand in line with everybody else and when she gets there she needs to check her attitude.

    Bubba the Love Sponge is in the back and Beer Money is laid out now too. He says he has a pretty good idea who did it.

    ————————-COMMERCIAL BREAK—————————-

    Nasty Boys are still trying to get in but security says they’re not on the list. Bubba the Love Sponge walks up and says they have to be on the list. Bubba says the Nasty Boys have a history with Hogan and then he walks off with the security guy and the Nasty Boys sneak in.

    We cut to JB who is with Angle. Angle says when he lost the title to AJ he never actually beat Angle and ever since then he knew they would face off one-on-one but didn’t think it would take this long. He says AJ cannot beat him. He says he’s great but he’s not the greatest and now it’s time for him to reclaim his World Heavyweight Title!

    Shannon and Jeff are walking in the parking lot and they are carrying envelopes and Shannon is saying they got everything they came for. Some screaming girls run up and tell him how much they love him. He gives the girl his painting and then they get in their car to leave.

    ———————-COMMERCIAL BREAK———————

    Nasty Boys walk into Team 3D’s lockerroom because they are off in Japan. The Security guard walks in to apologize to them and he brings them doughnuts but they throw them at the security guy. They are trashing 3D’s lockerroom and they spray paint over Devon’s picture.

    Main Event
    TNA World Heavyweight Championship
    “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles (c) vs. “Olympic Hero” Kurt Angle

    This is the rematch that everybody has been waiting on! Kurt and AJ lockup with AJ getting the early advantage with a side headlock, but Angle quickly lifts AJ up into a Back Suplex. AJ holds onto the side headlock, though, on the mat! The fans are REALLY into this already. Angle gets to his feet and counters into a hammerlock and then a side headlock of his own. AJ shoves Angle into the ropes and AJ leapfrogs Angle and then goes for the Dropkick but Angle stops in his tracks but AJ never left his feet. Angle then charged at AJ only to eat the Phenomenal Dropkick! Angle quickly rolls out to the floor to catch a breather but you are not safe from AJ Styles out there! AJ with a slingshot but Angle moves and AJ lands on the apron. Angle reaches to grab AJ’s foot but he slingshots himself back into the ring. Angle starts to climb back into the ring but AJ knocks him back to the floor and then hits the Somersault Plancha over the top onto Angle on the floor! A huge “TNA” chant starts as AJ rolls Angle back in the ring. AJ with a series of forearms as the hooded man enters the ring and attacks AJ! Angle grabs the hooded man and nails him with a European Uppercut! The referee was knocked down in all of this so he didn’t see the interference. Angle then clotheslines the hooded man out to the floor and security drags him away as Angle offers a handshake to AJ. Angle tells AJ to ‘come on’ now. AJ with a slam attempt but Angle counters and whips AJ into the ropes, but AJ comes back and whips Angle into the corner. AJ with a running forearm and then a snapmare. AJ charges at Angle but catches a boot to the gut and then Angle follows up with a disgusting Running Powerbomb into the turnbuckles!

    ——————————–COMMERCIAL BREAK—————————-

    Back from commercials Angle has AJ in a headlock on the mat. AJ fights to his feet and hits a back elbow and then he hits an arm drag. AJ then hits a big right hand and ducks a clothesline. AJ hits a back elbow and then another one. AJ with forearms in the corner and he whips Angle into the opposite corner. AJ charges in but Angle gets his boot up. Angle charges but AJ catches him with a Fireman’s Carry Neckbreaker over his knee! AJ charges at AJ in the corner and Angle backdrops AJ over the top. AJ lands on the apron and hits a forearm smash followed by an attempt at the Springboard Flying Forearm, but Angle catches him and hits the Belly-to-Belly Suplex! Angle goes for the Angle Slam but AJ counters it and hits a Discuss Clothesline! 1…2…NO Angle kicks out! AJ goes for the Styles Clash but Angle counters with a Double-leg Takedown and then he catapults AJ into the corner! Angle follows up with the Rolling German Suplexes! He hits 3 of them on that one. Angle goes for the Angle Slam again and again AJ counters it. AJ goes for the Pele but Angle avoided it and grabbed AJ’s leg and locks in the Ankle Lock! AJ rolls through into a pin, 1…2…NO Angle kicks out! The fans are going nuts! Angle with a lariat attempt, AJ ducks, Pele hits this time out of nowhere! 1…2…NO Angle still kicks out! AJ goes for the Styles Clash again but Angle reverses with a backdrop. Angle then attempts to whip AJ into the corner but AJ reverses it and then goes for a Flying Forearm. Angle moves and then hits the Angle Slam! 1…2…NO AJ kicks out now! Angle with a big European Uppercut and then he attempts to whip AJ into the ropes but AJ reverses it. Angle holds onto the rope so AJ charges at Angle but he backdrops AJ up and over the top rope. AJ lands on the apron and this time he connects with the Springboard Flying Forearm! Somewhere Michael Jordan is blushing at the height AJ Styles got on that one! AJ climbs to the top rope but Angle quickly gets to his feet and climbs to the top! Belly-to-Belly Superplex! 1…2…NO AJ still kicks out! Angle climbs to the top rope and goes for the Frog Splash but AJ rolls out of the way and Angle eats the mat! AJ goes for the Styles Clash again and this time he hits it! 1…2…NO Angle BARELY kicks out! AJ lifts Angle up and puts him up on the top rope. AJ climbs up with him for a Superplex but Angle shoves AJ off and then connects with the Frog Splash! 1…2…NO AJ kicks out yet again! Angle goes for the Angle Slam again but this time AJ reverses it into the DDT! 1…2…NO Angle kicks out! An hilarious “who needs Bret?” chant starts now. Styles goes for the Styles Clash again but Angle backdrops him. AJ rolls Angle up as he hits the mat but Angle rolls through and locks in the Ankle Lock! AJ rolls through but Angle holds onto him until AJ kicks him off. AJ goes for a Lariat but Angle ducks and hits a Release German Suplex! 1…2…NO AJ kicks out again! Angle whips AJ into the corner and charges but AJ hits a back elbow and then his the Springboard into the Phenomenon (Asai Reverse DDT)! 1…2…NO Angle kicks out! AJ climbs to the top as Angle gets to his feet. Angle crotches AJ and then climbs up to the top with AJ and hits a Super Angle Slam! 1…2……NO AJ STILL KICKS OUT! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Angle is frustrated and he grabs AJ’s ankle and locks in the Ankle Lock again! AJ reaches out for the ropes but Kurt pulls him back and AJ rolls through sending Angle headfirst into the middle turnbuckle! AJ hits a big Enziguri and then the Styles Clash! 1…2……NO WHAT?! ANGLE KICKED OUT AGAIN! AJ sets up for the Styles Clash again but Angle reverses and locks in the Ankle Lock again! This time he drops back and great veins the leg! AJ is about to tap as Ric Flair walks out and AJ rolls over and starts kicking Angle repeatedly! Ric Flair is looking on in the ring. Angle charges at AJ but he sidesteps Angle and he goes headfirst into the ring post! AJ hits a Back Suple and then he rolls out to the apron as Tenay says we’ll stay with this match as long as it goes! AJ hits the Springboard 450-Splash! 1…2…NO Angle kicks out yet again!

    ———————-COMMERCIAL BREAK————————-

    Back from the break Flair continues to watch on at the match as Angle has AJ in a Triangle Choke! AJ counters the Triangle into the Styles Clash, but Angle counters it into the Ankle Lock again! AJ rolls over and kicks Angle off! Flair walks back down the tunnel as AJ rolls Angle up and then hits the Styles Clash again! AJ doesn’t have the strength to roll Angle over like he normally does but he’s finally able to roll Angle over and then he goes out to the apron. AJ hits the Springboard 450-Splash again! 1…2…3 and AJ retains the title! Winnner & STILL World Champ: Styles via pinfall (Springboard 450)

    After the match Angle shakes AJ’s hand and then they hug. Hogan’s music hits and he walks out to the stage. Hogan says those are the two greatest wrestlers in the business today. Hogan says he has nothing but respect for Angle and AJ just raised the TNA bar to a whole new level. Hogan says this situation will go on and on and he says that they made history tonight. He says this is the beginning of the greatest rise in the history of wrestling. Someone runs up to Hogan and says something to him and Hogan runs off. We see Foley looking for Hogan and he busts into BP’s poker game and Val says he doesn’t know where the hell Hogan is. Val says he’s not intimidated by Foley and Foley again asks where Hogan is. Val says he’s down the hall and to the left. Foley walks to the office and busts in where Bischoff is sitting. Bischoff says Foley has no influence, power, or control in TNA now and his only choice is to put his boots on and fight for his job. Foley says he accepted that he worked for Dixie Carter and he could MAYBE accept working for Hogan but he made a choice a long time ago that he would never work for Bischoff. Foley says he’s going to give Bischoff a reason to fire him and that’s knocking his teeth down his throat. Then Nash grabs him by the back of the head out of nowhere and slams his head into the desk! Hall and Waltman then take turns laying Foley out! Hogan runs in and stops what’s going on. Hogan looks on at what we just saw as we fade to black!

  4. Tna Final Resolution

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    Mike Tenay and Taz welcome us to the PPV and the opening match is for the TNA Tag Team Titles.

    TNA Tag Team Championships
    The British Invasion (c’s) vs. The Motor City Machine Guns

    With Shelley out of the ring, The British Invasion used it to their advantage to double team. They hit a double team finisher off the top rope for the three count.

    Winners & STILL TNA World Tag Team Champions: The British Invasion

    Up next is Tara vs. ODB for the TNA Knockouts Title.

    TNA Knockouts Championship
    ODB (c) vs. Tara

    Quick match for this one. Tara rolled up ODB to win the match.

    Winner & NEW TNA Knockouts Champion: Tara

    Following the match, Christy Hemme interviewed the new champion. Tara thanked the crowd.

    Adam Martin now here taking over for Roy Nemer for the rest of the recap.

    “Feast or Fired”
    Three winners will earn title shots, one person will be fired

    Kevin Nash, Samoa Joe, “Big” Rob Terry and Sheik Abdul Bashir ended up winning the match to get the four briefcases.

    Winners: Kevin Nash, Samoa Joe, “Big” Rob Terry and Sheik Abdul Bashir

    Kevin Nash’s briefcase revealed a shot at the TNA World Tag Team Championships. Samoa Joe’s briefcase revealed a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. We came down to the final two – “Big” Rob Terry and Sheik Abdul Bashir. Terry gets the TNA X Divison Championship title shot, while Sheik Abdul Bashir is fired.

    Eight Man Tag Team Elimination
    Team 3D, Rhino & Jesse Neal vs. Matt Morgan, Hernandez, “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero & Suicide

    Rhino was eliminated when he was rolled up by Hernandez. Matt Morgan, “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero and Suicide joined the match after time expired to even things up. Hernandez took out Jesse Neal with a sick steel chair shot and the referee disqualifed him. Team 3D eliminated Suicide. Were told later that Jesse Neal was disqualified as well. Team 3D eliminated Dinero. It is now down to Matt Morgan against Team 3D. Morgan eliminated Brother Devon. It is now down to Morgan vs. Brother Ray. Morgan got the pinfall over Ray with a Carbon Footprint into a steel chair.

    Winner: Matt Morgan

    We get a video package promoting the history between Scott Steiner and Bobby Lashley in the last two months.

    Last Man Standing
    Bobby Lashley vs. Scott Steiner

    Scott Steiner was favoring his leg early one after taking a T-Bone Suplex from Lashley. Lots of brawling on the outside. They brawled back to the ring, Steiner tossed Lashley up on the top turnbuckle and Steiner dropped him in a facebuster off the corner. Referee started the count and Lashley was up at 9. Steiner with an overhead suplex on Lashley off the top turnbuckle. Referee starts the count again and Lashley is up at 8. Lashley fights back with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and running powerslam on Steiner. Referee starts the count and Steiner is up at 9. Steiner with a Frankensteiner off the top rope on Lashley! Steiner grabbed a steel pipe, Kristal Lashley ran down taking it away from Steiner, tossed it in the ring, Lashley hit a Spear and then took out Steiner with the pipe. Referee started the count and Steiner could not answer the 10 count.

    Winner: Bobby Lashley

    Tenay and Taz hype up the next match of Abyss & Mick Foley vs. Raven & Dr. Stevie.

    Before the match, Mick Foley declared this a “Foley’s Funhouse Rules” match where anything goes.

    Mick Foley & Abyss vs. Raven & Dr. Stevie

    Abyss with a big body splash on Raven and Stevie in the corner. Foley dropped a big elbow over the chest of Stevie who was in the tree of woe in the corner. Foley and Raven brawled to the back as Abyss and Stevie remained in the ring. Abyss and Stevie brawled to the outside near a new area they built for the announce table that connects to the entrance ramp. Abyss setup a table and attempted to powerbomb Stevie off the ramp, but Raven broke it up hitting Abyss over the back with a kendo stick. Raven started choking Abyss with it as well. Raven and Stevie started double teaming Abyss at ringside. Raven pulled out some gasoline, but Foley broke it up coming down the ramp with a shopping cart full of weapons taking out Raven and Stevie. Foley hit Stevie and Raven with his barbed wire bat. Foley with a piledriver on Raven in the ring and then a double arm DDT on Stevie. Raven threw powder in Foley’s face when he had the sock ready. Foley and Abyss both get mandible claws on Raven and Stevie. Raven breaks that up and hits an Evenflow DDT on Abyss for a close two count. On the outside, Foley wrapped barbed wire around Stevie and put him on a table. Foley walks up the ramp, jumps off and connects with a flying elbow through the table on Stevie. In the ring, Abyss catches Raven with a Blackhole Slam for the pinfall.

    Winners: Mick Foley & Abyss

    Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviewed Samoa Joe who earned a briefcase with a shot at the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Joe said the biggest perk is that he can wait as long as he wants to cash in his title shot adding he can do it tonight or even on January 4 during the biggest Impact in TNA history.

    Three Degrees of Pain
    Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe

    First Fall: This is a normal singles bout. Lots of hold exchanges early on between the two. Angle continued to go hold for hold with Wolfe. Wolfe worked on the wrists of Angle getting many nearfalls. Wolfe with a few big side headlock takedowns on Angle. Angle with some offense and powerbombs Wolfe right into the corner turnbuckle. Wolfe works over the left arm of Wolfe. Angle with a big overhead belly-to-belly suplex on Angle and Wolfe responds with a flying hammerlock. Angle with a series of german suplexes on Wolfe releasing on the fifth. Angle kicks out of a Tower of London from Wolfe. Angle with an Angle SUplex and Wolfe gets a shoulder up. Angle misses a moonsault and Wolfe connects with a big lariat. Wolfe with another Tower of London and gets the pinfall.

    Winner of Fall #1: Desmond Wolfe

    Second Fall: This is now submission rules. Wolfe jumps on the back of Angle and pulls back on Angle’s shoulder. Angle rolls out and gets a Figure Four applied on Wolfe. Wolfe breaks free and gets an arm scissor armbar submission on Angle. Angle rolls outs and Wolfe continues to work on Angle’s left arm. Angle powers up to his feet, but Wolfe takes him back down with an arm drag into a wristlock. Angle breaks free and gets an Ankle Lock applied. Wolfe taps out.

    Winner of Fall #2: Kurt Angle

    Third Fall: The Six Sides of Steel is now legal in this final fall. Angle with a huge overhead belly-to-belly suplex on Wolfe from the top turnbuckle. Angle then sends Wolfe face first into the side of the cage and follows that up with a big clothesline. Wolfe is busted open at this point. Angle attempts a Frog Splash, but Wolfe brings his knees up. Angle ends up catching Wolfe on the shin and Wolfe screams out in pain. A bloody Wolfe yells at the referee to open up the cage door. Wolfe starts crawling out and Angle brings him back in dropping down to apply an Ankle Lock. Wolfe starts tapping, but you can’t win the match that way. Angle keeps it applied and Wolfe looks to pass out from the pain. Angle breaks the hold and starts climbing out the cage. Wolfe comes to, sees Angle climbing out, tries climbing out through the door, but Angle drops down first to get the win.

    Winner of Fall #3: Kurt Angle
    Winner of Three Degrees of Pain: Kurt Angle (2-1)

    We then see highlights of each of the three falls.

    Backstage, Jeremy Borash is with Mick Foley. Foley said despite his big win tonight, he has other matters to address and that is Hulk Hogan. He promises that Hogan will answer his questions on January 4, live on Impact.

    A video package runs highlighting the events between AJ Styles and Daniels leading into tonight’s main event for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

    TNA World Heavyweight Championship
    AJ Styles (c) vs. Daniels

    Jeremy Borash did the ring introductions for the challenger Daniels and champion AJ Styles.

    Styles and Daniels had an intense stare down as the bell rang. Daniels catches Styles with a big slap early on to upset Styles. Daniels locks up the left arm of Styles in his knees and Styles screams out in pain. Styles fires back choking Daniels with his legs. Daniels continues to roll through offense attempts by Styles. Styles catches Daniels with a big dropkick as Daniels shot off the ropes. Quick head scissors takedown by Styles on Daniels followed by a quick snap suplex. Styles with a big flip dive over the top rope taking out Daniels on the outside who slid out. Styles with a big wind up lariat on Daniels. Daniels comes back with a monkey flip sending Styles into the corner turnbuckle with force. Daniels grabs two steel chairs and sets them up. Daniels sits Styles down on one, goes to hit Styles, the referee pulls that chair away and with the referee’s back turned Daniels slams Styles over the one that was setup. Daniels tosses Styles back in and gets a close two count. Styles comes back with another head scissors takedown.

    Daniels with a forearm to the back when Styles attempted a springboard off the top turnbuckle. Daniels grabs Styles looking to hit a back superplex, but Daniels drops Styles back first off the top of the turnbuckle! Very nasty landing for Styles there. Daniels with a springboard moonsault over Styles right into a Crossface. Styles grabs onto the bottom rope to break it up. Styles with a big hammerlock back suplex on Daniels. Another nasty spot saw Daniels attempt a springboard huracanrana from the ring, but Styles held on and powerbombed Daniels on the floor. Styles with a backbreaker across the knee on Daniels. Styles fires back with a big springboard inverted DDT on Daniels that gets a close two count. Daniels crotches Styles up on the top rope. Daniels climbs up on the ropes and superplexes Styles back into the middle of the ring. Daniels puts Styles up on the top turnbuckle and catches Styles with a huge right hand. Daniels huracanrana’s Styles off the top rope and connects with a Shining Wizard for a two count. Daniels has a huge knot on his head. Styles fights back hitting a huge brainbuster on Daniels.

    Styles with a springboard clothesline on Daniels, cover and Daniels gets his boot on the bottom rope. Styles with a Pele Kick on Daniels, attempts the Styles Clash, but Daniels reaches and hooks himself in the ropes. Styles starts kicking Daniels in the back to break it up. Styles catches Daniels with a big kick to the back of the head, but Daniels holds on to the referee to counter a german suplex attempt. Daniels knocks out Styles and connects with a huge BME (Best Moonsault Ever), covers and gets a very close two count. Daniels can’t believe it and starts hitting some stiff right hands. Styles catapults Daniels into the corner, Daniels falls back, Styles rolls through, hits the Styles Clash and Daniels finds a way to kick out. Daniels gets Styles up on the top turnbuckle, looks to attempt a huracanrana, but Styles holds on and hits a Styles Clash on Daniels from the corner. Styles turns over and gets the pinfall.

    Winner & STILL TNA World Heavyweight Champion: AJ Styles

  5. TNA Turning Point 2009 quick results

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    I haven’t actually seen the show – in fact, I forgot about it until about 5 minutes ago – so here are the results from TNA’s Turning Point 2009 PPV!

    Lackluster Amazing Red def. Homicide to retain the TNA X-Division Championship

    ODB, Taylor Wilde, and Sarita def. The Beautiful People (Lacey Von Erich, Velvet Sky, and Madison Rayne) to retain the TNA Knockouts and TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championships

    The British Invasion (Brutus Magnus and Doug Williams) def. The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin) and Beer Money, Inc. (James Storm and Robert Roode) in a triple threat tag team match to retain the TNA World Tag Team Championships.

    Tara def. Awesome Kong in a Six Sides of Steel match

    Team 3D (Brother Ray and Brother Devon) and Rhino def. Matt Morgan, Hernandez, and D’angelo Dinero.

    Scott Steiner def. Bobby Lashley in a No-Disqualification Falls Count Anywhere Match

    Kurt Angle def. Desmond Wolfe

    AJ Styles def. Daniels and Samoa Joe in a Triple Threat match to retain the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.