Tag Archive: Dean Ambrose

  1. WWE RAW 5/19/2014 – What do you know about May 19th?

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    So.  Here’s an interesting predicament.  My computer is not currently allowing me to search Google.  So it might actually be somewhat difficult for me to find images to post in this review.  Apparently some jackass on the same wireless network I’m on was sending automated requests to Google which caused them to Ambrose “nope.”  So, let’s hope for the best!

    I watch 30 minute of RAW then leave for work to watch the rest here and type up what happened, mostly so YOU don’t have to suffer through it yourself.  Aren’t you lucky to know me?


  2. WWE RAW 5/13/14 – Just a Car Crash Away

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    So.  You guys know how I usually do these – I watch two hours, drive to work, and watch the whole show just to remember what I watched to write it down here.  Well, I no longer drive to work – I dosed off behind the wheel and wrapped my car around a light post – and did just as much damage to the post as my totalled car.  I, however, am fine.  A few bruises and abrasions, but nothing a little OTC pain reliever won’t fix, should I feel bad enough to actually take that shit.  Oh well.  In the immortal words of Pink Floyd, the show must go on!

    Ouch.  Ow.  Aaaaahhhh.  Oh man my ribs and knees hurt – yet nothing is actually damaged.  Oh well, screw it, let’s go.  Click the button.


  3. WWE RAW 5/5/14

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    You know, I think my couch might be a little too comfortable.  Last night I fell asleep watching Extreme Rules, which was a solid event top to bottom, and tonight I fell asleep watching RAW.  Maybe it’s just me recovering from the illness that kept me from doing this RAW review last week.  Who knows.  Maybe it was RAW that put me to sleep?  Guess we’ll find out over the next few hours.  Let’s go!

    Blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda.  You know my deal by now.  Watch at home, leave before it ends, watch again to review.  Just click the jump.


  4. BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 124

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    Wait – is that Eugene with Adam Rose?

    The BWF Radio crew talk about the week that was in professional wrestling and give their predictions for WWE Extreme Rules.  MavenFan returns to the BWFRadio.com chat box.  In the news, we talk about the rise and fall of WWE stock.  Dean Ambrose becomes the longest reigning WWE United States Champion in history.  The Iron Shiek gets mad at Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.  We debate whether or not Daniel Bryan can work both Madison Square Garden in New York and an event in Osaka, Japan in one night.  We find out more about Knux’s new stable.  The contract status for KENTA and Prince Devitt is discussed.  GFW teams with AAA, ROH gets PPV, and Roddy Piper declines Nancy Grace.  All this and more on BWF Radio, episode 124.  Tune in!

    BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 124 (MP3, 2:08:38)


    This week’s break song was “Intergalactic” by The Beastie Boys.  Buy it here!


  5. WWE RAW 4/14/14 – RAW is WAR(RIOR)


    No wisecracks or jokes to start this week’s RAW review.  WWE has dedicated tonight to honoring the memory of Warrior, and out of respect for Warrior, I will save such nonsense for the performers on the show.  For what it’s worth, the autopsy results are in, Warrior died of heart disease.  While the investigation is still ongoing, it should be noted that the initial reports say natural causes, so no matter what some TV talking head would have you believe, Warrior’s death did not involve drugs or alcohol.



  6. WWE RAW 3/24/14 – GET TO THE CHOPPAH!


    Arnold Schwarzenegger is in New York today to be on one of my favorite TV shows!  That’s right, he’s a guest on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon to promote his new movie, Sabotage.  And he’s also on some other show filming live from New York tonight – Brooklyn to be more precise.  He’s one of the guest hosts of Monday Night RAW!  But we’ll get there in a little bit.  Some other stuff happens first.  What kind of stuff?  I guess you’ll have to read on!

    I watched 2 hours of this show and still have no idea what happened, so I’ll start over and post my findings here.  Go ahead, click the “Read More” link.  You know you want to.


  7. WWE RAW 3/17/14 – Hornswoggle returns!


    Let me tell you right now that the first hour of this show pretty much dragged.  That said, I’m going to be really skimming through it this week.  The second hour was actually pretty good, and the start of hour three?  Well, you’ll see when we get there.  So, let’s go!

    I watch the first two hours at home, drive to work, then have to watch the entire show again because I forgot what happened and didn’t have the foresight to review it live.  It’s irrelevant anyway – you’re more interested in Gregory Iron being our special guest on this Sunday’s BWF Radio.


  8. WWE RAW 3/10/14 – #OccupyRAW

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    Here we go again.  Another Monday, another RAW that I have to leave for work in the middle of a great segment involving Daniel Bryan.  But we’ll get to that later.  There’s other stuff that happened first.  Let’s see how much I can remember and how much I actually have to re-watch.  Which might be a lot since I had in-laws over while RAW was on.  Let’s go!

    I watch RAW.  I press “enter” to add line breaks, and they mysteriously vanish by time I read the review on BWF Radio.  Meanwhile, I make no money doing this, and I’m flat broke until payday.  If only I could come up with a way to generate some money…


  9. WWE RAW 3/3/14 – We Want Punk.

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    That Damn Double C’s Dallas Stars beat my Sabres and ended their winning streak tonight.  But that’s hockey talk.  You’re here for wrestling.  You guys want to know what happened on Monday Night RAW.  Did CM Punk show up?  The hell if I know.  I’m still waiting to get RAW to review for you.  I watched most of the show, and I actually didn’t want to leave when I had to because there was a good segment going on.  So, let’s see what I can do from memory before I actually get a copy of the show. I watch until I have to leave.  Then I forget what happened and have to relay it to you as I watch it again.  So yes, I suffer through most of this show TWICE for you.  You’re welcome.  Now go run along to the SmackDown review and tell G how great he is. (more…)

  10. WWE RAW 2/24/14 – At least the USA Network works!

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    Varying degrees of success have been reported by friends of mine attempting to access the WWE Network.  BWF Radio PPV panelist Gary Barnidge of the Cleveland Browns reports that he couldn’t sign up at all.  Our own JT had difficulty registering as well and can’t seem to access any of the content.  The same holds true for our buddy Cassidy from Cheap-Heat as well as my cousin Steve.  My good friend Scott chimed in to report that he was having no issues whatsoever accessing the WWE Network via his PS4, though the same can’t be said for me with my Xbox 360.  Hell, as I type this, I’m having difficulty trying to access a video on the service via my tablet.  So, a rough launch for the WWE Network.  I did, however, catch the RAW pre-show with Alex Riley, Booker T, and Ric Flair, so at least the live streaming works.  But we’re not here to talk about the issues with the WWE Network, we’re here to talk about Monday Night RAW!

    I did this a little differently tonight.  I actually decided to drive to work, so I managed to catch the first couple hours of the show.  But there are things I want to go over, so I’m going to watch some of it again as I review.  So, let’s go!

    I don’t wanna do this, I wanna watch the WWE Network.  I know it works with Internet Explorer on PCs!  Oh well.
