Tag Archive: Drew McIntyre

  1. Smackdown: 07/30/10 Animated Gif Overdose

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    Friday night suffering time folks!! Plenty of animated gifs, and a couple videos for y’all too? Here we go:

    We kick things off with Kane in the ring, and he is cutting another one of these highly produced, live promos. These are fantastically edited, considering they are done live-to-tape. Undertaker woke up briefly and said two words to his brother…. the name of his assailant. Kane tells us it was…

  2. Smackdown 23/06/10: Kane Still Hates You

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    Another week, another Smackdown… hopefully my apartment won’t pretend to burn down again this time? Guess what, the alarm went off early Monday morning as well! Right after drinking my face off at the Calgary Stampede into the wee hours… I live on the top floor of an apartment building, and lucky me, people have been working on repairs all week… it wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t have a night job. So needless to say, I’ve gotten very little sleep this week. Let’s see if Smackdown can keep me awake… (more…)

  3. Smackdown: 07/16/10: G’s Apartment Pretends to Burn Down.



    Hey, it’s Friday night and you know what that means…. choke down ecstasy and dance all night to hard trance music? Well, no… no thanks. It means G suffers through his long shift at work, then comes back and suffers through Smackdown for you. And this is the go home SD before Sunday’s PPV… which I won’t even be stealing since I’ll be getting sloshed at the Calgary Stampede… count on it! (more…)

  4. Smackdown: 06/09/10


    Up here in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, we kicked off the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth – The Calgary Stampede today. Well technically it starts on Thursday, and technically, it’s not that great, rather just a midway that travels throughout the Great White North and a big rodeo competition. I wonder what happened on Smackdown subsequently… (more…)

  5. Smackdown: 06/02/10


    Oh crap, it’s Friday night… and you know what that means. Yep, I work my night job and then come home and suffer through Smackdown so you don’t have to. It’s been a weird Friday already, especially in South Africa as Brazil got upset, and Ghana threw away a certain victory in the World Cup. While no one in North America really cares about that stuff, other than Kofi Kingston who hails from Ghana (for now), let’s just jump into the legitimate sport known as professional wrestling…

  6. Smackdown 6/25/10

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    There was a PPV last week, and Smackdown’s new champion is Rey Mysterio… Kane is still hunting for his brother’s attacker… and that’s more or less what will be addressed tonight. Hmm… let’s see if it was worth watching sinec it’s SUFFERING time! CAPSLOCK!!! (Note: This is being edited live, since I mistakenly hit the publish button while drunk and watching…) (more…)

  7. Smackdown 06/18/10

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    Alright, let’s get this Smackdown review going… I’ve got to admit, I’m not sure what we have to look forward to tonight, since I’ve forgotten what in tarnation happened last week… I’m sure the highlight videos will air (I’ll fast forward through them) would remind me… oh yeah, Kane is hunting people. So that should be, umm, entertaining? Hold on tight folks, it’s SUFFERING time…

  8. Smackdown: 06/11/10

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    Before the show starts, we are “treated” to a clip package of last week, focusing on the death of the dead man and Kane’s search to find the killer. Turns out it was… a broken orbital bone, and he’s on the shelf. They had a battle royale to determine who would replace him in the Fatal Fourway PPV, and low and behold, the guy who put him on the shelf (Rey Mysterio) won. BUT, the big question is whether or the NXT invasion on RAW will cross over to Smackdown, but whatever… let’s suffer through some SmackDown, shall we?

    MAIN PAGE ANIMATED GIF. And seriously, we ALL want to do this.


  9. Smackdown: 6/4/10. Who does Kane think he is? HHH?

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    What’s up PW/BWF IWC brother dude brothers? It’s suffering time! Without much further ado…

    – We’re told that during the Memorial weekend, the Undertaker was found by Kane in a vegetative state. Hence, he’s hurt and will be off TV for some time. He broke his orbital bone…. not a good thing to sustain. Thanks Teddy Long!… and away we go!
