Tag Archive: Eliminations

  1. RAW 4.25.11 – The WWE Draft


    Hello, my loves.  I know it’s been a very long time since I’ve put up a review, but… It’s the WWE Draft!!  I’d make some kind of smart comment, but I haven’t seen RAW in a few weeks.  So, here we go.

    Jesus Christ, we start out with a RAW vs Smackdown fight in the ring.  I missed the beginning, as did everyone el- Oh, god.  It’s a battle royal.  So, don’t ask me what’s going on, but here’s the order of eliminations as I can see them:  The winner of this battle royal gets the first draft pick of 2011!

    Kane. Khali. Kozlov. Zeke. Slater. Masters. Barrett.  Ted DiBiase. Mark Henry. Brodus Clay. Yoshi. Sheamus.

  2. Power Poll January 29, 2011… animated once again.


    What’s up professional wrestling fans? Here is another installment of the goodness that is the Power Poll! We had some interesting movement this week, and as we kick off the Royal Rumble weekend… well much of it makes total sense. As per usual, I will chime in on each competitor briefly. Also included in this installment, is a neat little Rumble factoid not included in the WWE’s awesome “numbers” advertisement…

  3. Late “Genesis” Review


    Sorry for two very late reviews in a row, peoples. Rough week in the world of hour-long one-way commutes and junior high-land. In any case, “Genesis” wasn’t really the steaming pile of excrement that so many people claim it was, particularly in light of all the walking wounded and missing due to injury that the company had to deal with at the last minute. Pretend you haven’t already gotten move-by-move reviews from a dozen other sites, and cross the line!
