Tag Archive: Handicap Match

  1. RYTMAN RAW REVIEW 06/18/2012

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    We open with a recap of No Way Out, showing John Cena victorious over Big Show and Vince McMahon firing Johnny Laurenitis as Cena puts him through a table. Also, Cyndi Lauper guest stars tonight. (Why?)

    Mick Foley is here as special guest GM for tonight and Smackdown this Friday! His first official act is booking a tag team match between Kane and Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus and C.M. Punk. Also, we get the farewell address from Johnny Ace.

    Big Johnny comes out in a neck brace, a sling, and on a crutch. As he enters the ring, Foley goes in for a hug or pat on the back, which aggravates Johnny’s injuries. Johnny demands the crowd be quiet, they refuse, Johnny ask Mick for help. Mick asks the crowd to quiet down. Mick then claims Johnny said “Long Island Sucks.” Johnny gets fed up and decides to do the speech later, but announces in his last official act as GM of both RAW and Smackdown, he has booked a handicap match with John Cena against Him, David Otunga, and Big Show.

    As Johnny leaves, Sheamus makes way to the ring for his big match. He locks eyes with Johnny and smirks. Punk is out next. With the kicking of dirt and the big thumb to the back, he mimics a baseball umpire and tells Johnny “you’re outta here.”


    We come back to see a recap of last week when AJ locked lips with Kane, taking him out of the match and giving her and Punk the win.

    Kane comes out to the pyro and scary Halloween music, followed by “The Flight of the Valkeries,” and Daniel Bryan. The crowd starts in with the “Yes! Yes! Yes!” chant.


    This is a fast paced brawl with a lot of high-impact spots. Both Sheamus and Punk play the face in peril, as Kane and Bryan do the most double teaming. The big tide changer is when AJ runs to ringside DRESSED UP EXACTLY LIKE KANE! MASK AND ALL! AJ skips around the ring and back up the stage. Kane follows her while Bryan takes a GTS/Brogue Kick combo from the champions and goes down for a three count.


    Later tonight, we find out if Brock Lesnar will accept Triple H’s challenge for a match at Summer Slam.


    We come back to see Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger arguing over who the weak link in their team is. Vicki comes in with an “EXCUSE ME!” and demands they settle this in the ring. The men walk off and Vicki smiles.

    Fade in to Johnny and David Otunga sharing a laugh. Show comes in and wants to know what’s so funny. Johnny explains they were laughing at Cena and how bad he’s gonna get hurt tonight in the three on one handicap match, and how the WWE universe doesn’t deserve him. Johnny promises he’s going to leave a lasting impression tonight. Show doesn’t find anything funny anymore.


    We’re back with Ziggler and Swagger in the ring.


    This was kind of a slow paced match until Ziggler tweaked his leg. From then on it was Swagger working the leg until Ziggler hit the Zig-Zag and scored a three count. Ziggler gets a kiss from Vicki and struts off into the sunset.



    We’re back, and Lawler is reminiscing about the night we got the debut of Mr. Socko and a Stone Cold beat down in Vince’s hospital room. Lawler’s favorite part is Vince taking a bedpan to the head.

    Paul Heyman is here on behalf of Brock Lesnar to respond to Triple H’s challenge.
    •No, Lesnar will not drop his suit against WWE
    •No, Heyman will not drop his suit against Triple H
    •No, Brock Lesnar will not face Triple H at Summerslam
    Thank you for your time, good night.

    Time to Play the Game…

    Triple H is in the ring and this becomes a trade off of two of the best mike workers in this business. I’d fail at trying to quote this verbatim, so please try to find this on line. Basically, both men take shots at each other with winks to the smart marks, but the highlight is Heyman dressing down the game, taking shots at his new position in life. Of course it ends with Heyman out on his back, but it’s still an example of why the WWE needs him back on the stick.

    Up next, U.S. Champion Santino Morella vs. Alberto Del Rio


    We come back and Ricardo Rodriguez introduces Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio enters in a 150 thousand dollar Audi-T1000 as we get a promo for the Night of Champions PPV. Santino is out next and power-walks quickly to the ring.


    This is a quick match that has Del Rio working particularly vicious, as he’s taking out his frustration over being pulled from No Way Out on the arm of Santino. Santino gets in some offense but it amounts to little as he takes an inziguri to the head while setting up the Cobra. Del Rio hits the arm-bar and Santino taps.


    Roberto actually gets some payback on Santino with a shoulder-drop as Alberto walks off.

    Promo for Cyndi Lauper making an appearance, featuring her “girls just wanna have fun,” video


    The lovely Layla, Divas champion, is in the ring introducing Cyndi Lauper AND WENDI RICHTER! She credits both women with setting the foundation for the Divas division. Cyndi looks “influenced,” Wendi has looked better, and the crowd does not love this.

    Heath Slater comes out to call this the train wreck it is. He gets in the ring, makes some snide remarks, and demands the chance to debut HIS NEW SINGLE.

    Slater wants to sing.

    Slater-haters gonna Slater-hate.

    And they do.

    Cue the bagpipes and its ROWDY RODDY PIPER out to make the save. He looks like he had some of what Cyndi had. He’s in the ring with a gold record, making reference to Capt. Lou Albano.


    He mentions having “a bad day,” all those years ago when he bashed Lou in the head with Cyndi’s gold record in Madison Square Garden, and wants to present her with a new one. They kiss and make-up, when Slater demands he get to finish his song. The segment ends with Lauper bashing Slater with the record. (Might’ve been a botch there as she did it twice, and left Slater with a cut on his head)


    We come back to a recap of the four way tag team match at No Way Out, featuring AW helping the Prime Time Players win the no.1 contenders spot for the tag team title, at the expense of Primo/Epico, the team he originally expressed interest in managing.

    AW comes out to introduce himself as the owner of All World productions and the new manager of The Prime Time Players.



    It’s a very basic tag team match, with the bruisers (PTP) trying to out-muscle the high-flyers (P/E.) The match is cut short when AW simply pushes his team out of range and they take a count-out loss, explaining that his team already has the no.1 contender spot and doesn’t need this.


    Side Note: The crowd is DEAD for this match. No real faces to root for.


    We’re back with a promo for the upcoming 1000th show, July 23rd. We OFFICALLY go three hours on that night. (Question: didn’t we do that already?) DEGENERATION X will make a special appearance. That should kill the first two hours.

    Back in the ring, we have Johnny Ace, in a neck brace, arm-sling, and a crutch, cutting a promo, calling the WWE universe losers, (one by one,) because we’ve lost the era of “people power.” Next time we’ll see him is his hall of fame induction. This is the darkest day in WWE history, and he promises Cena will get an epic beat down. He introduces his tag team partner David Otunga, who comes to the ring making his usual pose-down, and next, the Big Show.


    We come back with Teddy joining the announce team and ripping up the name tag Johnny made him wear. Michael Cole gives him an epic ass-kissing. Big Show has the mike. He thanks Johnny for his Iron clad contract, his huge bonus, the chance to be a real giant, says he has nothing to prove, AND WALKS OUT ON THE MATCH!

    The music hits and John Cena is out.

    The crowd is really split tonight with the “Let’s go Cena/Cena Sucks” chant. The match begins with Cena dominating Otunga and Johnny Ace backing off every time Otunga tries for a tag. Johnny changes his mind once Otunga gets back in control. Once tagged in, Johnny ditches his wrappings and stomps away on Cena. Cena kicks out of a pin, Johnny tries for a tag AND OTUNGA WALKS OUT ON ACE!

    Johnny, in disbelief, turns around slowly. Cena unloads big on Johnny Ace with the “five moves of doom.” Three AA’s and an STF later, Johnny Ace taps out.


  2. Pintnoir reviews Impact – Roode now starring in the remake of the Bodyguard

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    On the road to Lockdown the all cage PPV and with two weeks and some change to go we have the return of Roode, accompanied by 5 body guards cutting a promo on breaking Sting and putting Dixie in her place. He goes on to say that the guards are there for Storm’s protection not his. To which starts Storms music. The cowboy quips on the “mall cops” and attempts to get at Roode before Bully Ray jumps in and takes down James momentarily. Storm fights Ray off and attempts the last call super kick on The Champ but Roode escapes. After some manning up a handicap match is called.

    Gail and Madison are in the back having make up talk. Gail presents Rayne with a present which of course is a crown. The two make up. Gail tells Madison to beat Velvet Sky. (The lesser of two evils….. Nope can’t root for either.

    Madison vs Velvet…sigh.  Lets make this quick. After a what felt like a 3min divas match, Sky beat Rayne witih In yo Face for the 3 count. Yes her finisher which Taz announced is as vapid as her character. Hemme conducts a inpromptu interview on the ramp where Sky (who is out of breath) calls out Gail and puts the rest of the knockouts on notice. Please don’t have Sarita job to Velvet, please don’t have Sarita job to velvet. Please.

    We get when Harry met Sally but in a bad H.S reproduction substituting Hogan and Dixie. I swear I felt like Vaseline was needed when all the proping of Dixie and Hogan was done. Favorite line “Dixie, you a beautiful, attractive person.. (pause. Dixie looking uncomfortable) on the inside.

    Matt Morgan and Crimson recap leading up to the next match.

    Hemme gets ready to call out the two when Austin Aries music hits. She looks confused. A Double politely takes the mic and starts in on Ray. While the Impact crowd has dueling chants of “Austin Aries!!” “Aries sucks”. Aries talks up Storm and how he wants Bully Ray before extending his hand to James metaphorically to tag.

    Hemme announces Matt Morgan before cutting to commericial. When we come back Morgan is beating on Crimson on the ramp. The two trade blows back and forth teasing countouts on two occasions. finally we have the third and final out of the ring fight which leads to a double count out.

    Joseph Parks comes to the production area and talks to the engineers. Asks has any of them seen his brother Chris. He leaves his card.

    Mr. Anderson vs Hardy: The match is pretty good and serves its purpose but the best part is the announcement of the Motor City Machine Guns return next week. Which in a way overshadowed the match. Angle interferes and cost Hardy the match.

    We next have the Longnecks and Rednecks video with Montgomery Genry with Cowboy Troy, a lone black guy in a sea of white dudes who are probably not that far removed from lynching him if he looked at Faith Hill the wrong way. Thank God that Charley Pride and Darius Rucker make it somewhat of a fair fight. Moving on. Its a good video and was a lot of fun.

    Eric Bischoff comes walking backstage ready to make another announcement about his son Garett. sigh. Good feeling gone.

    Eric Young/ODB and a wedding planner go about the wedding naturally and we see some more of the insecurity that is ODB. So will we see another attempt at a heel turn fueled by jealousy? At the wedding that can not go wrong. 3 days before Lockdown in a steel cage the wedding will take place.

    Eric B is in the ring ranting about Sting and I guess leading to Garett. Finally he gets to Garett and calls him out. Garett comes out and confronts his father. Eric gives his son an ultimatum he either gives up or he has to meet Gunner in a steel cage at Lockdown. Garett chooses the latter.

    James Storm video shows him working out and doing yard work as he talks of Roode and the break up of Beer Money.

    Main Event: Bobby Roode (c) & Bully Ray vs Austin Aries (c) & James Storm

    We start off with Ray doing talking smack to Aries before tagging in Roode, Aries obliges by attempting to tag in Storm. Roode attacks from behind. After some time Roode tags in Ray who goes on the offensive but soon Aries comes back and embarrasses Ray before walking into a big boot. The heels dominate for the remainder. Aries soon gets off a drop kick leading to a tag. Storm beats on Ray and sends Roode into the ring. Storm gets ready to attack Roode when Bully Ray goes back on the offensive. Bobby gets the beer bottle and gets ready to spit it in The Cowboy’s face. Storm ducks and Roode hits Ray instead. Storm goes for the last call which Roode throws Ray in the way for the 3.

    Hogan comes out to Dixie who is already in the ring. Before Hogan can answer Sting comes down with a handful of face wrestlers to cheer hulk on. Hogan asks Sting if he has his back and Sting agrees. This of course leads to Hogan accepting before the show fades to black.

    Wow. Lets hope the next tapings that appear celebrate the return of Motor City Machine Guns.

    Pintnoir out.


  3. Impact- A Pintnoir Review


    Welcome back to Knoxville, Tennessee! Home to Impact tonight.

    We start the show off with a Kurt Angle Promo, he proceeds to call out Roode and  brags about how he will remain the champion. Amidst the boos from Knoxville. Kurt Angle goes to leave but before he completely leaves the ramp he issues another challenge to Roode, he has put him in a handicap match against the owner Jeff Jarrett and Gunner.

    We cut backstage where Jerry Lynn, RVD, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels are fighting. Each against their perspective Bound For Glory opponent.

    After commercial we shoot back to Daniels and Lynn beating Styles on their way to the ring. Once inside the double team beating continues until a late RVD comes for the assist. Once the match is underway it becomes a back and forth with Styles flipping outside the ring on Daniels and Lynn. Eventually leading to a styles clash to Daniels which he counters and in turn leads to Lynn getting clashed while Daniel walks back up the ramp. With an irate Styles looking on.

    Next up Samoa Joe takes on Matt Morgan. He we watch as the Samoan submission machine goes from face to heel even deeper as he goes blow for blow with Morgan only to lose in the closing moments. (as far as how he lost my computer froze, so I’ll will guess in an embarrassing fashion) Joe snaps and puts Morgan in a modified ankle lock. Just when you thought you could predict the outcome, you do and Crimson comes out to save the day. Another ramp match announcement. This time it is for BFG, a triple threat match.

    Yeah a Mexican America promo! I love this almost weekly occurrence of stereotypes. The proceed to call out Ink Inc. The usual high school banter begins on both sides about MA being hypocrites because they’re from this country. Hernandez and co don’t how to respond seeing as how minus Sarah Stock aka Sarita (who is Canadian) they attack. Usual ruckus happens with all four jumping them with Sarita in her glam face mask delivers some slaps until a ray of sunshine descends down the ramp. Christina Von Eerie! Cleaning house. Until she bumps into Hernandez who her real life boyfriend Jesse Neal takes out. Jesse ends with ” Bring all the women you want, we got ours!”

    An X division tag match between the heels Austin Aries (c) and Kid Kash vs Brian Kendrick and Jesse Sorenson. A decent match with the obligatory heel turning on each other, leading to Aries going for his belt to use on Kendrick who ducks and applies sliced bread on Aries who land face first on the belt. Win for Kendrick/Sorenson.

    Karen walks backstage with Traci by her side looking hateful. Its good to know someone is having a good time, you know with Karen all smiles.

    Obviously the knockout segment is next. Velvet, Mickie, Winter and Angelina Love come out to what I assume was some kind of tag match, similar to Vinnie Mac’s biz, but shortly after out comes Karen, Traci and (ugh) Madison Rayne kicking ass as only she can. Between Rayne’s screeching ass kissing and Karen blatantly expressing how we all feel about the current Knockout division, that no one cares. She describes having to fight to put them on the card because no one wanted them. Then she verbally assaults Velvet before being shoved Vel and tripped by Traci leading to an all out knockouts cat fight. Wow how we have devolved.

    This is the best representation of the current Division

    Bully Ray talks about how Anderson better not make him made since he is the special enforcer for his match against Steiner.

    AJ talks about how his and Daniels family aren’t speaking to each other leading to their I Quit match. Daniels comes from behind and attacks AJ choking him out with a camera cord?

    Bully Ray /Steiner come out followed by Mr Anderson. Match is usual Immortal match with interference from Ray and eventually Abyss how clocks Steiner with a chain in full view of the ref  Anderson knocks down Abyss getting the pin on Steiner. Afterwards comes the Immortal beat down on Abyss with almost every available member before Anderson comes back only to get Bubba Bombed onto a table.

    Angle backstage taunting Storm accusing Roode of knowing he was interfering in his match and pinned Storm anyway. Storm looks conflicted after he throws out Angle.

    Updated BFG card is shown along with the ascension of Roode who a hardworking wrestler, when four years ago he was a rich tycoon similar to JBL but I digress. This is TNA where Velvet is a face and has had no previous attempts at the knockout title when she had like three when she was a heel. And she really believes she was a victim? But again back to Roode rich much? (Sorry for the rant it was bothering me)

    hey if she can have a double so could Velvet. but likely not.

    Roode beats Gunner with the Crossface while Jarrett wallows on the floor with Karen looking on. Afterwards (sigh) Immortal comes to the ring. Storm attempts to help until he is over whelmed. Then the former prodigal son Hardy cleans house giving Jarrett the twist of fate.

    Jarrett yells at Hardy to leave and never come back or step foot in Philadelphia. Hardy says he’s buying his ticket.

    Hogan and Joker-Sting come out to sign the contract. Hogan refuses to sign first. but eventually signs. Bischoff comes out to say he wants revenge for Sting touching him only for Hogan to bash Sting in the back with a chair. The show closes with Hogan foot on Stings throat.

    here comes the smoke and mirrors

    Here comes BFG, hopefully this means the end of Immortal and the a Bobby Roode title run.

  4. Random Randomness


    What’s up folks, it’s good to be back, well at least for a couple weeks anyway (my vacation is July 29-August 7).  So lets see what’s been happening in the world recently.  92 degrees in JTland here today so if anything sounds like it doesn’t make any sense, that’s why. (more…)

  5. Royal Rumble 2011


    Hey! That’s right, something before RAW?! Yeah.  I decided at the beginning of the Royal Rumble match to do a real quick rundown of the Royal Rumble.  This is not going to be anywhere near as long as the usual RAW Reviews, and it’s not going to be as detailed.  The backstage segments may be out of order, but I barely paid attention to them…

    Edge vs Dolph Ziggler with Vickie Guerrero for the World Heavyweight Championship

    So Edge comes out, we’re reminded that he can’t use the Spear or he loses the Championship, and then Vickie comes out, reminds us, and introduces Dolph.  The match goes on for a while and was a pretty decent match.  I didn’t expect it to be, but it turned out to be.  Vickie got on the apron and slapped Edge, but Kelly Kelly, of all fuckin people, came out and took her out.  Dolph locked in a sleeper, and during Edge’s wild flailing to get out of it, he slapped the ref, and knocked him down.  So, Edge hit a quick Spear when no one was looking (except the whole audience), and then locked in the Killswitch (or the Unprettier) for the win.

    World Heavyweight Champion Edge wins via pinfall.

    There’s a small segment backstage with WWE Champion The Miz saying that he’ll win, and Riley backs him up.

    The Miz with Alex Riley vs Randy Orton for the WWE Championship

    Randy gets an early advantage, but Riley interferes and Miz gets it.  Match was pretty decent, with Riley interfering a good amount, and The Miz about to walk out before Randy stopped that idea with a harsh clothesline.  It ended, surprisingly, with Nexus coming out to stand by the ring.  Riley came in to try to get Randy, but was thrown out onto Nexus and the ref, and then Punk came up from underneath the ring and hit the Go To Sleep on Orton, and dragged Miz over for the cover.

    WWE Champion The Miz wins via pinfall.

    Gail Kim was backstage with Daniel Bryan.  Bellas faked an apology and then attacked.

    Natalya vs LayCool in a Two-on-One Handicap Match for the WWE Diva’s Championship

    Before the match can get started, the RAW GM says that he’s gotten enough emails about Cole being annoying (“That’s just a joke!”), and won’t get more about LayCool, so this is now a Fatal Four Way.  NO! IT WASN’T AWESOME KONG’S DEBUT, OR EVEN BETH!  IT WAS!!!!!!!

    Natalya vs Layla vs Michelle McCool vs Eve Torres for the WWE Diva’s Championship

    You read that right.  Anyway, the match was alright, kind of, and then Eve pinned Layla as McCool pinned Natalya.  However, ref was looking at Eve and Layla.

    WWE Diva’s Champion Eve Torres wins via pinfall.

    Michelle was pissed.

    Then, the Royal Rumble match (and there was a thing at some point about how “Dashing” Cody Rhodes had an official statement about his not making it, thanks to Rey’s knee brace breaking his face nose.) started.


    1) CM Punk

    I have to stop here.  Punk came out, and then the Corre’s music hit, and then the Corre surrounded Punk, and then the New Nexus came in and it was a mini-brawl.  Essentially, the RAW GM told them that this was not how the Royal Rumble match was going to start and sent them all (minus Punk) back to the back to wait their turns.

    1) CM Punk – John Cena
    2) United States Champion Daniel Bryan – David Otunga
    3) Justin Gabriel – Daniel Bryan
    4) Zack Ryder – Daniel Bryan
    5) William Regal – Ted DiBiase
    6) Ted DiBiase (with Maryse) – Nexus
    7) John Morrison – Nexus
    8) Yoshi Tatsu – Mark Henry
    9) Husky Harris – The Great Khali
    10) Chavo Guerrero – Mark Henry
    11) Mark Henry – Nexus
    12) JTG – Michael McGuillicutty
    13) Michael McGuillicutty – John Cena
    14) Chris Masters – Nexus
    15) David Otunga – John Cena
    16) Tyler Reks – Nexus
    17) Vladimir Kozlov – Punk
    18) R-Truth – Punk
    19) The Great Khali – Mason Ryan
    20) Mason Ryan – John Cena
    21) Booker T – Mason Ryan
    22) John Cena – The Miz
    23) Hornswoggle – Sheamus
    24) Tyson Kidd – John Cena
    25) Heath Slater – John Cena
    26) Kofi Kingston – Randy Orton
    27) Jack Swagger – Rey Mysterio
    28) Sheamus – Randy Orton
    29) Rey Mysterio – Wade Barrett
    30) Wade Barrett – Randy Orton
    31) Dolph Ziggler – The Big Show
    32) Diesel – Wade Barrett
    33) Drew McIntyre – The Big Show
    34) Alex Riley – John Cena
    35) The Big Show – Ezekiel Jackson
    36) Ezekiel Jackson – Kane
    37) Santino Marella – Alberto del Rio
    38) Alberto del Rio – WINNER
    39) Randy Orton – Alberto del Rio
    40) Kane – Rey Mysterio

    There were a lot of  hijinks in the ring during the match.  The Miz ran into the ring, after sitting commentary since Alex Riley entered the Rumble, and eliminated Cena after Cena eliminated Riley.  Hornswoggle copied a lot of moves, and a lot of the people lasted longer than they may have seemed to.  It wasn’t a hugely, wildly spectacular match, but it was alright.

    See ya tomorrow night for Monday Night RAW!

  6. Smackdown 10/01/10: Live on SyFy Debut


    For those residing in the U.S.A., Smackdown has officially moved to SyFy and broadcasts live tonight. Whether or not this move will improve ratings for the B show or not, obviously remains to be seen. WWE will likely pull out all the stops tonight and feature some RAW talent to bolster the viewing audience. Let’s see what in tarnation they’ve done… (more…)

  7. Power Poll 7/14/10: One of a Kind

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    Power Poll 7/14/10

    1. Rob Van Dam (Last week: NR)

    The TNA World Heavyweight Champion dropped off the Power Poll last week, but is back with a vengeance after a victory over Samoa Joe on iMPACT and retaining his title in the four way at Victory Road.  (My vote:  2)

    2. Randy Orton (3)

    The Viper holds strong this week, climbing to number two despite a loss to Edge.  The reason?  How about the Holy Shit moment of the night from RAW where Orton RKO’d Evan Bourne right out of Air Bourne?  That twitter Trending Topic worthy move definitely boosted Orton’s ranking in the eyes of the voters.  (My vote: 1)

    3. Jack Swagger (5)

    The World Heavyweight Champion and his ruthless aggression continue to shine on Friday Night Smackdown, where this week he dragged Rey Mysterio all across the backstage area in an Ankle Lock, then tried to pull the same on The Big Show before being interrogated by Kane.  (My vote:  3)

    4. Sheamus (1)

    The WWE Champion drops three spots after running from The Nexus on RAW before saving his Money In The Bank challenger John Cena from the group later in the night.  (My vote:  9)

    5. John Cena (2)

    Meanwhile, a decent promo to kick off RAW and a strong showing against the aforementioned Nexus in a 6-on-1 handicap match can’t keep John Cena from also falling three spots.  (My vote:  NR)

    6. The Miz (NR)

    The United States Champion continues RAW’s dominance of this week’s Power Poll after his decimation and humiliation of Mark Henry on Monday Night.  (My vote:  6)

    7. Edge (NR)

    The Rated R Superstar, yet another RAW wrestler, breaks into the Power Poll top 10 with a victory over Randy Orton and a killer promo later in the night.  (My vote:  7)

    8. Kurt Angle (8)

    Kurt Angle may be staying put on the Power Poll rankings, but a victory over The Pope at Victory Road will almost certainly move him up the rankings in TNA.  (My vote:  NR)

    9. Wade Barrett (NR)

    The leader of The Nexus made a huge splash in the first week of the Power Poll, but has just now found his way back.  A great promo to kick off RAW, the Nexus’ subsequent beatdown of several Superstars backstage, and leading the group to victory over John Cena will do that.  (My vote:  NR)

    10. Rey Mysterio (4)

    The World Heavyweight Champion manages to stay on the list, despite his only appearance on SmackDown having been dragged down a hallway by Jack Swagger.  Apparently, being a World Champion is heavily considered by several members of the Power Poll Panel.

    Dropped out: Abyss, Evan Bourne, Jay Lethal, Jeff Hardy

    Also receiving votes: Jay Lethal, Evan Bourne, Jeff Hardy, Abyss, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Abyss, Justin Gabriel, Kofi Kingston, Chris Jericho, Pope D’Angelo Dinero, Doink the Clown, The Nexus, Samoa Joe, Kazarian, A.J. Styles, Percy Watson, Alicia Fox, Maryse, Kaval

    Wrestlers that I voted for who did not make the list include:  A.J. Styles (4), Kazarian (5), Samoa Joe (8), and Doink The Clown (10).

    Participating sites: BoredWrestlingFan.com, Hit the Ropes, Online World of WrestlingPIZZABODYSLAM, Pro Wrestling Ponderings,Project Wonderboy, Ringside Rants, The Superplex, The Wrestling Blog, WrestlingAdikt.com, WrestleRage.comWrestlespective

    The Power Poll is expanding. If you write for a wrestling website or podcast and are interested in being a voter, e-mail wrestlespective(at)gmail.com and include a link to your site.

  8. WWE Superstars Results

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    Mark Henry vs Primo

    Mark Henry gets the win in a quick one.

    Gail Kim vs Jillian Hall

    Gail Kim gets the win in this random divas match that nobody really cares about.

    Co-Women’s Champion Michelle McCool vs Tiffany

    McCool gets the win here in yet another divas match on Superstars.

    Chavo Guerrero vs Christian

    This match was halted mid match by Vickie, who restarted this as a handicap match.

    Chavo Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler vs Christian

    Dolph gets the pin after he hit the Zig Zag on Christian.  Christian is doing a great job of building Ziggler, but he should be headlining PPVs by now.  Come on, Vince!  Give Captain Charisma a title run.

    That’s it for this week.  Peace out.

  9. RAW results 3/8/10


    Welcome to part two of our Monday Night Wars coverage for this week.  Earlier tonight, Drow brought you our very first ROH Report, and here I am to bring you your RAW results, and later on, we’ll have iMPACT coverage as well.  Tonight, the Mindfreak, Criss Angel hosts RAW (great.  Lame magic tricks all night), Vince McMahon takes on John Cena, and Randy Orton will take on Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase in a handicap match.  We’ll also see what happens next between John Cena and Batista, Triple H and Sheamus, and Vince McMahon and Bret Hart.  Ready to go?  Then don’t cross the line, because on USA Network we’re uncut, uncensored, and uncooked, it’s Monday Night RAW!
