Tag Archive: Hey

  1. WWE RAW results 11/22/10


    Hey folks, the man the BWF staff call “Boss” is here to fill in for AlyKat tonight as she is in attendance at the Amway Arena in Orlando, FL for tonight’s edition of RAW.  I’ve actually been to a WWE event in that very venue – the 2008 WWE Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony.  Tonight, however, I’m on my couch in Niagara Falls, NY watching USA HD and bringing you my thoughts on this post-Survivor Series edition of RAW.  Will we see John Cena tonight?  What kind of mood will Wade Barrett be in?  Will Aly have a heart attack in the Amway Arena as The Miz cashes in Money In The Bank?  Who knows!  It’s uncooked, uncut, uncensored, it’s RAW!


  2. Apologies


    Hey, all. My internet connection has been sporadic at best, and non-existent the rest of the time. This has caused much trouble for my reviews of TNA’s “Victory Road” ppv on Sunday, and tonight’s “Impact.” AT&T has been called (again), and hopefully everything will be worked out. Apologies for depriving you of the TN-Awesomeness, or at least of my spin on it. 😛

  3. WWE Superstars Results

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    Hey everybody!  It’s nice to see you again.  The NCAA tournament has been captivating my attention the last couple of weeks, so here are some quick results for you to munch on.

    CM Punk beat JTG in about 4 minutes

    Punk pretty much squashed JTG here.  The question I have is why did they use JTG and not some other enhancement talent that only has a job for being an enhancement talent, like…..Chavo Guerrero.  It was a supershow, so he was definitely available.

    Rey Mysterio defeated Tyson Kidd in a much longer and much more entertaining match.

    This was a very nice back and forth match.  Kidd showed off what he can do, and hopefully we get more of these matches down the line.  I like seeing the “cruiserweights” go at it from time to time.

    Remember everybody, Wrestle Mania 26 is this Sunday.

  4. Help out Jake Roberts’ Granddaughter

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    Hey folks. We love to joke around here on BoredWrestlingFan.com, but sometimes there are situations where we have to be absolutely serious. This is one of those times.

    Jake “The Snake” Roberts’ granddaughter is fighting for her life, and we encourage everybody to help in any way they can. For a $25 donation, Jake will mail you an autographed photo and personally call you on the telephone. He’s posted all of the information on his MySpace blog, so please check it out and help save the life of a little girl.

    Learn more on Jake’s MySpace Blog: http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=131113609&blogId=530731495