Tag Archive: Hhh

  1. Smackdown 12/20/13


    “It wasn’t supposed to be like this, Bryan! We could have been friends!” Crab Walk…. That was creepy. And so it begins… Mayor McCheese holds all of the titles with a side of french fries. When I last saw him, he only still had the soda, Mr. White. (P.S. Mr. Pink survived. Deal with it).

    Oh yeah, wrestling is on.

    Hopping time…


  2. Wrestlemania 29 according to WWE’13

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    Well here’s my contribution to Wrestlemania week  and like last year is a look at what Wrestlemania through the eyes of WWE’13 well the Wii version anyway.  Hey it’s better than Smackdown vs. RAW 2010 which is what I used last year. Just to let everyone know that the Wii version of this game has no DLC so I’ll only be doing the matches I can with what I’ve got.  I will also be doing this on simulate mode so I will have no effect on the outcomes of the matches. So without further ado, lets go: (more…)

  3. Smackdown 03/08/13


    Long week, and kind of a sad one. But no need to divulge in that crap, since Smackdown is on… and frankly, I’m tired and thereby, lazy. So grab some industrial sized springs, yeah those ones with the sharp ends. Jam them into the soles of your feet and proceed to turn them into your foot until they come out of the top because it’s hopping time!

    …or flippy floppy time?

