TNA Impact 29/05/14; Here There Be Things
Leave a CommentAfter this I’ll be watching NXT Takeover. Wonder which I’ll prefer.
After this I’ll be watching NXT Takeover. Wonder which I’ll prefer.
I just had a blood test and wish I was woozier, to have an excuse to do a bad job. Lousy ethics.
Watching TNA on a WWE PPV week is like a broken pencil; Pointless.
There’s a TNA PPV this week. How about that?
I’ve had very little sleep and I’m writing about a show that probably won’t even be on the show this week. I hope I can be lazy.
The opening package reminded me of all the gimmick matches on the show tonight. I think I can possibly be lazy, but I’m less hopeful now.
If I wrote a proper intro this would take five minutes longer to read.
I barely slept this past week and followed that up by watching TNA and reviewing it. What a terrible idea. At least it’s a UK show. This could be fun.
Another week another Impact. On the show we’ll be talking about the Royal Rumble too, so this isn’t that necessary. Damn.
I had bacon sandwiches for lunch today. No turkey for me.
I’m pretty damn sleep deprived and this probably won’t get read on the air. Guess we could be in for a legit lazy review. It never is.