Tag Archive: Man Tag

  1. Raw Es Mexicano 10-17-11


    Ésta noche, estamos en México D.F. para Raw. Pues, voy a blogear totalmente en español para celebrar.

    According to my professors, I couldn’t write good in Spanish so I better quit while I’m ahead. (And yes, my grammatical error is there completely for irony.) All I said was tonight, we are in Mexico City for Raw. So, I’m going to blog totally in Spanish to celebrate. (Or something equivalent to that)

    Last week, we suffered through one of the worst Raws since Katie Vick. If I were personally not committed to do the Raw blog, I would have switched to Fox and watched House or something. I still have faith that somehow they will turn this around.

    We start off the night with Super Dave Osborne in the ring. He is so awful on the mic. The wrong Dynamic Dude is speaking. (Shane Douglas, where are you?) He brings back Jim Ross. I haven’t seen a more emotionless hug since Hollywood Hogan hugged “in-the-rafters” Sting. He makes a match. Cole/Del Rio vs. Ross/Cena. At least we know who’ll win.

    Randy Orton comes out. The crowd acted like it was Juanes. In accordance with the art of Lucha Libre, we get a 6-man tag. Orton/John Morrison/Sheamus versus Christian/Cody Rhodes/Mark Henry. The crowd hung off of every move Randy Orton made. Orton & Rhodes were not long for this match as they got to go to the back and fight. It was a nice match. I really feel that Henry is coming into his own as a top guy. The John Morrison Future Endeavors tour continued as he was probably killed by Mark Henry.

    No matter what happens here, it could be worse. I could be seeing that awful movie In Time.

    We got some more time with Broadus Clay. He isn’t a bad speaker. After the Bellas hung on Johnny Ace, they can only go up. Eve is making her way to the ring. I will take this opportunity to pee. It took longer than I intended. I have no idea what happened.

    After the commercial, we got CM Punk and then Awesome Truth came out. They cut a promo on Punk and he just stood there and smiled. This was a decent match. My satellite went out so I have no idea what happened. Punk got a roll-up and won.

    We had Jack Swagger escorted by Dolph and Vickie. She looked really nice in her traditional Mexican dress. And yes, she said “Excuse me” in Spanish. They really got the crowd going. They were very good with them. Then we were saved by my daughter’s favorite wrestler, Zack Ryder. My daughter doesn’t know any wrestlers. She just says, “Woo woo woo.” Zack Ryder get a pin in record time. After they start a beatdown on Ryder, he is saved by Matista.

    Ziggler did a good job carrying the Walking Wellness Violation. Matista got disqualified for… I have no idea.

    Then JR and John Cena had a little back and forth and then Cole heeled the crowd.

    The main event turned out to be an ok match. For it to be a good match, I have to believe Cena can lose.

    This was not as bad as last week’s Raw. We are still stuck with Super Dave Osborne, but the crowd was hot and made the wrestlers seem important. There is plenty that can be improved, but for tonight, I’ll rest on not hating it.

    To follow me on Twitter, click here. For Facebook, click here.

  2. MPX-Mayhem at Midcities II 5-21-11


    This was a very big step for MPX tonight. The crowd was packed. I felt like a lot of wrestlers really brought it. There is some great improvement, plus we had some nice debuts. They opened the night with a 10-bell salute for the Macho Man with all the wrestlers coming out and surrounding the ring. The best part was all the wrestlers holding Slim Jims up. Perfect tribute.

  3. Live “Smackdown” Report 12/21/10


    Hey, BoredWrestlingFans! Last week I said I’d next see you all on Christmas (or thereabouts), but that was before ‘WWE Week on USA’ was announced, including a live SmackDown! being broadcast on Tuesday night. The greatest thing about this live SmackDown! will be the lack of that canned cheering sound which the guys in the production truck love piping in to the taped shows to try and enhance crowd reactions. D’you know the sound I mean? It’s hard to describe… Anyway, I’m babbling.

    So, without further ado, let’s get down to business! (more…)

  4. WWE RAW Results 2/22/10

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    Note:  I decided to take the night off and allow one of our twitter followers the opportunity to write our RAW review.  Yours truly will be here Friday night to cover SmackDown this week, so for now, here’s this week’s RAW review by @nascardiva9!

    Show opens with PPV Highlights.
    The New World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho comes out and says
    He`s going to Wrestlemania.He proudly brags about beating the
    Undertaker & becoming Champion.Then the Royal Rumble Winner Edge comes
    out through the crowd & Spears Jericho & says He`s going to challenge
    Jericho at Wrestlemania for the World Heavyweight Title.
    Next comes John Cena.Cena compares himself to Bret Hart on the list of
    people Vince has screwed over.Cena challenges Batista to a rematch
    tonight on Raw & out comes  a Proud Vince Mcmahon talking about his
    deal with Batista.He admits to giving Batista a WWE title shot anytime
    he wanted it.McMahon claims his hands are clean of it & Batista will
    defend his WWE Title at Wrestlemania against either John Cena or
    Sheamus.Later tonight 1 on 1 John Cena vs Batista.If Cena wins he goes
    to Wrestlemania.If he loses Sheamus gets the match at Wrestlemania.
    Divas Title Final
    Maryse vs Gail Kim.
    Crowd could care less about this match.Gail Kim went for sevweral
    quick,near falls.Maryse did the typical hair pulling.Maryse did her
    DDT Finisher & pins Gail Kim for the win & becomes Divas Champion for
    a 2nd time.Yet again another short Divas Match.
    Backstage Eve,Kelly Kelly,The Bella Twins are with the Guest Hosts
    Jewel & Ty Murray.In walks Alicia Fox & Jillian Hall.Jillians horrible
    singing gets her slapped again.This time by Jewel.Jillian goes away
    saying “Why does everyone slap me?”
    Again in the back Randy Orton & Cody Rhodes starts talking about Ted
    saying he was going to beat Orton in the chamber at the PPV last
    night.Legacy will be in action tonight in a 6 man tag match.Ted walks
    up to Cody & asks him if he`s going to stick with their plan.
    Up Next 6 Man Tag Match between Kofi Kingston,Yoshi Tatsu,Evan Bourne
    Vs Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes,Ted Dibiase.
    Yoshi & Dibiase start the match.Yoshi tags in Bourne.Ted quick tags
    Rhodes.Evan flys around the ring.Why isnt He being used more?Cody Back
    Slams Bourne & goes for a pin only for a 2 count.Bourne & DiBiase now
    legal both are down trying to get to their corners to tag.Bourne tags
    Kofi.Now Kofi & Orton are now legal.Orton slams Kofi.Orton gives Kofi
    his Backbreaker.Cody tags himself in.Orton grabs Cody & DDT`s him &
    Orton RKO`s Ted outside the ring.Evan Bourne goes up top to give a
    well done Airbourne to Cody for the win.
    Michaels & Undertaker highlight package.Michaels calls out Undertaker
    & challenges Him again to a Wrestlemania Match.Undertaker accepts on 1
    condition that this Year Michaels puts his Career on the Line.Michaels
    accepts.This year it`ll be The Streak vs Michaels Career.
    1st Money In The Bank Quailifier Christian vs Carlito
    Match starts & Carlito goes for a quick pin for a 2 count.Christian
    Missile Dropkicks Carlito attempts a pin only for a 2 count.Christian
    gets Carlito in the Killswitch for the 3 count & is the 1st to
    Quailify for Money In The Bank.
    Worthless segment of the night the Divas Bull riding contest.Eve is up
    1st & makes it the 8 seconds.Up next is Kelly Kelly & she makes it the
    8 seconds.Next up the Bella twins who ride together & make it the 8
    seconds.The crowd never gets into this contest.It`s interupted by
    ShowMiz.Ty Murray challenges Big Show to ride the bull.Big Show gets
    on & lasts 3 seconds.The Bull taunts Big Show & Show knocks out the
    mechanical bull.
    Unified Tag Title Match Between Big Show & The Miz Vs MVP &Mark Henry
    Miz & MVP start the match.Miz tags in Big Show.Show beats up MVP.MVP
    tags in Mark Henry.Show & Henry go back & forth.Then Show knocks out
    Henry to win & retain the Unified Tag Titles.
    Newest Hall Of Fame Inductee Wendi Richter.
    Vince invites Bret Hart to come back to Raw next week for a proper farewell.
    NXT Promo for tomorrow.
    Next Weeks Hosts Cheech & Chong.Also next week Randy Orton Vs Ted DiBiase.
    The Main Event tonight John Cena Vs Batista.If Cena wins he gets the
    Wrestlemania match against Batista.If he loses Sheamus gets the
    match.Loud Cheer from the crowd for John Cena.Batista finally comes
    out to a dead crowd.The match finally starts this is going to be
    short.Batista Low Blows Cena.Cena wins by Dq.Batista beats Cena down
    afterwards.Batista`s late entrance took longer then the match.Batista
    leaves the ring after beating Cena down & sees him get up & comes back
    to the ring to finish Cena.They fight outside the ring.Batista beats
    Cena down again & leaves.Cena gets back up & Batista comes back down
    again & gets a chair & hits Cena several times.Cena finally stays down
    & The show goes off with Cena down & Batista up the ramp posing.
    I really enjoyed doing this.
    Ashley Finch(nascardiva9)

  5. WWE Superstars

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    Hello, all.  Don’t call it a comeback.  I’ve been here for years.  Well, I was here last week if you don’t recall.  Let’s dive in and see what we can find.

    Match 1:  Cryme Tyme vs Mike Knox and Dolph Ziggler

    Alright!  We have a Dolph Ziggler sighting.  Dolph Ziggler has become a resident of WWE Superstars of late.  I think it would make sense to have him on ECW right now.  It would give him some exposure on a show that people actually watch on a semi-regular basis.  Think about a Dolph Ziggler and Shelton Benjamin feud.  That sounds great to me.  But, I digress.  I also just noticed that Shad shaved off his corn-rows.  When did that happen???  JTG pins Mike Knox with the Shout Out.  Todd Grisham tried to use the word “redunkulous” for some reason.  He shouldn’t try words like that.  He sounds “redunkulous”!!!

    Trailer for The Marine 2

    Believe it or not, I think this movie acutally looks better than the first one.  It doesn’t look nearly as cheesy.

    Match 2: Vance Archer (aka Lance Hoyt from TNA fame) vs Tommy Dreamer

    Vance Archer and his tramp stamp look very generic, but I like his intensity…and they guy is gigantic.  He has the potential to be ECW (or whatever they plan on calling it) Champ someday.  Vance Archer wins with his Reverse DDT.  Does that have a name yet???

    Main Event:  Jack Swagger vs MVP

    Didnt this match already happen last week???  At least these guys are getting some TV time.  Can somebody please explain to me how RAW can be 3 hours long and not have Jack Swagger and MVP on it in some sort of match???  Even Yoshi Tatsu and Zack Ryder who aren’t on the brand were involved in a 6-man tag match.  Swagger has a match on ECW on Tuesday, so I guess that means he might be going back there.  Way to drop the ball on this guy.  Shoot…way to drop the ball on both of these guys.  There was no reason to move Swagger off ECW to begin with if he wasn’t going to be used.  Now they have to rebuild to guy.  Kinda seems inefficient and unproductive to me.  MVP hit the Drive By and the Playmaker to get the win.  This match was great.  I guess any time these guys can get on TV they better put on a good show.

    Thanks for reading and I’ll see you next week.