Tag Archive: Rey Mysterio

  1. RAW 10.25.10


    Originally, I thought I wasn’t going to be able to catch this RAW, due to homework, but I managed to just miss about 18 minutes of it.  I’m sure RAW will more than make up.  Anyway, basically all that happened during that block I missed was that Cena and Otunga lost the WWE Tag Team Championships to Gabriel and Slater.  Awesome.

    We come back from the first commercial for a WWE Rewind.

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: Last week: United States Daniel Bryan challenges Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler to a Champion vs. Champion match at Bragging Rights.>

    Vickie Guerrero and Kaitlin make their way out to the ring.  Vickie says that there was a blemish in Smackdown’s perfect night at Bragging Rights, and that Ziggler was cheated by shoddy officiating, and that there was a bias for RAW by the WWE referees.  Ziggler is going to embarrass Bryan tonight.

    Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler vs United States Champion Daniel Bryan

    Before the match even begins, CM Punk comes out.

    In the ring, Ziggler gets an advantage over Bryan, and Punk joins them for commentary. Bryan takes the advantage back and gets Ziggler in the ‘surfboard’, and Ziggler manages to get out or Bryan lets him out.  Ziggler goes for a cover on Bryan, but Bryan kicks out on two.  Ziggler tries to keep advantage, but Bryan takes that away with a dropkick to the face, and Ziggler kicks out of the cover.  Ziggler hits a low gut-kick on Bryan and Bryan flips him right out of the ring.


    @HitTheRopes I love that @CMPunk is about to school King and Cole on announcing. #wwe

    @ThingsColeSays CM Punk burying King is AWESOME!!!

    @TKeep123 Here come Chuck Norris…err..I mean….Bryan Daniel. #WWE #RAW

    We’re back to Bryan and Ziggler back in the ring, and Bryan takes Ziggler out with a hard clothesline.  Bryan goes for the cover, but Ziggler kicks out.  Ziggler looks like he’s begging for mercy, and Bryan ignores him, hitting hard kicks on his abdomen.  Bryan misses his first kick, but hits the second one, only for Ziggler to kick out at two.  Bryan goes for the LaBell lock, but Ziggler gets to the ropes.  Bryan puts Ziggler on the top rope, and hits a hurricanrana off the top, only for Ziggler to flip it into a pin, though Bryan kicks out.  Ziggler goes for the sleeper, but Bryan gets out, and Ziggler hits what could have almost been Sweet Chin Music on Bryan.  Bryan kicks out of that cover though, and Vickie screeches about the ref cheating or something.  Ziggler goes for the Zig-Zag, misses, Bryan goes for a cover, reverses into Ziggler covering Bryan, and then Bryan kicks out at two.  Vickie is still screeching.  Ziggler and Bryan trade moves, and then Ziggler throws Bryan, but Bryan kicks out of the cover.  Ziggler goes for the sleeper again, but Bryan wonders absently around the ring, but Bryan counters into the LaBell lock, and Vickie pulls Ziggler’s foot outside the bottom rope.  The ref takes his submission, Vickie freaks out, and the ref basically says that that’s too bad and keeps his decision the same.

    United States Champion Daniel Bryan wins via submission.

    Bryan’s enjoying his victory, and Ziggler slips back into the ring, but then flees when Bryan turns around.

    Last night, Smackdown beat RAW again. Boo.

    Later tonight, John Cena will take on WWE Champion Randy Orton, and the winner decides the special guest referee for their next match (or… Barrett and Orton decide).


    @WWEsAngel_Nef Okay, Bravo #WWE Good match w/ Punk as a God on commentary

    @CawCawBang LMAO! I love CM Punk’s brutal honesty

    @TKeep123 Ziggler’s gonna get callouses from tapping so much! #WWE #RAW

    The guest star tonight is country megastar, Toby Keith.

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: WWE In Your Corner: WWE Wrestlemania Reading Challenge.>

    Toby Keith gives a copy of his albums to the Bellas, and they give him a Championship belt.  Santino comes up, dressed like a cowboy.  He said that when he came to America, it was all pop, and now it’s country and western.  He then sings a song of sorts that he wrote.  I’ll try to find these lyrics later, alright? It is funny.  Toby tells him to keep his night job, and then Sheamus comes up.

    Sheamus mocks Santino, of course, and says that Santino embarrassed his team last night, but Sheamus is going to give him an opportunity to prove he’s not worthless.  He challenges him TONIGHT!  Santino says he’s on.  Sheamus then tells Santino he’d better show up.  Santino then asks Toby if he thinks Sheamus was ‘for really’.

    Cena walks up and yells at Barrett, who calls him out for finding a loophole last night.  The only reason Cena’s still employed, is because Barrett is allowing it.  If he tells Cena to make a cup of coffee, be silent, or lay down to give up a championship, then he’s gonna do it.  Cena says that for the last few weeks he’s been trying to hold onto something he loves, but he can’t do it anymore.  Fired, quit, it’s the same damn thing, and it beats working for Barrett.  Barrett tells him to hold on, and that he may have a solution.  If Cena beats Orton tonight, Barrett will make him an offer that will benefit both of them.


    @kickoutblog Santino still looks less ridiculous than Toby Keith usually does.

    @inkincisions Please. Someone, anyone, get in that ring, and wrestle!

    @thinksojoe Best. Country. Song. Ever! #BWF

    @TKeep123 Cowboy crooner Santino Morella! Fear The Cobra! #WWE #RAW

    @HitTheRopes The Bellas doing what they do best, standing next to the guest star….. Wait, wasn’t there some kinda dysfunction between them? #wwe

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: Slam of the Week: LayCool mocks The Harts on Smackdown.>

    LayCool vs Melina and Gail Kim

    Melina goes straight for McCool, then dominates Layla.  Melina goes for a cover on Layla, who kicks out.  The two switch each other around, and then Layla knocks Gail off the apron, and they hit each other mid-ring with a cross body.  Layla tags in Michelle, but Melina didn’t see it and takes a boot to the face and a cover for the win.

    LayCool win via pinfall.

    Short ass Diva’s match?  Check!

    Lawler tells us not to wear a WWE T-shirt when you go to vote next Tuesday.

    Miz and Riley make their way to the ring, and Cole says Miz is going to read the Riot Act to the rest of the team.


    @divadirt Michelle pins Melina after a big boot and it’s all over in 1 minute. Yay(!) [/sarcasm] #WWE

    @CawCawBang Does this mean we get to see psycho Miz again?


    Wheeeeeeee, Miz~! I haven’t done it in a while.  Just… let me have a moment.

    Okay, moment over.

    Miz says he’s accomplished more in his career than everyone in this arena can dream of achieving in their entire lives.  No matter how superior he is to everyone in the arena or the locker room, he is not a miracle worker.  Last night, he endured adversity, overcame hardship, he lasted longer than any Superstar on RAW, but they still failed against Smackdown.  If the WWE Superstars had a fraction of the talent that he possessed, the Bragging Rights trophy would be on Monday Night RAW.  But his talent doesn’t just speak volumes.  It screams ‘AWESOME’.  That’s why he’s a leader.  That’s why he’s the captain, and that’s why tomorrow, the poster child of THQ’s Smackdown vs RAW 2011 is none other than him.  The Miz joins Cena and the Big Show on the cover of the game.  Miz says that if they really wanted to make some money, then the cover should have just consisted of him.  The RAW team should have just consisted of seven Miz’, instead of one Miz and six losers.  If those people understand anything, understand this: he blames his team, he blames Smackdown, he blames Rey Mysterio, and if Rey wants to come over there, he’s putting out the challenge.  Step right up over to RAW, next week, he doesn’t care.  The reason people watch RAW is because of him.  Because he’s the Miz and he’s the only person on the RAW roster that can honestly say that I’M AWESOME!

    Eve comes out after his speech and makes her way into the ring, and Miz even holds the ropes apart for her.  Miz says that Eve is there to apologize on behalf of all the Divas, but she doesn’t have to.  She should, instead, be apologizing for her horrific taste in men, music, and hair extensions that don’t match.  She says she didn’t come out to apologize.  He needs to be worried about the fact that everyone in the locker room, arena, WWE Universe thinks he’s a… bunch of words here, loser.  Miz asks if they all really think he’s a frog-faced loser, and I disagree. :3  Anyway…  Miz says that the Packers aren’t going to the SuperBowl, so they’re all losers as well.  As for Eve, Miz finds it amusing that the Superstars sent out a Diva to insult him.  Eve says that she knows what he’s going to say and he’s quite possibly the furthest thing from awesome she’s ever seen, and he’s ugly.  Riley says for her to shut the front door.  Riley says that he doesn’t speak Gucci, but the reason the rest of the RAW team isn’t out there is because they’re all tip-toeing their way toward unemployment, and the Miz could have beat any of those slackers by himself.  So, why doesn’t Eve take that little switch in her walk back to the back and find out if anyone in the team wants to take a piece out of the captain.

    Truth comes out, thus ruining a few nights on Twitter.  I wish he’d stop rapping though, I really would…  God, I almost miss him screaming ‘What’s Up?’ at me… and yes, Cole, Santino’s singing was better.

    Truth says slackers was a bit harsh.  Anybody wanna piece of Miz?  Truth would like to have a piece of Mr. Kermit.  Don’t get mad because what Eve said is the truth, and they all know the truth hurts.  As a matter of fact, he doesn’t have a problem showing Miz that the truth hurts.  God, this is corny.

    “Ding ding ding.”

    The Miz vs R-Truth

    Miz misses a clothesline, and Truth takes advantage, knocking Miz out of the ring.


    @WWEsAngel_Nef Is it just m or is Eve channeling some serious Dixie Carter right now? #WWE

    @dasharpshooters: The Miz should Choke that bitch. STFU EVE! #wwe #raw

    @StrikerSays For a minute, though, I was REALLY hoping for an intergender match.

    @kickoutblog All those pansies in the Raw locker room had to send a woman to trash talk Captain Awesome.

    @inkincisions LMFAO. Alex Riley. OMG. This segment has made my night. “OH YOU FANCY HUH!?”

    @CawCawBang get back in the kitchen woman

    @divadirt Miz says Eve should be sorry for her ‘extensions that don’t quite match’. You got served! #WWE

    @TKeep123 I love Eve and she’s a trained dancer, model, cheerleader, etc, but when she dances to Truth’s rap…it’s just sooo bad. #WWE #RAW

    Miz has Truth in a headlock as we return, getting momentum back with a big boot to the head.  Truth goes for a roll-up, but Miz kicks out at two, and then pummels Truth’s head.  Miz goes for a cover, but Truth kicks out.  Miz gets advantage again, but Truth fights back, countering in mid-air and going for a cover, but Miz kicks out.  Miz gets Truth in the corner and beats on him until the ref pulls him away.  Miz then hits the swinging corner clothesline and goes for a cover again, only for Truth to kick out again.  Miz gets him to his feet and then puts him on the top turnbuckle.  Miz tries for a suplex, but Truth holds steady and knocks Miz off.  Miz runs into Truth’s foot, and Truth jumps over him, hitting some hard hits on Miz before Miz counters with a kick to the gut.  Truth then hits a vicious clothesline and keeps his momentum going.  Truth goes for a cover, but Miz kicks out at two.  Truth slams his elbow into Miz and ducks under a clothesline, hitting some weird move on Miz, and going for a cover.  Miz kicks out at two, and Miz is outside on the apron.  Truth knocks him right into the announce table.  Truth then shoves Miz into the ring, and Riley shoves Truth into the apron.  Eve walks over and slaps Riley.  In the ring, Miz goes to suplex Truth, but Truth manages to get on his face.  Truth then takes Riley out outside the ring, and goes for a cover, but Miz kicks out at two.  Truth tries to hit Lie Detector, but Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale.

    The Miz wins via pinfall.

    Miz blows Eve a kiss after the match, getting some attitude back, of course.

    Still to come, Cena takes on Orton.


    @KeepItFiveStar That’s R-Truth’s signature move, looking up a the lights, flatback.

    Tonight’s guest star is Toby Keith, and he happens to be the special guest referee for the next match.  The Bellas need to learn how to dance to country music.  Seriously… and get off him, you whores.  He’s too important to get herpes from you two.

    Honestly… I’m a fan of Toby Keith (born and raised listening to him), but I don’t know what he’s saying, to be honest.

    It’s a shameful thing, lobster head…

    Sheamus vs Santino Marella

    I love Santino.  He just poked his head out from behind the lights there.  Santino seems reluctant, but Toby Keith works on getting him in the ring.  Santino managed to get one quick shot in before Sheamus decided to massacre him for his mistake.  Sheamus went for the Brogue Kick, and Santino literally just flops onto his butt.  John Morrison runs out and tells the ref something, falling on his butt again when Sheamus goes for another Brogue Kick.  Sheamus went for another Brogue Kick, but ended up getting his feet all caught up in the ropes, and Santino capitalizes with a pin.  He and John Morrison flee up the ring.

    Santino Marella wins via miracle pinfall.


    @KeepItFiveStar Toby Keith told Santino that Sheamus is no longer Triple H’s gym buddy.

    @TKeep123 Toby Keith can’t keep his eyes open? OH, that’s right, protecting them from the Sheamus glow! #WWE #RAW

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: Stand Up For WWE.>

    More video packages, less wrestling.  Totally makes sense.

    Gabriel and Slater take pride in their title win.  Otunga, on the other hand, wants to talk to Barrett and looks pretty pissed.  Otunga asks why he had to go through that.  Barrett says that he’s sorry he feels that way.  Otunga says that since he couldn’t win last night, Barrett made him lay down.  Otunga says that he may be a little pissed and may decide to tell everyone why they really attacked Taker last night.  McGuillicutty and Harris come in wearing Nexus shirts, and Barrett says that they’re members, and while he understands Otunga’s frustrations, Otunga is either Nexus or against us, and he needs to make that choice right now.  Otunga glares at them all, and then says he’s Nexus.  Barrett says he’s pleased about that and for Otunga to keep up the excellent work.  I wonder where they found enough fab- okay, no fat jokes.  I’m sorry.

    Next up, Cena vs Orton.


    @KeepItFiveStar “I was in prison watching the WWE because the inmates used to watch the show to get ideas on how to-” – MVP

    @HitTheRopes Hey, Stand Up for WWE ad, I visited China…town! Chinatown, dammit! #wwe

    @kickoutblog Okay, Stand Up for WWE is lame, but this promo is pretty damn cool.

    @ThingsColeSays OK, I actually like this video package. I know it’s got ulterior motives, but it’s different.

    Oh, dear God… Next week, Pee Wee Herman is the guest host… I may avoid RAW next week… He makes me twitchy.


    John Cena vs WWE Champion Randy Orton

    Cena and Orton part seven million and forty-five starts now! … I love all their matches though, I’ll be honest.

    Orton and Cena lock up, Cena getting Orton in a headlock, but Orton fights out of it and takes Cena down with a hard shoulder.  Cena ducks a blow from Orton and gets him in another head lock.  Cena gets out, but Cena hits a hard shoulder knockdown on Orton.  They lock up yet again, but Cena backs Orton into a corner, then they run across the ring, and Orton counters Cena’s usual bulldog, hurling Cena across the ring.  Orton gets the momentum and holds onto it, sparing Barrett a glance before focusing back on Cena.  Cena launches himself at Orton, but Orton drops onto the mat and ducks under it, sending Cena right out of the ring.  Barrett sneaks up on Orton from behind, but Orton catches him, and hits him, sending him scampering backward.


    @Niki_Sushi @RandyOrton , why do you look like you were sculpted to make the Greek’s jealous?

    @KeepItFiveStar Wade Barrett is doing the Smackdown vs RAW Manager bit. Just walk out while the person does their entrance.

    We come back to Orton holding the momentum still, Cena fighting out of his headlock.  Cena pulls Orton onto his shoulders, but Orton plants Cena face-first onto the mat first.  Orton goes for a cover, but Cena powers out at two.  Orton hits Cena with some hard hits to the face.  Orton flings Cena into the corner, and Cena lifts his boot.  Cena then hits a series of shoulder blocks on Orton and then drops him to the ground, calling for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, giving the You Can’t See Me to Barrett, before hitting it on Orton.  Cena attempts the Attitude Adjustment, Orton attempts RKO, Cena attempts STF, and Orton hits a scoop slam.  There was stuff in between, but it was moving fast.  Orton glances at Barrett, and Orton pulls Cena into the ring, but Cena avoids the DDT and plants Orton outside the ring.  Barrett goes to help, but Cena shoves him head over heels away from Orton.  Orton and Cena exchange blows outside the ring, and then Cena throws Orton into the ring.  Cena climbs onto the top turnbuckle and hits a leg drop on Orton.  Cena goes for a cover, but Orton kicks out at two.  Orton gets up, Cena attempts the Attitude Adjustment, and Orton wiggles free.  Orton gets back into the ring and Cena locks in the STF.  Orton is inching toward the ropes, but Barrett pulls the rope back, and Cena gets up in his face.  They argue whether Cena should listen to Barrett or win the match.  Cena gets back in the ring, and Orton hits a drop kick on him.  Orton then hits his DDT on Cena, dropping to the mat and pounding in preparation for the RKO.  Cena inches up to his feet, Orton watches him closely, and misses the RKO.  Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment instead and Orton manages to kick out at two.  Cena gets Orton back up, but Orton hits an RKO on Cena, who rolled out of the ring.  Orton rolls out of the ring to Cena and pulls him up and shoves him back into the ring, rolling back in himself.  Orton gets to his feet and backs into a corner, but Barrett pulls Cena out and clotheslines Cena.

    Jon Cena wins via disqualification.

    Randy attacks Barrett from behind after the disqualification.  Nexus runs to the ring and starts to take Orton out.  Cena, on the other hand, fights Nexus back, and Barrett yells at them all to stop, and tells Nexus to get out of the ring.  Barrett tells Cena well done, and that he gets to choose the special guest referee for his match with Orton at Survivor Series.  His ref will be Cena.  Barrett says that Cena will be an impartial referee, but if Barrett doesn’t win the championship at Survivor Series, he’ll fire Cena on the spot.  When Barrett wins the WWE Championship, Cena will be relieved of any and all responsibilities to the Nexus.  Cena looks like he can’t believe it, Orton looks pissed, and Cole poetically says that Orton is screwed.  Way to take the words out of my mouth, Cole.  Way to go.

    What will Cena do?  What will Orton do?  WHAT WILL I DO?! There’s RAW.  Til next week.

  2. SmackDown 10/22/10


    It’s the go home show before Bragging Rights – Does SmackDown Know the Enemy?  Indeed, it’s RAW, and tonight the Monday Night superstars invade the Blue Brand!  It’s Randy Orton vs. Kane in our Main Event tonight, and the two teams for Bragging Rights kick things off in the ring as Teddy Long presides over them.


  3. RAW 10.18.10


    Sorry about no RAW review last week.  I originally planned to do it on Tuesday, but I completely forgot about a midterm, and real life caught up with me and bitch slapped be across the face.  Anyway, there’s one gonna be up tonight, and that’s all that matters, right?

    Tonight, John Cena will team up with WWE Champion Randy Orton against the men that got him into Nexus in the first place, Michael McGuillicutty and Husky Harris.  How will Nexus feel about this?

    RAW starts with Teddy Long, of all people, coming out.  He says he’s here tonight because he can.  Tonight, he’s going to take over RAW.

    “Get out of my ring.  Get out of my ring, now.  You have no business being here.”

    Teddy interrupts and says that Smackdown vs Raw this Sunday at Bragging Rights, and brings out the Bragging Rights trophy.  Teddy says that the trophy belongs to Smackdown, and they laid the Smackdown on RAW last year.

    “Get out of my ring, or else.”

    Teddy says he’s not threatening him?  He’ll show him, or else.  Teddy climbs out of the ring and he starts arguing with Cole.


    Teddy shoves the mic at Cole and goes up to the podium.  He says that the Smackdown General Manager has an announcement to make.  Right now, the RAW GM is going to be disconnected.  He then introduces the Big Show and the rest of Team Smackdown.  Edge, Alberto del Rio, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger, Tyler Reks, and Rey Mysterio.


    Turns out Team RAW wasn’t too happy about that, and Captain Miz comes out with a laughing Alex Riley.  Miz says this is the team that’s supposed to take over RAW? It looks like Smurf Village next to a power plant.  Miz reminds us that he was the sole RAW superstar to win at Bragging Rights last year, is the team captain this year, and will lead RAW over Team Smackdown.  The trophy and the Bragging Rights that go with it, will go over to the A-Show.  Miz then brings out the rest of Team RAW: CM Punk, John Morrison, Santino Marella, Ezekiel Jackson, and Sheamus.  Miz then tells them to get out of their ring, or they’ll make them get out.

    Team RAW starts walking down to the ring, and then the brawl starts in the ring between the two teams.  While they’re all killing each other, I wanna say that it’s really cool to see Ezekiel Jackson back.  Miz then grabs his team and exits the ring, saving that they need to save it for Sunday.  Show takes a mic and says, don’t go back there and start a ruckus.  He gets it, it’s his ring.  Smackdown will get out of the ring, willingly, if Miz will face Show one-on-one in a Captain vs Captain match.  Miz agrees to it.

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: The Miz becomes captain of Bragging Rights after defeating John Cena in a No DQ match.  Husky Harris and Michael McGuillicutty interfere, costing Cena the match.  Cena attacks them, Barrett interferes, and Cena almost hits him. More Barrett-Cena heat.  The company makes Cena look like he’s losing his damn mind.  Barrett calls Cena a coward, pathetic, and a disgrace.  Barrett then says until next week, “You Can’t See Me.”>

    Still to come, WWE Champion Randy Orton and John Cena take on Husky Harris and Michael McGuillicutty.


    @legendkiller515 will someone please smack the hell outta cole #wwe #raw #bwf

    @CawCawBang Go away Cole you ugly troll

    @Lunna1969: Smurfette! Lmao! W2g Miz #RAW #WWE

    We come back to the Tag Team Champions standing in the ring.

    WWE Tag Team Champions Drew McIntyre and “Dashing” Cody Rhodes vs The Hart Dynasty with Natalya

    Rhodes and Kidd start out, Kidd going for McIntyre before Rhodes plants him and gets the advantage.  Rhodes tags in McIntyre, who dominates Kidd.  McIntyre plants Kidd’s face into the barrier before getting him back in the ring and tagging in Rhodes.  McIntyre drops Kidd onto the ropes and holds him there for Rhodes to kick him in the ribs.  Rhodes then tags back in McIntyre and they throw Kidd into the turnbuckle.  Kidd manages to tag in Smith, who hits a drop kick on McIntyre and gets the momentum back on their side.  He then hits two big kicks on Rhodes and McIntyre.  He goes for a cover on McIntyre, but he kicks out at two.  Smith hits a running power slam and goes for a cover, but Rhodes breaks it up.  Rhodes goes to attack Smith, but Kidd attacks him.  They set up for the Hart Attack, but Smith decides to attempt a Sharpshooter last minute.  Smith gets distracted by Kidd and McIntyre hits the Future Shock DDT for the win.

    WWE Tag Team Champions Drew McIntyre and Dashing Cody Rhodes win via pinfall.

    Natalya proceeds to yell at David Hart Smith about how they’re a team.

    Backstage, Cena’s thoughtful and Randy Orton walks up.  He says that they should lay all the cards on the table.  He can tell that Cena being a part of Nexus is eating him up, but he doesn’t think that it would stop him from helping Barrett take the WWE Championship away from him.  So, if Cena helps, Orton won’t have any problem punting him in the skull.  Cena says that if he even tries, Cena will break that leg off.


    @kickoutblog We need Bret to fix these… broken Harts. YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!

    @HitTheRopes Look, Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre are offering their 2 cents…. Get it? 2 cents. (tag titles look like 2 pennies) #rimshot #wwe

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: R-Truth’s new theme song. I’m still not sure these lyrics are PG-13.>

    Goldust with Aksana vs. Zack Ryder

    Damn. I hate that they won’t play Ryder’s theme song.  I jam out to it when they play it.  Anyway.

    Ted DiBiase and Maryse make their way out to the stage to watch the match as Ryder gets an early advantage over Goldust, which Goldust gets back by slapping Zack in the face.  Goldust hits the final cut, and the match is over.

    Goldust wins via pinfall.

    Ted DiBiase makes his way to the ring and attacks Goldust from behind.  Maryse went to grab the Million Dollar Belt, but Aksana got it.  Maryse then chases Maryse out of the ring to try to get the belt back.  Goldust gets up in the ring and hits the Final Cut on DiBiase too.  I admit, I’m loving the weird Goldust’s return.

    Still to come, Smackdown vs RAW starts early as the Big Show takes on The Miz.


    @kickoutblog I kinda wish they would’ve done that video like those old Disney sing-a-longs with a bouncing R-Truth thread.

    @WWEsAngel_Nef Bwahahahahahahahaha <—-My reaction to R-Truth’s video package. #WWE

    @HitTheRopes Maryse and Aksana face to face. It’s as if Maryse was looking in a mirror…. a mirror that is worn, dusty, and doesn’t show sexy #wwe

    Barrett is standing with Nexus and Cena walks in.  Barrett says that he wants Cena to test Harris and McGuillicutty, to see if they’re good enough to join the Nexus.  Cena said that Barrett just told him to go out there and give it everything he’s got, and those are his orders?  He asks what the catch is, and Barrett says that there’s no catch: tonight he has the opportunity to show the WWE Universe the Cena they know and love, then orders him to get him a glass of water.

    The kid from Role Models and the new Knucklehead movie, Bobbie Thompson, is playing Smackdown vs RAW with Show vs Miz, and Show wins.  Miz then picks him up and to tell him that Miz has a surprise for him.  Show then takes Bobbie, and puts him down.  Bobbie then says that Show has to knock Miz out for him.

    Cena comes back with a glass of water and hands it to Barrett, who says it wasn’t difficult.  Barrett wants Cena to know that he’s really enjoying it, then splashes the water in Cena’s face.


    @kickoutblog Miz is assaulting children now? #favoritewrestlerever

    @FrankWWEClown Heath Slater, stop smirking, you little creep. #WWE #RAW

    @CawCawBang When did little chris rock come in?

    <VIDEO PACKAGE: Harris and McGuillicutty cost Cena the Team RAW Captain match.>


    John Cena and WWE Champion Randy Orton vs Michael McGuillicutty and Husky Harris

    Is it just me, or does Husky look like a pedobear remake? Hmm…

    Nexus come up to the stage to watch the match.  Cena and McGuillicutty start, and Cena starts unleashing on McGuillicutty.  Cena hurls McGuillicutty around the ring before throwing McGuillicutty after a vicious looking fisherman suplex.


    @redsandman99 I think it should be illegal for Husky Harris to not wear a shirt

    @kickoutblog Should be interesting to see what Husky & Imperfect can do when they don’t have to carry a keg.

    Now Randy and McGuillicutty are in the ring, and McGuillicutty kicks out of a cover as Orton tags in Cena.  Cena hits McGuillicutty, then goes to take Harris off the apron, then running into a dropkick.  Harris gets his chance at retribution and beats up on Cena in the corner.  Harris goes for a cover, and Cena kicks out.  Harris tags in McGuillicutty who beats up on Cena and goes for a cover, only for Cena to kick out.  Harris tags himself in and seems to get stuck for a minute between the ropes, throwing himself into Cena’s face.  He goes for a cover, and Cena kicks out.  Harris has Cena in the middle of the ring in a headlock, but Cena fights to his feet before Harris puts his knee in Cena’s spine.  Cena’s flat on the ring floor, but rolls out of the way before Harris squishes him flatter than a pancake hits him.  Orton gets in the ring with McGuillicutty and hits a scoop slam.  McGuillicutty rolled out to the apron, hoping it would save him, and Orton pulls him between the top and middle rope before hitting the DDT.  He points to Barrett, getting ready for the RKO, pushing Harris into Cena for an Attitude Adjustment.  Orton then hits the RKO on McGuillicutty and pins him for the win.

    WWE Champion Randy Orton and John Cena win via pinfall.

    Cena seems content that he, for once, was able to fight in his own way and won, again.  He offers Orton a hand, but Barrett tells him to hold it right there, and tells him not to shake Orton’s hand, and then tells him to get out of the ring, and it’s an order.  Cena looks at Orton for a minute, then climbs out of the ring.  Barrett says that Cena has the best spot in the house to witness the demise of the Viper, as Nexus surrounds the ring.  Orton looks at Cena and then hits Barrett before throwing Slater out of the ring and then is ambushed by Nexus outside the ring.  Nexus gets Orton back in the ring, but Orton manages to fight back for a minute before getting overwhelmed again.  The crowd is cheering for Cena, but he hasn’t moved.  Slater hits his finisher, for the first time since NXT, then Otunga does, then Gabriel.  Barrett tells Cena to get in the ring, and Cena does so.  Barrett says that he wants Cena to give Orton an Attitude Adjustment, and Cena says that that’s enough.  Barrett says do it, or Cena’s fired.  Cena gets Randy up to his feet, then on his shoulders.  Barrett then tells Cena to give Randy to him.  Barrett then hits the Wasteland on Orton.  Cena walks out of the ring and starts walking up the ramp, shaking his head.


    @kickoutblog Even better joke: Husky Harris is only heavier because he’s being weighed on the metric system. #Canada

    @HitTheRopes Slater and Otunga need to go back to the lab and come up with a better finishing move. #wwe

    Vickie comes out, just when everyone thought that it couldn’t get worse, but guess what!  This is RAW!!  Vickie says that she is happy to take credit for the Smackdown superstars appearing on RAW tonight, and there is one special superstar who has a special twinkle in his eyes, because his eyes are only on her: The Intercontinental Champion, Dolph Ziggler.

    Dolph says that people confuse his cockiness when it’s really just confidence.  He can’t blame them, he’s got it all: The looks, the shredded physique, gorgeous head of hair, and that’s not the best part.  The most beautiful, intelligent woman on the face of this earth is with him.  She’s the ray of sunshine when his skies are gray, she makes his heart go pitter-patter—

    Daniel Bryan interrupts and says that he may not be a lady’s man (to which Dolph replies with, “I noticed”), and says that even he could do better than Vickie.  Bryan says that he doesn’t have the movie star looks, peroxide infested hair, but he does have the ability to capitalize on any mistake in that ring, and the ability to make Dolph tap out.  So, he proposes the United States Champion vs the Intercontinental Champion at Bragging Rights.  Vickie seems to be encouraging this.  Dolph says that he accepts, but why wait until Sunday?  Why don’t they do this right- and then slaps Bryan.  Dolph then steps behind Vickie, who steps in front of Dolph.  Bryan then side-steps Vickie and tackles Dolph, preventing him from leaving.  Bryan then locks in the LaBell Lock, making Dolph tap.  Then, the Divas randomly come out and make their way into the ring with Vickie.  The Divas surround Vickie and tell her to leave the ring.  Gail throws a bucket of glitter at her, then Eve pours it on her.  The Divas then seem to be paying way too much attention to Daniel, and they all start to dance with him… and it’s painful.

    Anyway, hopefully Captain vs Captain can save RAW… because my head is already spinning.


    @bethsharae Oh no! Not glitter!!! #WWE #Raw I guess I should scream all the time at crafts time.

    @TKeep123 How can Dolph say this crap with a straight face? (Better check the Wellness policy again!) #WWE #RAW #BWF

    @kickoutblog Vickie Guerrero is amazing, why does she need that many zippers? Because fuck you, that’s why!

    @Niki_Sushi I don’t know which is more obnoxious – ‘EXCUSE ME!’ or ‘AND I QUOTE!’… #BWF #RAW

    @HitTheRopes: Oh, @WWEDanielBryan, in wrestling you might be best in the world…. at dancing, not so much. LOL

    Natalya vs Alicia Fox

    Let’s see how short this match is! I’m going to time it!

    Alicia slaps Nat a few good times and then tries to shout out to Calgary.  Natalya then throws Alicia into the turnbuckle, twice, and then throws her across the ring.  Nat tries to go for the Sharpshooter, but Alicia grabs the ropes.  Natalya pulls her back, and locks in the Sharpshooter, making Alicia tap.

    Natalya wins via submission.

    LayCool interferes and says it’s a beautiful moment in a NOT beautiful hometown.  LayCool says they would love Canada, but it’s so cold and they have watered down beer, and they say ‘eh’ all the time.  And they see Harts everywhere.  They say the Harts don’t belong in the Hall of Fame, but in the loony bin.  LayCool then starts to go into the ring, but Natalya’s ready.  Nat gets Layla, but Michelle comes in.  Michelle then puts Natalya in the Sharpshooter, Layla takes a picture, and Natalya counters.  Lay tries to help Michelle, and nearly gets put in the Sharpshooter herself. LayCool runs off.

    Oh, overall Diva MATCH time, about a minute and fifteen seconds.

    <VIDEO PACAKGE: CM Punk debuts on RAW again and Evan Bourne is out due to injury.>

    Teddy, Show, and Hornswoggle are talking backstage, and Josh Matthews says that it’s rather brazen of them to show up on RAW with Team Smackdown.  Hornswoggle grabs a Team Smackdown flag and the entire Smackdown Roster starts heading out.


    @kickoutblog If I were The Undertaker and had to listen Michelle McCool talk all the time, I’d want to be buried alive too

    @CawCawBang Nattie don’t play along with Laycool’s bullshit

    @bethsharae Alicia is gonna throw a hip out if she swings them any harder. #WWE #Raw

    @WWEsAngel_Nef God I hate Alicia Fox’s walk. I can’t stand it. She’s gonna break a freaking hip. #WWE

    So, the longest part of this show is the Stand Up For WWE video package.  So… Yeah.

    Oh, we’re back.  Cena’s walking away and Barrett stops him, saying he’s not finished with him or Orton yet.  There we go.  Next up, Team RAW’s captain The Miz will take on Team Smackdown’s captain, The Big Show… and all of Smackdown?


    @Niki_Sushi So.. I’m loving this video. Because it’s showing where the WWE goes, and not just on land and the airwaves. They reach hearts-who else does?

    @CawCawBang I’m so happy and proud to be a WWE fan

    @kickoutblog And “Do you smell what Barack is cookin?” is still amazing. #TheRockObama

    @WWEsAngel_Nef LOL God Vince McMahon is good at what he does. Way to do some quick damage control. Nice video package. #WWE

    We’re finally going to introduce the guest star, Bobbie J Thompson.  Sweet.  He says he loves the boos and to keep them coming.  He says that he’s there to introduce the man who’s going to leave Team Smackdown to a victory over Team RAW: The Big Show.  No, but seriously.  Where’s the muzzle on that kid?

    Show comes out with Hornswoggle behind him, waving the flag, and Team Smackdown follows him out.  Actually, all of Smackdown follows him out.

    Miz comes out, but tells Alex Riley to stay behind and walks down to the ring alone.  He pauses though, grinning and motioning for everyone else to come out.  Team RAW comes out, followed by the RAW roster.

    The Big Show vs The Miz

    Show closes in on Miz, rips his shirt, and slaps his chest.  Show continues to rip up the RAW shirt and slaps his chest again.  Show then Irish Whips Miz into a corner, and Show throws him out of the ring.  Smackdown closes in, and RAW starts to close in too.  Show attacks RAW, and when Smackdown comes in, Show rolls in the ring.

    Teddy Long comes out and says that since Bragging Rights is only six days away and everyone from both rosters is out there, he says that they have themselves a Smackdown vs RAW battle royal, and they’re going to do it right now.

    Now, I hate reviewing battle royals.  So, I hope you watched RAW to figure out what happens, because I’m only going to tell you the winner.


    @TKeep123 Ok, I’m old, but the Red and Blue is reminding me of “Rock’em Sock’em Robots!” #WWE #RAW #BWF

    Hornswoggle beats Cole up and takes his spot as an announcer, and no one knows what the fuck is going on in the ring.  I can’t tell you what’s going on, but Swagger loses his mind and puts Edge in an ankle lock.  Toward the end here, a bunch of RAW guys got eliminated and Smackdown is doing a good job holding their own.  The last Smackdown guy ends up as The Big Show against Sheamus, Bryan, Jackson, and Miz.  Down goes Bryan, then Jackson.  Miz and Sheamus work together to get Show over the top rope, and no one remembered Edge wasn’t technically eliminated.  So, Edge and Show are the only two left in the ring.

    Team Smackdown wins.

    Nexus is watching backstage, and Barrett says that all of them, and Cena, are going to witness what’s going to happen Sunday when he’s crowned WWE Champion.  Barrett tells Cena to raise his hand as a token of victory.  Cena shoves Slater and Gabriel out of the way and raises Barrett’s hand before walking away.

    And that’s all she wrote, folks.  Daniel Bryan dancing is burned behind my retina, so I’m going to go watch… something to get the image out of my head.  Good night.

  4. Smackdown 8/20/10: Del Rio Should Have a Personal Referee Too…


    Hey hey!

    It’s that time of the week where your foolish smark “G” or “Gee,” if you will, suffers through the sinking ship that is Smackdown. Sinking, you say? Yes, the ratings are slumping. The so-called Smackdown Six format is long gone and we’ve been left with a ridiculously worsening product for some time now… so let’s get to it, shall we?

  5. Power Poll 8/18/10: He’s Unstoppable

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    “Some of you aren’t going to be thrilled about who is at the top of the rankings this week (at least as much as you might be emotionally involved in the results of the Power Poll). “ – Jason Mann, WrestlePerspective

    1. John Cena (2)

    By comparison, I ranked Cena 6th on my Power Poll ballot, and oddly enough he was still the top WWE guy on there.  But, apparently, The Nexus is a bigger threat to the WWE than I thought, and Cena defeating them at SummerSlam and then defeating Darren Young and having him exiled from the group is enough to put him at the top of this week’s rankings.

    2. Kane (6)

    By virtue of his win over Rey Mysterio at SummerSlam, I ranked Kane number 10 on my ballot.  He makes number two overall this week, however, after a surprisingly clean win at SummerSlam and easy dominance over his brother following the match.

    3. Randy Orton (5)

    The Viper earned a win in his WWE Championship match at SummerSlam, but since it was by disqualification, he didn’t earn the title.  An impressive showing against Justin Gabriel of The Nexus on RAW before being distracted into a countout loss by Sheamus helps Orton climb the ranks.  (My vote:  N/A)

    4. The Miz (1)

    The United States Champion was snubbed by Team WWE at SummerSlam in favor of his former NXT rookie Daniel Bryan, but that doesn’t take the Miz down too far this week, since he caused Bryan to be eliminated, then cost him a match against Michael Tarver of The Nexus the following night along with current NXT rookie Alex Riley.  (My vote:  N/A)

    5. Daniel Bryan (NR)

    In his surprise return at SummerSlam, Daniel Bryan single handedly eliminated at least two members of The Nexus before being taken out by his former mentor The Miz and his Money In The Bank briefcase.  The following night, he impressed against Michael Tarver, but once again the United States Champion stopped him from attaining victory.  (My vote:  7)

    6. Sheamus (4)

    The WWE Champion drops in the rankings again after failing to earn a victory over Randy Orton at SummerSlam.  Eating an RKO on RAW doesn’t help stop him from falling either.  (My vote:  N/A)

    7. Alex Shelley (NR)

    Despite the entire top 5 of my ballot being TNA wrestlers, Alex Shelley is the first representative of that company to appear on the official Power Poll for this week.  If you’re going to pick a top guy for TNA, this is one of the four men that deserve that honor after the impressive match in which the Motor City Machine Guns retained the TNA Tag Team Championships on the Whole F’N Show.  (My vote:  3)

    8. Chris Sabin (NR)

    See Shelley, Alex.  (My vote:  2)

    9. Wade Barrett (NR)

    The Leader of The Nexus was the last member of team to be eliminated at SummerSlam, and he redeemed himself enough to gain a spot in this week’s Power Poll by defeating Chris Jericho cleanly on RAW.  (My vote:  N/A)

    10. Rob Van Dam (3)

    The TNA World Champion, what’s left of him anyway, earns the last spot on this week’s Power Poll after an impressive showing against Abyss in a Stairway to Janice match on The Whole F’N Show.  (My vote:  5)

    I also voted for: James Storm (1), Robert Roode (4), Abyss (8), and The Undertaker (9).
    The Power Poll is a weekly top 10 ranking of wrestlers as voted by members of these sites: BoredWrestlingFan.comHit the Ropes,NoVaWPodcastOh My WrestleBlogOnline World of WrestlingPIZZABODYSLAM, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Project Wonderboy,Ringside Rants, The Superplex, The Wrestling Blog, WrestlingAdikt.com, WrestleRage.com and Wrestlespective. If you have a wrestling site and are interested in becoming a voter, e-mail wrestlespective (at) gmail.com.

  6. Power Poll 8/11/10: Better late than never


    Power Poll 8/11/10: Better late than never edition

    1. The Miz (5)

    The United States Champion nearly took Evan Bourne’s head off, then convinced John Cena and Bret Hart to tell him that they need him.  Mr. Money In The Bank returns to the number one slot on the Power Poll because he’s The Miz, and he’s AWESOME!

    2. John Cena (4)

    John Cena managed to even out the playing field with The Nexus this week with the return of Edge and Chris Jericho to Team WWE.

    3. Rob Van Dam (8)

    Mr. Pay Per View proved it in a hell of a match with longtime ECW rival Sabu at HardCORE Justice.  Rob Van Dam carries the TNA World Heavyweight Championship back up the rankings with him this week.

    4. Sheamus (3)

    The Fellabration continues, although the WWE Champion slips to number 4 in this week’s Power Poll after being shown up by Randy Orton.  Destroying the NXT Rookies probably prevented him from slipping further.

    5. Randy Orton (1)

    Meanwhile, the number one contender drops from the number one spot in our poll.  Running Sheamus off doesn’t help The Viper stay at the top.

    6. Kane (2)

    The lowest ranked World Champion this week is the WWE World Heavyweight Champion Kane.  Does Rey Mysterio’s accusation that Kane is behind The Undertaker’s attack have anything to do with The Big Red Monster’s dramatic drop this week?

    7. Rey Mysterio (7)

    Rey Mysterio may or may not be behind the attack on The Undertaker, but one thing’s for sure, he’s behind number 7 for a second straight week here in the Power Poll.

    8. Chris Jericho (6)

    After a run-in with The Nexus during RAW’s main event, Chris Jericho re-joined Team WWE.  He also dropped two spots in the Power Poll.   I’d say you’re either Nexus or you’re against us, but I don’t see Wade Barrett and Co. anywhere on this list.

    9. Dolph Ziggler (NR)

    To further prove that all you have to do to get yourself on the Power Poll is win a championship, Dolph Ziggler won the Intercontinental Championship on Friday Night, now finding himself ranked at number 9.

    10. Edge (NR)

    Returning to the list this week is another man who re-joined Team WWE after a brawl with The Nexus, The Rated R Superstar, Edge.

    The Power Poll is a weekly top 10 ranking of wrestlers as voted by members of these sites: BoredWrestlingFan.comHit the Ropes,NoVaWPodcastOnline World of WrestlingPIZZABODYSLAM, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Project Wonderboy, Ringside Rants, The Superplex, The Wrestling Blog, WrestlingAdikt.com, WrestleRage.com and Wrestlespective. If you have a wrestling site and are interested in becoming a voter, e-mail wrestlespective (at) gmail.com.

  7. Power Poll 8/4/10: O, here he comes.

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    I missed the deadline to submit this week, but I’ll still give my insight into the rankings, since they don’t vary too drastically from what I submitted.

    The No. 1 contender for the WWE Championship has ridden a wave of recent success to become No. 1 in the Power Poll as well.

    1. Randy Orton (2)

    Orton’s first face turn didn’t go over too well, but this time around the fans love him, and so do the voters in the Power Poll, as the number one contender to the WWE Championship at Summerslam overtakes the number one spot this week.

    2. Kane (4)

    The World Heavyweight Champion follows Orton in climbing up the charts via a cool promo to kick off SmackDown, and a chokeslam into the Gulf of Mexico on Rey Mysterio to end the show.

    3. Sheamus (3)

    The WWE Champion stays put on our charts after defeating an old nemesis in Goldust this week on RAW.

    4. John Cena (7)

    The leader of Team WWE at SummerSlam can’t manage to hold his team together, but he’s managed to climb up the charts with a victory over now former teammate Chris Jericho on RAW.

    5. The Miz (1)

    With a loss to Randy Orton and no attempt to cash in his Money In The Bank briefcase this week, The Miz drops four spots to number five.

    6. Chris Jericho (8)

    Despite a bizarre loss to John Cena on RAW, tapping out before Cena could even get his STF locked in, Chris Jericho manages to climb the rankings of the Power Poll.

    7. Rey Mysterio (5)

    Kane must have gotten lonely being the only non-RAW wrestler so far on the chart, but that changes with the addition of Rey Mysterio at number 7.  Tossing Jack Swagger into the Gulf of Mexico helps Rey stay afloat in the top 10.

    8. Rob Van Dam (6)

    The TNA World Champion saved Eric Bischoff’s hide from Abyss’s girl Janice, and that saves him from disappearing from the Power Poll.

    9. Wade Barrett (10)

    Barrett held his own in a match with Edge, even avoiding a Spear attempt before trying to sick the Nexus on his opponent to no avail.

    10. C.M. Punk (NR)

    The Straight Edge Savior reveals that his arm is just fine before attempting to destroy the right hand of The Big Show on SmackDown, and that catapults him into the Power Poll.

    The Power Poll is a weekly top 10 ranking of wrestlers as voted by members of these sites: BoredWrestlingFan.com, Hit the Ropes,NoVaWPodcastOnline World of WrestlingPIZZABODYSLAM, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Project Wonderboy, Ringside Rants, The Superplex, The Wrestling Blog, WrestlingAdikt.com, WrestleRage.com and Wrestlespective. If you have a wrestling site and are interested in becoming a voter, e-mail wrestlespective (at) gmail.com.

  8. Smackdown: 07/30/10 Animated Gif Overdose

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    Friday night suffering time folks!! Plenty of animated gifs, and a couple videos for y’all too? Here we go:

    We kick things off with Kane in the ring, and he is cutting another one of these highly produced, live promos. These are fantastically edited, considering they are done live-to-tape. Undertaker woke up briefly and said two words to his brother…. the name of his assailant. Kane tells us it was…