Tag Archive: Rey Mysterio

  1. Power Poll 7/28/10: Awesome feat

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    Power Poll 7/28/10

    Well, I ignored iMPACT, slept through SmackDown, and wrote off RAW, so I guess that makes me perfectly qualified to vote in this week’s Power Poll.  We have a new number one this week, and he is….

    1. The Miz (3)

    He may still have his Money In The Bank briefcase despite another attempt to cash it in, but The Miz impressed voters enough this week to catapult himself up two spots to number one – because he’s The Miz, and he’s AWESOME!  (My vote:  5)

    2. Randy Orton (4)

    A take no prisoners week for the WWE’s Apex Predator, Orton defeated Jey Uso, RKO’d Sheamus, and then for good measure RKO’d The Miz as well.  (My vote:  1)

    3. Sheamus (2)

    The WWE Champion caught an RKO earlier on in the night, but picked up a tag team victory later in the night when his reluctant partner The Miz pinned John Cena.  (My vote:  3)

    4. Kane (1)

    After RAW dominates the top three, SmackDown’s World Heavyweight Champion, Kane, takes his place on the Power Poll at number four.  A promo to kick off the show and a no-sell of a Mysterio 619 keeps the Big Red World Champion from dropping any further.  (My vote:  4)

    5. Rey Mysterio (8)

    Speaking of Mysterio, he climbs up the Power Poll after a victory over Jack Swagger in a two out of three falls match to become the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam.  (My vote:  NR)

    6. Rob Van Dam (5)

    Despite not doing anything of note (seriously – he’s not even mentioned in Drow’s iMPACT review), Rob Van Dam only drops one spot, and is in fact the only member of the TNA roster to be featured in this week’s poll.  (My vote:  2)

    7. John Cena (6)

    Cena has been strong on the mic the last few weeks, including his show opening promo with Chris Jericho this week on RAW.  Had Jericho not hit him with the Codebreaker and cost him their tag match, the former WWE Champion’s ranking would likely be much higher.  (My vote:  6)

    8. Chris Jericho (10)

    Chris Jericho continues to climb the ranks of the Power Poll this week, having been an awesome foil to John Cena in both the opening segment and the closing matchup of RAW.  (My vote:  7)

    9. Big Show (NR)

    Having fun at the expense of the Straight Edge Society, Big Show unmasked Joey Mercury, and unmasks his ability to be a top 10 player in sports entertainment after a couple weeks off the Poll.  (My vote:  9)

    10. Wade Barrett (7)

    Evan Bourne is not even half the size of Mark Henry, so slamming him to the canvas is not nearly as impressive a feat.  Barrett makes the top ten on the sheer fact that he’s the leader of The Nexus.  (My vote:  10)

    I also voted for: AJ Styles (8)
    Participating sites: BoredWrestlingFan.com, Hit the Ropes, NoVaWPodcastOnline World of WrestlingPIZZABODYSLAM, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Project Wonderboy, Ringside Rants, The Superplex, The Wrestling Blog, WrestlingAdikt.com,WrestleRage.comWrestlespective

  2. Smackdown 23/06/10: Kane Still Hates You

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    Another week, another Smackdown… hopefully my apartment won’t pretend to burn down again this time? Guess what, the alarm went off early Monday morning as well! Right after drinking my face off at the Calgary Stampede into the wee hours… I live on the top floor of an apartment building, and lucky me, people have been working on repairs all week… it wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t have a night job. So needless to say, I’ve gotten very little sleep this week. Let’s see if Smackdown can keep me awake… (more…)

  3. Smackdown: 07/16/10: G’s Apartment Pretends to Burn Down.



    Hey, it’s Friday night and you know what that means…. choke down ecstasy and dance all night to hard trance music? Well, no… no thanks. It means G suffers through his long shift at work, then comes back and suffers through Smackdown for you. And this is the go home SD before Sunday’s PPV… which I won’t even be stealing since I’ll be getting sloshed at the Calgary Stampede… count on it! (more…)

  4. Power Poll 7/14/10: One of a Kind

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    Power Poll 7/14/10

    1. Rob Van Dam (Last week: NR)

    The TNA World Heavyweight Champion dropped off the Power Poll last week, but is back with a vengeance after a victory over Samoa Joe on iMPACT and retaining his title in the four way at Victory Road.  (My vote:  2)

    2. Randy Orton (3)

    The Viper holds strong this week, climbing to number two despite a loss to Edge.  The reason?  How about the Holy Shit moment of the night from RAW where Orton RKO’d Evan Bourne right out of Air Bourne?  That twitter Trending Topic worthy move definitely boosted Orton’s ranking in the eyes of the voters.  (My vote: 1)

    3. Jack Swagger (5)

    The World Heavyweight Champion and his ruthless aggression continue to shine on Friday Night Smackdown, where this week he dragged Rey Mysterio all across the backstage area in an Ankle Lock, then tried to pull the same on The Big Show before being interrogated by Kane.  (My vote:  3)

    4. Sheamus (1)

    The WWE Champion drops three spots after running from The Nexus on RAW before saving his Money In The Bank challenger John Cena from the group later in the night.  (My vote:  9)

    5. John Cena (2)

    Meanwhile, a decent promo to kick off RAW and a strong showing against the aforementioned Nexus in a 6-on-1 handicap match can’t keep John Cena from also falling three spots.  (My vote:  NR)

    6. The Miz (NR)

    The United States Champion continues RAW’s dominance of this week’s Power Poll after his decimation and humiliation of Mark Henry on Monday Night.  (My vote:  6)

    7. Edge (NR)

    The Rated R Superstar, yet another RAW wrestler, breaks into the Power Poll top 10 with a victory over Randy Orton and a killer promo later in the night.  (My vote:  7)

    8. Kurt Angle (8)

    Kurt Angle may be staying put on the Power Poll rankings, but a victory over The Pope at Victory Road will almost certainly move him up the rankings in TNA.  (My vote:  NR)

    9. Wade Barrett (NR)

    The leader of The Nexus made a huge splash in the first week of the Power Poll, but has just now found his way back.  A great promo to kick off RAW, the Nexus’ subsequent beatdown of several Superstars backstage, and leading the group to victory over John Cena will do that.  (My vote:  NR)

    10. Rey Mysterio (4)

    The World Heavyweight Champion manages to stay on the list, despite his only appearance on SmackDown having been dragged down a hallway by Jack Swagger.  Apparently, being a World Champion is heavily considered by several members of the Power Poll Panel.

    Dropped out: Abyss, Evan Bourne, Jay Lethal, Jeff Hardy

    Also receiving votes: Jay Lethal, Evan Bourne, Jeff Hardy, Abyss, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Abyss, Justin Gabriel, Kofi Kingston, Chris Jericho, Pope D’Angelo Dinero, Doink the Clown, The Nexus, Samoa Joe, Kazarian, A.J. Styles, Percy Watson, Alicia Fox, Maryse, Kaval

    Wrestlers that I voted for who did not make the list include:  A.J. Styles (4), Kazarian (5), Samoa Joe (8), and Doink The Clown (10).

    Participating sites: BoredWrestlingFan.com, Hit the Ropes, Online World of WrestlingPIZZABODYSLAM, Pro Wrestling Ponderings,Project Wonderboy, Ringside Rants, The Superplex, The Wrestling Blog, WrestlingAdikt.com, WrestleRage.comWrestlespective

    The Power Poll is expanding. If you write for a wrestling website or podcast and are interested in being a voter, e-mail wrestlespective(at)gmail.com and include a link to your site.

  5. Power Poll 7/7/10 – All American Dream

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    Hooray for me actually participating this week – it gives me the right to comment on everything myself!  Here goes!

    1. Sheamus (Last week: 1)

    On our facebook page earlier this week, I posted that only one of the three World Champions made my list this week – and this is the guy.  I voted Sheamus number two after a few great promos on RAW.

    2. John Cena (7)

    Another guy that wasn’t bad on the mic this week is John Cena.  I actually missed the end of RAW, and that could contribute to why Cena didn’t make my personal list this week.

    3. Randy Orton (6)

    The Viper did make my ballot this week – I actually picked him sixth.  An impressive showing in the tag match on RAW and a post match RKO on Evan Bourne helped Orton in this week’s poll.

    4. Rey Mysterio (4)

    I didn’t pick Mysterio at all – He’s just another victim of…

    5. Jack Swagger (NR)

    The All American American Jack Swagger.  I’ve been so impressed with Swagger the last couple of weeks that I actually picked him number one this week on my ballot.  It wasn’t enough to put the former World Heavyweight Champion past number 5 on the Power Poll this week, however.

    6. Abyss (5)

    I didn’t vote for Abyss, but I did like the way he handled doing the crazy gimmick on iMPACT this week.  The board with the nails in it may be good for chasing away aliens on “The Simpsons,” but it couldn’t stop Jeff Hardy.

    7. Evan Bourne (NR)

    The high flying Evan Bourne somehow managed to slip under my radar this week, as he wasn’t on my ballot.  All the credit in the world to this kid, he’s been a thorn in Chris Jericho’s side for the last month or so, and is definitely the guy most people, myself included, are looking forward to watching in RAW’s Money In The Bank ladder match.

    8. Kurt Angle (2)

    Angle got enough votes to stay on the Power Poll this week?  A promo with The Pope didn’t do it for me, but apparently it worked for some of the voters.

    9. Jay Lethal (9)

    Lethal has impressed lately, getting a push in the Hogan/Bischoff era of TNA.  A win, albeit tainted, over Matt Morgan this week had me pick Lethal 5th on my list, and let him hang on to #9 overall.

    10. Jeff Hardy (NR)

    The victory over Abyss on iMPACT must have garnered Hardy enough attention from my fellow pollsters to get him into the top 10.  Hardy was impressive in the win, I must admit, but I didn’t vote for him.

    Participating sites: BoredWrestlingFan.comOnline World of Wrestling, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Project Wonderboy, Ringside RantsWrestleRage.comWrestlespective

  6. Smackdown: 06/02/10


    Oh crap, it’s Friday night… and you know what that means. Yep, I work my night job and then come home and suffer through Smackdown so you don’t have to. It’s been a weird Friday already, especially in South Africa as Brazil got upset, and Ghana threw away a certain victory in the World Cup. While no one in North America really cares about that stuff, other than Kofi Kingston who hails from Ghana (for now), let’s just jump into the legitimate sport known as professional wrestling…

  7. Power Poll 6/30/10: Fellabration time

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    Yours truly missed the deadline to submit this week despite reminding myself constantly. Here’s this week’s power poll with comments from Jason Mann of WrestlePerspective!

    1. Sheamus (Last week: 3)
    The WWE champion vaults to the top spot in the Power Poll thanks to his fine, fellariffic promos, his strong win against Mark Henry and his ability to keep his working papers in order.

    2. Kurt Angle (4)
    Angle has moved up the Power Poll rankings much quicker than he has in the TNA top 10 after a win in a stellar match against Desmond Wolfe.

    3. Rob Van Dam (2)
    The TNA champion again did little on Impact, other than be attacked by Abyss, but his strong showings during his title reign have kept him from slipping, yet.

    4. Rey Mysterio (1)
    Mysterio was absent from this week’s Smackdown, presumably still celebrating his World Championship victory, but holding the belt means a lot in these rankings.

    5. Abyss (7)
    The monster continued his reign of terror, beating Ken Anderson in the main event of Impact and wrecking havoc through the show, in preparation for his big feud with Hulk Hogan.

    6. Randy Orton (9)
    Despite reportedly being banged up, Orton managed to pick up a victory over Ted DiBiase in the 8-man “mega” tag match on Raw. Isn’t it funny that Orton is becoming so well known for concealing his injuries, while his father’s gimmick was milking them for all they are worth.

    7. John Cena (5)
    The former champ slides down a bit, but he’ll have a chance to vault up the ranks again in a steel-cage match against Sheamus. That cage should keep those pesky Nexus folks from interfering, I’m sure, because there certainly hasn’t been a cage match in the past 20 years with outside interference.

    8. Chris Jericho (NR)
    Riding high on his network game show, Jericho seems to have reversed his poor fortune of late and finds a spot on the Power Poll.

    9. Jay Lethal (NR)
    No one’s been hotter on Impact over the past few weeks than Lethal, and he makes into the Power Poll with a convincing win over Kazarian.

    10. Ken Anderson (NR)
    Thursday wasn’t his strongest showing, but he’s another TNA character with a strong showing recently and he has a chance to do even better at Victory Road.

    Dropped out: The Miz (6), Evan Bourne (8), Kofi Kingston (10)

    Also receiving votes: The Miz, Kane, Jack Swagger, C.M. Punk, Kofi Kingston, Sting, Matt Hardy, Bryan Danielson, Cody Rhodes, Evan Bourne, Matt Hardy

    Participating sites: BoredWrestlingFan.com, Online World of Wrestling, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Project Wonderboy, Ringside Rants, WrestleRage.com, Wrestlespective

    The Power Poll is a weekly top 10 list ranking men’s singles wrestlers in WWE and TNA voted by wrestling writers. If you are interested in becoming a voter, e-mail wrestlespective(at)gmail.com and include a link to your site.

  8. Smackdown 6/25/10

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    There was a PPV last week, and Smackdown’s new champion is Rey Mysterio… Kane is still hunting for his brother’s attacker… and that’s more or less what will be addressed tonight. Hmm… let’s see if it was worth watching sinec it’s SUFFERING time! CAPSLOCK!!! (Note: This is being edited live, since I mistakenly hit the publish button while drunk and watching…) (more…)

  9. Power Poll 6/23/10: A slew of new faces

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    Alright, I’m up for commenting on the rankings this week.  I haven’t done so the last couple of weeks because I’d been posting these without a lot of time to get in depth.  Here we go!

    1. Rey Mysterio (Last week: 4)

    I ranked Mysterio 9th in my vote.  Yeah, he won the World Heavyweight Championship at Fatal Four Way, but Kane got involved in the match, so I didn’t really find him winning the title to be an impressive feat.  Win a match without outside interference, then we’ll talk.

    2. Rob Van Dam (2)

    RVD was my number one pick, and he wasn’t on TV this week.  The fact that he’s number two overall on this list despite that fact says something about the push he’s gotten in TNA.

    3. Sheamus (NR)

    For the same reason that I ranked Mysterio number 9, I ranked Sheamus number 10.  The NXT rookies destroying all of your opponents and you lucking out to avoid that fate before pinning John Cena, that’s not an impressive victory to me.  Add in that you didn’t do anything impressive the next night in RAW, and I’m not sure how you managed third place this week in the Power Poll.

    4. Kurt Angle (3)

    Without even a mention on iMPACT this week, his win over Kazarian at Slammiversary must have impressed voters enough to allow Angle to stay strong in this week’s poll.

    5. John Cena (1)

    The former WWE Champion drops four spots this week – and he didn’t even make my personal list.  I know John Cena is a big name with a lot of fans, but he didn’t impress me during the voting period.  Maybe next week, Cenation.

    6. The Miz (NR)

    Winning the United States Championship on RAW last week wasn’t enough to put the Miz on the Power Poll, but retaining the title at Fatal Four Way sure did.  Add in the fact that he assaulted Randy Orton on RAW, and The Miz made number four on my personal list.  He definitely impressed the right people, and hopefully we’re seeing the start of a main event push for The Miz.

    7. Abyss (NR)

    Abyss turned on Hulk Hogan this week on iMPACT, after destroying Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam.  This impressed me enough to place him number two on my personal list, and it sends him into the Power Poll this week.

    8. Evan Bourne (NR)

    Number 5 on my personal list, a win over Chris Jericho at Fatal Four Way and an impressive showing the following night on RAW sends Bourne flying into the top ten, hitting number 8.  (My personal rank:  5)

    9. Randy Orton (5)

    Orton impressed despite not winning at Fatal Four Way, and his threat to the NXT rookies (before being speared by Edge) seems to have the Power Poll voters still clinging to Orton in their top ten lists.  (My personal rank: 8)

    10. Kofi Kingston (NR)

    He may have been left lying by Drew McIntyre on SmackDown, but he retained his Intercontinental Championship at Fatal Four Way, which is enough to put Kofi Kingston back into the Power Poll.  (My personal rank: 7)

    Dropped out: Big Show, Jack Swagger, Bryan Danielson, C.M. Punk, Kane

    Also receiving votes:
    Edge, Jack Swagger, C.M. Punk, Big Show, Bryan Danielson, Chris Jericho, Tyler Black, Samoa Joe, Ken Anderson, Jay Lethal, Kane

    Participating sites:
    BoredWrestlingFan.comOnline World of Wrestling, Pro Wrestling Ponderings, Project Wonderboy, Ringside RantsWrestleRage.comWrestlespective

    The Power Poll is a weekly top 10 list ranking men’s singles wrestlers in WWE and TNA voted by wrestling writers. If you are interested becoming a voter, e-mail wrestlespective(at)gmail.com and include a link to your site.

  10. ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts 6/21/10

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    You know, I don’t think I caught an entire wrestling show at all in the past week, not counting last Monday’s RAW.  I had to work Tuesday so I left way before the end of NXT.  My band got our new t-shirts in on Thursday, so I missed a chunk of TNA.  I was dead tired on Friday, so I slept through most of SmackDown.  As for the PPV last night?  Same thing.

    I probably wouldn’t have ordered Fatal Four Way even if I was awake, but I’ve read the results over a few times and I do know one thing – unless Sheamus makes a huge impact on RAW tonight, neither he or Rey Mysterio will be getting much higher than 9th or 10th when I submit my rankings for this week’s Power Poll.  I realize the storylines going on in the main event picture on both shows, but how can you have two World Title matches end in a title change via outside interference in one night?  That’s my opinion, anyway, and we’ll find out if other wrestling writers (including our own G) agree with me on that one or not.

    CZW wrestler Michael “Trent Acid” Verdi was found dead in his Philadelphia home a few days ago.  It’s a very rare occasion that we talk about CZW here, and there’s probably a very good reason for that, but now is not the time for CZW bashing.  I’d seen Trent Acid perform several years ago as part of the Backseat Boys tag team along with Johnny Kashmere, and the kid was very talented.  It’s always sad to lose a member of our wrestling family, and this is no exception.

    Reports are that Batista is set to debut for Strikeforce in the near future.  At age 41, we’ll have to wait and see how well his body can withstand the abuse of being an MMA fighter.

    Lastly, I want to take the time to thank the hard working staff here at BoredWrestlingFan once again for the time and effort they put in to keeping this place running.  From our long running staff members Drowgoddess, JT, Legend Killer, and tharvey1, to our newest members AlyKat and G, we have the best writing team on all of the internet, and I truly believe that.  I’ll see you guys in a day or two with this weeks Power Poll rankings, but for now, stay tuned for AlyKat’s RAW review!