Tag Archive: Sheamus

  1. ThinkSoJoE’s Thoughts: Making WWE better

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    Last night, yours truly was at the First Niagara Center in Buffalo, attending a live broadcast of the flagship show of the biggest wrestling company on the planet – and my wife was falling asleep from boredom.  I’m surprised I wasn’t as well.

    That’s not to say that WWE RAW was bad last night.  At least, not compared to most other weeks.  The problem isn’t that RAW was boring last night.  It’s that RAW is boring every week.

    So how do we fix this?


  2. WWE RAW 5/26/14 – RAW is Memorial Day

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    First things first.  Happy Memorial Day, and a thank you to those who have made that ultimate sacrifice to allow guys like me to sit here and talk about whatever the hell they want to on the internet.  Second, happy 3rd Anniversary to my beautiful wife, Mrs. ThinkSoJoE.  Third, happy birthday to my friend and BWF Radio co-host Mark Noyce.  Now that the formalities are out of the way, let’s get this 3 hour show out of the way.  This is one of those “I don’t feel like watching this show” nights.  So we’re going to skip through it and give you basically what you need to know to follow the current storylines.  Sound good?  Let’s go.

    I watch 30 minutes, leave, then watch the whole show from the beginning, just so you don’t have to.  Maybe that’s why ratings are slumping?


  3. WWE RAW 5/19/2014 – What do you know about May 19th?

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    So.  Here’s an interesting predicament.  My computer is not currently allowing me to search Google.  So it might actually be somewhat difficult for me to find images to post in this review.  Apparently some jackass on the same wireless network I’m on was sending automated requests to Google which caused them to Ambrose “nope.”  So, let’s hope for the best!

    I watch 30 minute of RAW then leave for work to watch the rest here and type up what happened, mostly so YOU don’t have to suffer through it yourself.  Aren’t you lucky to know me?


  4. WWE RAW 5/13/14 – Just a Car Crash Away

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    So.  You guys know how I usually do these – I watch two hours, drive to work, and watch the whole show just to remember what I watched to write it down here.  Well, I no longer drive to work – I dosed off behind the wheel and wrapped my car around a light post – and did just as much damage to the post as my totalled car.  I, however, am fine.  A few bruises and abrasions, but nothing a little OTC pain reliever won’t fix, should I feel bad enough to actually take that shit.  Oh well.  In the immortal words of Pink Floyd, the show must go on!

    Ouch.  Ow.  Aaaaahhhh.  Oh man my ribs and knees hurt – yet nothing is actually damaged.  Oh well, screw it, let’s go.  Click the button.


  5. WWE RAW 5/5/14

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    You know, I think my couch might be a little too comfortable.  Last night I fell asleep watching Extreme Rules, which was a solid event top to bottom, and tonight I fell asleep watching RAW.  Maybe it’s just me recovering from the illness that kept me from doing this RAW review last week.  Who knows.  Maybe it was RAW that put me to sleep?  Guess we’ll find out over the next few hours.  Let’s go!

    Blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda.  You know my deal by now.  Watch at home, leave before it ends, watch again to review.  Just click the jump.


  6. WWE RAW 2/17/14 – Go Home, Chamber, You’re Drunk

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    It’s the last stop on the road to the last ever Pay Per View us folks in the US will ever have to spend $54.95 on.  The WWE Network premieres next Monday, but let’s see what the WWE have in store for us before we get there, shall we?  Let’s roll!

    I watch 30 minutes.  I leave.  Then I have to sit through this show a week later.  Maybe next week I won’t have to watch it by nefarious means once I get to work.  Time will tell.


  7. Smackdown 09/07/12

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    We briefly see ADR and David Otunga (AAL) helping a neck-brace wearing Ricardo out of GM Booker T’s office. That’s right folks another law suit angle in professional Matlock… err…. L.A. Law… no that’s not it…. hmm…. Law and Order? Nah…. how about Kojak? Yeah, that’s the one. Savalas and shit.

    What’s up mother fucker? I’m bald. And dead. How do you like them apples……bitches?


  8. Smackdown 08/24/12

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    So, apparently I’m supposed to write some kind of intro paragraph for these things. A paragraph usually is constituted with a few sentences that correlate to an idea and supports the content within. Furthermore, including this sentence, I count three strings of words. Done. Let’s hop to it, shall we?

  9. Smackdown 08/17/12: A Better Go Home Show Than RAW

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    It’s Summerslam weekend (well, close enough). We’ll be running down the Summerslam card on BWF Radio this Sunday with some special guests. I’m announcing no one yet, because it’s going to be huge… and awesome. Tune in to “www.boredwrestlingfan.com or www.wonderpodonline.com on Sunday to check it out with plenty of time before the PPV.

    Pretty much the whole card has been announced. There’s even some last minute matches likely to be teased tonight and then cut for time on Sunday. I expect a holding pattern, and a whole bunch of clip packages. Maybe I’ll get through this in record time? Only one way to find out, let’s hop to it, shall we?
