Tag Archive: Shooting Star Press

  1. WWE Superstars

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    Hey, Everybody!  It’s time for WWE Superstars again.

    Match 1:  Tiffany vs Co-Women’s Champion Layla (non-title match)

    Somehow Tiffany is the number one contender.  This is your standard Diva’s match.  Michelle McCool interferes behind the referees back.  Layla wins with the Lay-Out.

    Match 2:  Vance Archer and Kurt Hawkins vs The Dudebusters

    Wasn’t Kurt Hawkins a Dudebuster in FCW?  He gets the win over his former team with the flying elbow off the top rope.  After the match, Archer and Hawkins tell the Hart Dynasty to pay attention and they will find them.  I guess they are next in line for a tag title shot now.

    Main Event:  Zack Ryder vs Evan Bourne

    Evan Bourne is the most exciting guy to watch in the WWE right now.  He’s just spectacular.  Bourne gets the win with the Shooting Star Press.

    That’s it for this week.  Join me again next week.

  2. Random Randomness


    Well arter a few weeks of doing the podcast thingy, I figured I’d return to the old format and the article thingy this week.  Plus the allergies are pretty bad again this week so I’d save you from hearing me sneeze 20 times in 20 minutes.  So without further ado, I say we get this ship sailing: (more…)

  3. WWE Superstars

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    Hey everybody.  I’m back with another invigorating review (and by review I mean my rants about how these guys should be used instead of how they are being used) of WWE Superstars.  Let’s get this thing started shall we? 

    Kofi Kingston def. Chavo Guerrero

    This match is for two guys who can’t get on TV anymore.  Somehow, Kofi got lost in the RAW shuffle and is not even in the Money in the Bank Match at Wrestlemania.  How does this kind of oversight happen?  One minute the guy is on fire in a very hot feud with Randy Orton and then the next he is delegated to random matches against Chavo Guerrero on Superstars without even a hint he will be on the biggest show of the year.  Is it just me or does Kofi seem like another Elijah Burke, destined to be in TNA?  Anyways, Kofi wins with the Trouble in Paradise.

    Evan Bourne def. William Regal

    This is the type of match that should get some time.  It’s really hard to explain a comeback from a beatdown in a short period of time.  William Regal dominates this match and then out of nowhere, Bourne hits a knee and the Shooting Star Press for the win.

    Kane def. Mike Knox

    Ok. Kane is in the MITB match at Wrestlemania.  Mike Knox is on his way to the unemployment line.  Who do you think won this?  Kane wins with the Chokeslam.

    Chris Jericho vs Goldust

    This was a highly entertaining match.  Jericho even praised the Bizzare One on his Twitter account after this match was recorded on Tuesday night.  With Goldust being in good shape and still being able to perform on a high level, maybe he can hang around for a little while and do for Drew McIntyre what he did for Sheamus on ECW.  Jericho wins with the Codebreaker.

    That’s it for this week.  Tune in again next week.

  4. WWE Superstars

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    Hey, everybody.  Sorry I’m late this week, but I’m here now and ready to kick off on Super Bowl weekend. 

    Match 1:  Kelly Kelly and Eve Torres vs Katie Lea Burchill and Alicia Fox

    Diva wrestling…BOOOOOOO!!!!  Alicia Fox rolls through a Kelly Kelly lateral press for the win.  Anybody care about Diva matches???  I don’t and its my review, so no time for the Divas here.

    Match 2:  Evan Bourne vs Carlito

    I really like both of these guys.  I find them both extremely entertaining and full of ability.  I know, I know.  There are a lot of people that say Carlito is lazy and doesn’t work hard, but I don’t agree with that.  The guy just makes things look effortless.  He’s graceful in the ring.  As for Evan Bourne, I really wish they would push him in the US title race.  He is absolutely, 100% amazing.  RAW has so many talented guys that they refuse to give substantial pushes to.  These two are prime examples.  This was a fantastic match with a ton of false finishes!!!  Bourne wins with the Shooting Star Press after a Sunset Flip Powerbomb off the top rope.  This match gets two thumbs way way way up!

    Main Event:  John Morrison, Matt Hardy and The Great Khali vs The Hart Dynasty and Drew McIntyre

    Anytime you get John Morrison, Drew McIntyre, and The Hart Dynasty, you get a good match.  Fatt Lardy sucks now and Khali can’t move, but there is always something negative to every positive.  It’s just how the world works.  The Punjabi Playboy needs to hang it up and Hardy needs to be released…and soon.  How are those two supposed to be a credible tag team when they can’t do anything???  Matt Hardy hits the Twist of Fate and Khali hits the Punjabi Plunge on David Hart Smith for the win.  Matt Hardy does some type of dance to finish the show.  Very weird!

    See ya next week, my peeps!

  5. ECW 12/29


    We’re at the final ECW of the year, and if rumors are to be believed we may be nearing one of the last ECW’s ever. We’ve got more ECW homecoming matches with Matt Hardy and Evan Bourne making their returns.

  6. WWE Superstars

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    Its late.  I’m tired.  This is gonna be quick.

    Match 1:  Evan Bourne vs Chris Masters

    This match looked like a squash until the end, when Bourne made his comeback and hit his Shooting Star Press for the win.  Raw is not doing a good job in building their midcard scene.  Masters should be in the US Title race…not losing to Evan Bourne.  Evan Bourne should be on Smackdown in the IC Title race…not beating huge guys like Masters and Jack Swagger.

    Match 2:  William Regal vs Tyler Reks

    Tyler Reks sucks.  He looks like he needs to take a massive duece when he walks.  Regal wins with his running knee.  After the match, Big Zeke and Kozlov hit their finishers on Reks for good measure.

    Match 3: Cryme Time and Eve vs the Hart Dynasty

    Good match…even with the divas involved.  Eve looks good in the ring and Natalya is good in the ring.  Natalya gets the win after Eve missed her acrobatic splash followed by a Natalya clothesline.   

    See ya next week folks.

  7. WWE Superstars Review

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    The main event for WWE Superstars is John Morrison vs Kane.  Let the randomness begin.

    Match 1:  Christian (the next ECW champ) vs the man who despises foreigners William Regal

    Continuous lockup to start the match, into a reversal of headlocks.  This match has shown alot of flexibilitly and technical skill.  William Regal pushes Christian off the top rope and to the outside, in a dangerous bump.  You Suck chants aimed towards Regal start in the crowd.  Back in the ring after the commercial break, Regal controls Christian’s head and neck in a series of blows and torque moves.  After being sent back outside the ring, Christian re-enters and connects on two missile dropkicks from the top rope, but misses on the flying headbutt.  Regal gets a near fall after a reverse t-bone suplex.  Christian gets thrown into the corner and hits the springboard sunset flip on Regal for the win.

    Match 2: Evan Bourne vs Jamie Noble

    Jamie Noble has gotten slow.  This match was a pretty good back and forth contest.  Evan Bourne is amazing in the air.  At one point, he came off the ropes and connected on a head scissors take down from a standing position.  Bourne gets the win after the prettiest move in professional wrestling.  His Shooting Star Press is what makes him a superstar.

    Main Event:  Kane vs The Friday Night Delight, The Shaman of Sexy, The Guru of Greatness John Morrison

    Morrison is a future World Champion.  Hopefully sooner rather than later too.  This match was really good.  Any time you have the best athlete in the company going up against one of the greatest big men to ever step foot in the ring, you have a great mix.  John Morrison gets the win after Kane threw a chair in his face.  As Kane looks to do more damage, Khali comes out and Morrison hits Kane in the back with a chair.  Kane then runs off as Khali enters the ring. 

    Night of Champions predictions

    Dolph Ziggler (challenger) vs Rey Mysterio (Intercontinental Champion)

    Winner- Rey Mysterio

    Christian (challenger) vs Tommy Dreamer (ECW Champion)

    Winner- Christian

    6-pack Challenge:  Kofi Kingston (US Champion) vs The Miz vs The Big Show vs Carlito vs MVP vs Jack Swagger

    Winner- Jack Swagger

    Maryse (Diva Champion) vs Mickie James

    Winner- Maryse

    Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes (challengers) vs Chris Jericho and mystery partner (Tag Champs)

    Mystery Partner- Brett DiBiase (why not right)

    Winners- Jericho and DiBiase

    Jeff Hardy (challenger) vs CM Punk (World Heavyweight champ)

    Winner-  CM Punk

    HHH vs John Cena vs Randy Orton (WWE Champ)

    Winner- John Cena

  8. WWE Superstars Review

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    Hey everybody!  Today as I write this, I will also be remembering the King of Pop.  Although many will remember the scandals and accusations, I will choose to remember his musical greatness.  Alrighty…let’s get this thing crackin’!  Who’s Bad?!

    Match 1:  The All-American American Jack Swagger against Evan Bourne

    This match was awesome!  It was a Thriller…and a match of the year candidate IMO.  The ending saw Evan Bourne going for the Shooting Star Press, Swagger moved, Bourne landed on his feet, Swagger hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb for the win. 

    Match 2:  Dolph Ziggler vs Jimmy Wang Yang

    This match was between two guys’ careers who have gone in opposite directions…shall I say they are as different as Black and White?!  Dolph Ziggler gets the win, obviously.

    Triple Threat match for the United States Championship:  Kofi Kingston vs MVP vs Matt Hardy

    Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough.  Matt Hardy sure didn’t stop during this match.  Hardy gutted out this match with an injury that requires surgery.  This was a good match.  Kofi gets the pin on Hardy with his Trouble in Paradise and tells him to Beat It. 

    RIP Michael.  Your songs will live forever with us.  From Dangerous to You Are Not Alone, and the Jackson 5 days to the present, you have entertained us emensely.  You are truly the King of Pop and your legendary performances will be missed.  Long live the King!

  9. ECW results in REAL TIME! 6/23/09

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    Break out the Harry Slash and the Slashtones, because this ECW on SciFi review…  is…  EXTREME!

    Ok, maybe not, but it is in real-time, so don’t forget to refresh the page every so often if you’re visiting between 10PM and 11PM Eastern on June 23, 2009!

    ECW theme plays: Look, new ECW.  I just brought up the original ECW, how can I not question your heart?

    Five nights away from The Bash, where Mark Henry, Jack Swagger, Christian, Finlay, and ECW Champion Tommy Dreamer will attempt to walk out as champion in a Scramble match!

    But tonight, Evan Bourne is here with taped up ribs due to injuries suffered at the hands of The World’s Strongest Man, Mark Henry.  Bourne’s opponent is The Hart Dynasty’s Tyson Kidd.

    Evan Bourne def. Tyson Kidd

    Matt Striker assumes that if he presses Triangle and L1, Kidd or Bourne will do something exciting, since they’re almost like video game characters with their high flying offense.  David Hart Smith and Natalya hopped up on the apron at the same time, earning themselves an ejection from the referee.  Bourne knocks Kidd out of the ring and hits a high-flying maneuver to the outside, earning himself a classic “ECW” chant!  Back in the ring, however, Kidd goes after the injured ribs of Bourne.  Kidd stretches Bourne as only a Hart Dungeon graduate can do, but Bourne reverses a back suplex attempt into a pin attempt for one.  Kidd doesn’t let this minor setback impede his progress, he goes right back after Bourne’s ribs, driving his knee into them and then draping Bourne across the top rope.  Bourne starts to battle back amid “Let’s Go Evan” chants.  Bourne uses a unique rollup to score a two count and starts to build momentum.  Bourne hits a hurricanrana and a Tito Santana-esque flying forearm before taking Kidd down with a high knee.  He climbs the ropes and launches a picture perfect Shooting Star Press for the victory!  Excellent match to kick off ECW!

    A lot of people are saying Finlay took cheap shots on Tommy Dreamer and Christian last week – but they don’t mention the shot on Jack Swagger.  The show a video of the cheap shots in question – including the cheap shot on Swagger that I mentioned.

    Speaking of Finlay, he’s on his way to the ring.


    For some ungodly reason, Finlay still has Hornswoggle’s music.  I know this because he’s on his way to the ring as I type this.  And apparently, he’s got something to say.  People want to know what his problem is and why he did what he did to Christian and Dreamer.  He tried to break up a fight between the two of them a few weeks back, and nobody called him to apologize – they texted him.  What he did last week wasn’t a cheap shot, it was an eye for an eye, and this Sunday at The Bash…

    Oh radio, tell me everything you know…

    Zack Ryder tells Finlay to listen up, because Finlay’s overlooking the fact that he’s got a match with the man of ECW, Zack Ryder.  Woo Woo Woo, you know it.  Whatever that means.


    Finlay def. Zack Ryder

    The match is underway when we come back, and Finlay is in control.  As Matt Striker says, Finlay is looking to make Ryder’s Woo Woo Woo turn backwards into Ow Ow Ow.  Finlay attempts to wear down Ryder with submission holds and fierce strikes.  Ryder starts to battle back after he and Finlay inadvertantly cracked heads, which seemed to hurt Finlay’s injured eye.  Ryder starts to work over the Irishman with submission holds of his own.  Mr. Woo Woo Woo goes after the injured eye, wearing Finlay down.  Finlay starts to fight back with a barrage of strikes.  He hits the Finlay Roll but only gets a two count.  Ryder goes after the eye again, and exposes the steel turnbuckle as the referee checks on Finlay, but Finlay manages to catch Ryder with a surprise roll up for the victory!


    RAW REBOUND: Randy Orton and Triple H both failed to answer the referee’s ten count, thus allowing Randy Orton to retain the WWE Championship.  Donald Trump sold RAW back to Mr. McMahon for twice what he paid for it.  Mr. McMahon then told Randy Orton he’s going to wrestle in Three Stages of Hell at The Bash, defending his title once again against Triple H, who assaulted him in the parking lot after the show.

    Josh Matthews and Matt Striker run down the card for The Bash.

    Striker gets in the ring and has a blackboard illustrating the ECW Championship Scramble match with him.  Your teacher teaches us the rules of the match.  He then welcomes Gregory Helms, who is standing by backstage with Mark Henry.  Henry starts to talk about tonight’s main event, when a large box falls on a production assistant.  When Henry turns back around, Helms is gone, and The Hurricane is saving the production assistant!  When Henry turns back around again, Helms is there and asks him again how he feels about his match tonight.


    Jack Swagger is the first man out for tonight’s main event, followed by his tag team partner for the evening, Mark Henry.  The ECW Champion Tommy Dreamer makes his way out first for his team.  Christian makes his way out and we’re set for our main event of the evening.

    Tommy Dreamer & Christian vs. Mark Henry & Jack Swagger

    Christian and Swagger start off with Christian taking early control.  He tags in Dreamer who doesn’t fare as well, until Swagger tags in Mark Henry.  Dreamer knocks Henry out of the ring and dumps an incoming Swagger out as well.  Dreamer hits the rolling senton from the apron on Henry and Christian hits a cross body from the top onto Swagger, and the “ECW” chants start up again as we head to a…


    Swagger is pounding away on Christian as we come back, but Christian starts to battle back.  Dreamer gets the tag in, and starts dominating.  Christian inadvertently causes distracts the referee, however, allowing Mark Henry to sneak in and attack Dreamer from behind, which gives Swagger the opportunity to take over and tag in the World’s Strongest Man.  Swagger and Henry make the ghost of Gorilla Monsoon proud by cutting the ring in half and using frequent tags to keep a fresh man in the ring, but Swagger finds himself caught with a Dreamer spinebuster.  Swagger gets to Henry first, but Dreamer gets to Christian soon after.  Captain Charisma takes Henry down with a missile dropkick from the top rope and gets a two count.  Christian goes for a sunset flip on Henry, but Swagger tags himself in.  Henry goes to sit on Christian, who moves, but Swagger, the legal man, goes for a Gutwrench Powerbomb, which Christian escapes before hitting the Killswitch.  Swagger was close enough to the ropes for Tony Atlas to pull his foot under the rope.  Henry squashes Christian on the outside, allowing Swagger to hit the Gutwrench on a second attempt to pick up the win.

    After the match, Henry drops Dreamer with a World’s Strongest Slam, and then gives one to Jack Swagger for good measure.

    My Thoughts: THE HURRICANE IS BACK!  This show is usually awesome enough, but to actually see The Hurricane on my television made it that much better for me.

    ECW is consistently one of the best shows every week.  There’s a reason for that – the talent.  Twice tonight, ECW chants broke out in the crowd.  It may not be the original, as I alluded to earlier in this post, but it’s still an extremely (no pun intended) enjoyable professional wrestling program.