Welcome back to Knoxville, Tennessee! Home to Impact tonight. We start the show off with a Kurt Angle Promo, he proceeds to call out Roode and brags about how he will remain the champion. Amidst the boos from Knoxville. Kurt Angle goes to leave but before he completely leaves the ramp he issues another challenge […]
This is all over the inter-web. Being covered by all the wrestling sites as the sign that after BFG, a new era is possible. Russo steps down from being Head of Creative and gives the job to Bruce Pritchard who took over for talent relations earlier from Terry Taylor. This means we might actually have […]
Here is another rousing edition of Pintnoir’s Impact Wrestling Review. We’re a little over 10 days away from Bobby Roode vs Kurt Angle at Bound for Glory. Beer Money comes to the ring to tell the fans in Knoxville, TN (Yes in a actual arena!) that they will get a show tonight that neither man […]
Here I am to take over the Impact Wrestling review. Boy do I have my work cut out for me. No Barkley or Daffney to assist. We open on Impact and the continuing story of Bobby Roode’s rise to the top. Kurt Angle and Roode exchange words. Is it me or do I see a […]
Welcome again folks, its your host Matt B. Wrestle and with me today is WWE former champion and current money maker of Vince’s Empire, John Cena. M Wrestle: Hey John, so you stated in the wrestling press that the Divas are very important and how you want the fans to start a “Divas Matter” […]
It starts with Kurt Angle calling out Crimson who is now wearing a knee brace. Angle compliments Crimson for his courage for standing up for him but then insults him. Promises to end his career. Heel turns always make sense in TNA. Yeah the jobber squad oh I mean Immortal come out for the weekly […]
I had a longer post going through the recently released WWE and TNA talent. Thank you Firefox for crashing. Melina Past history aside she was a talented wrestler in the top four in the WWE. Now her boyfriend is like a Dolphin in Shark infested water. Gail Kim Besides posting the past few weeks how […]
The six sided ring has returned, along with Tenay and Borash on the announce team. Instead of doing a match by match review I would like to point out what worked (for me) what was okay and what didn’t. First what did work. The match of the night. Bar none. The contract signing 4 way. […]
I would have included this in my rant yesterday but I thought it would be distracting since it deals with another topic. My disappointment with the Knockout Division has caused me to latch onto the fan fiction booking bandwagon with TKO by FK9, that is how bad its become. Within the last year we have […]
So we finally know the final four going into Destination X, Austin Aries vs Zima Ion vs Lowki vs Jack Evans. Liking the pedigree of this match and what could be had. Also we have the following matches to look forward to.. Douglas Williams open challenge Ultimate X number one contenders match Shelley vs Moore […]