Category Archive: Drowgoddess

  1. ROH Report, 3/8/10

    Greetings, everyone! This is a new one. Since I now get HDNet, thanks to my move, I am officially the only BWF staffer who can review Ring of Honor’s Monday night show. As they ARE the only hour of pro wrestling on Monday nights, I’m quite happy to do so. Our fearless leader, ThinkSoJoE, will […]

  2. “Smackdown” Note

    “Smackdown” has been pre-empted in my area for the Haiti Relief program, and will not air until 9 pm CST. Lots of reviews are already up for it, but since I haven’t been able to watch it yet, mine will have to wait until it airs here. Check back tomorrow for the review. Thanks much!

  3. “Smackdown” 1/8/10

    Greetings and salutations, fellow “Smackdown” fans! The work week has ended for me, and I invite you to join me in leaving the realm of public education behind, and diving headfirst into the B-show that really isn’t. I’ve read no spoilers, and actually have no idea what is happening tonight.

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