Category Archive: Other

  1. MCW Episode 1

    JT takes a look at Hulk Hogan’s Micro Championship Wrestling in the best way he knows how, by speaking his mind as he watches it.  What does he think of it?  Does he make it through the whole episode?  Will he be back next week?  Well you have to listen to find out: HHMicro


    Dear Matthew Moore Hardy, Thank you for all the memories you have given your fans over the years.  Thank you for destroying your own body for the sake of entertaining us.  Thank you for everything. I know I haven’t been the nicest person writing about Matt Hardy.  I’ve so often called you Fatt Lardy that […]

  3. Angry Rant-PED Edition

    Forgive me for this rant. But I’m angry. This is not focused on a specific wrestler. This is just me railing on the upper echelon of the business and the prices it takes to get there. Forgive me, but I am angry. I’m angry that there are still wrestlers out there using PED’s. I understand […]

  4. Regrub’s Match from 8/13/11 – MPX “To Be Kings 2011” Wrestling Event!

    Out in the Heartlands, there is a different kind of Wrestling going on. It isn’t the fancy, staged kind of wrestling you see on National Television. It is the “Old School” kind of Wrestling! It is Wrestling FROM THE HEART.Heartland Wrestlers fight like they have No Tomorrow! Remember “Andre the Great” and “The Sheik” ? […]

  5. WWE SummerSlam 2011 Results

    Alright.  You guys know I avoid spoilers for RAW like the plague on Monday Nights.  So since I spent the last four hours on Twitter, that certainly wasn’t the case for WWE SummerSlam.  So, that said, I’m going to do this a little differently than normal.  I’m going to watch the PPV knowing what happens, and […]

  6. Future Endeavored

    I had a longer post going through the recently released WWE and TNA talent. Thank you Firefox for crashing. Melina Past history aside she was a talented wrestler in the top four in the WWE. Now her boyfriend is like a Dolphin in Shark infested water. Gail Kim Besides posting the past few weeks how […]

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